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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. There is always an "Italian Divorce" where one of the couple "sleeps with the fishes", or a "Muslim Divorce" where you throw dog poop on the shoes, and say "I divorce thee" three times, or an "American Divorce", where you give her the house, the car, the furniture, your pension, and you keep the transistor radio.
  2. This article is deception by omission. Currently, HEMOPURE (tm) is an artificial HUMAN blood substitute, but it is made from Cow's blood. It is highly filtered cows blood ... but it is still cow's blood. IT'S COW'S BLOOD, FOLKS! Of course, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, due to pressure from lawsuits from every direction, has changed their theology per the advice of their lawyers and accountants, who now decide and guard the doctrines of the religion, so that human blood CAN be transfused, if it is fractional parts. ..... and COW'S blood if it is labeled "Artificial Human Blood". The scripture says "abstain from blood" ... but due to economic considerations, that clear command has been bent into a pretzel. It USED to be about obeying God ... NOW it's all about MONEY. I drew a little cartoon to illustrate:
  3. That has always been the case .... no news here. Move along folks. The North Vietnamese communists won the Vietnam war .... ... not exactly a newsflash, either.
  4. Obrigado por seu conselho ... mas muitos dos meus comentários são o que chamamos em inglês "tongue in cheek", ou seja, uma piada leve e sutil com algum elemento de verdade. Eu suspeito que isso não se traduza bem em outros idiomas sem um especialista muito real em ambos os idiomas, que tenha senso de humor e entenda o humor em ambos os idiomas. É claro que, para o humor ser engraçado, deve conter ALGUM elemento de verdade. Thank you for your advice .... but a LOT of my comments are what we call in English "tongue in cheek", that is to say a subtle light hearted joke with some element of truth. I suspect this does not translate well into other languages without a very real expert in both languages, who has a sense of humor, and understands the humor in both languages. Of course, for humor to be funny, it must contain SOME element of truth.
  5. If Armageddon happened how would we all be killed? My guess is boredom from watching "bunker videos".
  6. You do realize of course, that an Otaku is someone totally consumed by whatever has their attention. I used to be an Otaku Stamp Collector as a teenager.
  7. I don't know what world YOU live in, but it is COMPLETELY and TOTALLY divorced from reality. YOU scare me more that your hypothetical hoards of theoretical zombie brained assailants. I have never in my entire life met a person who would not have been as meek as a kitten, mild, and pacific, and no threat to anyone, with three bullet holes in his chest, and one in the middle of his face.
  8. It's technically possible to ski down from the top of Mt. Everest. My guess is that in every ten million tries. one person will make it. BUT THINK !!! ... in the meantime, how many sets of skis you could sell !
  9. How did these animal and plant species that reside on Madagascar, and no where else in the world, make it to the middle east to get on the Ark and return to their home with out leaving a trail of evidence? Bicycles
  10. That's funny, but I have it on good authority that for the Bethelite Brothers, all pillows are, as we speak, being replaced with pillow sized Brillo Pads.
  11. Well, from the reports I have been getting back from "the other side" .... it could go either way, or not at all. Soon enough ... perhaps too soon .... without exception, we will all know.
  12. Speaking of getting rid of someone in a grotesque fashion .... I once had PETA try to take me to court for the way I disposed of grey field mice that got into my home. I bought a galvanized sheet metal box trap, with a wind-up spring loaded four bladed paddle wheel, that when the mice ate the cheese, they tripped the paddle wheel and got smacked on the butt into the next compartment, as the paddle wheel rotated 1/4 turn and the paddle that had been the ceiling, now was the wall partition between the two compartments. You could catch, undamaged, up to about 20 mice. When I captured more than ten mice in the second compartment, I would tell them I was going to ship them by FEDEX to Disneyland, to meet Mickey Mouse. Then ..... I didn't. .
  13. I remember about eight years ago, after I cut the tip of my left hand trigger finger through the bone at the first joint with a chain saw, and stuck it back on with duct tape, and it apparently healed perfectly ... well, except of about a 12 degree angle from straight, I wondered if I would ever be able to play the piano afterwards. Years later I tried, and could not, as I have absolutely no musical talent, and never took lessons.
  14. WOW! It makes you wonder, doesn't it? I am 72 years old and if I got transfused with the blood of a young black man, would I become a naturally talented basketball player?
  15. If I remember correctly, in the Bible OT, when Jehovah God set the rules for false accusers ... the false accuser had to be punished with whatever the accused would have faced as punishment. And of course, the death penalty was for those too stupid or evil to understand reason, logic, and be corrected by counseling. There were NO prisons in ancient Israel. You were either counseled, made a slave until restitution was paid in full, or stoned to death. I personally see no problem with, if someone tried to rob me, to shoot them, cut their head off and put it on a nearby lamp post with a sign. I suspect the career criminal recidivism rate would go WAYyyyyy down !
  16. Looks like a training session for women for future Senate confirmation hearings.
  17. Would I be insulted and upset at being called a thief ..... if I did not return the 20 backpacks full of hundred dollar bills drug money I found where two rival drug cartels had wiped each other out? If that ever happens, I will pout, and have my feelings hurt. BOO HOOO HOOOO HahahaHahaha !
  18. If I correctly label a (farm animal) Jackass as a Jackass, have I insulted them? If I correctly label a child rapist as a pedophile evil person, have I insulted them? If I correctly label a midget as a midget, have I insulted them? If I correctly label someone as mentally retarded, have I insulted them? If I correctly label someone as stupid, is it an insult ...or merely a fact of life? The solution to stupidity in many cases is education, experiences ... AND CONFLICT. IRON SHARPENS IRON Snowflake liberal sensitivity is NOT a mental health survival trait. STOP THINKING LIKE PETULANT CHILDREN !
  19. Jesus must have had quite a belly laugh after hearing the joke about the Philistine, the Pharisee and the Rabbi walking into a bar mitzvah , and asking for a Hippopotamus ! Now THAT"S funny !
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