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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. At what moment "The Truth" has ceased to be "The Truth"? In a nutshell .... "The Truth" has ceased to be "The Truth", when best guesses, and opinions are represented as exclusive direction and revelations from God ...... without qualifying clearly and unambiguously that they are ONLY best guesses, and considered opinions. There is of course a VERY serious problem with being direct and honest with people with whom you publish your opinions to ... IF ... if you DO NOT represent your thinking as the directed " Voice of God" ... .... they will not give you money, and you will miss meals, and sleep cold at night ... or have to get a REAL job... and you will not be revered as a wise person (or persons). The next thing on the list is that you have to seriously disparage getting more than a basic education to those you are deluding ... for fear that they will become smarter than you, and figure this out. ... and you lose MONEY!
  2. Because of peoples' reactions, I even had to stop digging holes in the back yard, at night by flashlight, in the rain.
  3. You cannot answer what a horse's facial expression is if you are riding on the horse. It is "unanswerable". Get off the horse and look at it from different angles!
  4. Learn to dig ditches and wash dishes, .... or design, build, program, and repair robots. The ONLY constant in the Universe ... is constant change. If you snooze .... you lose.
  5. My opinion is like everyone ELSE'S opinion ... except that I cannot make a living, eat well, sleep warm, and fly first class for MY opinion ... nor would I want to. Opinions are .... to paraphrase ... like "body orifices". Everyone has, and is entitled, to at least five .... depending on your opinions of how they are counted. Should belly-buttons (navels) be counted as orifices? I think not. Opinions vary. Let's say you are 100% right ....... or wrong ....... about this " time, times, and half a time" matter. How will that have any effect on reality? In the 5th or 7th grade I was told that in Medieval Europe, people used to discuss "forever", how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. How is this any different? Even if we knew incoming Russian Ballistic Missiles were coming next week, details make all the difference. About the time, and times ... NO ONE has the slightest clue. NO ONE. And there is nothing anyone can do about it if they did .... except donate LOTS of money to the pretenders.
  6. That is a semantics problem, and I disagree with that simplistic answer. Velocity is measured by the distance traveled in a particular unit of time. If you change the definitions, you can justify ANYTHING, as was done above. For example, laser light through a particular Bose-Einstein condensate can be slowed down to about 38 miles per hour ... and whether it is passed along through quantum effects, or by Keebler Elves who got the day off from making cookies, it is STILL 38 miles per hour. Time ON a photon is always ZERO, because at the speed of light, time stops. That is why Quantum entangled particles can communicate instantly across ANY distance ... not limited by the speed of light. Understanding WHY Cerenkov radiation makes that beautiful blue light in the water at the bottom of a swimming pool atomic reactor is the key to figuring it out.
  7. ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity? I always wondered if inseparable R2-D2 and C3PO had a "thing" going on.
  8. I have. A good place to start is Richard Feynman's "QED"
  9. My favorite Robot Movie is 1986Â "Short Circuit", with the Robot "Johnny 5". Short Circuit - No. 5 makes breakfast.mp4
  10. There are perhaps hundreds of theories. No one has Polaroids.
  11. Because of Quantum Entanglement, and the speed of light in a vacuum being set, and the fact that all time is a LOCAL thing, and runs at local speeds, depending on local velocity and the gravity well acting upon the local matter, it is possible to communicate ( with pulses of on/off/on/off ... which can be made into Morse code, or constructed and deconstructed to and from speech ...) to and from the future, but not to travel there .... IF .... you can accelerate to near relativistic speeds. To get one atom up to the exact speed of light would require all the energy in the Universe. This is why "light" travels in waves, and becomes a particle when it hits something. The reason I don't, is I can't afford the long distance phone bill.
  12. Deaf Hear USA: Eternity is a perspective, not a strict definition. Linear time STARTED about 14.5 BILLION years ago. Before that ... there was no linear time. To get a better perspective on that, spend a few months studying "Proton Decay". Eternity can be when relatives visit, and won't go home!
  13. There is no such thing as "dark energy". It is a black box of "we don't know what the hell is going on, here". There is also no such thing as "dark matter". Same thing. What we REALLY see is gravity , which in the 11 dimensions of the Multiverse, passes freely between the Universes. This is why the Galaxies don't unwind like a released clock spring.
  14. Translated into English ... time slows down as you approach the speed of light, and ON A PHOTON .... time is stopped. You need to study "advanced and retrograde light", to get a better feel for this. There is no such thing as "Universal Time Rate". ALL time is a variable according to local velocity, and the strength of the gravity well. All time is local. Time passes at a different rate at the bottom of a tall radio antennae, than at the top ... because at the bottom ... there is more gravity, which slows local time.
  15. You need to get out more .... and read more. And see more movies. Ever the see the movie "Three Days of the Condor" (1975) with Robert Redford? Â Three Days of the Condor_ _He Reads._.mp4
  16. Probably not .... by the 23rd Century, there would have been about 8 to 15 overlapping generations making up one generation, and of course, the Star Trek Universe is completely fictional ...... as many things are ... like the Robot named Six-of-Nine, at the bottom of this picture, a parody of Star Trek's Borg, Seven-of-Nine.
  17. The United Nations are just thugs with diplomatic passports, and generous expense accounts, each doing what is in THEIR best interests. NOT YOURS.
  18. What you see above is the setup for the biggest flim-flam con artist job ever perpetrated by the mind of man .... the brokerage of Carbon Credits .... whereas those who do not produce much CO2 can sell their artificially generated and assigned Carbon Credits to those that will be producing a LOT of CO2. It's all about transferring hundreds of billions of dollars of money from industrialized nations to the lesser industrialized nations... and Carbon Credit Brokers getting their cuts of the action. Armies will support this as the nations at the receiving end of this transfer are ALREADY of a Socialist bent, and they like free money, selling fantasy imaginationware certificates,, and the liberal Socialists in the capitalist countries get political power and a LOT of money, individuals getting tens of billions of dollars, in the brokerage of Carbon Credits. You of course, know nothing about this ... because the lunacy of taking your money, and giving it to others, to get permission to pollute at YOUR end, and take it from you to give to socialist governments to influence the goal of global communism and socialism, would boil your blood if you correctly understood how this BRILLIANT scheme really worked. It's all about the Priesthood of the "Save the Earth" religion consolidating money and power, from you, to them. ...and it's all based on your altruistic ignorance, and their greed ..... and absolute JUNK SCIENCE.
  19. RULE NO. 1.) ... IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY! RULE NO. 2.) .... SEE RULE NO. 1.) This is true when ANY religion evolves to the point that the Leadership does not have to do hard labor in the commercial world, such as the Apostle Paul did, making tents .. and the Apostle Luke did, as a physician, or the other Apostles did as fishermen or day laborers. It gets worse when any religion starts collecting Real Estate, and the Leaders never miss any meals, and always sleep warm at night. In the history of the world, there have never, EVER been any exceptions .... ...and there arn't any now.
  20. .... It is my understanding that the French automotive word "Carburetor" means "DON'T MESS WITH IT!".
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