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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Jamal Khashoggi in his early years was a journalist. He later became a gun runner, outspoken critic of the Saudi regime, terrorist wannabe, and all around manipulative "bad actor", with REALLY bad and evil friends. He walks into a Saudi Embassy in TURKEY and gets killed, knowing what the ground rules are, and what the M.O. is for the lifestyle he has chosen. He did have permanent residency in the United States ... but HE WAS NOT IN THE UNITED STATES! ... and was NOT a United States Citizen. Do you think the United States does not torture and kill if necessary confirmed terrorists, and other "bad actors"? Or the UK, or France, or Israel? Jamal Khashoggi played a game of chess with people that were playing "carve the turkey" ... IN TURKEY ... a country well known for its barbarism and prison atrocities. When you bring an Apple watch and iPHONE to a knife fight ... YOU LOOSE! I cannot get upset about this any more than I would be upset if he were double-parked. When the Saudis and Turks want you dead .. you have a better chance of winning the US lottery, to escape that fate. And about Piers Morgan .... gimme a break! He is so divorced from reality, you wonder if he sleeps with the Seven Dwarfs, in Disneyland.
  2. Breathing underwater is a fantasy. We can no more breathe under water than a motorcycle can. As an Open Water PADI Scuba Diver, I can assure you that no human being alive can hold onto ANYTHING under water going over 45 miles an hour. If you have a precise analog divers watch, and can visualize a protractor in your mind, you can discern your latitude and longitude anywhere on Earth while floating in the Oceans of Earth. It's impossible to be "lost at sea" in the navigational sense. And Aquaman is a third rate fantasy superhero from the DC Comics Universe. I remember when I was terminally silly, and my Elementary School Teachers called me out on it. Determined to not be labeled as silly, I had my Mom take me to a psychiatrist for a second opinion. He listened to me for an hour and said "You are ALSO BORING!".
  3. People and Turtles sometimes share similar traits. They all pile up in the same spot. What the Bible explains as the "Earth" obviously includes the Moon ... and we know this because we have actually BEEN there ... many times. By extension it would include Mars, and if memory serves, we have NINE roving remote presences there chugging along, collecting travel info, now. It appears THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE is either viable real estate, either for colonization. or mining. Certainly Jehovah God and his type of similar life forms , without DNA or physical bodies, do not need this Universe to live. So ... why is it even here? For the sons and daughters of DNA.
  4. Not quite, a time will come when the division will be far greater. That's why Armalite made the AR-15 ... when distances to evil people will be far greater .. and need encouragement to KEEP that increased distance.
  5. 80% of non-food things I buy, I buy from Amazon cheaper than at a store, better selection, and delivered to my door for free. If I wanted a Robot, that is the FIRST place I would look. The second place would be Hammacher Schlemmer for a genuine 7 foot tall Robby the Robot. I sleep upstairs, so having a Robot that CANNOT climb stairs, is a plus.
  6. Socialism has failed everywhere there is not an endless supply of other people's money. .... And as that money moves from one center to others, there is always graft, corruption and incompetency skimming off the top. .... And the people at the bottom think this can be changed if only THEIR guys control the money, and not guys like have always existed before. ... they are always wrong, and always will be.
  7. "Insuring" a pre-existing condition is ... whatever it really is .. is NOT insurance. Imagine that you do not have insurance on your home or car. You call up an Insurance Agent, and say you want to buy some house (or car) insurance. You discuss policy features, coverage, and price. He goes through a very long list of question, like when was your house built ... and what kind of roof you have on your home, and how old it is ... and how far is your house from the nearest fire hydrant, and how far is your house from the nearest Fire Department, etc. You tell him your house is 825 feet to the nearest fire hydrant, and 2.2 miles to the nearest Fire Department... and, Oh!, by the way, the firemen that are there RIGHT NOW,....trying to put the fire that is consuming your house as you speak, their trucks only carry a 700 foot fire hose. Your car is a total loss, because it slipped into gear while you were warming it up, and ran over your arm and into the garage, and into cans of gasoline you had stored for your lawn mower, and they exploded, and you have burns on 15% of your body, and several broken bones. You are asking him to insure pre-existing conditions. In a world with sane people in it, COVERING a pre-existing condition such as your body, your house, or your car would be considered insanity .... and it really is insanity. Unadulterated homemade sin insanity. It is also fiscally bankrupt, and the Society that entertains such madness cannot long exist as a viable Civilization. That Civilization is based on the legal sovereignty of Universal Stupidity, where the Inmates run the asylum. But being stupid is like being dead. No dead person knows that they are dead, and no stupid person knows they are stupid. They are completely oblivious. They CAN get it THEIR way, for awhile ... until the people who have to work two jobs to pay for this madness get tired of subsidizing stupidity, and THEY run out of the money needed to finance this fiscal stupidity. THEN ... the only precious metal will not be gold, silver, or platinum measured in ounces ... it will be a base metal, LEAD, measured in caliber, and that Civilization is doomed.
  8. During the Obama Administration, here in the small town where I live, there was a Gander Mountain Firearms Superstore that did a terrific business. A building as large as an average large grocery store. I was very happy that MY little town could support a firearms superstore! When Trump came in, people stopped buying massive weaponry, and the company went out of business. I disagreed with almost everything Obama was, stood for, believed, and practiced, but I will have to admit, for eight years every time he spoke against guns, he sold another 150,000. For eight years stores could not keep stocked with ammunition, even with factories producing 24/7/365., and the prices went up dramatically. THAT I did not care for. I used to go into Gander Mountain and imagine I lived in a house with a closet that well stocked.
  9. I built a time machine in my front yard. One gate goes into the past and one to the future. It took me a year and a half to run the underground cables and the post uplinks, and encase the wiring in concrete. Now all I need is a 1.21gigawatt power supply, and get my front yard up to 88 miles per hour.
  10. It is my understanding (?) that SEARS owns Discover Credit Card ... and that for more than 20 years the interest made from Sears Credit Cards, was more than their profits from retail sales. If true, and perhaps someone knows different if not ... that is a very interesting evolution .
  11. When you hire an out of town hit man, the cost is significant. Then you have to hire a SECOND hit man to kill the first hit man. Then you have to hire a THIRD hit man to kill the second hit man, etc. ...but ultimately ... it's all FREE!
  12. 50 billion here ... 50 billion there ... pretty soon it adds up!
  13. I would like to add a Number 8 to the 7 things listed above, although not technically a "material" .... 8) Look for loopholes
  14. It had an automatic transmission, so I could drive in the dark with the top down, using just my right hand, and hang my left arm out the window, and drag a steel cola can on the street, making a shower of sparks, and the little kids would watch, and marvel. That was MY therapy!
  15. Therapy at the tutelage of Worldly mental health professionals has, in many cases, real and significant value. My first wife Dale, dead now since 1982, was born with Cystic Fibrosis, which is a horrible way to live, and a horrible way to die, depended heavily on "therapy" to stay relatively functional ... but came to think that her therapist was the only solution to coping. Perhaps he was.... perhaps not ... I never attended any sessions .. I was merely the chauffeur. Different things work for different people, I suppose. For me it was John Wayne Western Movies about characters that "went through hell", and shrugged it off. That, and two years later, I bought a 1971 Corvette convertible with a 454 engine. Worked for me!
  16. Remember Jesus' words "After I leave, wolves will enter in among the flock ..." (paraphrased from memory). A case could be made according to prevailing logic that means "All dogs go to Heaven". I mean ... isn't a dog a kind of a wolf?
  17. Few people know that both Jesus AND Jesus' mother Mary looked almost the same ... both much like the comedian Danny DeVito. I have Polaroids.
  18. I only worry about those women who have warts on the sides or on the tips of their noses, big enough to cast shadows.
  19. The only joke I know in Portugese is this one: A rabbi, a Priest and a Muslim Cleric walk into a bar mitzvah, and the bartender asks if they brought their Hippopotomus. A única piada que conheço em português é essa: Um rabino, um padre e um clérigo muçulmano entram em um bar mitzvah, e o garçom pergunta se trouxeram seu hipopótamo.
  20. In the REAL world, there are many much more important things to worry about ... like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, etc. The Governing Body Helpers have told us that two naked Bethel brothers sitting in chairs facing each other, both masturbating at the same time is NOT PORNIA. That worries me ... not some Japanese guy with a pillow. ... a Japanese guy with a bayonet ... different story. 2 CHAIR pORNEA .mp4
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