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    lentaylor71 reacted to Bible Speaks in •Micah 7:7 —"But as for me, I will keep on the lookout for Jehovah. I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.•   
    •Micah 7:7 —"But as for me, I will keep on the lookout for Jehovah. I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.•
    Psalms 18:1 —"I have affection for you, O Jehovah, my strength."
    •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org.
    •Learn More About The Bible & its Teachings FROM The BIBLE itself By Visiting JW.org

  2. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to Bible Speaks in Sharing the Caleb video “Be Kind and Share” with primary school students in Mabaruma, Guyana.   
    Sharing the Caleb video “Be Kind and Share” with primary school students in Mabaruma, Guyana.
    Photo shared by @chianoconnor

  3. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to Matthew9969 in Why does the governing body lie?   
    This is from the Questions from readers on jw.org:
    "What of a man who is disfellowshipped but whose wife and children are still Jehovah’s Witnesses? The religious ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain. The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings continue."
    Which is a obvious contradiction to this video:
    If they lie about this, they can lie about other things.
  4. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Sex abuse cases against Jehovah's Witnesses church settled   
    This just in from the Charlotte, NC Charlotte Observer Newspaper:
    Sex abuse cases against Jehovah's Witnesses church settled
    "The Associated Press   March 06, 2018 07:50 PM
    Updated 1 hour 41 minutes ago
    SAN DIEGO Two men who say they were sexually abused by a leader at Jehovah's Witnesses congregations in San Diego in the 1990s have settled their lawsuits against the church's governing body.
    The San Diego Union-Tribune reports Tuesday that the settlements were finalized last week. Both sides say they aren't authorized to discuss the terms.
    A New York state appeals court in November upheld $4,000-a-day penalty against Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York for failing to comply with a court order to hand over internal documents about knowledge of church leaders who had been accused of sexually abusing children.
    Both plaintiffs say church elders knew of the abuse as early as 1982 but covered it up and allowed the leader to keep working with children."
    In this case,  the Courts SUBPOENAED the records ( demanding that they appear ...) and it cost the WTB&TS $4,000 a day for every day THEY REFUSED.  Several months ago, it was up to 2.1 million dollars. 
    What breaks my heart is that children are giving their ice cream money to an organization that pays a team of supposedly theocratic  lawyers ... to ACTIVELY obstruct Justice ..... for MONEY!
    Same thing is going on in Delaware as we speak.

    Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/nation-world/national/article203828784.html#storylink=cpy
  5. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Roaming about?   
    Could you please supply  more detail?
    With what you have posted so far, it can be instantly dismissed.
    Perhaps both quotes in context, so a person who does NOT have any idea what you are talking about, has a clue.
    Further, if you want to be taken seriously, don't just "give a clue" .... spell it out in unmistakable detail with such clarity and hard facts that whatever you are trying to say becomes defacto irrefutable?
    With what you have provided so far, it can quite fairly be instantly and completely dismissed.
  6. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to Bible Speaks in What is LENT? ~ Do True Christians Observe This?   
    What is LENT? ~ Do True Christians Observe This? 
    The 40-day fast of Lent is said to commemorate the 40-day fast of Christ. Yet, Jesus never commanded his disciples to commemorate his fast. Also, since Jesus fasted following his baptism and not before his death, the fact that some religions observe Lent in the weeks preceding Easter may seem strange. 
    However, a 40-day fast in the early part of the year was common among ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks. The so-called “Christian” custom was evidently borrowed from them. 
    Futhemore, notice the connection between Mardi Gras and Lent. According to History.com: "Though Mardi Gras technically refers only to Fat Tuesday, the Mardi Gras season actually begins on Epiphany, a Christian holiday celebrated on January 6 that is otherwise known as Three Kings Day or the Twelfth Day of Christmas. 
    In Brazil and many other countries, this period between Epiphany and Fat Tuesday is known as Carnival. Whichever name you prefer to use, the revelries of Mardi Gras last until midnight when Ash Wednesday ushers in 40 days of Lent." 
    Too, "during the Middle Ages," according to Worldreligionnews.com, "the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday was called Shrove Tuesday because all were required to go to confessional and get guidance on their penances to perform during Lent. 
    Shrove Tuesday is also called Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, marking the end of Carnival." Hence, the day after Mardi Gras, on Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, one receives a cross mark on the forehead with ashes as a reminder for the need for penitence and as a form of public penance. Lastly, regarding fasting, the Bible warns against adopting “false humility.” (Colossians 2:20-23) 
    Jesus’ illustration of the proud Pharisee who felt morally superior to others because of his regular fasting leaves no doubt that God rejects such an attitude. (Luke 18:9-14) 
    It would also be a mistake to publicize the fact that you fast or to fast because another person tells you to do so. According to Matthew 6:16-18, Jesus counseled that fasting should be a private matter, between you and God, and that you should not announce it to others. Thus, does Lent adhere to these Bible principles? - Bible Speaks -

  7. Like
  8. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to Jack Ryan in Samuel F. Herd   
    What Sam Herd could have thought was “Why Kofi Atta Annan was elected as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations in 1996 when such a thing was not even thought of by GB which was comprised by all white people from its very inception?
  9. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to Otto in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
    If you listen to the video with the society explanation shows you the scripture they reasoned it out on...why is it wrong in your opinion?
    You seem to want scripturpal proof of what a generation was in the bible...where is yours to show what jesus thought a generation was?
  10. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to Witness in If the Anointed Ones Were to Wake Up   
    I was wondering where this post went.  The connection is the announcement about the new GB member.  It seemed necessary that two large pictures of him needed to be posted under that particular thread.  I felt it necessary to remind JWs that there are many potential "faithful and discreet slaves", if only they would wake up and consider Paul's words, and I'll include Matt 25:19-30 also.  
    It is interesting that a scripture landed in "controversy".
    I know you've got a big job, Librarian.  And I know I don't make it any easier.  Thank you for letting me continue here.
  11. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to JW Insider in 607 B.C.E - Is there any SECULAR support for the Watch Tower's view?   
    A recent topic about whether the Watchtower view of 607 BCE is SCRIPTURALLY supported is linked below. This new topic should provide a better place to discuss the SECULAR evidence. I also think it would be useful to discuss the methodology that the Watch Tower Society has historically used to treat this evidence.
    I would hope that we can do this without so much side discussions of unrelated topics. To avoid another topic that goes on for 30+ pages where only half of them were on-topic, I would suggest that if we get enough off-topic posts, we merely move them to another more appropriate topic.
    The link to the most recent topic on a similar subject is here:

  12. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to JW Insider in 607 B.C.E. - Is it Biblically Supported?   
    The October 1904 Watchtower, page 296 [Reprints p.3437] included the following as a Question from a Reader. Note especially the first line of the answer:
    AUTHOR of MILLENNIAL DAWN and Editor of
    Dear Sir,--. . . Now if this, the common reckoning, be correct, it would make the Times of the Gentiles to begin nineteen years later than you estimate, namely, in B.C. 587, instead of B.C. 606;--and this in turn would make those times end nineteen years later than you have reckoned,--in October, A.D. 1933, instead of October, 1914. What do you say to this? . . .
    * * *
    We reply that there are too many ifs in the proposition, and that they are all abundantly contradicted by facts and Scripture, and are therefore not worthy the slightest consideration.
  13. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to The Librarian in 1921 - The Harp of God   
    I doubt many of you have ever had the chance to read this Watchtower Publication. However it is in the archive under 1921.
    The Harp of God was the instrument David played, and each chapter represents a string in the harp, and together they convey the melody of the truth.

  14. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to Bible Speaks in ‘Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. ~ ???   
    Isaiah 43:18
    New International Version - UK (NIVUK)
    18 Â‘Forget the former things;
        do not dwell on the past.
    New International Version - UK (NIVUK) Holy Bible, New International Version® Anglicized, NIV® Copyright © 1979, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

  15. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to Bible Speaks in "God . . . will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out." (1 Cor. 10:13) ~ ??   
    "God . . . will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out." (1 Cor. 10:13) - Bible Speaks
    1 Corinthians 10:13
    New Life Version (NLV)
    13 You have never been tempted to sin in any different way than other people. God is faithful. He will not allow you to be tempted more than you can take. But when you are tempted, He will make a way for you to keep from falling into sin.
    New Life Version (NLV) Copyright © 1969 by Christian Literature International

  16. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to Bible Speaks in Why Birds Fly in V-Formation? ~ ?????   
    Why Birds Fly in V-Formation? ~
    Researchers now have empirical evidence that birds such as geese and pelicans “fly in V-shaped formations to reduce drag and save energy on long migrations,” says The Daily Telegraph of London, in discussing a report from Nature magazine. Scientists from the National Centre of Scientific Research in Villiers en Bois, France, measured the heart rates of eight pelicans flying in V-formation and then compared these figures with their “wing beats and flight patterns.”
    The researchers found that the birds’ heart rates dropped when in formation and that they beat their wings less frequently than when flying solo, even though their speed was similar. “In birds flying in formation,” says Nature, “each wing moves in an upwash field that is generated by the wings of the other birds in the formation.” This strategy enables great white pelicans to conserve up to 20 percent more energy than when flying alone.
    Psalm 91:4Good News Translation (GNT)
    4 He will cover you with his wings;
        you will be safe in his care;
        his faithfulness will protect and defend you.
    Good News Translation (GNT) Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society

  17. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to Witness in "Awake!" asks...   
  18. Haha
    A 24 old Bethelite woman who was in the last two weeks caught in Brooklyn, NY. Bethel and interrogated for two days for gathering critical, secretive information on the Watchtower Organization and sharing it with a working network of renegade brother Bethelites inside the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    The young JW sister was disfellowshipped and sent home. It was reported that when she arrived home she was treated terribly by her Jehovah's Witness family and relatives. Shunned and disgracefully mentally abused emotionally took it's toll on her and she committed suicide this week.
    A major "WITCH HUNT" is now underway inside Bethel for this elusive, rapidly growing group of doubting brother Bethelites who are now sharing covert information with Six Screens and other critical websites of the Watchtower.
    The news of the suicide according to Johnny is very painful to those who were close to her. Johnny was emotionally upset when he reported the suicide this morning.
  19. Haha
    lentaylor71 reacted to Anna in 1290 and 1335 days   
    We've got to remember though that we are not swinging the hammer, that's left up to the Slave. All the dates we've ever had were put out there by the Slave. We just either agree with the dates or not...
  20. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to Bible Speaks in Attention!!!, Russia seeks to remove the children from Jehovah's Witnesses ???   
    Attention!!!, Russia seeks to remove the children from Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Press Information:
    The Supreme Court explained what could be deprived of the rights of parents
    The reasons for depriving parents of rights are the involvement of children in sects, extremist organizations or terrorists. This was said in the supreme court of the Russian Federation.
    According to tass, the plenum of the armed forces prepares a corresponding decree " in the practice of the courts of justice in the settlement of disputes concerning the restriction or deprivation of parental rights."
    According to the document, it is about the involvement of children in the activities of the social, religious or other organization in relation to which there is a valid judicial decision in the event of liquidation or prohibition of activity, in accordance with the law " On Freedom of conscience and religious associations " and " for the fight against extremist activities " and " on the fight against terrorism ".
    The General Assembly supported the project, but sent it for review, and several comments were taken into account.
    In addition, the tribunal prepared recommendations for judges on the appellants decisions on the removal of children from their parents. So, family poverty cannot be a reason for the child to retire. If parents educate their children in good faith, placing, they create the conditions necessary for the development of the child, the problems with the money will not be sufficient for the guardianship authorities to take them.
    The Supreme Court emphasized that the child can be taken if there is "an immediate threat to his or her life or health".

  21. Haha
    lentaylor71 reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in 1989 Watchtower   
    "1984" was written just after World War II, when with fire, and blood and steel global tyranny at the hand of the Nazis was just barely averted, and at GREAT cost ... yet the Soviet Union was in it's ascendancy, and was actively building a civilization based on the horrors exemplified in the book "1984".
    The reason this book is studied, to the best of my knowledge in EVERY good Public High School in the United States, is that we learn to recognize that "Ministrys of TRUTH" are not what they are are labeled, and neither are Ministrys of LOVE".
    It is not even unusual that tyranny always adopts the same methods ... it has been so since there were tribal witch doctors running the local "theocracy" ... and it is true now across a BROAD SPECTRUM of human organization and experience.
    Hence the expression ... "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing"

  22. Haha
    lentaylor71 reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in 1989 Watchtower   
    That is EXACTLY ... and I mean EXAXCTeLLY .. the same job that Winston Smith had in the George Orwell Book "1984".

  23. Downvote
    lentaylor71 reacted to Jack Ryan in 1989 Watchtower   
    January, 1989
    The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century." (w89 1/1 12 "The Hand of Jehovah Was With Them" [as originally published in the Watchtower magazine]).
    "The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our day." (w89 1/1 12 "The Hand of Jehovah Was With Them" [as it appears in Watchtower bound volumes & CD-ROMs])
    [bold added]
  24. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to Queen Esther in REFLECTION NOT TO DIE SUCCESS......   
    The faithful and wise slave is urging us to go out and look for people depressed by the world situation. However, we must keep an eye on how to keep a few striking numbers of witnesses informing us that they are leaving the congregations.
    Just as we are concerned with knowing the reasons for the unbeliever's concern, we must use humility to see the why of the departure of some brothers.
    It is not good to say that the "so much percent" is very low, since our Faith is characterized by treating THE INDIVIDUALS. People are not disposable and replaceable. Christ cared for individuals. He used his power to help them. He used his time to instruct and guide each and every one. Jesus also trained the men to continue their work. His farewell words to one of his closest apostles were: "Feed my sheep"
    Jesus said that the true shepherd would leave the flock in search of the lost lamb. It is true that a few years ago the organization published a pamphlet in an attempt to call the lost sheep to return to Jehovah.
    The disgusting Babylon the Great, a specialist in damaging the sheep, will be called to account for the total abandonment of their sheep. The Bible already contains the judgment for these false Babylonian shepherds. But we would do well to read these words with the assurance that it does not apply to Jehovah's Witnesses, especially to our pastors:
    (Ezekiel 34: 2-5) "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy, and you have to say to them, to the shepherds, 'This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said:' Woe to the shepherds of Israel, who have become herd-keepers of themselves! Is not the herd what pastors must feed? 3 The fat is what you eat, and with the wool you dress yourselves. The fat animal is what they do. The herd itself does not feed. 4 The sick have not strengthened, and the suffering have not healed, and the ravine have not blindfolded, and the scattered have not brought back, and the lost have not sought to find, but have harshly had them in subjection, until with tyranny. 5 And they were gradually scattered because they had no shepherd, so that they became food for every wild beast of the field, and they continued to be scattered.
    When Warwick's project was first announced, I realized immediately that it was not simply a work of men. That sure will have the blessing of Jehovah. Warwick is not a granite temple. Nor is it necessary to live in a tent and try to save the lost and battered sheep.
    At the last annual meeting, it was announced that the PUBLIC Watchtower will appear 3 times a year. More than enough. Because the so-called FOOD AT YOUR DUE TIME is only for the dedicated servants and will continue to appear in our STUDY Watchtowers.
    As it is, with the drums of war striking harder every day, it is evident that Jehovah is ordering his great military force to administer his punishment. As Jehovah used Babylon to execute his judgments against apostate Judah, the nations are lining up against modern Babylon. In the meantime, let's keep looking after our little sheep.
  25. Like
    lentaylor71 reacted to HollyW in Governing Body claim of infallibility.   
    Thank you!  
    From the quotes in my OP, it's obvious that the men on the GB don't have to ever claim they are infallible because JWs already treat them as though they are---and that's because they've been told to (as the quoted material shows).  
    In essence, then, the leaders of the WTS have accorded themselves the advantages of being infallible while skirting the responsibilities that come with it.  
    Bottom line: If the men on the Governing Body were to come right out and say they are infallible, they would not lay claim to anything different than what they've already laid claim to.  In short: nothing would change for JWs.
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