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Queen Esther

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    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in In God I put my trust; I am not afraid. What can a mere human do to me?   
    Thank  you  dear  Blanchie  for  like  this  post  - and  see  you  little  back  again   May  Jehovah  help  and  bless  you  daily  

  2. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Governing Body Members Seen Out In the Field Service Ministry Work   
    You are welcome, dear Brother @Onah uchenna...  and I agree.  I read here, not all Brothers believe that, but I know different pictures with our GB Brothers in service.
    They are working alot. GB Brother S. Herd, more than 80 years, I saw with different Brothers on the way preaching   
    Greetings from Germany???
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    Queen Esther reacted to Onah uchenna in Governing Body Members Seen Out In the Field Service Ministry Work   
    Thanks Sister Queen Esther.  A reminder that it is a basic requirement for all to preach the good news.
    Once again, thank you.
  4. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to I want see you in paradise in TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 1.° de março 2018   
    — Juí. 11:2
    Os meios-irmãos de Jefté tinham ciúme e raiva dele e o expulsaram de suas terras. 
    Juí. 11:1-3

    Apesar disso, ele os socorreu quando precisaram de sua ajuda. 
    Juí. 11:4-11
    Defender o nome de Jeová era mais importante para Jefté do que ficar magoado por causa de desentendimentos. Ele estava decidido a ser leal a Jeová, e isso resultou em bênçãos para ele mesmo e para outros 
    Heb. 11:32, 33
    Se acontecer de você ficar magoado com algum irmão, não permita que isso faça você perder reuniões nem deixe de passar tempo com os irmãos da congregação. Quando seguimos os princípios da Bíblia, conseguimos vencer situações difíceis e ser uma boa influência na congregação. 
    — Rom. 12:20, 21; Col. 3:13
    w16.04 1:7, 9, 10

  5. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from I want see you in paradise in TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 1.° de março 2018   
    TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 1.° de março 2018
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    Queen Esther got a reaction from I want see you in paradise in Daily text, Thursday, March, 1. 2018   
    They drove Jephthah out.—Judg. 11:2.
    Jealousy and hatred moved Jephthah’s half brothers to drive him away, illegally depriving him of his rightful inheritance as firstborn. (Judg. 11:1-3) Yet, he came to their aid when they pleaded for his help. (Judg. 11:4-11) The fight to defend Jehovah’s name was more important to Jephthah than any personal conflicts. He was determined to be faithful to Jehovah, resulting in good for himself and for others. (Heb. 11:32, 33) Will we allow Jephthah’s example to touch our hearts? Perhaps we have experienced disappointment or ill-treatment from certain Christian brothers. If so, we should not allow such challenges to hold us back from attending Christian meetings or serving Jehovah and being with the congregation to the full. In imitation of Jephthah, we too can allow divine standards to help us overcome negative circumstances and continue to be a force for good.—Rom. 12:20, 21; Col. 3:13. w16.04 1:7, 9, 10
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    Queen Esther got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in Governing Body Members Seen Out In the Field Service Ministry Work   
    Also  our  GB  Brother  Mark  Sanderson  is  just  ready  for  going  in  service
    A  cold  day....  but  little  sun-shine
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    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in God Cares For You ! ❤*¨`*•♥☼♥•*¨`*❤   
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    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in In God I put my trust; I am not afraid. What can a mere human do to me?   
    Psalm  56:11
    11 In God I put my trust; I am not afraid.
    What can a mere human do to me?

             ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in In God I put my trust; I am not afraid. What can a mere human do to me?   
    Psalm  56:11
    11 In God I put my trust; I am not afraid.
    What can a mere human do to me?

             ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  15. Thanks
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    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah’s Witnesses Around the World... from Albania until Zimbabwe, a link & many details. We're just now 8,457,107—Jehovah’s Witnesses !   

    We Invite You to Visit the United States Bethel Complexes   ( and  much  more...)
     A family taking a guided tour of the Bethel complex in Patterson, New York
    We Invite You to Visit the United States Bethel Complexes
    “We now have marvelous memories of our visit to Bethel, which we will treasure forever.” So commented a couple from Vanuatu after visiting the facilities of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the United States. Many of the tens of thousands who visit each year feel similarly.
    Have you visited the United States Bethel complexes? If not, you are welcome to do so.
    What will you see at the three main complexes?
    World Headquarters, Warwick, New York. Tour three self-guided exhibits. One, with the theme “The Bible and the Divine Name,” features rare Bibles and highlights how God’s name has been preserved in the Scriptures. The exhibit “A People for Jehovah’s Name” is a visual history of Jehovah’s Witnesses. “World Headquarters—Faith in Action” explains how Jehovah’s Witnesses are organized to meet together, study the Bible, share the Bible’s message with others, and show love toward one another. You can also take a 20-minute guided tour that highlights sections of the Offices/Services Building and the Warwick grounds.
    Watchtower Educational Center, Patterson, New York. Find out about the schools located there, such as the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and the School for Branch Committee Members and Their Wives. You will also see displays and videos that tell about the work done in the office departments there, which include Art and Audio/Video Services.
    Literature Printing and Shipping, Wallkill, New York. Join the guided tour to see how Bibles and Bible-based literature are printed, bound, and shipped to congregations in the United States, the Caribbean, and other parts of the world.

    Fast Facts—United States of America
        1,232,293—Ministers who teach the Bible
        1 to 263—Ratio of Jehovah’s Witnesses to population
  17. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Friday, March 2. 2018   
    We do not give up.—2 Cor. 4:1.
    We must endure, not for a time, but to the end. To illustrate: Imagine a ship that capsizes. To survive, the passengers must swim to shore. The swimmer who gives up only a few yards from shore faces the same fate as the swimmer who gave up much earlier. Similarly, we are determined to endure until we reach the new world. Our life depends on our enduring. We have an attitude like that of the apostle Paul, who twice stated: “We do not give up.” (2 Cor. 4:16) We can be absolutely confident that Jehovah will help us endure to the end. We share Paul’s conviction as expressed at Romans 8:37-39: “We are coming off completely victorious through the one who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” w16.04 2:17, 18
  18. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Thursday, March, 1. 2018   
    They drove Jephthah out.—Judg. 11:2.
    Jealousy and hatred moved Jephthah’s half brothers to drive him away, illegally depriving him of his rightful inheritance as firstborn. (Judg. 11:1-3) Yet, he came to their aid when they pleaded for his help. (Judg. 11:4-11) The fight to defend Jehovah’s name was more important to Jephthah than any personal conflicts. He was determined to be faithful to Jehovah, resulting in good for himself and for others. (Heb. 11:32, 33) Will we allow Jephthah’s example to touch our hearts? Perhaps we have experienced disappointment or ill-treatment from certain Christian brothers. If so, we should not allow such challenges to hold us back from attending Christian meetings or serving Jehovah and being with the congregation to the full. In imitation of Jephthah, we too can allow divine standards to help us overcome negative circumstances and continue to be a force for good.—Rom. 12:20, 21; Col. 3:13. w16.04 1:7, 9, 10
  19. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Wednesday, February 28. 2018   
    Why do you call me good? Nobody is good except one, God.—Mark 10:18.
    What a contrast existed between Jesus and Herod Agrippa I, who became king of Judea! At a diplomatic function, Herod clothed himself “with royal raiment.” His adoring crowd shouted: “A god’s voice, and not a man’s!” Herod evidently basked in the praise. But “instantly the angel of Jehovah struck him, because he did not give the glory to God, and he was eaten up with worms and died.” (Acts 12:21-23) Surely, no objective observer could conclude that Herod was chosen by Jehovah to be leader. Jesus, on the other hand, gave convincing evidence of being appointed by God, and he constantly glorified Jehovah as the Supreme Leader of his people. Jesus’ leadership was not meant to last only a few years. “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth,” he declared after his resurrection. “And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”—Matt. 28:18-20. w17.02 3:20, 21
  20. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto do dia, Sexta-feira, 2 de março 2018   
    Não desistimos. — 2 Cor. 4:1.
    Precisamos perseverar, não por um tempo, mas até o fim. Imagine o seguinte: Um navio com vários passageiros começa a afundar. Para sobreviver, eles precisam nadar até a praia. Se um passageiro desistir de nadar quando está quase chegando, ele vai se afogar, assim como o passageiro que desistiu muito antes dele. Hoje estamos bem perto do novo mundo. Não faz sentido desistir agora. Nossa vida depende de perseverarmos até o fim. Queremos pensar como o apóstolo Paulo, que disse duas vezes: “Não desistimos.” (2 Cor. 4:16) Podemos ter certeza absoluta de que Jeová vai nos ajudar a perseverar até o fim. Concordamos com o que Paulo disse em Romanos 8:37-39: “Saímos completamente vitoriosos, por meio daquele que nos amou. Pois estou convencido de que nem a morte, nem a vida, nem anjos, nem governos, nem coisas presentes, nem coisas por vir, nem poderes, nem altura, nem profundidade, nem qualquer outra criação será capaz de nos separar do amor de Deus, que está em Cristo Jesus, nosso Senhor.” w16.04 2:17, 18
  21. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 1.° de março 2018   
    TEXTO DIÁRIO  1.° de março 2018
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    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto do dia, Quarta-feira, 28 de fevereiro 2018   
    Por que você me chama de bom? Ninguém é bom, a não ser um só, Deus. — Mar. 10:18.
    Que diferença entre Jesus e o rei Herodes Agripa I, líder da Judeia! Certa vez, ao fazer um discurso, Herodes vestiu “a roupa real”. A multidão começou a gritar: “É a voz de um deus e não de um homem!” Pelo visto, Herodes amou toda aquela atenção. Mas “instantaneamente o anjo de Jeová o feriu, porque não deu glória a Deus. E ele morreu comido por vermes”. (Atos 12:21-23) Qualquer pessoa sensata podia ver que Jeová não tinha escolhido Herodes para ser líder. Mas no caso de Jesus era diferente. Ele deu provas claras de que tinha sido escolhido por Deus e sempre dava honra a Jeová, o Grandioso Líder do seu povo. Jesus não seria Líder apenas por alguns anos. Depois que foi ressuscitado, ele disse: “Foi-me dada toda a autoridade no céu e na terra.” Ele disse também: “Saibam que eu estou com vocês todos os dias, até o final do sistema de coisas.” — Mat. 28:18-20. w17.02 3:20, 21
  23. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 1.° de março 2018   
    TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 1.° de março 2018
  24. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 1 DE MARZO DE 2018   
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    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 28 DE FEBRERO DE 2018   
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