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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. They were probably referring to version 2.2, in the definition posted above ... a common malady suffered by about 40% of the Earth's population. The problem is with being stupid, it is somewhat like being dead, in that those afflicted by stupidity or death do not know they are stupid or dead .. . it does however, create problems for those around them. They might have meant to type TWIT.
  2. Sometimes I use Audio punctuation (spoink!) Especially in sentences (cank!) depending on the structure (cank!) where commas are necessary (spoink!)
  3. He probably had the Ruby Slippers,and the little dog, TOO !
  4. Never waste an opportunity to sucker-punch or blindside someone who is ignorant enough to believe your motives are honest, and your interview will represent what you really think. EVERYBODY has an agenda. There are no exceptions.
  5. It's all about credibility. How well do you trust a prognosticator who has a 100 plus year completely unblemished record ...of being always WRONG?    AAAAaaaand .... here are some answers!
  6. The fact that you thought my above post as funny PROVES you are totally clueless, and have no idea the consequences of your bogus philosophy, were people not restrained by self-imposed moral and Theocratic concerns.
  7. Hankulan Tunani: The Senate Confirmation Hearing was not SUPPOSED to be a "Salem Witch Trial" .... but it was. The Senate Hearing on Thursday was to advise and consent the full Senate for the Supreme Court nominee by Trump to go forward to a vote by the full Senate, to confirm or deny Trump's pick as HIS choice, for Supreme Court Justice. THAT process is restricted by a "Two hour rule", but the Chairman actually decides when to invoke it. In this case it was about three hours, the following day, Friday. This was NOT a Judicial ruling .... a criminal trial where a person could lose his liberty or money. It was merely (merely ! ) a collection of blatant, and painfully obvious EVIL Democrats trying to ruin a reasonably good man's life with unsubstantiated accusations, with absolutely NO credibility or corroboration, in a carefully orchestrated plan to completely destroy the nominee's confirmation by the Senate ..... and they were willing to completely ruin his life, and reputation FOREVER to try and do it. They would do ANYTHING to hurt Trump. Anything at all. If you doubt about my observations, analysis and perspective feel free to watch the whole 9-1/2 or so hours on YouTube, so you will even HAVE an educated opinion. So far, your opinions are ONLY that ... and based on ignorance. There is a difference between all educated opinions, and all ignorant opinions. Educated opinions require motivation and hard work ... LOTS of hard work. Ignorant opinions only require natural ignorance.
  8. Well, the Democrats were screaming "guilty until proven innocent". I watched the whole 9-1/2 hour sad, disgusting thuggery in real time. Both sides were screaming their viewpoints. If I accuse you of something vile and despicable, adopting your viewpoint, may I then grab you by the neck and strangle you until you are dead? If I adopt YOUR philosophy, (which I will not), don't you realize that you are giving me moral permirssion to do EXACTLY THAT? I am a Barbarian ... with your permission, all I would need is opportunity.
  9. Space Merchant: I have to admit that I am totally astonished at the ideas that you come up with. I had to sit down for this one In a simple world, no, but in reality, yes.
  10. I missed both the assertion, and the retraction .... but I did enjoy last weekend's WT Study ... where THREE TIMES they referred to Elders Tom and John's interactions as a fictional account (Once in the paragraph, and twice in the questions). It literally made me proud and happy to see it ! That is the way it SHOULD be done if you make up these composite stories to illustrate a point. This is NEW! I do not remember EVER seeing this before! I hope this treatment continues! I get very depressed watching people with good intentions writing like children telling make-believe stories, and making up illustrations NOT specifically labeled as ONLY illustrations, or composite stories. It is sloppy writing, and intellectually dishonest. The WT Study conductor was somewhat chagrined at my comment "There are good Detectives, and there are bad Detectives ... and bad detectives do not detect much, even though they are looking at real facts. We need to base our thinking on facts.". I kept it short, for obvious reasons. Another few sentences and I would have been on "The List".
  11. I agree 100%. The GB's current position is based on greed. They do not want to be sued out of existence, lose their cushy well-fed jobs, and all those billions in free money. The Lawyers and Accountants are now deciding Theology and Doctrine for Jehovah's Witnesses. The GB are merely puppets to their "Helpers", the Society's Lawyers, and the Society's Accountants. Currently, if we separate blood into fractions and hook up 13 different IV's, it's "legal". If it come into our bodies in ONE tube, we get disfellowshipped. it makes no sense whatsoever with any other explanation than pure, unadulterated greed.
  12. Now look what you've done! You got JTR started. I hope you two meet in flesh one day. (no pun intended!) I think TTH and I would get along fine .... I am extending an open invitation for him to come over to my house sometime ... I would be glad to have him for dinner.
  13. Hankulan Tunani: I have no agenda other than to try to get people to think correctly, and without examining all the scriptures you quoted for hard data, context and possible nuances, let me state that it is my understanding that Jehovah's viewpoint on matters and human viewpoints ... their cultural squeamishness and self imposed taboos ... are QUITE DIFFERENT. As a classic example, it is my understanding that John the Baptist ate LOCUSTS, beut let me tell you dis in no uncertoin toirms I AIN'T EATIN' NO LOCUSTS ! No Way! No How! Absolutely NOT! Ain't gonna happen ... unless ... unless ... ( there is almost always an "unless" ...) I have not eaten in four or so days. I used to HATE liver ... but one day in Los Angeles, after not having eaten for four days, I found a quarter in some old clothes, and from a street vendor on Vine Street bought a small bag of fried liver. This was 50 years ago, and I remember that morning in exquisite detail. The point I am trying to make is this: Many things we love, or abhor, Jehovah God has no opinion on whatsoever. It's "how we were raised", etc. The Bible MENTIONS cannibalism as something that occurred, several times. Jehovah Laments that it "came to that" when Jerusalem was under siege by enemies and was being starved into submission. But unless you can show me a clear and unambiguous direct scripture where Jehovah God specifically FORBADE cannibalism .... HE DID NOT! We have an obligation to adopt Jehovah's Standards .... NOT OUR OWN ... when it comes to serious things such as an almost universal human taboo .... OTHERWISE in other more common experiences .. we load heavy burdens on the Brotherhood that are nothing more than "how we were raised" ... which varies from time to time, and from place to place, and dishonors Jehovah God by making him a hand puppet when we are supplying the words! If you can show me from Jehovah's own specific words about cannibalism that he DID specifically forbid it .. I will instantly change my viewpoint, admit here that I was wrong, and beg your humble pardon. The burden is on you to show me I am wrong, not that I am a Barbarian, which I freely admit to. When we "go beyond the things written", it dishonors Jehovah God by making him a false religious hand puppet where we threaten others by invoking the authority of God, where we are supplying the words! .... and creates a tyranny of the Brotherhood. As to your other point ... Jehovah has clearly and unambiguously prohibited the use of blood for sustaining human life. Many times, OT and NT. Be a sport! Give me one exact, unambiguous, contextually accurate specific scripture where God has FORBIDDEN cannibalism, and post it here for all to read and learn from.
  14. Copyright Law allows for the posting of copyrighted material for intellectual analysis and debate ..... also for lampooning or satire. What the WTB&TS does not approve of is that in many cases intellectual analysis naturally leads to lampooning and satire. Lett on Gravity, Electricity, wind .mp4 2 CHAIR pORNEA .mp4 It's sorta like having a crazy Grandmother, that you wish would stay in the basement. You owe her your life ... you love her .... and you appreciate being alive because of her ... but you want to hide her when Company comes to visit and she does a striptease on the living room coffee table. Â Â Â Â
  15. TTH: Your humor has been legendary for some time now ..... You have TRULY (Tom), become a legend in your own mind.
  16. TTH: People commit suicide mainly because their concept of how the Universe SHOULD be, differs from the way it really is, and their brains cannot resolve the difference between comfortable fantasy, their hopes and dreams, and day to day reality. Trying to resolve the unresolvable causes great pain, depression, and self-generated suffering. Here is a question that will clarify the issue for those whose thought processes, like yours, are agenda driven. IN THE HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION ... AT WHAT TIME AND PLACE WOULD YOU RATHER LIVE IN? For me ... it is here and now .... How about you?
  17. When Jesus was a young boy, presumably learning carpentry beside his step-father, did he start out making perfect chairs, or tables, or whatever type of carpenter's skills he might learn?
  18. Bite back! Think of it as playing a game of "Whack-A-Mole". Except for those people that are always wrong about EVERYTHING, seeing the world from the inside of a frosted glass bubble, I don't think the Admin, or any other sane person would object to you lambasting stupid ideas. It would be a mistake to shrink from the insane. ( No pun intended ... ) With stupid people, it is necessary to be obtuse, and diplomatic. Sometimes Snowflakes pile up into snow drifts ... and you need a snow PLOW to progress. They will eventually melt all by themselves, as Reality is a harsh taskmaster, and cares not at all.
  19. I suffer terribly when I hear a public talk in a monotonous hour log monotone, on "The Wonders of Creation", and the speaker does not know the difference between a planet, and a star .... and misquotes sources ...... or states how horrible, terrible and mean things have become, when in fact it is the best time in the history of Human Civilization. (so far!) ... and that statement can be supported by MOUNTIANS of hard, cold facts.
  20. .... and how will this "Marshall Plan" be funded? ... and SPECIFICALLY ... how much will it cost? ( .... give or take a hundred billion dollars...)
  21. I cannot BEGIN to tell you how much I am enjoying watching these Liberal Snowflakes show their true colors. For YEARS I knew half the human race was insane, but it never occurred to me which half. Now I know!
  22. " .... Federal investigators arrived on Sunday and were scouring the scene for clues about the cause of the crash. The New York State Police said autopsies were underway on all the passengers and the driver of the limousine, including toxicology, though they cautioned that the investigation was in its early stages..... " The only reason you autopsy accident victims IS toxicology. These people often "partied" together.
  23. I used to place a LOT of Watchtower and Awake! Magazines with: " And you know, they are the PERFECT size to line the bottom of your bird cage .... be sure you read them BEFORE you give them to your bird!" Alien Song I will survive.mp4
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