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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 4 hours ago, Anna said:
    5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    History records they were accused of cannibalism

    Now look what you've done! You got JTR started. I hope you two meet in flesh one day. (no pun intended!)

    I think TTH and I would get along fine .... I am extending an open invitation for him to come over to my house sometime ... I would be glad to have him for dinner.

  2. Hankulan Tunani:

    I have no agenda other than to try to get people to think correctly, and without examining all the scriptures you quoted  for hard data, context and possible nuances, let me state that it is my understanding that Jehovah's viewpoint on matters and human viewpoints ... their cultural squeamishness and self imposed taboos ... are QUITE DIFFERENT.

    As a classic example, it is my understanding that John the Baptist ate LOCUSTS, beut let me tell you dis in no uncertoin toirms I AIN'T EATIN' NO LOCUSTS !

    No Way! No How!

    Absolutely NOT!

    Ain't gonna happen ... unless ... unless ... ( there is almost always an "unless" ...) I have not eaten in four or so days.

     I used to HATE liver ... but one day in Los Angeles, after not having eaten for four days, I found a quarter in some old clothes, and from a street vendor on Vine Street bought a small bag of fried liver.  This was 50 years ago, and I remember that morning in exquisite detail.

    The point I am trying to make is this: 

    Many things we love, or abhor, Jehovah God has no opinion on whatsoever.

    It's "how we were raised", etc.

    The Bible MENTIONS cannibalism as something that occurred, several times.

    Jehovah Laments that it "came to that" when Jerusalem was under siege by enemies and was being starved into submission.

    But unless you can show me a clear and unambiguous direct scripture where Jehovah God specifically FORBADE cannibalism ....


    We have an obligation to adopt Jehovah's Standards .... NOT OUR OWN ... when it comes to serious things such as an almost universal human taboo .... OTHERWISE in other more common experiences .. we load heavy burdens on the Brotherhood that are nothing more than "how we were raised" ... which varies from time to time, and from place to place, and dishonors Jehovah God by making him a hand puppet when we are supplying the words!

    If you can show me from Jehovah's own specific words about cannibalism that he DID specifically forbid it .. I will instantly change my viewpoint, admit here that I was wrong, and beg your humble pardon.

    The burden is on you to show me I am wrong, not that I am a Barbarian, which I freely admit to.

    When we "go beyond the things written", it dishonors Jehovah God by making him a false religious hand puppet where we threaten others by invoking the authority of God, where we are supplying the words! ....  and creates a tyranny of the Brotherhood. 

    As to your other point ... Jehovah has clearly and unambiguously prohibited the use of blood for sustaining human life.  Many times, OT and NT.

    Be a sport!

    Give me one exact, unambiguous, contextually accurate specific scripture where God has FORBIDDEN cannibalism, and post it here for all to read and learn from.






  3. 21 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    History records they were accused of cannibalism.

    Since there is ABSOLUTELY no Biblical prohibition against cannibalism .... either in the Old Testament, OR the New Testament ... NONE WHATSOEVER ... that particular aversion is something they picked up from PAGAN cultures of that locality, or any natural aversion on an individual basis.

    If they had been in the Congo area of Africa, about the same time, where cannibalism was  from place to place, and from time to time, perfectly acceptable (presumably war dead who had bled out ....) any CULTURAL MORAYS might have been reflected in the Early Christian Congregation.

    And most of the arguments that we of the White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant community consider as normal for consideration of pedophilia, modesty, and decorum ( including tight pants for men) would be completely lost in the Inuit Indians of Northern Canada ( you know.. the ones who live in igloos, and hunt on frozen ice for seals, and bears ...) where the entire family sleeps in a one room house made of blocks of ice, under one pile of bear and seal skins .... stark naked !

    Ane remember, under your street clothes, YOU TOO, are stark naked!


  4. Copyright Law allows for the posting of copyrighted material for intellectual analysis and debate ..... also for lampooning or satire.

    What the WTB&TS does not approve of is that in many cases intellectual analysis naturally leads to lampooning and satire.


    Caleb and Sophia Dolls for Tony .jpg

    It's sorta like having a crazy Grandmother, that you wish would stay in the basement.

    You owe her your life ... you love her .... and you appreciate being alive because of her ... but you want to hide her when Company comes to visit and she does a striptease on the living room coffee table.





  5. 17 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I can think of only one other time, when he said: "Jeez, you guys are a piece of work!" Ha! What could I tell him? That we're not?


    People commit suicide mainly because their concept of how the Universe SHOULD be, differs from the way it really is, and their brains cannot resolve the difference between comfortable fantasy, their hopes and dreams, and day to day reality.

    Trying to resolve the unresolvable causes great pain, depression, and self-generated suffering.

    Here is a question that will clarify the issue for those whose thought processes, like yours, are agenda driven.


    For me ... it is here and now ....

    How about you?

  6. 52 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    There are those on here that regularly 'bite my ears off' because i only talk about the JW's, but I thought that was the intention of this forum.

    Bite back!

    Think of it as playing a game of "Whack-A-Mole".

    Except for those people that are always wrong about EVERYTHING, seeing the world from the inside of a frosted glass bubble, I don't think the Admin, or any other sane person would object to you lambasting stupid ideas.

    It would be a mistake to shrink from the insane. ( No pun intended ... )

    With stupid people, it is necessary to be obtuse, and diplomatic.

    Sometimes Snowflakes pile up into snow drifts ... and you need a snow PLOW to progress.

    They will eventually melt all by themselves, as Reality is a harsh taskmaster, and cares not at all.

  7. 17 hours ago, Anna said:

    You can "suffer" anything if it's for the right reason.

    I suffer terribly when I hear a public talk in a monotonous hour log monotone, on "The Wonders of Creation", and the speaker does not know the difference between a planet, and a star .... and misquotes sources ...... or states how horrible, terrible and mean things have become, when in fact it is the best time in the history of Human Civilization. (so far!)

    ... and that statement can be supported by MOUNTIANS of hard, cold facts.


  8. " .... Federal investigators arrived on Sunday and were scouring the scene for clues about the cause of the crash. The New York State Police said autopsies were underway on all the passengers and the driver of the limousine, including toxicology, though they cautioned that the investigation was in its early stages..... "

    The only reason you autopsy accident victims IS toxicology.

    These people  often "partied" together.

  9. 13 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    That's nothing! I have seen children actually confined in oversized parrot cages until they finished studying their lessons, at which time, if they were lucky, they might be fed a cracker.

    I used to place a LOT of Watchtower and Awake! Magazines with: 

    " And you know, they are the PERFECT size to line the bottom of your bird cage .... be sure you read them BEFORE you give them to your bird!"

  10. I watched all 9-1/2 hours of the confirmation hearings Thursday, a week ago, and Friday, the 3 hour or so Senate vote.

    On 9/22/2018 at 4:08 PM, admin said:

    People do judge you by your companions.

    I was deeply and profoundly and totally embarrassed for all those honest hearted and conscientious people that think of themselves as Democrat Party affiliates.

    If I was a Democrat with a true sense of Justice, the shame of having to watch that sham of a show would make me vote a straight Republican ticket.

    The entire sad show is on Youtube, and it is a horror story of determined and coordinated, agenda driven mob rule by dedicated professional thugs, to try to destroy Trump's Presidency.

    Watch it for yourself .... it really is worth the time and effort.

    You may have to suppress your gag reflex.

  11. ....

    6 hours ago, Paul Dedee said:

    Perhaps you can be civil with your response, and not show hatred upon your fellow man just because there is no redemption through them. The owner is correct to suggest, people like yourself should move on, and find a religion you can accept to worship God and Christ the correct way.



    In my own way, I understand where John Butler is coming from .. as I have a deep love for humanity.

    It's PEOPLE I can't stand.


  12. 8 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    @James Thomas Rook Jr. Protest and Rioting will ensue very soon and it will be as heated as the hot sand on summer day in DR.

    Well, I am hoping that my living out in the country ... the distance to the ignorant masses of animals pretending to be human will make it a total non-event, as far as I am concerned.  

    Those that froth at the mouth and scream and destroy things, and hurt innocent people,  do their thing ... those of us who are cool calm, and collected and rational and resolute, each behind our own defenses, .... will do ours.

    If I should fall at the hands of mob violence, I hope that it is in a large pile of smoking, hot brass.

  13. 10 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    @James Thomas Rook Jr. Interesting, did you have the video this whole time or manage to download it somehow before it got taken down by the Copyright troop? 

    Knowing that people in general, including myself when I have a "brain fault", and the WTB&TS in particular, like to hide their goofiness, and cringeworthy stuff, I download these things as soon as I see them. 

  14. 11 hours ago, The Librarian said:

    Another video lost... ugh....

    Does anyone have a link to the original? I don't even remember the details of the video

    As I have mentioned before ... you can download any YouTube videos with the FREE (Free is a VERY good price!) software  -   "Freemake Video Downloader"  -   @The Librarian.  I think the video deleted above was one I downloaded, but I do not remember either.


    This is NOT a link ... you can download this to your computer from HERE.


  15. 23 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    The difference between Christendom, and Muslims, if you can afford it ... is that in New York,  Christendom's parents can buy tailored bullet proof vests fro their children, and Muslims, for their kids, can buy bomb vests.

    What an 8 year old Muslim Girl would do in Heaven with 72 virgins, I cannot comprehend.

    When Muslims blow themselves up in terroristic activities, they believe that they will go to Paradise (Heaven?) and get 72 Virgins.

    If they convert to Catholicism, and become priests, they can get that NOW!

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