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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, for Monday, March 14. 2016   
    Let your words always be gracious, seasoned with salt.—Col. 4:6.
    In conversations with fellow believers, we use words that build up rather than tear down. (Eph. 4:29) When we talk to others about God’s Kingdom, we season our words “with salt.” We try to discern the needs and interests of householders and then choose our words accordingly. We remember that gracious words may open doors—and hearts. In addition, when explaining our beliefs, we try to let the Bible speak for us. Hence, we cite it as an authority and read from it whenever possible. We recognize that the Bible’s message is far more powerful than anything we could possibly say on our own authority. (Heb. 4:12) Discernment enables us to control our spirit, making us “slow to anger.” (Jas. 1:19) When others offend us, we try to discern what is behind their words or actions. Such insight can melt anger and help us to “overlook an offense.”—Prov. 19:11. w15 2/15 2:15, 16
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in Albert Schroeder: ...this man centered my theological and spiritual awareness.   
    During 1994, in my first-ever sit-down discussion on theocratic issues with one of Jehovah's Witnesses (JW), Albert Schroeder, of the Watchtower Society Governing Body, put me to school with the Christian Gospel of Saint John, chapter 6, verse 44, to wit:
    "... No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day....' (kjv)
    Albert Schroeder said to me: "...go home and ...study this verse..."
    And so,... the most unlikely person - me - is now a Disciple of Christ, a Bible student, one of Jehovah's Witnesses in vindication of the Sovereign Jehovah God.
    Albert Schroeder had tagged along with JW Elders from Liberia who were before my United Nations/New York committee which was assessing effects of the then ongoing Liberia civil conflict on Liberia's religious groups. At the end of the review with the Liberia JW delegation, Albert Schroeder introduced himself to me. Of course, I did not then know who he was, but I did notice that the Liberia JW group was according him deference, so I inquired of him his role with the Watchtower Society. Still not knowing exactly what the Watchtower Society Governing Body did, I presumed he was some sort of "head honcho".
    Considering that I was of the Catholic Church's Seraphic Order, a Worthy Sir of the Holy See, as well as an active participant in many other religious groups because of my political and diplomatic connections, I asked Albert Schroeder if I could acquire honorary membership in the Watchtower Society. His reply was, "...do you have a Bible?... go home and study the sixth book and forty-fourth verse of the Gospel of John, study this verse ...". I did so; and, at the following United Nations review meeting three months later, Albert Schroeder and I began an exchange of notes which guided my work in establishing the modalities of the peace process in Liberia.
    Note that between 1994 and 1998, I did not attend a Kingdom Hall, associate with a JW Congregation, or begin a formal study of the Holy Scriptures, until two JW sisters came knocking on my door while out in field service distributing invitations to the Memorial of 1998 to be held on 14 Nisan (10 April 1998, ironically the day before my birthday of 11 April). Interestingly, these two JW sisters appeared at my door exactly as I was in the midst of praying to Jehovah God, "...please show me women who love you...". My prayer was in reaction to the immense and stiff opposition of very close female relatives to my quest of seeking a true association with the love of the Sovereign Jehovah God.
    I have steadily progressed in my theocratic dedication and am now both a Pioneer and Ministerial Servant in the Watchtower Society.
    BTW,... I am of the persuasion that Albert Schroeder - more than anyone else - tremendously impacted the solid placement of instruments of peace in the cessation of civil conflict throughout Liberia.
    Ijoma Robert Flemister
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Money & Finance in Computers will overtake us when they learn to love, says futurist Ray Kurzweil...   
    via Money & Finance NewsView the full article
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from JW Insider in Daily text, for Sunday, March 13. 2016   
    The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children.—Rom. 8:16.
    If you are an anointed Christian, the heavenly hope is an important subject of your personal prayers. When the Bible speaks of being ‘promised in marriage’ to the heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, you apply that to yourself, and you look forward to being part of Christ’s “bride.” (2 Cor. 11:2; John 3:27-29; Rev. 21:2, 9-14) When God in his Word expresses his love for his spiritual children, you respond, “That means me.” And when Jehovah’s Word gives instructions to his anointed sons, holy spirit moves you to obey and to say in your heart, “That applies to me.” God’s spirit and your spirit thus join in bearing witness that you have the heavenly hope. On the other hand, if you are part of the “great crowd” of “other sheep,” God has given you the earthly hope. (Rev. 7:9; John 10:16) You want to live forever in Paradise, and you find joy in meditating on what the Bible says about future life on earth. w15 1/15 2:16-18
  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from TheWorldNewsOrg in NEUE FUTURE AUTO'S.... NEW FUTURE CAR'S.... Tesla & BMW   
    Tesla Model S: Tesla kündigt neuen Antrieb mit wahnwitzigen 762 PS an
    von Tim Neumann
    Von außen unverändert: Dafür mobilisiert der neue Tesla P90D jetzt wahnwitzige 762 PS (vorher 691 PS).
    Leistung im Überfluss bietet bisher das Tesla Model S P85D mit seinen 691 PS ohnehin. Jetzt setzen die Elektro-Tüftler um CEO Elon Musk aber noch einen drauf: Ein neues Leistungsupgrade verspricht absurde 762 PS und eine Supersportwagen-Beschleunigung vom Feinsten.
    10.000 US-Dollar verlangt Tesla für das neue Leistungsupgrade. Wer das Spitzenmodell Tesla Model S P85D bereits besitzt zahlt für die Aufrüstung lediglich 5.000 US-Dollar. Wer sich diese Kosten leisten kann, der fährt anschließend nicht mehr mit einem P85D, sondern einem P90D. Für die Leistungssteigerung rüstet Tesla den Akku von 85 kWh auf 90 kWh auf - gleichzeitig steigt die Reichweite der Elektro-Limousine um weitere 15 Kilometer.
    Von 0 auf 100 in 2,8 Sekunden
    Dass Tesla das Leistungsplus per "Ludicrous Speed Upgrade" ankündigt, passt zu dem, was dabei herauskommt. "Ludicrous" bedeutet im Deutschen so viel, wie "lächerlich" oder "aberwitzig" und das trifft auch auf die neue Leistungsexplosion zu. Anstelle der bisherigen 691 PS wird die E-Limo nach dem Upgrade von 762 PS angetrieben. Die Beschleunigungszeit auf Tempo 100 sinkt mal eben um gute 0,3 Sekunden. In gerade einmal 2,8 Sekunden soll der Fünfsitzer als P90D die 60-Meilen-Marke knacken - das entspricht einer Geschwindigkeit von 96,56 km/h. Damit bewegt sich der Tesla auf einem Niveau mit dem Ferrari 458 und dem Porsche 911 GT3 und rangiert nur knapp hinter den Hypercars Ferrari LaFerrari und McLaren P1.
    Neuer Tesla Roadster angekündigt
    Ganz nebenbei hat der Elektropionier nun auch offiziell angekündigt in den kommenden vier Jahren einen völlig neuen Tesla Roadster auf den Markt zu bringen. Die erste Generation des offenen Stromers hatte sein Debüt 2008 gefeiert. Damit wäre der Roadster nach dem Model S, dem Model X (Markteinführung voraussichtlich in zwei Monaten) und dem angekündigten Model 3 bereits die vierte Baureihe, die bis 2020 auf dem Markt kommen soll.

    Elektronisches Freiluftvergnügen: Neuer Tesla Roadster startet 2019
    von Christian Lange
    Die erste Generation des Tesla Roadster wird nicht mehr verkauft – 2019 kommt der Nachfolger.
    Die erste Generation des Tesla Roadster ist schon längst Geschichte. Wer auf den Nachfolger des Roadsters mit Kabelanschluss wartet, benötigt jedoch noch ordentlich Sitzfleisch. Das neue Tesla-Modell wird erst 2019 kommen, das bestätigte der Autohersteller in einer Pressemitteilung.
    Die entscheidende Information findet sich in einem Schreiben, das eigentlich dem neuen Model S galt: "Es geht natürlich immer noch etwas schneller, aber das ist für die neue Generation Roadster in vier Jahren reserviert", so Tesla, als es eigentlich über den neuen "Ludicrous"-Fahrmodus beim Model S ging, der ein noch schnelleres Fahrvergnügen verspricht. Mehr Informationen gibt es zum flinken Elektroauto noch keine, was bei dem großen Zeitraum bis zum Release auch nicht weiter verwunderlich ist.
    In unter 3 Sekunden auf 100 km/h?
    Dennoch brodelt die Gerüchteküche: Da der neue Tesla Roadster schneller als das neue Model S sein soll, wird er wohl in weniger als drei Sekunden auf Landstraßen-Tempo kommen. Zudem glauben Experten, dass die neue Version nicht wie der Vorgänger auf einen Lotus Elise basieren wird.
    Die erste Generation des Roadsters wurde 2013 eingestampft. Seitdem bringt das US-Unternehmen lediglich Upgrades für bereits bestehende Fahrzeuge heraus. Bei der Aktualisierung auf die 3.0-Version gab es neue Leichtlaufreifen, ein verbessertes Fahrwerk, eine optimierte Aerodynamik und eine neue Batterie. Dank 70 kWh müssen Autos mit der aktuellen Version erst nach mehr als 640 Kilometern an die Steckdose.

    BMW Vision Next 100
    Auto der Zukunft: Spaciges Hightech-Konzept BMW Vision Next 100 vorgestellt
    von Christian Lange
    Selbst fahren oder fahren lassen: das BMW Vision Next 100 Concept macht beides möglich.

    Mit dem BMW Vision Next 100 geben die Münchner im Rahmen ihres 100-jährigen Firmenjubiläums einen spektakulären Ausblick auf die automobile Zukunft des Konzerns.
    Das extrem futuristisch gestylte Concept Car BMW Vision Next 100 misst 4,90 Meter in der Länge und 1,37 Meter in der Höhe und bewegt sich damit auf dem Niveau eines aktuellen BMW 5er. Optisch hat die eigenwillige Mischung aus Coupé und Limousine sonst aber nichts mit einem herkömmlichen Serienfahrzeug zu tun. Die Außenhaut besteht teilweise aus einem speziell dehnbaren Material, das auch die Räder komplett umhüllt. Zusammen mit der restlichen aerodynamisch optimierten Karosserie soll sich ein Rekord-cW-Wert von nur 0,18 ergeben.
    BMW Vision Next 100 als Hightech-Studie
    Eine von BMW getaufte "Alive Geometry" soll für eine besonders hoch entwickelte Kommunikation zwischen Insassen und Fahrzeug sorgen. Antriebstechnisch stehen zwei Fahrmodi bereit. Ein sogenannter Boost-Modus ist speziell auf den Fahrer ausgerichtet, der hier auch das Steuer in der Hand behält. Fahrwerk und Armaturen passen sich der jeweiligen Fahrsituation individuell an – Ideallinie, Einlenkpunkte und optimale Geschwindigkeiten werden über ein Head-up-Display direkt ins Sichtfeld des Fahrers projiziert.
    Der zweite Modus – der Ease-Mode – konzentriert sich dagegen komplett auf den vollautonomen Fahrbetrieb. Das Lenkrad klappt herunter, das komplette Cockpit wendet sich den Insassen zu, Sitze und Türverkleidungen verbinden sich zu einer Sitzeinheit, bei der die Passagiere sich gegenübersitzen. Der Einstieg in den Innenraum gestaltet sich dank eines hoch innovativen Flügeltürenkonzepts besonders komfortabel. Zum Antrieb des BMW Vision Next 100 wurden keine genaueren Angaben gemacht.
    BMW setzt sich mit dem futuristischen Concept Car BMW Vision Next 100 anlässlich des 100-jährigen Firmenbestehens ein eigenes Denkmal. Die Hightech-Studie – eine Mischung aus Coupé und Limousine – ist nicht nur Designobjekt, sondern soll alle Ansprüche an ein individuelles, autonomes Fahrzeug der Zukunft erfüllen. Im Fokus stehen dabei die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Maschine und die Möglichkeiten des pilotierten Fahrens.
  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Profile Cover Photo   
    Thank you. I just noticed mine was gone as well. I will have the admin submit a ticket to IT team about this.
  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Ann O'Maly in Profile Cover Photo   
    Yes....  its  daily  the  same  procedure  :-(   More  times  my  cover - pic  goes  away !  I  make  it  always  new...  *Its  sitting  a  little  man  inside,  who  wants  that  I  change  it*  ;o)  hahaha
  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to KOUASSI AOUMAN ARSENE in L'AMOUR   
    c'est cet authentique amour que l'on doit manifester dans toutes nos relations.
  9. Upvote
  10. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in SING TO JEHOVAH - LARGE PRINT NEW SONG BOOK *2016* ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ Saturday, 27. February 2016   
     ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
  11. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, for Sunday, March 13. 2016   
    The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children.—Rom. 8:16.
    If you are an anointed Christian, the heavenly hope is an important subject of your personal prayers. When the Bible speaks of being ‘promised in marriage’ to the heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, you apply that to yourself, and you look forward to being part of Christ’s “bride.” (2 Cor. 11:2; John 3:27-29; Rev. 21:2, 9-14) When God in his Word expresses his love for his spiritual children, you respond, “That means me.” And when Jehovah’s Word gives instructions to his anointed sons, holy spirit moves you to obey and to say in your heart, “That applies to me.” God’s spirit and your spirit thus join in bearing witness that you have the heavenly hope. On the other hand, if you are part of the “great crowd” of “other sheep,” God has given you the earthly hope. (Rev. 7:9; John 10:16) You want to live forever in Paradise, and you find joy in meditating on what the Bible says about future life on earth. w15 1/15 2:16-18
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Part of a series on: Jehovah's Witnesses

    The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the ruling council of Jehovah's Witnesses[1] based in Brooklyn, New York. The body assumes responsibility for formulating policy and doctrines, producing material for publications and conventions, and administering its worldwide branch office staff.[2][3] Members of the Governing Body say they are followers of Christ rather than religious leaders.[4] One member explained the Governing Body as being "Guardians of the Doctrine" when under oath in Australia in 2015.[119]
    Its size has varied, from seven (2010–2012)[5] to eighteen (1974–1980)[6]members.[7][8] As of October 2012, there are eight members.[5] Members of the Governing Body are not elected; membership is only possible by invitation of existing members.[9]Updated: Current list of the Governing Body as of October 2014

    The Governing Body in 1975
    Since its incorporation in 1884, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania has been directed by a president and board of directors. Until January 1976, the president exercised complete control of doctrines, publications and activity of the Watch Tower Society and the religious denominations with which it was connected—the Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses.[10][11][12]
    When the Society's second president, J.F. Rutherford, encountered opposition from directors in 1917, he dismissed them; in 1925 he overruled the Watch Tower Society's editorial committee—selected by Charles Taze Russell to have editorial control of The Watch Tower after his death—when it opposed publication of an article that altered doctrines on Bible chronology related to 1914. In 1931, the editorial committee was dissolved.[13][14] 
    as of 2013
    In 1943 The Watchtower described the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society as the "legal governing body" of anointed Jehovah's Witnesses.[15] A year later, in an article opposing the democratic election of congregation elders, the magazine said the appointment of congregation servants was the duty of "a visible governing body under Jehovah God and his Christ."[16] For several years, the role and specific identity of the governing body remained otherwise undefined. A 1955 organizational handbook stated that "the visible governing body has been closely identified with the board of directors of this corporation."[17] Referring to events related to their 1957 convention, a 1959 publication said "the spiritual governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses watched the developments [then] the president of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society [acted]."[18] The 1970 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses noted that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania was the organization used to plan the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses and provide them with "spiritual food", then declared: "So really the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the board of directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania."[19]
    On October 1, 1971, Watch Tower Society vice-president Frederick Franz addressed the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania corporation in Buckingham, Pennsylvania, stating that the legal corporation of the Watch Tower Society was an "agency" or "temporary instrument" used by the Governing Body on behalf of the"faithful and discreet slave".[20] Three weeks later, on October 20, four additional men joined the seven members of the Society's board of directors on what became known as a separate, expanded Governing Body.[21] The board of directors had until then met only sporadically, usually only to discuss the purchase of property or new equipment, leaving decisions concerning material to be published in Watch Tower Society publications to the president and vice-president, Nathan Knorr and Fred Franz.[20][22] The Watchtower of December 15, 1971 was the first to unambiguously capitalize the term "Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses" as the defined group leading the religion, with a series of articles explaining its role and its relationship with the Watch Tower Society.[2][23]
    The focus on the new concept of "theocratic" leadership was accompanied by statements that the structure was not actually new: The Watch Tower declared that "a governing body made its appearance" some time after the formation of Zion's Watch Tower Society in 1884,[24] though it had not beenreferred to as such at the time.[10]
    The article claimed that Watch Tower Society president Charles Taze Russell had been a member of the governing body.[24] The 1972 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses stated that following Rutherford's death in 1942 "one of the first things that the governing body decided upon was the inauguration of the Theocratic Ministry School" and added that the "governing body" had published millions of books and Bibles in the previous thirty years.[25] Raymond Franz has disputed those claims, stating that the actions of presidents Russell, Rutherford and Knorr in overriding and failing to consult with directors proved the Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses had been under a monarchical rule until 1976, leaving no decisions to a "governing body".[26]
    In 1972, a Question From Readers article in The Watchtower further reinforced the concept of the "Governing Body"; the magazine said the term referred to an agency that administers policy and provides organizational direction, guidance and regulation and was therefore "appropriate, fitting and Scriptural."[23][27]Organizational changes at the highest levels of the Watch Tower Society in 1976 significantly increased the powers and authority of the Governing Body.[28] The body has never had a legal corporate existence and operates through the Watch Tower Society and its board of directors.[29]

    After its formal establishment in 1971, the Governing Body met regularly but, according to Raymond Franz, only briefly; Franz claims meetings were sometimes as short as seven minutes,[30] to make decisions about branch appointments and conduct that should be considered disfellowshipping offenses.[31][32] Franz claims that in 1971 and again in 1975, the Governing Body debated the extent of the authority it should be given.[33]
    Headquarters purge

    Raymond Franz claimed that in 1980, unease with doctrines surrounding the significance of 1914 surfaced within the Governing Body. In February of that year, three Governing Body members—aware that those who had been alive in 1914 were dying out despite the teaching that their generation would live to see Armageddon—proposed a doctrinal change to identify the "generation" who would see Armageddon as those who witnessed the 1957 launch of the Russian satellite Sputnik, which would be considered a 'sign in heaven'.The proposal, which would have extended the deadline for Armageddon by 43 years, failed to gain a majority vote.[36][37] Former Witnesses James Penton and Heather and Gary Botting claimed that internal dissatisfaction with official doctrines continued to grow, leading to a series of secret investigations and judicial hearings. As a result, the Governing Body led a purge of dissenting Brooklyn headquarters staff in April and May 1980.[38][39][40] Raymond Franz claimed he was forced to resign from the Governing Body, and he was later disfellowshipped from the religion. The Watch Tower Society responded with a new, hardened attitude towards the treatment of expelled Witnesses.[38][39][41] In his 1997 study of the religion, Penton concluded that since Raymond Franz's expulsion in 1980, the Governing Body displayed an increased level of conservatism, sturdy resistance to changes of policy and doctrines, and an increased tendency to isolate dissidents within the organization by means of disfellowshipping.[42]
    The April 15, 1992 issue of The Watchtower carried an article entitled Jehovah’s Provision, the “Given Ones” which drew a parallel between ancient non-Israelites who had been assigned temple duties (the "Nethinim" and "sons of the servants of Solomon") and Witness elders in positions of responsibility immediately under the oversight of the Governing Body who did not profess to be "anointed".[43]Both that issue of The Watchtower and the 1993 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses carried the same announcement:
    In view of the tremendous increase worldwide, it seems appropriate at this time to provide the Governing Body with some additional assistance. Therefore it has been decided to invite several helpers, mainly from among the great crowd, to share in the meetings of each of the Governing Body Committees, that is, the Personnel, Publishing, Service, Teaching, and Writing Committees. Thus, the number attending the meetings of each of these committees will be increased to seven or eight. Under the direction of the Governing Body committee members, these assistants will take part in discussions and will carry out various assignments given them by the committee. This new arrangement goes into effect May 1, 1992. For many years now, the number of the remnant of anointed Witnesses has been decreasing, while the number of the great crowd has increased beyond our grandest expectations.[44][45]
    Each of the current Governing Body members served as a committee "helper" before being appointed to the Governing Body itself.[46][47][48] The appointment of helpers to the Governing Body committees was described in 2006 as "still another refinement."[49]

    2000 and beyond
    Until 2000, the directors and officers of the Watch Tower Society were members of the Governing Body. Since then, members of the ecclesiastical Governing Body have not served as directors of any of the various corporations used by Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Governing Body has delegated such administrative responsibilities to other members of the religion.[50] The current president of the Watch Tower Society, Don A. Adams, is not a member of the Governing Body. As of October 2012, the Governing Body comprises eight members, as shown below.
    Governing Body 2003 

    Photo shot prior to the death of Guy Pierce in the 2014 release "God's Kingdom Rules!"
    One of our favorite moments of Annual Meeting…when all 7 of the Governing Body came out and sang with the Watchtower Chorus the last and newest song called: “Jehovah Is Your Name”….what a powerful and moving 100 Year Celebration! @stephendianna
    See also
    Organizational structure of Jehovah's Witnesses Letters from the Governing Body Funeral (Memorial) Programs for late **Governing Body** Members How to remember Governing Body Members' names Governing Body signing Bibles for public officials Residences of the Governing Body David H Splane: The Slave Is Not 1900 Years Old - Matt 24v45 - Frederick W. Franz was against the formation of a Governing Body References
    Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 216. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. "Questions From Readers". The Watchtower: 703. November 15, 1972. "Our active leader today", The Watchtower, September 15, 2010, page 27, "They recognize, however, that Christ is using a small group of anointed Christian men as a Governing Body to lead and direct his disciples on earth." "Bearing Thorough Witness" About God's Kingdom. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. 2009. p. 110. As of September 2005, twelve members listed (See The Watchtower, March 15, 2006, page 26)
    Schroeder died March 8, 2006. (See The Watchtower, September 15, 2006, page 31)
    Sydlik died April 18, 2006. (See The Watchtower, January 1, 2007, page 8)
    Barber died April 8, 2007. (See The Watchtower, October 15, 2007, page 31)
    Jaracz died June 9, 2010. (See The Watchtower, November 15, 2010, page 23)
    Barr died December 4, 2010. (See The Watchtower, May 15, 2011, page 6)
    Mark Sanderson appointed in September 2012 "A New Member of the Governing Body", The Watchtower, July 15, 2013, page 26.[1] Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 217. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (2007). Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. pp. 4, 6. Botting, Heather & Gary (1984). The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 178. ISBN 0-8020-6545-7. Franz, Raymond (2007). In Search of Christian Freedom. Commentary Press. p. 123. ISBN 0-914675-17-6. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. p. 58.ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Franz, Raymond (2007). In Search of Christian Freedom. Commentary Press. pp. 186, footnote. ISBN 0-914675-17-6. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. pp. 162–163, 214. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. pp. 61–62. ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 59. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. The Watchtower. July 15, 1943. page 216, paragraph 24. The Watchtower. November 1, 1944. page 328, paragraph 32. Qualified to be Ministers. Watch Tower Society. 1955. p. 381. cited by Raymond Franz, Crisis of Conscience, page 74 "Divine Will International Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses", The Watchtower, February 15, 1959, page 115, "So with intense interest the spiritual governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses watched the developments... Without delay the president of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society closed a contract with the owners to use the Polo Grounds simultaneously with Yankee Stadium." Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. Watch Tower Society. 1970. p. 65. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. p. 57.ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Franz, Raymond. Crisis of Conscience. p. 44. The seven directors at October 20 were Nathan Knorr, Fred Franz, Grant Suiter, Thomas Sullivan, Milton Henschel, Lyman Swingle and John Groh. The additional four to form the Governing Body were William Jackson, Leo Greenlees, George Gangas and Raymond Franz. Testimony by Fred Franz, Lord Strachan vs. Douglas Walsh Transcript, Lord Strachan vs. Douglas Walsh, 1954, as cited by Raymond Franz, Crisis of Conscience, 2007, page 75-76. "Theocratic Organization with Which to Move Forward Now; A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation". The Watchtower. December 15, 1971. "A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation". The Watchtower: 761. December 15, 1971. Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. 1972. pp. 254–257. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. p. 78.ISBN 0-914675-23-0. "Questions From Readers". The Watchtower: 703. November 15, 1972. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. pp. 44–110. ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 228. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. p. 45.ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. p. 46.ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 215. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. pp. 81–105. ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. pp. 80–107. ISBN 0-914675-23-0. Jehovah's Witnesses–Proclaimers of God's Kingdom. Watch Tower Society. 1993. pp. 108–109. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 218. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Franz, Raymond (1997). Crisis of Conscience. p. 262. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. pp. 117–123. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Botting, Heather & Gary (1984). The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. pp. 158–165. ISBN 0-8020-6545-7. "Witness Under Prosecution", Richard H. Ostling, Anne Constable,//Time// Magazine, February 22, 1982. Franz, Raymond (2007). "11-12". Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. pp. 219, 297–302, 319. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. "Jehovah’s Provision, the “Given Ones”", The Watchtower, April 15, 1992, pages 16-17 "Announcement", The Watchtower, April 15, 1992, page 31 "Organizing for Further Expansion", 1993 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, ©Watch Tower, page 253-254 "Governing Body Addition", The Watchtower, November 1, 1994, page 29, "The new member is Gerrit Lösch. ... Lösch has served in the Executive Offices and as an assistant to the Service Committee." "New Members of the Governing Body", The Watchtower, January 1, 2000, page 29, "The new members, all anointed Christians, are Samuel F. Herd; M. Stephen Lett; Guy H. Pierce; and David H. Splane. Samuel Herd ... was also serving as a helper to the Service Committee. Stephen Lett ... was a helper to the Teaching Committee. Guy Pierce ... had been serving as a helper to the Personnel Committee. David Splane ... had been a helper to the Writing Committee." "New Members of the Governing Body", The Watchtower, March 15, 2006, page 26, "Geoffrey W. Jackson and Anthony Morris III—would be added to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. ... In April 2003, [Jackson] became part of the United States Bethel family and began to work in the Translation Services Department. Soon thereafter, Brother Jackson was made a helper to the Teaching Committee of the Governing Body ... 2002 [Morris] worked in the Service Department at Patterson and later as a helper to the Service Committee of the Governing Body." "Walking in the Path of Increasing Light", The Watchtower, February 15, 2006, page 28 "How the Governing Body Differs From a Legal Corporation". The Watchtower: 29. 15 January 2001. The Watchtower, May 15, 2008, page 29 "How the Governing Body is Organized", The Watchtower, May 15, 2008, page 29. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. pp. 85, 115. ISBN 0-914675-23-0. "A History-Making Meeting", The Watchtower, Aug. 15, 2011, page 21. "Schools That Teach Jehovah's Ways", //2012 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses//, page 13-17. "Theocratic Schools-Evidence of Jehovah's Love", //The Watchtower//, September 15, 2012, page 13-17. "A “Body of Elders” with Rotating Chairmanship", The Watchtower, November 15, 1971, pages 699,700, "how will the “body of elders” in each congregation be selected? The governing body through the Watch Tower Society will send out a letter asking the committee that now looks after each congregation’s activity to...prayerfully consider who within your congregation really meets the qualifications of an elder or overseer. ...Then recommendations will be made to the governing body. ...After the governing body receives recommendations from the congregation, then proper appointments will be made. The governing body will do the appointing of elders in every congregation and this information will be sent out by the governing body through the various offices of the Society throughout the world." Hope Based on the Unfolding Purpose of God", The Watchtower, February 1, 1975, page 86 "Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed", The Watchtower, January 15, 2001, page 15 "Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed", The Watchtower, January 15, 2001, page 15, "In addition to appointing Branch Committee members, the Governing Body appoints Bethel elders and traveling overseers. However, they do commission responsible brothers to act for them in making certain other appointments." "“Keep Holding Men of That Sort Dear”", The Watchtower, October 1, 1988, page 18-19, "[The] traveling overseers sent forth by the Governing Body to preach the good news and help the congregations should be received hospitably and with respect. ...Elders, in particular, should show proper respect for these visiting representatives of the Governing Body. They are sent to the congregations because of their spiritual qualities and their experience, which is usually more extensive than that of many local elders." [emph added] "Cooperating With the Governing Body Today", The Watchtower, March 15, 1990, pages 19-20, "Since February 1, 1976, each of the branches of the Watch Tower Society has had a Branch Committee made up of capable men appointed by the Governing Body. As representatives of the Governing Bodyfor the country or countries under the supervision of their branch, these brothers must be faithful, loyal men. ...Branch Committees recommend mature, spiritual men to serve as circuit and district overseers. After being appointed directly by the Governing Body, they serve as traveling overseers. These brothers visit circuits and congregations in order to build them up spiritually and help them apply instructions received from the Governing Body." [emph added] "Humbly Submitting to Loving Shepherds", The Watchtower, April 1, 2007, page 27 "The Watchtower and Awake!—Timely Journals of Truth". The Watchtower: 21. January 1, 1994. "Building for an Eternal Future". The Watchtower: 25. January 1, 1986. 2012 Annual Meeting Program (Gov. Body is "Faithful & Discreet Slave" explained in 8 minute clip) "Seek God's guidance in all things", The Watchtower, April 15, 2008, page 11. "‘They Shall Know that a Prophet Was Among Them’". The Watchtower: 200. April 1, 1972. "the modern-day “prophet,” the spirit-begotten, anointed ones who are the nucleus of Jehovah’s witnesses today" "The Things Revealed Belong to Us", The Watchtower, May 15, 1986, page 13. Franz, Raymond (2007). In Search of Christian Freedom. Commentary Press. p. 153. ISBN 0-914675-17-6. The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body, The Watchtower, June 15, 2009, page 24 ¶18 Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 211. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. "The faithful slave and its governing body", The Watchtower, June 15, 2009, pages 23-24, "They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special insights beyond what even some experienced members of the "great crowd" may have. They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the 'other sheep' have. They do not expect special treatment; nor do they claim that their partaking of the emblems places them above the appointed elders in the congregation." "A Secret Christians Dare Not Keep!", The Watchtower, June 1, 1997, page 14. "Insight That Jehovah Has Given", The Watchtower, March 15, 1989, page 22, "It is through the columns of The Watchtower that explanations of vital Scriptural truths have been provided for us by Jehovah’s 'faithful and discreet slave.' The Watchtower is the principal instrument used by the 'slave' class for dispensing spiritual food." "The faithful slave and its governing body", The Watchtower, June 15, 2009, pages 23-24. "The Spirit Searches into the Deep Things of God", The Watchtower, July 15, 2010, page 23, "When the time comes to clarify a spiritual matter in our day, holy spirit helps responsible representatives of 'the faithful and discreet slave' at world headquarters to discern deep truths that were not previously understood. The Governing Body as a whole considers adjusted explanations. What they learn, they publish for the benefit of all." "Question From Readers", "The Watchtower", August 15, 2011, page 22 "Annual Meeting Report". "A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation", The Watchtower, December 15, 1971, page 762 "The Governing Body", 1973 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, ©Watch Tower, page 257, "The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses consists of eleven brothers, all anointed of God. They are as follows: Frederick W. Franz, Raymond V. Franz, George D. Gangas, Leo K. Greenlees, John O. Groh, Milton G. Henschel, William K. Jackson, Nathan H. Knorr, Grant Suiter, Thomas J. Sullivan and Lyman A. Swingle." "New Members of the Governing Body", The Watchtower, January 1, 2000, page 29 "New Members of the Governing Body", The Watchtower, March 15, 2006, page 26 "Governing Body Addition", The Watchtower, November 1, 1994, page 29 "A New Member of the Governing Body", //The Watchtower//, July 15, 2013, page 26. Interviews - 133rd Gilead Class (stated at video b. Mark Sanderson of Gov. Body) "Rejoicing Over "Victory With the Lamb", The Watchtower, October 15, 2007, page 31. "Britain", 2000 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, ©Watch Tower, page 130 "New Members of the Governing Body", The Watchtower, November 15, 1977, page 680 "Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses Enlarged", The Watchtower, January 15, 1975, page 60 "We Were a Team", The Watchtower, April 1, 2001, page 24. "He Humbly Served Jehovah", The Watchtower, June 15, 1996, page 32. "A Joyful Perseverer in Good Work", The Watchtower, July 1, 1977, page 399. "Service Assembly and Annual Meeting—Pittsburg", The Watchtower, November 1, 1944, page 334. "How the Governing Body Differs From a Legal Corporation", The Watchtower, January 15, 2001, page 28. "His Deeds Follow Him", The Watchtower, December 1, 1994, page 31. Franz, Raymond (2007). Crisis of Conscience. Commentary Press. pp. 273–336. ISBN 0-914675-23-0. "Gilead Sends Missionaries “to the Most Distant Part of the Earth”", The Watchtower, December 15, 1999, page 28, "Theodore Jaracz, a member of the Governing Body, who himself graduated with Gilead’s seventh class in 1946" "Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses Enlarged", The Watchtower, January 15, 1975, page 60 Theodore Jaracz Memorial Service Brochure (1.4MB) "Jehovah Has Dealt Rewardingly With Me", The Watchtower, October 1, 1984, page 21. Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, "Background of N. H. Knorr", page 91: "On June 10, 1940, he became the vice-president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (Pennsylvania corporation)." The Watchtower, July 15,1977, "Firm to the End", page 441. "A Staunch Fighter for the Truth", The Watchtower, September 15, 1988, page 31. "His Delight Was in the Law of Jehovah", The Watchtower, September 15, 2006, page 31. "The corporation, the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY, pursuant to its charter and by-laws, and the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, held its annual meeting at Pittsburgh, North Side, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, on the first day of October, A.D. 1938, at which annual meeting a Board of Directors was elected as follows, to wit: J. F. Rutherford, C. A. Wise, W. E. Van Amburgh, H. H. Riemer, T. J. Sullivan, Wm. P. Heath, Jr., and Grant Suiter, to hold office for a period of three years, or until their successors are duly elected." - 1939 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, "Election", page 195 "A Loyal Fighter Passes On", The Watchtower, February 1, 1984, page 9. "He Ran for “The Prize of the Upward Call” and Won!", The Watchtower, September 15, 1974, page 554, "On October 31, 1932, he [Sullivan] was made a member of the board of directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania; he was also one of the eleven-member governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses." "A Time of Testing (1914-1918)", Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, ©1993 Watch Tower, page 71, "Thomas (Bud) Sullivan, who later served as a member of the Governing Body, recalled: “It was my privilege to visit Brooklyn Bethel in the late summer of 1918 during the brothers’ incarceration." Jehovah's Witnesses–Proclaimers of God's Kingdom. Watch Tower Society. 1993. p. 91. "How Priceless Your Friendship, O God!", The Watchtower, June 1, 1985, page 27. "Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses Enlarged", 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, ©Watch Tower, page 60 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. 1980. pp. 257–258. "Announcements", Our Kingdom Ministry, August 1980, page 2, "Raymond Victor Franz is no longer a member of the Governing Body and of the Brooklyn Bethel family as of May 22, 1980." Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. p. 120. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Beverley, James A. (1986). Crisis of Allegiance. Burlington, Ontario: Welch Publishing Company. p. 71. ISBN 0-920413-37-4. 1986 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, ©Watch Tower, page 255 Penton, M. James (1997). Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. University of Toronto Press. pp. 322, 393. ISBN 0-8020-7973-3. Geoffrey Jackson testifies before the Australian Royal Commission 2015  
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in Meet Model X   
    Get to know the Tesla Model X 
  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, for Saturday, March 12. 2016   
    When [the mustard grain] has grown, it is the largest of the vegetable plants and becomes a tree.—Matt. 13:32.
    In Jesus’ illustration, the grain represents the Kingdom message as well as what results from the preaching of that message—the Christian congregation. Like the mustard grain that is “the tiniest of all the seeds,” the Christian congregation had small beginnings in 33 C.E. However, within a few decades, the congregation grew rapidly. (Col. 1:23) This growth was beneficial because Jesus tells us that “the birds of heaven” were able to “find lodging among its branches.” These figurative birds picture righthearted individuals who find spiritual food, shade, and shelter within the Christian congregation. (Compare Ezekiel 17:23.) Jesus used the amazing growth of a mustard grain to illustrate the power of God’s Kingdom arrangement to expand, protect, and conquer all obstacles. Since 1914 the growth of the visible part of God’s organization has been phenomenal!—Isa. 60:22. w14 12/15 1:7, 8
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Lussier Denis in TEXTE DU JOUR, pour Samedi 12 mars 2016   
    Quand [le grain de moutarde] a poussé, c’est la plus grande des plantes potagères et il devient un arbre (Mat. 13:32).
    Dans l’exemple de Jésus, le grain de moutarde représente le message du Royaume et ce que produit la prédication de ce message : la congrégation chrétienne. Comme le grain de moutarde, qui est « la plus petite de toutes les semences », la congrégation chrétienne née en 33 de n. è. a eu des débuts modestes. Mais en quelques décennies, elle s’est énormément développée (Col. 1:23). Cette croissance a été bénéfique puisque Jésus nous dit que « les oiseaux du ciel » pouvaient « loger dans [l]es branches » de l’arbre issu du grain de moutarde. Ces oiseaux représentent les personnes au cœur droit qui trouvent en quelque sorte nourriture, ombre et abri au sein de la congrégation chrétienne (cf. Ézékiel 17:23). Jésus s’est servi de la croissance impressionnante du grain de moutarde pour illustrer la capacité du Royaume de Dieu de faire prospérer ses activités, d’apporter une protection et de vaincre tout obstacle. En effet, depuis 1914, la croissance de la partie visible de l’organisation de Jéhovah est phénoménale ! (Is. 60:22). w14 15/12 1:7, 8.
  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Who Wins... Frog or Bird ? Tuesday, 2. March 2016   
    Yes,  thats  true  and  importend  for  our  wonderful  goal ❤  Lets  try  and  work  it,  dear  Blanchie ;o)
  17. Downvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Nickntone in WHY WORRY ?   
    WHY  WORRY ?
    Just think about it: Jehovah could have chosen anyone he wanted to serve Him. But He reads HEARTS, and out of all the people on this planet, He chose you. Look at it this way –
    You walk into an antique shop. You look around and you see something you like. You turn it over and the price tag is $1,000. So you walk up to the till and you offer the shop owner $10. Imagine how he would react! Now think of us. Jehovah PAID a dear price for you with the blood of His Son's sacrifice.
    We are  PRICELESS  to Jehovah. You know that Jehovah would not pay the price if we were not worth it. Now, how do you think Jehovah feels if we place a much smaller price tag on ourselves? He would be insulted!
    You are a very special person, priceless, hand-picked out of all the world of mankind personally by Jehovah to know the truth and to serve the greatest person in the universe. And He did all of this while we were still imperfect and unworthy of this honor.
    You keep on hanging in there. Remember, Jehovah NEVER forgets his people and neither do we. When you feel buffeted by the world and of little value, think of yourself as a hundred dollar bill. Would you accept a gift of a crisp new note? Of course! What if the bill were not new, but slightly used? Still, just as good, right? What if you found the bill in the mud? Still, worth a hundred, right? But what if it's tattered and smudged and the corners are worn? Is it worth any less? Not at all! Whether bright and new or battered and beaten, a hundred is still a hundred.
    And we are precious to Jehovah and to our brothers, whether things are going fine or we have been through the mill. It's not the outer appearance or the current condition that determines worth, but what backs us up that gives us our value.
    Our currency is backed by the First Universal Bank of Jehovah. And you will remain just as valuable as ever, as long as you stay in circulation.
    So keep enduring, and one day we will all be in 'mint' condition.
  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, for Friday, March 11. 2016   
    Thank Jehovah for the Ranson Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Who Wins... Frog or Bird ? Tuesday, 2. March 2016   
    Don't ever give up! 
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Who Wins... Frog or Bird ? Tuesday, 2. March 2016   
    The  stork - bird  must  let  clever  froggie  free  >>>>>>>>>  hop  hop  away  ;o)
  21. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, for Friday, March 11. 2016   
    [Christ] was put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit.—1 Pet. 3:18.
    The apostles knew that Jesus’ resurrection was different from the resurrections that preceded it. People who were brought back to life earlier came back with physical bodies and eventually died again. Jesus was resurrected with a spirit body that was imperishable. (Acts 13:34) Peter wrote that Jesus “is at God’s right hand, for he went to heaven, and angels and authorities and powers were made subject to him.” (1 Pet. 3:18-22) The previous resurrections were both marvelous and miraculous, but none compared to this supreme miracle. Jesus’ resurrection had a profound impact on his disciples. He was no longer dead but was alive as a mighty spirit person whom no human could harm. His resurrection proved that he was the Son of God, and knowing that fact, the disciples found their spirits lifted from that of profound sorrow to great joy. Furthermore, their fear was replaced by courage. w14 11/15 1:5, 6
  22. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Annie Abbott in Daily text, for Friday, March 11. 2016   
    [Christ] was put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit.—1 Pet. 3:18.
    The apostles knew that Jesus’ resurrection was different from the resurrections that preceded it. People who were brought back to life earlier came back with physical bodies and eventually died again. Jesus was resurrected with a spirit body that was imperishable. (Acts 13:34) Peter wrote that Jesus “is at God’s right hand, for he went to heaven, and angels and authorities and powers were made subject to him.” (1 Pet. 3:18-22) The previous resurrections were both marvelous and miraculous, but none compared to this supreme miracle. Jesus’ resurrection had a profound impact on his disciples. He was no longer dead but was alive as a mighty spirit person whom no human could harm. His resurrection proved that he was the Son of God, and knowing that fact, the disciples found their spirits lifted from that of profound sorrow to great joy. Furthermore, their fear was replaced by courage. w14 11/15 1:5, 6
  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, for Thursday, March 10. 2016   
    He will crush your head.—Gen. 3:15.
    The Edenic promise not only emphasized that the instigator of the rebellion in the garden of Eden and all ill effects of his action would be done away with but also identifies the means by which this would take place. Who would the woman’s offspring prove to be? Since the offspring is to crush the serpent’s head, that is, “bring to nothing” the spirit creature Satan the Devil, the offspring would have to be a spirit person (Heb. 2:14) Therefore, the woman giving birth to the offspring would also be of a spiritual nature. While the offspring of the serpent proliferated, the identity of the offspring and the woman remained a mystery for almost 4,000 years. Meanwhile, Jehovah made several covenants that identify the offspring and assure His servants that the offspring would be the means by which God would undo the disaster that Satan had brought on the human family. w14 10/15 1:6-8
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Annie Williams in Daily text, for Thursday, March 10. 2016   
    He will crush your head.—Gen. 3:15.
    The Edenic promise not only emphasized that the instigator of the rebellion in the garden of Eden and all ill effects of his action would be done away with but also identifies the means by which this would take place. Who would the woman’s offspring prove to be? Since the offspring is to crush the serpent’s head, that is, “bring to nothing” the spirit creature Satan the Devil, the offspring would have to be a spirit person (Heb. 2:14) Therefore, the woman giving birth to the offspring would also be of a spiritual nature. While the offspring of the serpent proliferated, the identity of the offspring and the woman remained a mystery for almost 4,000 years. Meanwhile, Jehovah made several covenants that identify the offspring and assure His servants that the offspring would be the means by which God would undo the disaster that Satan had brought on the human family. w14 10/15 1:6-8
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from TheWorldNewsOrg in Suggest a Category   
    Yes...  I've  often  idea's  for  a  new  category !  Thank  you,  I  will  enjoy  ;o)
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