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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. By the Fourth Grade, I had read two, twenty volume sets of Encyclopedias. It made me appear to be VERY smart, when in fact it was only memory. There is a difference ... but I tend not to correct people about that. Silly of me. Hahahahaa
  2. I am a compulsive reader, and Newsaholic. I have at my disposal trillions of facts to extrapolate, investigate, and see every side of. Since you have admitted you do not even read newspapers, you are living in a very serious self-imposed handicap at not seeing the funny side of most everything. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I felt sorry for a man who had no shoes, Until I met a man who had no feet"  - Unknown ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Apparently the French People consider the last generation's comedian, Jerry Lewis, to be incredibly funny, and he is held in VERY high regard. With that in mind, I Have been considering bottling and importing into France genuine "Jerry Lewis Imported Hot Dog Water", made from the water used to cook hot dogs!
  4. Before Obama, Supermarkets in my town were plentiful, and were open 24 hours a day, and strip malls were fully rented, and apparently making a profit. 8 years of Obama, and half the stores in strip malls are empty and closed, the Supermarkets are open half as long, the Contract Engineering profession was almost totally destroyed, FORCING me to retire early ... and rules and regulations on every aspect of human behavior, and controlling and taxing businesses was rampant. Obama even got legislation passed ("If you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor" ... NOT) that forced you to BUY INSURANCE you did not want, or pay fines, and like insuring houses that are ALREADY on fire ... insured people with per-existing conditions. ( I am so glad we were not FORCED to buy GM cars.). The maximum the economy rose under that regime was 2.2% which he declared as the "New Normal ... get used to it!" (paraphrased), and plunged the economy of the USA into a deep recession. The only thing that prospered under Obama was his cronies, including Hillary Clinton, who among her contemporaries, considers poverty level to be less than 40 million dollars a year, was the firearms industry, which churned out firearms and ammunition 24/7/365 for eight years. Even my little town had a Gander Mountie Firearms Superstore as big as a Supermarket. Every time Obama spoke publicly, he sold another 150,000 weapons .. which I consider a good thing. When Trump came in, that Superstore had to close ( I think all GOOD men should be armed... not just the Bad Guys ...) and I am sorry about that, but the economy exploded like being shot out of a cannon just ANTICIPATING a promised cutback in regulations and crazy stuff. Trump followed through on his promises, and except where deliberately obstructed by Democrats and their conspirators, KEPT OR IS KEEPING ALL OF THEM .... totally unheard of in Washington politics. Unfortunately, even though the economy is ROARING more than in the past 65 years, with a 4.4+% growth rate, when the price of ammunition went up, it never did go back down, so I have had to cut back on my target practice, off of my back patio deck. It is fun, however to watch the politically insane consume themselves with hatred and self induced venom, as they did in the Brett Kavanaugh Senate Confirmation Hearings. Their public display of brazen concentrated Evil in those Senate Confirmation Hearings ... which was televised, and is archived on YouTube for all to see ... drove MANY Democrats to the Republican Party The Republicans have serious problems ... but the other side is now quite obviously certified INSANE ... and Obama is giving speeches taking credit for what Trump's deregulation has caused ... with a look of sheer panic on his face, and no Democrat running for office wants Bill Clinton anywhere around them. Wednesday, November 7 ... three days from now ... will tell if America has learned from the failed social experiment of the previous 8 years. I am VERY optimistic for the future of the Republic ! I now understand why God allowed the ancient Israeli Kings to be fabulously wealthy ... so they could not be bribed.
  5. This discussion has been an eye-opener! I always wondered why Santa Clause gave those mountains of presents to "good" little boys and girls, and a whole industry was made having their pictures taken on Santa's lap. I should have been suspicious when I heard that Department Store Santa say "Have you been a GOOD little girl, Ho Ho Ho?"
  6. Sorta like "Pinks" valet service Hot Dog Stand in Hollywood, California, at North La Brea Ave. and Melrose Ave. ... world famous icon.
  7. Putting a Tiger in a Zoo is cruel punishment. Think of it .... how would you feel if you were trapped somewhere, and all day long Pizzas came by and looked at you, and took your picture ... and you could not eat them?
  8. I like windmills! I have been thinking of putting a small windmill on top of my electric car, so when I drive along, the wind will charge the battery!
  9. The 14th Amendment was made to give freed slaves and their children citizenship, after the American Civil War. It was NEVER intended to give illegal invaders of US borders and their children citizenship. NO NATION ON EARTH DOES THIS ... EXCEPT THE U.S. ... and that ONLY for the last 50 or so years. In fact, from the late 1860's to until the mid-1960's, and the Hippie Civil Rights Movement, aliens subject to another sovereign government WERE NOT AUTOMATICALLY GIVEN US CITIZENSHIP if they were born on US soil. This REVISED interpretation became the standard AFTER I graduated from High School, and was done so that the Democrat Party could curry votes. Trump is well within his rights to deny entry to anyone he deems is a threat to the United States ... the law SPECIFICALLY calls for him to have that power and authority. SPECIFICALLY. He is on rock solid Constitutional grounds as it was originally written, and intended ... NOT as it was corrupted from the 1960's to today. The framers and actual writers of the 14th Amendment left voluminous discussions of what the Amendment was, and was not intended to cover. It's all a comprehensive matter of historical RECORD. If all else fails, and as a very LAST resort ... read the Amendment in it's entirety, and the background on how it came to be part of the United States Constitution. And it's history and corruption to what we practice today. It will take you about THREE to FIVE hours ... to not be forever ignorant, and uninformed and deliberately misled. Be a sport. ACTUALLY DO IT! .
  10. There is a lot of discussion about being a good Christian Man ... but from your above comment, and your perspective, most males are woefully deficient in being a MAN. Having male genitalia does not make one a man ... even cows are so equipped .... .... and CHICKENS!
  11. I will wait until it comes out on Netflix, and see it for 78 cents, delivered to my door. Another excellent period movie is "American Graffiti", and when I was a teenager we did all of that. Deja Vu.
  12. In 1969, I lived in the Hollywood Hills, on Pacific View Trail, and dated a gal from the famous hotel you mentioned, but I have forgotten its actual name. .... but that's another story......
  13. EVERYBODY learns fast when there is "outrageous and obscene profits" to be made. I remember when a computer with a 100 MEGABYTE hard drive cost $5,000. and was as big as a sewing machine. I bought one, a laptop four inches thick ... with a black and white screen. "Outrageous profits" made it happen that you can get a TERRABYTE SD card, dirt cheap, etc., etc.
  14. There is a very real difference between "kicking a man when he is down" when someone has stumbled or become a victim of folly, or chance and circumstance .... and "kicking a man when he is down" who just tried to assault you ... or did in fact assault you, and in combat you prevailed and got him to the ground. In that case, I would kick him while he was down until he completely and unquestionably had the ability to fight permanently removed from his sorry body .... and completely ceased to be a threat to anyone. THAT ... IS CONTEXT!
  15. Very True ..... the Russians lost 20 MILLION and more people fighting the Nazis. Infinite variety.
  16. First ... I NEVER take offense, even when offense is intended. I see that as funny. Second: ... overturning strongly entrenched things is like my version of diplomacy ... ... you say "Nice Doggy!" while you look for a big rock. Everything in life worth doing involves some sort of warfare .... (Insert several dozen scriptures here ......)
  17. John Butler: I understand where you are coming from, and I agree that in many cases you are absolutely correct .... however, as an unrepentant Barbarian, I know full well what my life would have been like if not for Jehovah's Witnesses, worts, harelips, fungus toenails and all .... it would have been despicable, and brief. I would have killed a LOT of innocent people ... well ... relatively innocent. There is a lot that goes on in soldiering that is terrible, truly awful, and reprehensible .... but that is the nature of collections of people with profound responsibilities, and limited abilities. You chose to go AWOL . Winston Churchill during WWI was a deeply flawed man, as were all those fighting the Nazis ... but the alternative was a fool like Neville Chamberlain, and Nazi rule. The deeply flawed British and American Armies saved your ass during WWII, from Nazi Tyranny, and the reason you are not a slave, or a Nazi, and German being your first language today is because a deeply flawed Organization came to your rescue, even before you were born. For me and my children, the same thing with Jehovah's Witnesses. We know the difference, and stayed to fight.
  18. ..... when a police officer pulls you over and asks for your driver's license ... ask his permission before opening the glove compartment, or reaching into a purse or pocket to get it to get it, and never EVER say "Here ... hold my beer!".
  19. Many, many people ... totally innocent people ... have been shot to death, or spent years in prison, because they APPEARED to be guilty of some societal or cultural infraction. I used to tell my children when they were small, and would go through a store, picking up things to look at them ... it is not only important to BE innocent ... it is important to APPEAR to be innocent. STUFF HAPPENS.
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