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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Since the evidence supports that, and without your denial or affirmation, I will take that as a "yes". Not that I care at all ... just a matter of trying to correctly understand where you are coming from.
  2. Just as serious as whether or not you are going to violate the Scriptural Admonition of "Abstain from blood" ... is the serious problem of semantics ... how words are put together to either reflect existing thinking .. or to try an influence other's thinking. Are JWs allowed to get Platelet-rich plasma? That QUESTION scares the hell out of me, as I know how insidious the "environment" has become that generated it. Allowed by WHO? God's admonition against his declared personal property, for which he is jealous and possessive, stated "blood" is not to be used except for two things .... sacrifice to God, as was done in ancient Israel, and pouring it out onto the ground, after slaughtering an animal for food or resources needed by humans, which was an acceptable way of "returning the blood to God". The ONLY reason blood fractions are allowed (ALLOWED!!) by the Governing Body is for better public relations spin, and to try for plausible deniability in today's cultures Earth wide so when sued, they will NOT LOSE MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF MONEY. They had it right the first time .... but were overwhelmed by greed.
  3. Nothing at all suspicious about that. Swiss banks then transfer the funds to the Cayman Islands, then the Captain Nemo Vulcania Offshore Treasury Banking System, Northeast of the American Samoan Islands in the Pacific Ocean, and then to the final recipients in the exclusive gated community of Colony Park, New York. Nothing at all suspicious. Completely normal. Nothing to see here. Move along.
  4. For YEARS I have been vigorously and persistently telling people that when they make a contribution ... even if it's only $20 ... to the B.L.F.M, that they are making the world a happier place, in a small way alleviating world hunger, and honoring God in an indirect way. After 35 years, I find this still to be true, and encourage all to donate what you can, and donate often! ... either at home, or at the office or place of work. You will be making the World a better place!
  5. That is one unusually tall 4 year old! Like the contribution, somebody probably put her up to it!
  6. At a relative's house, their 4 year old daughter showed the same appreciation, and asked if she could "say grace" at dinner. She bowed her head, put her fingers together, and prayed "Our Father, who art in heaven, Howard be thy name ..."
  7. If you have an early Sunday Morning meeting, you know that you have to race away from the Kingdom Hall as soon as possible to get to the Golden Corral before the Baptists show up like a plague of locusts!
  8. BillyTheKid46: I presume that even with your pseudonym and avatar, you are not an infamous pistolero. Your sentence structure, cadence and the way you put ideas together has a certain style and flavor. May I be so presumptuous to ask what you do for a living ? Where you work ? (generally .. not specifically..) Never fear ... I do not think if you did tell me, it would supply enough information to target North Korean missiles to your home. Merely a courtesy to someone who is trying to understand you better.
  9. Reminds me of the videos of the SUPPOSED Moon Landing by Neil Armstrong, and others, on July 20, 1969. Since then, people have been accusing NASA of faking the whole Moon Landing thing on a Movie Lot in Hollywood California. I personally do not believe this, as it is clear to me it was faked on a Movie Lot on Mars.
  10. I guess people have generally forgotten when we all came here in the giant Space Ark, with the animals, and everything. It was such a traumatic and grueling experience that the Government decided not to tell the stup ..... ..... never mind.
  11. When you live in a frosted glass bubble, ANYONE's perspective on Life, the Universe and Everything is totally screwed up. Yesterday at the Meeting, the visiting speaker called our attention to Ecclesiastes 12:13. My wife looked it up as he was speaking. I bent over to my wife, and whispered "Read 12:12".
  12. This is ANOTHER classic example of why Piers Morgan' opinions on any subject whatsoever is completely divorced from reality. He is a classic and consistent bad example of human thought processes, and what happens when they are affected with that most insidious of all mental aberrations ... Liberalism.
  13. John Wayne was for 20 years buried without a headstone, but he was buried after death. in Corona Del Mar, California.
  14. I think you used the wrong word here .... the topic is not slanderous .... and if any accusations made are true, that is the perfect defense to the CHARGE of slander. There are topics that are "sensitive", even "taboo" ... but that varies from culture to culture, and from time to time..... and from person to person.
  15. That's why I am a big fan of the fictional character John Wayne ... he can endure ANYTHING, and barely notice.
  16. If you can afford it, you can already buy a terabyte SD card. Does the DNA storage system require air, water, food, and a certain temperature range? If it spoils, can you smell it to check?
  17. "STUFF HAPPENS" Less stuff happens to those with a reputation for killing people that wrong them. "Loving counsel" does not work nearly as well as fear of being duct taped to a chair, having your kneecaps and fingernails removed, or being neutered, with Vise-Grip pliers.
  18. Glancing briefly at how MUCH followed ... that's where my eyes glazed over and I faded out. I suppose you had something important to say, but if I am going to read THAT much, it will be a Patrick O'Brian novel.
  19. It's not just available facts ... it is the skill individual people have or do not have in CORRECTLY EVALUATING those facts. There are Good Detectives ... and there are Bad Detectives. Bad Detectives do not detect much.
  20. The Companies might be "Non-Profit" ... but the top executives make a fabulous salary. Look up what the Top ten people at the American Red Cross, and United Givers Fund make a year.
  21. I am 72 years old now, and I remember when my Mother took me to Assemblies that lasted 9 hours for two days, discussing "Gog of Magog" ... and it changed again, and again, and again over the following 63 years, until I no longer care ... and I strongly suspect that NO ONE has the slightest clue of who "Gog of Magog" is... although as a collective group of presumably influential people ... I DO HAVE my suspicions. IF I KNEW ... it could not possibly affect my life in any way whatsoever. Zero Zip Nada. GOG OF MAGOG PER THE EZEKIEL BOOK: GOG OF MAGOG PER JTR:
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