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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. If I remember correctly, in the Bible OT, when Jehovah God set the rules for false accusers ... the false accuser had to be punished with whatever the accused would have faced as punishment.

    And of course, the death penalty was for those too stupid or evil to understand reason, logic, and be corrected by counseling. There were NO prisons in ancient Israel.  You were either counseled, made a slave until restitution was paid in full, or stoned to death.

    I personally see no problem with, if someone tried to rob me, to shoot them, cut their head off and put it on a nearby lamp post with a sign.

    I suspect the career criminal recidivism rate would go WAYyyyyy down !

  2. If I correctly label a (farm animal) Jackass as a Jackass, have I insulted them?

    If I correctly label  a child rapist as a pedophile evil person, have I insulted them?

    If I correctly label a midget as a midget, have I insulted them?

    If I correctly label someone as mentally retarded, have I insulted them?

    If I correctly label someone as stupid, is it an insult  ...or merely a fact of life?

    The solution to stupidity in many cases is education, experiences ... AND CONFLICT.


    Snowflake liberal sensitivity is NOT a mental health survival trait.


  3. 4 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Take a lesson here from Jesus, at John 1, v 45 - 47

     Philip found Na·thanʹa·elc and said to him: “We have found the one of whom Moses, in the Law, and the Prophets wrote:dJesus, the son of Joseph,e from Nazʹa·reth.” 46  But Na·thanʹa·el said to him: “Can anything good come out of Nazʹa·reth?”f Philip said to him: “Come and see.”47  Jesus saw Na·thanʹa·el coming toward him and said about him: “See, truly an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.”

    Jesus seems to have found what Nathanael said as funny. Whereas he could have found it offensive.  Learn from it. 

    Jesus must have had quite a belly laugh after hearing the joke about the Philistine, the Pharisee and the Rabbi walking into a bar mitzvah , and asking for a Hippopotamus !

    Now THAT"S funny !

  4. 23 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    On a different subject, The Word TWAT


    23 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    On a different subject, The Word TWAT. How is this not offensive?

    They were probably referring to version 2.2, in the definition posted above ... a common malady suffered by about 40% of the Earth's population. 

    The problem is with being stupid, it is somewhat like being dead, in  that those afflicted by stupidity or death  do not know they are stupid or dead .. . it does however, create problems for those around them.

    They might have meant to type TWIT.

  5. It reminds me how Emperor Constantine stepped in, about 1700 or so years ago, and decided for warring Christendom, that Jesus "would be" both god and man at the same time .... like HE was and desired to be  viewed ... and under threat of death for disobedience to politically unite the Roman Empire, changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, which was when the pagan roman army worshiped the Sun, and by Imperial military force, consolidated  the Trinity Doctrine for the unified Roman Catholic Church.

    Ever wonder why the Catholic Church  leaders have such big hats and unusual "uniforms", and priests wear black ... the color of death ... all as if they were military uniforms denoting rank and position?

    Constantine actually created the Roman Catholic Church as a "Universal" Roman EMPIRE based religion based on the organizational structure and titles and uniforms of the Roman Army, and the priests of the Roman sun god "Sol Invictus", and other minor gods.

    "Pontifex Maximus" ( Pope ) was a title used by a Roman army general, who would make pontoon bridges across rivers to attack the enemies of Rome.

    Constantine  set himself up as "Guardian of the Doctrine", thus insuring people viewed him, the same way they by  Imperial edict, were ordered to view Christ ... to suppress dissent and get the people focused on his political objectives. the chief of which was to consolidate his absolute and total political  power.

    He played Christendom like  the famous American pianist Liberace played a piano.

    Constantine was a MASTER politician.

    So is Putin.

    So are most of Christendom's clergy

    We are amateurs, by comparison.

    ... but the Watchtower Society Organization  is  catching up FAST!


  6. The Senate Confirmation Hearing was not SUPPOSED to be a "Salem Witch Trial" .... but it was. 

    The Senate Hearing on Thursday was to advise and consent the full Senate for the Supreme Court nominee by Trump to go forward to a vote by the full Senate, to confirm or deny Trump's pick as HIS choice, for Supreme Court Justice.

    THAT process is restricted by a "Two hour rule", but the Chairman actually decides when to invoke it. In this case it was about three hours, the following day,  Friday.

    This was NOT a Judicial ruling .... a criminal trial where a person could lose his liberty or money. 

    It was merely (merely ! ) a collection of blatant, and painfully obvious  EVIL Democrats trying to ruin a reasonably good man's life with unsubstantiated accusations, with absolutely NO credibility or corroboration, in a carefully orchestrated plan to completely destroy the nominee's confirmation by the Senate ..... and they were willing to completely ruin his life, and reputation FOREVER to try and do it.

    They would do ANYTHING to hurt  Trump.  Anything at all.

    If you doubt about my observations, analysis and perspective feel free to watch the whole 9-1/2 or so hours on YouTube, so you will even HAVE an educated opinion.

    So far, your opinions are ONLY that ... and based on ignorance.

    There is a difference between all educated opinions, and all ignorant opinions.

    Educated opinions require motivation and hard work ... LOTS of hard work.

    Ignorant opinions only require natural ignorance.



  7. 1 minute ago, Hankulan Tunani said:

    It’s funny how Trump supporters screamed innocent until proven guilty, without a judicial conclusion, yet the same mentality suggests guilty until proven innocent for the Watchtower. I do love a circus. ?

    Well, the Democrats were screaming "guilty until proven innocent".  I watched the whole 9-1/2 hour sad, disgusting thuggery in real time.

    Both sides were screaming their viewpoints.

    If I accuse you of something vile and despicable, adopting your viewpoint, may I then grab you by the neck and strangle you until you are dead?

    If I adopt YOUR philosophy, (which I will not), don't you realize that you are giving me moral permirssion to do EXACTLY THAT?

    I am a Barbarian ... with your permission, all I would need is opportunity.


    For our big meal of the day, my wife and I eat at Golden Corral Restaurant almost every day, because it is right on the way home from her work, and she gets off from teaching school at 3:15PM ... and if you get there before 4PM, you can pay the special LUNCH price, and at 4 PM, the dinner menu comes out,and you can eat STEAK and the Dinner Menu, for the price of lunch.  It is cheaper than buying the same quantity and variety of foods at the grocery stores ... there is no preparation, and NO DISHES! to wash !!

    I thought I could eat steak EVERY day, and did for awhile ... but it became "tiresome", and boring ... so in a limited sense I can understand how one might tire of eating people.  I have heard that human flesh tastes "just like pork" ... in fact, one nickname for human flesh is "Long Pig".

    IN the Scriptures Jehovah expressed lament that Jews under siege would be driven to cannibalism, and they were ... several times while warring ...BUT HE NEVER PROHIBITED CANNIBALISM !   (... presumably war dead who had bled to death ...), so the definition of "Wrong" would have to come from CULTURAL squeamishness and aversion ... as Jehovah God NEVER said it was wrong to eat people ... just repulsive  as a cultural standard. 

    I guarantee you this ... go about three weeks without eating and seeing your children starving to death in front of your eyes will add a great deal of "flexibility" to your outlook on this issue.  In the Soviet Gulags, between barracks, in winter, the prisoners would raid and murder each other, and when the bodies were found, invariably their livers would be missing.

    It's really all a matter of perspective, what ideas you are used to, and how hungry you are. 

    To me, wasting food is a sin, and protein is protein in an extreme emergency ... AND, Jehovah does NOT really care, except that the blood belongs to him, and must not be eaten.

    When I am finished with these "mortal coils" I hope that someone can make use of it, when I no longer can ... and on my driver's license, have indicated that I am an organ donor...

    ...perhaps with a nice Chianti Wine, and some Fava beans. (chitchitchitchit), and some hungry Brother and his children will have me over, for dinner. ... a "Last Supper", as it were.

    I will try NOT to give them indigestion.




  9. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Say, did you hear that the report that Bethel was on the ropes was completely phony. Apostates had orgasms over that report, I recall, and every opposer here, even many of the faithful, swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. There really is something to be said for that recent study article on avoiding the liars.

    I missed both the assertion, and the retraction .... but I did enjoy last weekend's WT Study ... where THREE TIMES they referred to  Elders Tom and John's interactions as a fictional account (Once in the paragraph, and twice in the questions).

    It literally made me proud and happy to see it !

    That is the way it SHOULD be done if you make up these composite stories to illustrate a point.

    This is NEW!  I do not remember EVER seeing this before!

    I hope this treatment continues!

    I get very depressed watching people with good intentions writing like children telling make-believe stories, and making up illustrations NOT specifically labeled as ONLY illustrations, or composite stories. 

    It is sloppy writing,  and intellectually dishonest.

    The WT Study conductor was somewhat chagrined at my comment "There are good Detectives, and there are bad Detectives ... and bad detectives do not detect much, even though they are looking at real facts. We need to base our thinking on facts.".  I kept it short, for obvious reasons.

    Another few sentences and I would have been on "The List".



  10. 1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    And please tell me, from where do those 'blood bits' come from that the GB say the congregants can use ?  I honestly have no idea on that one. 

    However if those 'blood bits' come from blood itself then isn't that actually using blood ?

    My wife hates cherries in cakes, so she picks them out, but she still eats the cake. If a person uses bits out of blood then in my opinion they are still using blood. 

    I agree 100%.

    The GB's current position is based on greed.

    They do not want to be sued out of existence, lose their cushy well-fed jobs, and all those billions in free money.

    The Lawyers and Accountants are now deciding Theology and Doctrine for Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The GB are merely puppets to their "Helpers", the Society's Lawyers, and the Society's Accountants.

    Currently, if we separate blood into fractions and hook up 13 different IV's, it's "legal".

    If it come into our bodies in ONE tube, we get disfellowshipped.

    it makes no sense whatsoever with any other explanation than pure, unadulterated greed.


  11. There is an interesting analog to what I am trying to convey to you.

    The United States Constitution, WHEN READ CORRECTLY, specifically enumerates the powers and authority the Federal Government has.

    If it's not on the list, and there is an INFINITE number of things that is NOT on the list ... those powers are reserved to the States, or to the People of the Unites States.

    It was designed that way to encourage generations of LIBERTY.

    This is why both political parties are fighting to have the Supreme Court Justice they want ... so it will be read THEIR way ... to support THEIR world view of how things should be.

    One side wants the Constitution interpreted exactly as written, and the other side wants it interpreted to read to support their "progressive" evolved ideas.

    If that side wins, everything not specifically allowed ... will be forbidden, and there will be TYRANNY.

    In like manner ... I do not have to show that Jehovah PERMITS or supports cannibalism, because my position is that he does not care at all, if the blood is properly drained out, the burden of proof is on you to show it is FORBIDDEN.

    All you need is one clear, unambiguous in context Scripture to prove me wrong.

    Want to try again?

    Be a sport!





  12. 6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    But unless you can show me a clear and unambiguous direct scripture where Jehovah God specifically FORBADE cannibalism ....


    The ONLY way I could have been more clear is to use dry erase markers on a white-board, with extra large printed letters. 

    You were challenged on your reading comprehension and analysis skills, and FAILED.

    With all you many fuzzy references ... you FAILED to produce ONE Scripture that shows that God PROHIBITS humans from eating human flesh, as they did in Jerusalem under siege (presumably bled-out war dead...).

    That is why you DID NOT produce a single scripture that PROVED your viewpoint.

    I do not have to show a Scripture showing that God supports cannibalism ... It is my current position that God has left that issue entirely up to us, and has no "position" at all on cannibalism.

    God also has no stated position on bicycles,  or a truly INFINITE number of other topics.

    Please PROVE me wrong.  

    Fuzzy customs, taboos, and cultural morays do NOT count.

    Want to try again?

    Be a sport!


  13. Hankulan Tunani:

    I have no agenda other than to try to get people to think correctly, and without examining all the scriptures you quoted  for hard data, context and possible nuances, let me state that it is my understanding that Jehovah's viewpoint on matters and human viewpoints ... their cultural squeamishness and self imposed taboos ... are QUITE DIFFERENT.

    As a classic example, it is my understanding that John the Baptist ate LOCUSTS, beut let me tell you dis in no uncertoin toirms I AIN'T EATIN' NO LOCUSTS !

    No Way! No How!

    Absolutely NOT!

    Ain't gonna happen ... unless ... unless ... ( there is almost always an "unless" ...) I have not eaten in four or so days.

     I used to HATE liver ... but one day in Los Angeles, after not having eaten for four days, I found a quarter in some old clothes, and from a street vendor on Vine Street bought a small bag of fried liver.  This was 50 years ago, and I remember that morning in exquisite detail.

    The point I am trying to make is this: 

    Many things we love, or abhor, Jehovah God has no opinion on whatsoever.

    It's "how we were raised", etc.

    The Bible MENTIONS cannibalism as something that occurred, several times.

    Jehovah Laments that it "came to that" when Jerusalem was under siege by enemies and was being starved into submission.

    But unless you can show me a clear and unambiguous direct scripture where Jehovah God specifically FORBADE cannibalism ....


    We have an obligation to adopt Jehovah's Standards .... NOT OUR OWN ... when it comes to serious things such as an almost universal human taboo .... OTHERWISE in other more common experiences .. we load heavy burdens on the Brotherhood that are nothing more than "how we were raised" ... which varies from time to time, and from place to place, and dishonors Jehovah God by making him a hand puppet when we are supplying the words!

    If you can show me from Jehovah's own specific words about cannibalism that he DID specifically forbid it .. I will instantly change my viewpoint, admit here that I was wrong, and beg your humble pardon.

    The burden is on you to show me I am wrong, not that I am a Barbarian, which I freely admit to.

    When we "go beyond the things written", it dishonors Jehovah God by making him a false religious hand puppet where we threaten others by invoking the authority of God, where we are supplying the words! ....  and creates a tyranny of the Brotherhood. 

    As to your other point ... Jehovah has clearly and unambiguously prohibited the use of blood for sustaining human life.  Many times, OT and NT.

    Be a sport!

    Give me one exact, unambiguous, contextually accurate specific scripture where God has FORBIDDEN cannibalism, and post it here for all to read and learn from.



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