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Tennyson Naidoo

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  1. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to nero in New release of Song 151   
  2. Upvote
  3. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to The Librarian in Sunday meeting worksheet   
    A Sunday meeting worksheet I made today for my young Bible student! I wasn't sure what he would think of it... But he loved it! It helped him pay attention and get so much out of the meeting!
    - Contributed
  4. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to The Librarian in Song 152: Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence   
    Song 152: Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence 
  5. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Maron in Circuit Visit   
    Olivier West Congregation South Africa 

  6. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to The Librarian in Two sisters in field service in Colombia   
    En servicio en Colombia.
  7. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to The Librarian in St. Clair River in Eastern Michigan   
    Predicacion publica a lo largo del río St. Clair en la Eastern Michigan, EE.UU. Qué maravilloso privilegio estar sirviendo a nuestro maravilloso Jehová Dios .    
  8. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Look at her smile ! This sweet little girl travelled *2 days* on foot with her family to kawagwe, lake Tanganikwa (Africa) to attend a convention ❤   
    What a determination.,  Her dedication and her smile says it  all  to the the loving father Jehovah. WOW
  9. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo got a reaction from Queen Esther in Look at her smile ! This sweet little girl travelled *2 days* on foot with her family to kawagwe, lake Tanganikwa (Africa) to attend a convention ❤   
    What a determination.,  Her dedication and her smile says it  all  to the the loving father Jehovah. WOW
  10. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Look at her smile ! This sweet little girl travelled *2 days* on foot with her family to kawagwe, lake Tanganikwa (Africa) to attend a convention ❤   
    Look at her smile!
    This sweet little girl travelled two days on foot with her family to kawagwe,
    lake Tanganikwa (africa) to attend a convention ❤
    Some words for this little girl and her family?
  11. Upvote
  12. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo got a reaction from Queen Esther in DAILY TEXT, for Thursday, July 21. 2016   
    Thank you . Really appreciate it   
  13. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in MODERN PREACHING IN *SLOVENIA*... A very good idea ;o)   
    MODERN  PREACHING  IN  *SLOVENIA*...  A  very  good  idea  ;o)
  14. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in DAILY TEXT, Saturday, July 16. 2016   
    WOW....  my  dear  Brother,  thats  great  your  detailed  comment  here !  Thank  you  very  much  for  that  ;o)   Yes,  our  God  JEHOVAH  is  omniscient  &  omnipotent !  We  are  all  so  tiny....  but  many  thinking,  they  are  SO  big,  haha
  15. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in DAILY TEXT, Saturday, July 16. 2016   
    What  a  complicated  commission  Noah  got  from  Jehovah.... he  obeyed  and  built  it !
    Noah found favor in the eyes of Jehovah.—Gen. 6:8.
    Noah “was a righteous man” who “proved himself faultless among his contemporaries.” Because “Noah walked with the true God,” Jehovah instructed him to build a huge ark. (Gen. 6:9, 14-16) Its design was well-suited for the preservation of human and animal life. Obediently, “Noah did everything that Jehovah had commanded him,” and with the cooperation of his family, he completed the building work in an organized way. After living things were brought into the ark, “Jehovah shut the door.” (Gen. 7:5, 16) In 2370 B.C.E. when the Flood came, Jehovah “wiped every living thing from the surface of the earth,” but he kept faithful Noah and his family safe in the ark. (Gen. 7:23) Everyone on earth today is a descendant of Noah, his sons, and their wives. But all the faithless people outside the ark perished because they had refused to listen to Noah, “a preacher of righteousness.”—2 Pet. 2:5. w14 5/15 3:6, 7
  16. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Uwe Rügenhagen in DAILY TEXT, Saturday, July 16. 2016   
    What I found out about the measures of the Arc was:
    "If we conservatively assume that
    a cubit was 18 inches (U.S.),
    we can conclude that the ark was about
    450 feet (U.S.) long,
    .75 feet (U.S.) wide, and
    45 feet (U.S.) high.
    The interesting thing about Noah's ark
    its construction, was on a 1:6 ratio.
    Naval architecture reveals that this is
    for an ocean - going vessel.
    It could have easily survived even big ocean waves
    and would be next to impossible to capsize.
    The total volume of Noah's Ark was roughly 1.5 million cubic feet,
    (not like on that pic:1.396,000 cubic feet),
    which is equal to the total capacity of more
    than 570 standard stock cars used on a typical railroad."
    A few years ago we had a speaker from Hamburg
    here in Muensterdonia .
    In his younger years he was working for a
    Container-Ship Company  in the construction bureau
    near the Harbour of Hamburg.
    He once asked an older  drawer of these  objects,
    why they always used that ratio of 1.6 in their drawings
    for the containers for the ships.The older man replied:
    ”It´s an old ratio..must be as old as Noah´s arc.
    It´s the “UNSINKABLE-factor”.
    What JEHOVAH God had Noah make, would be nothing less
    than the BIGGEST ship of its kind for many, many years
    until man began to build even bigger ships in the late 1800's A.D.!
    And as we  know today, ships became bigger & bigger & more luxurious.
    And a lot of theeze "unsinkable Luxurious Liners"
    do not exist  no more.
    They been build by engineers  & high educated people.
    But The Arc was build by laymen...
    with JEHOVAH in their back
    But the engineers  had forgotten one simple,
    natural formula ..the God-given 1: 6 ratio...
    You only know them from  movies like "Titanic" and others.
    And their names no one  remembers today.
    But that simple but LIFE-SAVING ratio 1 : 6
    and NOAH`s & JEHOVAH´s name ALWAYS will remain (Y)  :-)

  17. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Sunday, July 17. 2016   
    For your sakes I will send to Babylon and bring down all the bars of the gates.—Isa. 43:14.
    In line with that prophecy, a world-shaking event happened one night early in October 539 B.C.E. While Babylon’s king and his nobles were drinking wine from holy vessels captured from Jerusalem’s temple and were praising their man-made gods, the armies of Media and Persia conquered Babylon. In 538 or 537 B.C.E., Babylon’s conqueror, Cyrus, commanded the Jews to return and rebuild God’s temple in Jerusalem. All of this was foretold by Isaiah, including Jehovah’s promise that he would provide for and protect his repentant people as they returned to Jerusalem. God called them “the people whom I formed for myself so that they might declare my praise.” (Isa. 43:21; 44:26-28) Once these former exiles had returned and rebuilt Jehovah’s temple in Jerusalem, they became witnesses to the fact that Jehovah, the only true God, always fulfills his word. w14 7/15 3:10, 11
  18. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in DAILY TEXT, for Saturday, July 9. 2016   
    You are a priest forever in the manner of Melchizedek!—Ps. 110:4.
    Why would Jesus be a priest “in the manner of Melchizedek”? Because long before any descendants of Abraham inherited the Promised Land, Melchizedek, the king of Salem, served as “priest of the Most High God.” (Heb. 7:1-3) He was directly appointed by Jehovah to do so. He is the only one mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures who served as both a king and a priest. Moreover, since he was without a recorded predecessor or successor, he can be called “a priest for all time,” or forever. Jesus is directly appointed to be a priest by means of a personal covenant that Jehovah made with him, and he will remain “a priest forever in the manner of Melchizedek.” (Heb. 5:4-6) This clearly shows that Jehovah has legally bound himself to use the Messianic Kingdom to accomplish his original purpose concerning humans on earth.—Gen. 1:28. w14 10/15 1:16, 17
  19. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in DAILY TEXT, for Saturday, July 2. 2016   
    Five were discreet.—Matt. 25:2.
    The five discreet virgins truly prepared themselves, bringing extra oil in their flasks along with their lamps. Have faithful anointed ones likewise proved to be prepared? They have indeed! Throughout the last days, anointed Christians have acted like those discreet virgins, prepared to carry out their assignment faithfully until the end. They count the cost of faithful service, realizing from the outset that their assignment will mean giving up many of the material advantages available in Satan’s world. They devote themselves exclusively to Jehovah and serve him, not with some date or deadline in mind, but out of love and loyalty to him and to his Son. They maintain their integrity, refusing to adopt the spirit of this wicked world and its materialistic, immoral, and selfish attitudes. They thus remain ready, steadily shining as illuminators, undaunted by any apparent delay in the arrival of the Bridegroom.—Phil. 2:15. w15 3/15 2:4, 7, 8
  20. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to The Librarian in August 2016 OCLAM Videos   
    August 2016 OCLAM Videos
  21. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in DAILY TEXT for Wednesday, June 29. 2016 - about marriage ❤❤   
    Let the husband give to his wife her due, and let the wife also do likewise to her husband.—1 Cor. 7:3.
    A husband needs to understand that the marriage due involves more than just physical union. A wife is more likely to enjoy marital intimacies if her husband is loving and affectionate at times other than when they have intercourse. When both show loving consideration, they are more likely to satisfy each other’s emotional and physical needs. Although there is no excuse for marital unfaithfulness, a lack of tenderness could contribute to a spouse’s seeking affection and intimacy from someone else. (Prov. 5:18; Eccl. 9:9) When each mate seeks, “not his own advantage, but that of the other person” and renders the marriage due as an expression of love rather than as a duty, affectionate intimate relations can strengthen the marriage bond.—1 Cor. 10:24. w15 1/15 4:16-18
  22. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in DAILY TEXT for Monday, June 27. 2016   
    Yes, pray to Jehovah for our daily needs. This is a beautiful reminder. ❤️
  23. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in DAILY TEXT for Monday, June 27. 2016   
    A  2. nice  pic  for  my  today   DAILY  TEXT.....
  24. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in DAILY TEXT for Monday, June 27. 2016   
    Monday, June 27.  2016
    Let us . . . approach the throne of undeserved kindness with freeness of speech, so that we may receive mercy and find undeserved kindness to help us at the right time.—Hebrews 4:16.
  25. Upvote
    Tennyson Naidoo reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Saturday, June 25.. 2016   
    !There will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.—Matt. 24:21.
    The earthly part of Jehovah’s organization is moving ahead in various ways. For instance, our understanding of Bible truth is constantly becoming clearer. This is to be expected, for “the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light that grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.” (Prov. 4:18) But we might well ask: ‘Am I keeping pace with refinements in our understanding of Scriptural truth? Is it my custom to read the Bible daily? Am I an avid reader of our publications? Do I and my loved ones have a weekly Family Worship evening?’ Most of us will agree that it is not too hard to do these things. Often it is just a matter of setting aside time to do them. And how important it is to take in accurate Scriptural knowledge, apply it, and make spiritual progress—especially now that the great tribulation is drawing so close! w14 5/15 4:2, 10
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