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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. ... some nights I lay in bed thinking ... and my wife thinks I am thinking about "kingly bed warmers", but in reality, I am pondering what would happen if two people on opposite sides of the Earth both dropped a piece of bread at the same time .... .... would the Earth briefly become a sandwich?
  2. I think King David's choice of bed warmers was excellent ( 1st Kings 1 --- ). ... better than flannel pajamas! I could use THAT kind of aged warm support ... one under each arm! ... think they have those at Wal-Mart?
  3. In the story line, on her planet of origin, she was raped when she was 5, and gang-raped until 12, when she escaped, and she was the Starship Enterprise's Chief Security Officer. She was SUPPOSED to be somewhat scary. ... but definitely NOT a Liberal Snowflake that melts at the slightest adversity.
  4. May 5, 1961 ... Crying out loud in 7th Grade Math Class, as the First American Astronaut, Alan B. Shepard Jr.'s sub orbital flight retro-rockets failed, and it was thought he would die in space. That ... and I wanted to be the first American in Space. That, and on May 8, 1988, my mentor, Science Fiction Master Robert A. Heinlein died.
  5. One thing you have to give Vladimir Lenin ... he was a relaxed, laid-back, mellow kinda guy! In the Politburo, we used to call him "Ol' Droopy Eyes".
  6. In what world? I have yet to see a chess game where the contestants (players) were anything but completely civil with each other, true gentlemen, and friendly ... and I have played perhaps 400 games myself with people all over the world, with great congeniality and friendliness. Now, if you are playing "Battle Chess", where one of the contestants has severe acne, and an eye patch covering up a sword slash scar, and the other has a tattoo that says "Born to Kill", and before the game begins both players put their guns and knives on the table, and the timer is a nearsighted accountant chained to a chair, and they are wagering over several bars of gold, and the virginity of a woman tied to railroad tracks, and there is a gallows in the parking lot ... I might want to avoid that competition. ... or play to win! Â
  7. When I was in my 20's, I considered the Watchtower's "Questions", phrased in such a way as to make being COMPLETELY idiotic and clueless, and the opinions of writers living in an artificial fantasy bubble of their own construction,, plausibly deniable as the rantings of agenda driven shut-ins. They were also against riding a motorcycle, skydiving, surfing, SCUBA diving and anything that stretched a person's mind and imagination. To me... about such things they had absolutely NO credibility whatsoever. Now, I am an old man, and look back with great fondness at my youth for having done such things .. and my "bucket list"is a lot shallower, and has many less items in it. King David was most of his early life a bloodied combat soldier ... and was in the end described as "Old and satisfied with his days". I can just see his response if some "Pharisee" told him it was a bad idea to play a game of chess. Jesus stated that the poor would ALWAYS be with us. He never addressed that the determined STUPID would always be with us.
  8. CO2 is food for plants. Most people never realize that when you buy lumber to build a home ... the carbon that makes that wood combustible, and gives it strength, and from which sugars are made ... COMES FROM CO2 IN THE AIR .... NOT the ground.
  9. To a pusillanimous Liberal .. anybody with a hunger for Justice, Liberty, Equity, and Fairness is in their Disneyland viewpoint, hungry for war. They would NEVER agree with Patrick Henry when he, hungry for Liberty and Freedom, exclaimed "Give me Liberty, or give me DEATH". Fortunately, the Colonial Legislature, meeting in St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia, disagreed with the faint hearted of today, and sent militia to fight the British, in Massachusetts, and secured the blessings of Liberty we enjoy today, with their precious blood,, bodies, powder and steel. Today, Justice is getting a million dollar settlement for accidentally pouring McDonald's hot coffee on your crotch.
  10. It's a sword that cuts BOTH ways ....... Data is fully functional.mp4
  11. .... and the way I used to get rid of spiders is to over-feed moths with wool socks (that had holes in them, of course ...) until they looked like little tiny watermelons with wings, and put them in the spider's web. The spider would run out of silk, trying to wrap it up, and fall to its death. In the middle of the night you could hear them scream in their little tiny spider voices as they fell. YOUHOO HOO OOOOOO OOOO oooo .............. EEEK!
  12. Sometimes parents can be overly "picky" about how their children kill household pests, in the homes the parents bought and paid for.. Not having a cat, my Mom would object to my shooting mice in the house. and using an air horn to kill flies.
  13. Here is a good analogy: For those that want the United States Government to let all those unfortunate immigrants, criminals, and disease ridden people into the United States .....how about if I came to YOUR HOME and with a hammer and a screwdriver took the hinges off of YOUR FRONT DOOR, and took it away with me? THEN, your altruistic penchant for hospitality could be REALLY tested, with real world considerations.
  14. yEP! I saw one of those old "microfiche" (?) machines being used in a recent movie (last five years or so, I think...) . I study movies for detail, and am amazed at the old props they dig up ... especially if they have the right camera equipment for the era or time period. I can tell cameras and flash equipment back to the 1920's, and when they mismatch equipment ... I know.
  15. When I was a teenager researching Jehovah's Witnesses, I would catch the bus and go downtown to the Main Public Library, and they had a viewer that could show archived newspapers, magazines, etc. You would sit down and run a roll of tiny negatives through a projector to a screen in front of you. I think it was called "microfiche". They had issues of the New York Times, back to the beginning. Make some phone calls to Main Public Libraries, ... they might still have that old technology, or something newer. I have purchased specific issues of mid-1960's LIFE magazine off of Ebay. Who woulda figgured?
  16. Actually, by the time Jesus came upon the scene, the Egyptians had for a thousand years been giving "blood transfusions", and "brain surgery" for those soldiers wounded in combat. I have no evidence to support the idea that the Jews had PROBABLY heard of this. There was probably a VERY high mortality rate, as I understand (please correct me if I am wrong ), that you can give mis-matched blood ONE TIME ONLY, and then the body produces antibodies against this foreign body, and the NEXT time the allergic reaction will kill you. (Insert obligatory macabre humor here ... something about brain surgery with a funnel might be appropriate....)
  17. Because knowing ... when others do not ... is what has given, scam artists, flim-flam men, shamans, priests, and ecclesiastical tap-dancers power prestige, and money, and position in various societies, since four guys went hunting for animals, and OG, the caveman, supposedly was the only one who knew where the best hunting grounds were. You do not actually have to BE a wise man, or in the case of Punxsutawney Phil, a weather predicting Groundhog in Gobbler's Knob Pennsylvania .... you only need the REPUTATION ! Clergy by ANY nomenclature are trained experts at "knowing the mind of God". It's their Busine$$.
  18. I agree .... what other people do or do not do, inside and outside of the Truth in this regard, is their business between them and God, and his Christ. I am not their master ... If I was given the job, I would reject it. However, what bugs the hell out of me is rationalizing, irrational arguments of those who float like leaves on the winds of adopting specious thinking, adopting bogus philosophical arguments, BECAUSE they are afraid of dying. Without Divine Intervention, 1,500 years from now, we ALL will have been dead approximately that long ... and that is just the beginning. For perspective, I strongly suspect that each "Creative Day" was, and is, one-half billion years in duration.
  19. The only thing that matters is this: What was in the mind of everyone at the time the edicts were given, that when Jehovah God had those edicts given, it was crystal clear, without any mental gymnastics. All these considerations, options, analysis, pondering, and mental gymnastics are complete and total unadulterated, ugly as home-made sin RATIONALIZATIONS. WHAT? ARE WE TRYING TO CONVINCE GOD WHAT HE REALLY HAD IN MIND?
  20. No. The red liquid is not technically referred to as cow bovine. It is bovine in the same way that a cow's hide is bovine, or a baseball glove is bovine, or a leather chair, or a kind of saliva, or a certain type of sound, or a kind of meat, or a specific kind of hoofprint in the mud, or a certain kind of "mudpie"/"patty"/"buffalo chip"/etc. In other words, the milk I drank this morning was bovine, but it did not contain any bovine. The meat I ate last week was bovine, but it did not contain any bovine. There is no such phrase as "cow bovine" as far as I know.  JW INSIDER IS EXACTLY CORRECT !
  22. What is the difference between a strong rumor, a regular rumor, and a weak rumor? I never repeat rumors ... so LISTEN CAREFULLY THE FIRST TIME!
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