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Queen Esther

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  1. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in This dog pulls himself out of a pond with his teeth after falling through thin ice, when a Missouri...   
    WOW..... SO  many  funny  and  amazing  animals    I  wanted  share  or  copy  it,  Brother  @Colin Browne....  but  I  not  work  it  in  that  program  alone    sorry....   Many  of  your  photos  I  remember  from  FB / Facebook,  SO  cute  and  funny   I'm  wondering,  why  just  on  the  graveyards / cemeteries,  we  always  see  so  many  cute  squirrels / Eichhörnchen,  in  German   I  like  your  many,  29!  special  animal - photos,  dear  @Colin Browne....  you're  a  wonderful  Brother  and  I  hope,  you  also  will  come  to  my  funny,  different  NW  -  JW  celebrations??   For  a  big  BBQ  and  other  special  meetings. Welcome with your wife !  Many  Brothers & Sisters  already  have  my  invitation. Its  a  great  wish  for  the  *NW*   Lets  hope,  it  will  happen   Also  all  your  dogs  are  invited !!     JTR.  of  course,  we  need  you  too !!   with  your  dogs  or  women....  what  you  want,  
    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  2. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Colin Browne in This dog pulls himself out of a pond with his teeth after falling through thin ice, when a Missouri...   
    Some interesting animal pictures:
    Animal pictures.docx
  3. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Huge Open Kitchen   
    OH  sorry, 1 year  too  late  my  answer   I'm  really  sorry,  not  seen  ****************************
    OF  COURSE !!   ON  &  OFF  A  MEETING  IN  MY  HOUSE.  I  want  celebrate  the  best  I  have  for  my  dearest  friends Mexican  Food, German, American, French, Asian & Russian, but  I  need  some  helpers  in  my  nice  *NW*  -  kitchen,  okay?  The  helpers  can  all  taste  it  before   WOW...   For  my  helpers  per  person  a  bottle  of  wine  of  my  own  winery,  hmmm...
    Tell  me  who  want  help,  I  make  notes  in  my  head  for  later
    A  big  THANKS  to  ALL....
  4. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Huge Open Kitchen   
    For sure...... ??????
  5. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Traci in Daily text, Sunday, February 11. 2018   
    [Jesus] set out from there to teach and preach in their cities.—Matt. 11:1.
    Jesus often spoke to individuals about the Kingdom. For instance, he carried on a lively and fruitful conversation with a woman at JacobÂ’s well near the city of Sychar. (John 4:5-30) He also spoke with Matthew Levi, a tax collector. Matthew accepted JesusÂ’ invitation to be his follower. Matthew and others heard Jesus speak at some length during a feast held in MatthewÂ’s home. (Matt. 9:9; Luke 5:27-39) On another occasion, Jesus spoke in a friendly way to Nathanael, who had a negative view of people from Nazareth. However, Nathanael was moved to change his thinking. He decided to learn more about what Jesus, a man from Nazareth, was teaching. (John 1:46-51) So we have good reason to train new publishers to converse with people in a friendly, relaxed manner. Those whom we help in this way will likely be delighted to see how honesthearted people respond favorably to personal interest and kind words. w16.08 4:7-9
  6. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Sunday, February 11. 2018   
    [Jesus] set out from there to teach and preach in their cities.—Matt. 11:1.
    Jesus often spoke to individuals about the Kingdom. For instance, he carried on a lively and fruitful conversation with a woman at JacobÂ’s well near the city of Sychar. (John 4:5-30) He also spoke with Matthew Levi, a tax collector. Matthew accepted JesusÂ’ invitation to be his follower. Matthew and others heard Jesus speak at some length during a feast held in MatthewÂ’s home. (Matt. 9:9; Luke 5:27-39) On another occasion, Jesus spoke in a friendly way to Nathanael, who had a negative view of people from Nazareth. However, Nathanael was moved to change his thinking. He decided to learn more about what Jesus, a man from Nazareth, was teaching. (John 1:46-51) So we have good reason to train new publishers to converse with people in a friendly, relaxed manner. Those whom we help in this way will likely be delighted to see how honesthearted people respond favorably to personal interest and kind words. w16.08 4:7-9
  7. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in This dog pulls himself out of a pond with his teeth after falling through thin ice, when a Missouri...   
    Yes.....  I  remember  that  photo   Our  Librarian  has  posted  this  story  before  a  longer  time.  Not  all  dogs  equal,  so  by  humans  too !    But  some  rare  ones  are  really  very  devoted,  more  than  many  humans  can  do...   Thats  so  awesome
    Thank  you  for  that reminder  photo....
  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Colin Browne in This dog pulls himself out of a pond with his teeth after falling through thin ice, when a Missouri...   
    Yes.....  I  remember  that  photo   Our  Librarian  has  posted  this  story  before  a  longer  time.  Not  all  dogs  equal,  so  by  humans  too !    But  some  rare  ones  are  really  very  devoted,  more  than  many  humans  can  do...   Thats  so  awesome
    Thank  you  for  that reminder  photo....
  9. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to Colin Browne in This dog pulls himself out of a pond with his teeth after falling through thin ice, when a Missouri...   
    The last photo of Hachik?, the dog who waited for his master's return each day for 9 years until he too passed away.

  10. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in JW Animated DAILY TEXT Saturday February 10, 2018   
    JW Animated DAILY TEXT Saturday February 10, 2018
  11. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario Lunes 12 de febrero 2018   
    La esposa no debe irse de su esposo; y el esposo no debe dejar a su esposa (1 Cor. 7:10, 11).
    Cuando no se resuelven los problemas graves en el matrimonio, es posible que uno de los cónyuges o ambos piensen en separarse o divorciarse. La decisión de separarse no debe tomarse a la ligera. Y aunque puede parecer que es la solución cuando surgen problemas graves, a menudo causa más dificultades. En respuesta a una pregunta de los fariseos, Jesús les recordó que Dios dijo que el hombre dejaría a su padre y a su madre y se adheriría a su esposa, y añadió: “Lo que Dios ha unido bajo un yugo, no lo separe ningún hombre” (Mat. 19:3-6; Gén. 2:24). Esto significa que ni siquiera los cónyuges deberían separar lo que Dios ha unido. Jehová ve el matrimonio como una unión para toda la vida (1 Cor. 7:39). Recordar que todos rendiremos cuentas a Jehová impulsará a los casados a hacer lo posible por resolver los problemas enseguida, antes de que empeoren. w16.08 2:10, 11
  12. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario Domingo 11 de febrero 2018   
    Jesús partió de allí para enseñar y predicar en sus ciudades (Mat. 11:1).
    Jesús no solo habló sobre el Reino a multitudes, sino que muchas veces conversó con personas individualmente. Por ejemplo, tuvo una animada conversación con una mujer junto al pozo de Jacob, cerca de Sicar, con resultados positivos (Juan 4:5-30). También conversó con Mateo Leví, un recaudador de impuestos. Mateo aceptó su invitación a hacerse discípulo. Él y otras personas escucharon a Jesús hablar durante cierto tiempo en un banquete que Mateo ofreció en su casa (Mat. 9:9; Luc. 5:27-39). En otra ocasión, Jesús habló amigablemente con Natanael. Este veía con malos ojos a la gente de Nazaret, pero, después de esa conversación, cambió de opinión y quiso saber más sobre lo que enseñaba Jesús, que venía de Nazaret (Juan 1:46-51). Como vemos, vale la pena enseñarles a los publicadores nuevos a conversar de forma tranquila y amigable. A quienes ayudemos a hacerlo seguramente les encantará ver que las personas de buen corazón responden bien cuando nos interesamos por ellas y usamos palabras amables. w16.08 4:7-9
  13. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Srecko Sostar in This dog pulls himself out of a pond with his teeth after falling through thin ice, when a Missouri...   
    I do not know about his sadness. He have face like that, and he is also old in this picture. So, not has same enthusiasm as when he was younger :)) 
    Resurrection? good idea.
    living longer... but died anyway. Not sound happy. But if JW believe they shall live forever as human why would be problem that animal live forever too? Or, as according to present explanation about Adam and Eve and how they looked at animal whose died at some point, as explanation how first humans because of that experience understand what is dead and what looks like the penalty for eating from the tree...then animal will die in this way or another. As for reason of sicken and old or as food.
    But that all would be in contradiction to present hopes about verse in Revelation   "He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain."
    For whom will be no more death, sorrow, crying, pain???? Only humans, not the animals also???? Smell like injustice to me. Or am I too touchy, oversensitive???
    But, on other hand, if life would not died in some point of time ...we will not give chance for future babies (human) and pets (animal). Or, we shall must colonize other planets and systems in universe for all that population :))) 
  14. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in This dog pulls himself out of a pond with his teeth after falling through thin ice, when a Missouri...   
    For @Colin Browne....  I like the photo colors??  and I like the special, happy, funny moment,  you together with Sputty??   For the NW,  I wish you a see again with Sputty and Sammy? for a long long time !
    The same I wish for @James Thomas Rook Jr....  a see again with his many beloved dog's, for long or everlasting time??   Jehovah will decide with love❤️
    PS. Also a see again for @Srecko Sostar. and Nero??  and all dog's from @Nicole ??
  15. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Colin Browne in This dog pulls himself out of a pond with his teeth after falling through thin ice, when a Missouri...   
    First  sad....   but  then  happy  what  you  was  telling !  THANK  YOU  SO  MUCH  OUR  DEAR  @Colin Browne  YES,  dog's  are  the  men  best  friends...  JTR  is  thinking  SO !    I  remember  pictures  beside  a  grave,  and  the  dog  would  not  leaving  his  place  
    Seems,  thats  the  dog -love  for  his  master
    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  16. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in Why do Jehovah's Witnesses not celebrate Valentine's Day?   
    Jehovah's Witnesses only formally celebrate the one event that Jesus commanded his followers. The memorial of his death (1 Cor. 11:23-26).
    They also celebrate other events which are referred to favorably in the Scriptures such as marriages, anniversaries, the birth of a baby, graduations and many other happy occasions. But why don't Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate St. Valentine's Day?
    Because Jehovah's Witnesses take their worship very seriously and insist upon keeping their worship of God undefiled (James 1:27), there are two main reasons why Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate St. Valentine's Day:
    1.) Pagan ceremonies honoring pagan gods are mixed in with St. Valentine's Day's origins.
    2.) The Bible makes it clear that there is to be no veneration or adoration of Saints as intercessors with God. Our approach to the Father can only be through Jesus. (John 14:6, 14; 1 Tim. 2:5)
    St. Valentine's Day - It's Pagan Associations
    It would be wrong to incorporate anything used for pagan worship, into our worship or related activities. Holidays, for example, are "Holy Days" and are a part of "worship", by their very name. Notice what the publication How It Started had to say about St. Valentine's Day on pages 46-47: "Ancient Romans placed great stress upon holidays that fell about the middle of the shortest month of the year. Dedicated to the goddess Juno, who was the wife of Jupiter, these festivals stressed love, courtship, and marriage. "That was appropriate since Juno, queen of heaven, was regarded as the special protector of women in `critical times of life.'.... "When Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire by edict of Emperor Constantine, religious leaders immediately started trying to do away with pagan festivals. Many of them had been observed for so many centuries that they resisted all frontal attacks, so there were many efforts to bring about change in a more subtle fashion.
    One of the most effective was a substitution of a Christian[?] observance for a pagan one, with special ceremonies held on or near the date of the long-established holiday. "Since the martyrdom of St. Valentine was celebrated on February 14, it made sense to stresshomage to the man who was said to have been stoned to death on that day in A. D. 269. For that reason the name of a man about whom no written records exist came to be attached to the day formerly dedicated to Juno." And The World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 20, 1973 ed. on page 204 says this: "Valentine's Day comes on the feast of two different Christian martyrs named Valentine. But the customs connected with the day ... probably came from an ancient Roman festival called Lupercaliawhich took place every February 15. The festival honored Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage, and Pan, the god of nature." Some would say that it's wrong to pay such homage to dead men, whether "Saints" or not, but certainly it's incredibly wrong to mix in pagan ceremonies honoring pagan gods in the process. "What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? .... `Therefore come out from them and be separate,' says the Lord. `Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you ...' says the Lord Almighty." - 2 Cor. 6:16, 17, NIVSB. [NIVSB f.n.: "agreement...between the temple of God and idols. There can be no reversion to or compromise with the idolatry they have forsaken for the gospel (cf. 1 Th. 1:9)."]
    Additional Reading: What is the origin of Valentine’s Day? (rs p. 176-p. 182; Watchtower Online Library)
    Should We Venerate "Saints as Intercessors" With God?
    Notice what Peter's response was to a certain situation in the account of Acts 10:25, 26, JB: "As Peter reached the house Cornelius went out to meet him, knelt at his feet and prostrated himself. But Peter helped him up. `Stand up,' he said `I am only a man after all!'" Peter did not approve of such adoration when he was personally present. He understood what Jesus clearly stated in John 14:6, 14 that our approach to the Father can be only through Jesus and that our requests are to be made in Jesus' name: "Jesus said: `I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through me. If you ask for anything in my name, I will do it.'" (JB) 1 Tim. 2:5:
    "For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." (NASB) Note what Martin Luther wrote concerning the reverence of Roman Catholic Saints: "The pity is that we are so blind that we do not leave the devil alone to play his tricks in his own way; rather, we support him and multiply them. I wish people would leave the saints in peace, and not mislead humble folk. What spirit was it that gave the pope authority to canonize saints? Who tells him whether they are holy or not? .... God is just in judging us with His wrath and in allowing the devil to lead us hither and thither, to institute pilgrimages, ... to set about canonizing saints and other foolish things." - p. 458, Martin Luther, Selections From His Writings, Dr. John Dillenberger, Anchor Books, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1961.
    by Elijah 
  17. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Newborn baby girl at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford is first in Western U.S. to undergo bloodless open-heart surgery   
    WOW,  after  3  days  SO  well !   Thats  really  rare...  Jehovah  bless  you  our  little  girl   A  big  THANKS  to  all  Doc's !!
  18. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in PREACHING WHILE A FLIGHT... ;-))   
    Preaching  while  a  longer  flight....     Looks  a  little  like  Chinese  letters !
    Lets  hope  of  a  good  heart  for  Jehovah
        ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  19. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in OUR OLD BROTHER WARREN COMMENTS US ....   
    In the new world, when your children ask you:  Mom, before the Armageddon that you did?  Will you tell them that your father and  I were precursors year after year?
    Some simply could not, but miraculously the carts arrived.
    It was the answer to their prayers. At last they had a place in the ministry. They did not have to walk, they did not have to talk. People came to them. At first they just looked at them in a funny way, seeing the cart full of books and magazines.
    Then some began to ask: how much is that book worth?
    And we told them; that this book with a study was free of charge. Then we had many studies with our little carts
    There came a time of anguish like never before and then the system burned like a coal.
                                  ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  20. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in A Sister is giving witness in Italy and a woman has a question ❤   
    A  Sister  is  giving  witness  in  Italy  and  a  woman  has  a  question
    Yes,  we  never  know  what  will  happen !  May  Jehovah  bless  both  women...
                                      ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  21. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in WOW... a German Sister was preaching in Hospital, with a JW.ORG bag around her neck ;-))   
    WOW...  a German Sister was preaching in Hospital, with a JW.ORG - bag around her neck     Similar  like  a  shopping - cart !  Very  brave....
  22. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in This dog pulls himself out of a pond with his teeth after falling through thin ice, when a Missouri...   
    First  sad....   but  then  happy  what  you  was  telling !  THANK  YOU  SO  MUCH  OUR  DEAR  @Colin Browne  YES,  dog's  are  the  men  best  friends...  JTR  is  thinking  SO !    I  remember  pictures  beside  a  grave,  and  the  dog  would  not  leaving  his  place  
    Seems,  thats  the  dog -love  for  his  master
    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  23. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to Colin Browne in This dog pulls himself out of a pond with his teeth after falling through thin ice, when a Missouri...   
    No wonder dogs are called man's best friend. The only animal having observable emotions. A Japanese dog stopped eating when it's master died, and laid on it's owner's grave until it too died. Vicious dogs are trained that way. One of my dogs, Sammy, a Jack Russel, was  so small I carried him in my jacket pocket for weeks. About a year later, he began howling when he recognised my motor cycle approaching. He went with me everywhere when out in the motor car. Seems dogs weren't fully domesticated during Bible years, they gradually began loving mankind as time went by. Eccl. 9:4
  24. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario Sábado 10 de febrero. 2018   
    Voy a hacerle una ayudante (Gén. 2:18).
    El matrimonio forma parte de la vida de muchas personas. Repasar su origen y por qué fue creado nos ayudará a ver esta unión de la forma correcta y a disfrutar más plenamente de todo lo bueno que puede ofrecer. Dios creó al primer hombre, Adán, y después le llevó los animales para que les pusiera nombre. Pero “para el hombre no se halló ayudante como complemento de él”. Así que Jehová hizo que se quedara profundamente dormido, le quitó una costilla e hizo con ella una mujer. Después, se la presentó a Adán (Gén. 2:20-24). De modo que Dios es el Creador del matrimonio. Jesús confirmó que fue Jehová quien dijo: “El hombre dejará a su padre y a su madre y se adherirá a su esposa, y los dos serán una sola carne” (Mat. 19:4, 5). El que Dios creara a la mujer a partir de una costilla de Adán debió grabar en la primera pareja que su unión era muy fuerte. No era su intención que los matrimonios se divorciaran ni que el hombre o la mujer tuvieran más de un cónyuge al mismo tiempo. w16.08 1:1, 2
  25. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 10 DE FEVEREIRO, 2018   
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