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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I suspect that the Democrats have awakened a sleeping Giant ... and filled him with righteous anger .... and a terrible resolve.
  2. I watched all 9-1/2 hours of the confirmation hearings Thursday, a week ago, and Friday, the 3 hour or so Senate vote. I was deeply and profoundly and totally embarrassed for all those honest hearted and conscientious people that think of themselves as Democrat Party affiliates. If I was a Democrat with a true sense of Justice, the shame of having to watch that sham of a show would make me vote a straight Republican ticket. The entire sad show is on Youtube, and it is a horror story of determined and coordinated, agenda driven mob rule by dedicated professional thugs, to try to destroy Trump's Presidency. Watch it for yourself .... it really is worth the time and effort. You may have to suppress your gag reflex.
  3. .... Lost_.mp4 The Muppet Movie (1979)_ 13_40 - 14_15 (1080p).mp4 Â In my own way, I understand where John Butler is coming from .. as I have a deep love for humanity. It's PEOPLE I can't stand. Â
  4. Very Interesting ..... and I used to listen to his advice on his love and relationships Radio show "AX IKE". ASX IKE Radio Show LOVE, LUST & MARRIAGE ...mp4
  5. We know by actual example, that the only thing that will change the minds of certain mindsets and patterns of thinking, is two Atomic Bombs.
  6. Steel Army helmets can be used for cooking soup, or laundry, or bathing. I am sure that in an emergency, Pith Helmets also have their uses.
  7. Well, I am hoping that my living out in the country ... the distance to the ignorant masses of animals pretending to be human will make it a total non-event, as far as I am concerned. Those that froth at the mouth and scream and destroy things, and hurt innocent people, do their thing ... those of us who are cool calm, and collected and rational and resolute, each behind our own defenses, .... will do ours. If I should fall at the hands of mob violence, I hope that it is in a large pile of smoking, hot brass.
  8. Knowing that people in general, including myself when I have a "brain fault", and the WTB&TS in particular, like to hide their goofiness, and cringeworthy stuff, I download these things as soon as I see them.
  9. As I have mentioned before ... you can download any YouTube videos with the FREE (Free is a VERY good price!) software -  "Freemake Video Downloader" -  @The Librarian. I think the video deleted above was one I downloaded, but I do not remember either. TA-DAH! This is NOT a link ... you can download this to your computer from HERE.  LEAKED_ Bethel video talk about alcohol [mixology version!].mp4
  10. When Muslims blow themselves up in terroristic activities, they believe that they will go to Paradise (Heaven?) and get 72 Virgins. If they convert to Catholicism, and become priests, they can get that NOW!
  11. I remember, years ago, the guys at work invited me to go bar hoppin' with them, but they warned me there might be a bar fight. I replied that we all had good dental plans, and we went.
  12. The GB are at LEAST totally aware of that. They are TOTALLY DESTROYING their credibility on every subject imaginable. THAT'S why shunning forbids people to talk to each other.
  13. The difference between Christendom, and Muslims, if you can afford it ... is that in New York, Christendom's parents can buy tailored bullet proof vests fro their children, and Muslims, for their kids, can buy bomb vests. What an 8 year old Muslim Girl would do in Heaven with 72 virgins, I cannot comprehend.
  14. I hate that ..... don't you? ...and when they use the vise-grip pliers to twist off your kneecaps ..... I hate THAT .... don't you? Like a sign I saw on the wall of a parachute loft in Tallequah, Oklahoma, where on long tables people were packing their parachutes: "One should not smoke ... unless one is on fire!"
  15. Someone once said that to King Solomon, with all those wives and concubines. He LAUGHED for a half hour.
  16. About 8 years go, on fine Autumn day, I had a chain saw "jump back" on me, and I cut the left hand "trigger finger " almost completely off, at the first joint. and got blood all over me, my clothes and shoes, and the chain saw. I stuck it back on ... let it bleed until it stopped naturally, and wrapped it with duct tape. It healed up perfectly, but with a slight 12 degree angle towards the ring finger, at that finger joint. .... while I was waiting for the blood to stop, my Son came in , and I looked at him,, held up my bloody hand and said " Tommy ... don't be stupid, like your Dad." I am encouraged that Jellyfish have lived for 300 Million Years, with no brain whatsoever.
  17. True ... but based on past experience, the probability is about ( 1 divided by 163 = 0.6%) less than 1 percent.
  18. And how many pages and pages did it take for you to finally admit that I was exactly right about Sarah and the Terminator? If you didn’t obfuscate so much, you’d have an answer to every one of your petulant questions by now. So folks, here at halftime, the score is JTR ,163 ..... TTH, 1 . At the end of the game, the loser has to blow up the game balls with a straw.
  19. Yeah John ... don't rush the guy. He is still flummoxed by the 163 questions I asked him in the past three years, that he did not answer.
  20. It is my understanding that plastic, as used in this conversation, is made from oil, and is a long chain molecule hydrocarbon. I have used plastic liners to line the bottoms of municipal garbage dumps before filling, and radioactive waste burial sites, where the liners are expected to last AT LEAST 10,000 years. Space Merchant: Please tell me how waste plastic gets from the solid object, into the atmosphere, and what toxic gasses contaminate from that contaminate the air we breathe. If there are any, my guess would be the outgassing concentrations would be so small as to be almost un-measurable, and that being anywhere in the vicinity of a car with the motor running ... burning hydrocarbons .... would be several hundred BILLION times more dangerous.
  21. If you can get Grant money, and have a mortgage payment overdue, I suspect you would be surprised what cases can be made for anything or any viewpoint imaginable.
  22. sami: One thing I have learned in this life, is that if a person is not able to explain something in his own words, succinctly, and clearly ... and with as few a words as possible, the likelihood of whatever he is TRYING to propose as "truth", diminishes greatly .... and the more arcane, general references used to support that idea, or those ideas, the probability of whatever it is being true rapidly diminishes to approach zero. Your post, above, reminds me of the guy walking down a street in the business district of New York City, waving his hands and arms and yelling incoherent religious nonsense to the air. As a joke, I thought about getting TWO of them, and handcuffing them together. If you are not ALREADY in New York City, you may want to stay clear.
  23. TTH: Contrary to your own personal belief, acquaintance with what is inside a box of Band-Aids, does not qualify you to have profound surgical opinions. Except of course ... in your world of fantasy.
  24. I watched the Kananaugh Senate Hearings this past Thursday for the whole 9-1/2 or so hours, and was VERY impressed. I also watched on Friday the Committee's deliberations that moved his nomination along ... about 3 hours. I was very impressed once again. How much, TTH, did YOU ACTUALLY WATCH, to form your opinions as stated? Since you COMPLETELY avoided my simple, straightforward question I will state that once again you have stated a strong opinion about which you know nothing at all. You are one super scary dude, dude.
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