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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 3 hours ago, sami said:

    Their continued success (since 1870) Is Jehovah's spirit.

    Actually, I agree with you on that one.

    There is no other rational explanation among intelligent, thinking people.

    The LORD knows that, and I know that ... otherwise they would have been laughed off the stage a long time ago.

    The clueless ATTRACT the clueless .... but with Google, it has reached a critical time when people in general are getting smarter ... and it is a REAL problem. A VERY real problem in credibility, but not among the clueless, AS THE MONEY KEEPS ROLLING IN .... no matter WHAT is said or done.

    Think I am exaggerating?

    Here are two classic examples for your review.

    Sami - I would appreciate your review and considered opinion of what you are hearing here from the Governing Body.


  2. Is this the project at Warwick where they had to replace the building concrete foundations three times because it was contaminated ( ? ) with metals from the previous land owner?

    When I first looked at the photo, I thought the BUILDING was Jehovah's Organization (earthly) about to crush the car.

    Now ... I cannot "unsee" it that way.

  3. 18 minutes ago, SuzA said:

    What are your thoughts on the effect of plastic microparticles getting into our food chain via seafood?

    I remember a study done years ago by "distinguished scientists" who were testing to see if steaks cooked on a charcoal grill produced carcinogens.  They grilled the steaks, swabbed them with Q-tips, and took samples, etc. and determined that ... yes... the heat and smoke and meat did produce carcinogens that caused cancer.

    ... then they ate the steaks.

    That told me all I needed to know.

    If you had ANY IDEA how fish are caught and stored BEFORE they even get back to shore, you may want to eat the chicken.  Oh Wait!  Nevermind.

    I love shrimp, and eat a lot of it at the buffet.    You know, of course that the black stripe on their backs is shrimp poop?

    Owls eat mice ... hair, teeth, eyeballs,  fur dirt and bacteria, and all the mouse poop inside of them ... AND OWLS CAN FLY!

  4. ...so..... WHAT'S   NEXT!

    When you can make arbitrary fashion decisions, it opens up a pandora's box of absurd excesses.

    It is a cliff that that the people behind you pushing, will push you OFF of.




  5. Should we make the Brothers and Sisters who won the genetic lottery, the ones who are handsome and beautiful, beat themselves in the face with a steel rod until they resemble the rest of us ... and the ones who CAN wear standard body type attractive clothing wear frumpy and dumpy clothing instead?

    They ALREADY want the children's ice-cream money .... and use cartoons to get it!

    What's next?

  6. Perhaps I have missed something ... but I thought everybody in this picture was dressed appropriately ... even though the Brother in the Tan suit looked afraid he was about to become a hand puppet.



    The Brother in the above picture, on the left with the pale blue shirt has his shirt sleeves partially rolled up ... is that it?

    Is that the problem?



  7. 2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    If people cannot see beyond clothing then they have poor judgement. 

    I think this is the crux of the matter.

    In an Engineering Office, you know when a client's project has been totally screwed up and gone over budget ... when management starts stressing the dress code of suits and ties for all employees ... as if that will impress  an over billed client that the Engineering Firm's management  are competent.

    This is based on the idea that the client is SO STUPID that they will think clowns stop being clowns because they have changed costumes.

    I was working on a project in Cincinnati, Ohio ... 945 people in two large four-story buildings ... when the client we were doing work for locally and all the way to China, got fed up with TRYING to be taken for a fool, and fired our firm.  

    In 30 days it went from 945 people to less than 30 people, and within a year they had to close the office.

    Everybody in the office knew what the problem really was ... EXCEPT MANAGEMENT.


  8. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    In purpose to avoid endless arguing and imposing some people attitudes on what is Christian acceptable dress and what is not, about Fashion and Clothes, God created naked people  ;))))

    Are you ready for a New World and this kind of Fashion style? :)))

    I am a big fan of women's Ferengi fashions.  

    But not for Ferengi women.

    QUARK: Would somebody please tell me what's going on?

    ISHKA: It's one of those good news bad news type of things. Give them the good news first.

    ZEK: If you insist. Three days ago, I added a new amendment to the Ferengi Bill of Opportunities giving females the right to wear clothes.

    ROM: In public?

    ISHKA: Anywhere we want.

    QUARK: That can't be the good news. If Ferengi females can wear clothes in public, then they can leave their homes. If they can leave their homes, they can go to work. If they can go to work, they can make profit.

    ISHKA: What's the matter, Quark? Afraid of a little competition?



  9. I OFTEN wonder, looking at that picture, if a smart artist on the Bethel staff is trying to illustrate .... and for those that are not clueless,  successfully so,  .... how totally goofy and cringeworthy some of what corporate thinking is actually like.

    ... someone with an outrageous sense of humor with complete impunity, slipping "inside jokes" past the totally clueless editorial staff .

    Kick Me.jpg


  10. The thing about fashion is that some people look better in one type of clothes than another. 

    Why it works the way it does is a mystery to me, but I realize it as a valid phenomenon.

    If it was up to me I would wear Levis, and a blue long sleeve dress  shirt  without a tie  EVERYWHERE, including the Meetings.

    I change clothes about every three days, but  it does not appear that I do.

    To those that see me everyday, it appears I never change clothes. Comfort fit Levis, dark blue long sleeve permanent press dress shirt open collar, red t-shirt, red wide "fireman's" suspenders AND a belt, and tan suede shows with no socks.


    Exactly the same.

    I KNOW it looks dorky to fashionistas, but it works for me!

    If I had a LOT of money, it would be totally acceptable at the Meetings. ("Oh...he's just ECCENTRIC ...")

    Underneath I have bare skin, which is very helpful in keeping my insides ... in.

    Superman had the same problem ... same outfit, everyday ... day in and day out ... week after week ... year after year ...  but his shirt tail kept popping out, and when he bent over he showed his butt crack, so early in life he realized he needed to wear a cape, or sell advertising space.

    I personally saw NOTHING wrong with the way anyone in this illustration was dressed.


    Kick Me.jpg

    It does look like the Brother in the tan suit is afraid that the Brother in the light blue shirt has just put a "KICK ME" sign on his back, or he is afraid of becoming a hand puppet.

    Just remember this basic Congregational rule about proper dress ...  "If it's neat and clean, and well arranged and modest ....  hides your fat, and for Sisters, if it looks cheap and frumpy ... it's acceptable".

    Years ago I was at a District Assembly at Hampton Roads Coliseum, and through my binoculars noticed the DO and key speaker had fluorescent yellow patent leather mirror finish shoes.  I do not know anywhere in the world you could even buy shoes like that ... and 50 years later, STILL don't know.

    My only objection about the following picture is that the "tight pants"are  UGLY, and it appears you would need side leg zippers up to your knees to get them on and off.

    How do you even DO this... .jpg

    .... perhaps to get your feet through the pants legs you have to temporarily remove the feet.

    With the Brothers outrageous and ugly haircut and mismatched shoes, and clown socks, it is quite clear that he was DELIBERATELY dressed and groomed for the photo to be as repulsive as possible

    Of course.


  11. This same thing happened with ancient civilizations that lasted billions of years on the Earth, before the dinosaurs, and as the entire civilization was subducted below the shifting tectonic plates, their waste products like this, many miles thick, under heat and pressure, became the oil that we use today to power OUR civilization.

    ...just kidding about that (squints and rubs hands together "Or AM I?.....)

     It looks like this pile of floating trash is ALREADY becoming an island of organic plant life of some kind, which of course will become habitats for all kinds of marine animal life.

    Put a pile of trash like this in your back yard and wait a year, and it will be full of leaves, grass, worms, bugs, spiders,  and may even attract a few frogs or two.

    Look carefully at the photos ....

    1 hour ago, SciTechPress said:

    The worst part is that it’s not only unappealing to the eye, but it’s also threatening to kill off marine life due to irreparable damage done to the environment.

    This is an unsubstantiated goofy, tree-hugger opinion ONLY.

    It's embarrassing to even read, and even more embarrassing that people BELIEVE it.

    This may look like trash to the folks who wrote this article, but to marine critters it's shade, a place to eat and live, or a place for  baby fish to hide, just like you see in the grass you buy for a  a home aquarium, so they will not be eaten by bigger fish.

  12. 8 minutes ago, The Librarian said:

    What Jehovah wants from even beautiful women is to be of a quiet and mild spirit and to dress modestly. 

    This is especially true with Sisters that are so ugly they would scare paint off a dump truck.

  13. 6 hours ago, Gone Away said:
    11 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    If Jehovah interfered with modern day mankind, the word FREEDOM would be meaningless

    This is the oldest argument. And the oldest lie is based upon it at Gen.3:4-5. It does need some qualification, as subtlety of meaning is an effective instrument in the wrong hands, as the arch-interferer is well aware.

    There is a very real TEST o whether or not my supposition is true ..is a lie .. or is something else.

    Provide some real life HARD FACT EXAMPLES, or even just ONE,   of where Jehovah had interfered with any modern Nation, Tribe, Organization, or individual person, in any way whatsoever.

    Like I say about "faith healers" ... it's one thing to have faith in a "healer" that cures invisible diseases ... It's quite another thing to have faith in a "healer" who can restore an amputated leg.

    Please give me ONE solid example that meets THAT kind of level of evidenciary  proof, and I will change my viewpoint. Call me when you have a piece of proof the equivalent total irrefutably of healing an amputation.

    Until then, as Arnold Swartzenegger says: "Talk to da hand".



    If Jehovah interfered with modern day mankind, the word FREEDOM would be meaningless .... and there would be no legitimate  consequences to our actions ..... as we would not be in control.

    We could legitimately blame bad stuff on Jehovah, for acting ... or NOT acting to various chance and circumstance, that befall us all.

    With FREEDOM .... we are on our own.

    paraphrased... "STUFF HAPPENS!"

    ... get USED to it ... that's the way things REALLY are.



    They thought it was Armageddon and wanted to save their neighbours.

    They believed police were monsters. They showed super strength after being pepper sprayed and Tasered.

    And all but one of them were naked because, with the end of the world, they didn’t have time to get dressed.

    A court document has provided more details in a bizarre naked kidnapping case that happened last year south of Edmonton, but some questions remain.

    Two women and one man, who cannot be identified due to a publication ban, each pleaded guilty in Leduc provincial court last week to a charge of unlawful confinement. One of the women also pleaded guilty to dangerous driving. Her two teenage daughters were involved in the case, but not charged.

    The girls’ father, who was not part of the group, has said the five may have unknowingly drank some hallucinogenic tea. But the agreed statement of facts submitted in court says alcohol and drugs were not factors and there is no mention of tea in the document.

    The group, who are Jehovah’s Witnesses, had gathered at a home near Leduc on Nov. 2. The mother, who was then 35, had taken her daughters there to visit her 27-year old nephew and his 30-year old wife.

    But over the next three days, the court document says they didn’t leave the house and they barely ate. One of the teens recalls watching movies but also hearing screaming and banging and seeing ashes in the air. Some of the five hid in a bedroom or a bathroom.

    “They did so because they believed that they were in danger, either from bad or wicked people outside or from demons,” says the document.

    It says the group believed that the Great Tribulation had happened and Nov. 6 was Armageddon. So they rushed off to find safety and save a neighbouring family.

    “Four who were naked were changing but they had to leave right away because it was unsafe, so they left without clothes,” the document says.

    The mother, the only one dressed, drove them all in a BMW SUV but was in such a hurry she went through the garage door. When the vehicle headed to the neighbours’ home, it apparently bent a metal gate.

    The neighbours – a man, his adult daughter and her six-week-old son – were forced out of their house and into the snow without shoes, the document says. The woman and her baby were put in the back seat with the teen girls, who were naked under a blanket. The man was put in the trunk and ordered to chant “Jehovah” ten times.

    The group also chanted “Jehovah” as the SUV sped down roads and went through a red light on the way to nearby Nisku, says the document.

    Because the trunk didn’t latch shut, the man was able to climb out when the vehicle slowed. His daughter, after getting her hand slammed in the door of the SUV, was able to get out with her baby. A passing truck stopped to help the trio and they climbed inside.

    The document says the SUV then rammed the truck from behind and the woman and her baby were thrown into the truck’s dash, although they were not injured. The SUV then went into a ditch.

    When Mounties arrived, the group continued to chant and refused to get out, at times clinging to the vehicle and each other. One of the teens believed the police “were monsters who would kill them,” says the document.

    Officers said the people in the SUV “displayed extreme strength.” Two were unaffected by pepper spray. The three adults were also shot with Tasers between two and four times before they relented, although one then slid under the vehicle and had to be dragged out with a strap.

    The neighbours later told police the group seemed “demonized” and “obviously not in their right minds.”

    A judge has ordered pre-sentence reports and risk assessments, which could include psychological testing.

    The three adult offenders are to return to court for sentencing Dec. 20.


    I wonder when we will be seeing this news on the JW.ORG Web Site?

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