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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 14 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    What do you think? Are the members of the governing body the owners of some shares of WTBTS or any other sister company ?

    Without hard evidence ... I try not to think at all about what other people do, or don't do.

    I had three Elders surround me at the Kingdom Hall, and well within my "air space",  one asked me  without any verbal foreplay  whatsoever: "What do you think about the Governing Body?".

    I replied without thinking .... "I do not think about them at all!".

    They didn't bother me again for almost a year.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Judith Sweeney said:

    From a Psychological standpoint, this act causes a person to be self centered. When said "bopper" finds a mate...well, said person is used to the way they themselves do things... the adage "if you want something done right, do it Yourself" may well be the result.  I personally think it is a form of self abuse.   The tub always could use a scrubbing....

    We each have our deeply felt opinions about every imaginable issue ... and we are entitled to believe, or feel, anything that makes us, become us.

    It's when we wish to impose on others .... under the color of "It is God's will" ...... that the road to hell gets another load of good intentioned  extra large paving stones.

    I personally am very comfortable with the idea  that people that abuse animals should be tortured to death ... and take several weeks to do it .....  but I would NOT expect that viewpoint to be shared by others ... NOR would I drag up some ambiguous scriptures to support that idea, or imply that it is the "Will Of God!".

    "Do not go beyond the things that are written" .... was written for a good and sound REASON.

    Perhaps even to protect everybody ... from me.


  3. 1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

    Are you saying that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses have such total control of the Organisation that they could not be removed ?  Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.... But, as Jesus said, with God all things are possible.

    Who is going to remove  men at the apex of the pyramid?

    Outside of secular authorities who might arrest and imprison them for violation of secular law, there is no one WITHIN the .ORG to fire them.   Even if imprisoned on some charge, like embezzlement or something else, they would still be the titular figureheads of the .ORG

    Jehovah God COULD turn us all into winged frogs .... but current hard evidence shows that he does NOT interfere with any aspect of mankind's follys, whether they be deliberate, or through chance and circumstance , or just being plain goofy and clueless.

    Many fantasy, wishful thinking bogus examples to the contrary ... the Governing Body KNOWS this.

    They cannot be fired for crimes, incompetence, or just being plain goofy and clueless.

    No matter WHAT they do ... the money keeps rolling in ....


  4. 4 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    In short, I assume you were talking about corporate firing of someone who is found to be in error in the workplace.

    I wouldn't call it fantasy, this is the case with cooperate businesses and the like. I should know because I had a hand in dealing in such places and out of experience this is the case when you are a man of color in such places, mainly if such ones are aware of your background and or history, and or what race you are.

    This stems into the medical field as well (also including  labor and pharmaceutical companies), whereas it is a bit harsh and far worse compared to corporate.

    That being said, I assume you were talking about workplace firing and the like, the very reason I bring up what is actually a reality. I would also like to add such things can happen indirectly be those within the company and or outside of it, which will prompt targeting and or gang-stalking of the targeted individual.

    You have made my case FOR me, better than I could have ever done.

  5. 50 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    In any Corporation, the ONLY way to correct things that are seriously wrong, is to fire those responsible.

    NOTHING else actually works !

    You are living in a fantasy world construct of your own device, Space Merchant.

    I am talking about one thing ... and you have slipped into a world of something else altogether.

  6. Anytime you want to invoke "What credentials do you have?", remember that Adolph Hitler saved Germany from destitution left over from World War I, made the trains run on time, created the Autobahn, was a vegetarian, and loved dogs.  He was TIME Magazines "Man of the Year" ... twice, and rooted out Communism from Germany.

    In fact, in the minds of most Germans he was adored, and the Churches even celebrated his birthday.  He fought in World War I, and twice received the Iron Cross.

    With all these super-fine  "credentials" ........ we are STILL talking about Adolph Hitler.

  7. 1 hour ago, Anna said:

    But masturbation isn't in that category, (of going beyond what is written) it has to do more with self control as part of the Christian personality that we are supposed to cultivate.

    Therein lies the problem, Anna.

    EVERYBODY who considers themselves a Christian, in every religion "Christian based" on Earth, has their own deeply felt ideas about what a Christian should be.

    Makeup, tattoos, eating of foods or not, forbidding  clergy to marry, and the list is literally endless, as it varies with "new light", old light, flashing light, colored light, black light, etc.

    Something that CAN be interpreted to fit a translator's, or interpreter's preconceived notions of their personal morays, WILL BE. 

    This is where the common sense smell test has to take place.   Masturbation  MAY be alluded to in Paul's writings, but in the Old Testament, When Jehovah was a "harsher taskmaster", and NOBODY could obey the Old Covenant regulations .... THERE WERE NO REGULATIONS ABOUT THIS SUBJECT.

    This was at a time when nearly EVERYTHING ELSE  was regulated.

    Hard evidence, what we REALLY know from what is ACTUALLY clearly and unambiguously written is that Jehovah only mentioned it as something that Onan did, and the criticism was ONLY that he did not impregnate someone.

                                                                Look it up.

    With this perspective, whatever Paul was talking about, common sense would dictate it was NOT THIS.

    I am of course only guessing ... but understanding humans' propensity to want to control EVERY ASPECT of other peoples' lives ... and commonly  going beyond the things that ACTUALLY "written", and those same amateur tyrants can make a good living, by inducing guilt in the guiltless.

    LEAVE THE PEOPLE ALONE.   ( God does NOT care about this )

    DON'T BE A "BUSYBODY"  (... remember THAT scripture? )

    Because ALL translators and interpreters are subject to what they do being filtered and colored through their own perspective, it is CRITICALLY important that we  do NOT GO BEYOND  the things in the Bible that are clearly and unambiguously written.

    For a hundred years the Society has continuously "overreached" for organizational stability, and have had their butts chewed completely off! 

    Overreaching, even with the best of intentions ( with which the road to hell is reportedly paved...)  generates tyranny,  and error .... and ingrained, induced mental illness.

    Once this takes root, common sense no longer becomes all that common, and the Pharisees win, and that means the people  .... lose.

    If they leave the TRUTH ... chased away ... it is the same as manslaughter.

    And we who continue to carry these unnecessary heavy burdens become slaves, only to be  sheared and eaten.

    Next thing you know, it will make perfect sense to treat our own family, spiritual and physical, with extreme cruelty.

    There is a very simple solution.

    "Do NOT go beyond the things that are written."


  8. What is a Bullfrog had wings .... would he bump his rump every time he took off?

    Jehovah and his type are energy creatures, without DNA.

    They do not need this Universe AT ALL.

    So ..... why did Jehovah create THIS Universe?

    Hmmmmmmm ?

    For the sons and daughters of DNA ... there is a LOT of  Real Estate out there !

    Once you get out of the Earth's gravity well ... you are half way to ANYWHERE!


  9. In keeping with Space Merchants pertinent and informative post, there is more to be said along those lines because  ... I have an addiction I cannot shake ... and I will relate my sad experience.

    I am addicted to DiHydrogen Monoxide, (DHMO) also known as "hydroxyl acid".

    I am told it is not a choice ... that I was born that way, as my Mother was also an addict, during my entire gestation.

    If I don't get my daily "fix", I start feeling weak and "out of sorts".

    If I can't get a supply in 24 hours, I start to get really physically ill, and my body starts shutting down.

    I am told that that of I do not ingest  any for six days, I will certainly die ... but hydroxyl acid withdrawal symptom permanent damage will occur before then.

    OF COURSE, it is dangerous what I am doing, and if I overdose on DiHydrogen Monoxide, I will have congestive heart failure and die.

    In February, I was in the hospital for 4 days because of a DHMO overdose, and nearly DID die from congestive heart failure!

    It cost about $16,000 to save my life from this!

    MILLIONS of people have died by suffocation from DHMO, recently  six Jehovah's Witnesses in one day, as it is fatal if inhaled.

    I know that it is used as an industrial solvent ... yet I cannot break this habit ... DHMO has me in its slippery grip, and I cannot do without it!

    In vapor form, it can cause severe burns ... and knowing this I STILL cannot break this habit. Sometimes I mix it with other things and drink it with steam coming off of it !

    It is so insidious that the word "Zohnerism" is used to refer to its dangers on the human mind.

    I hope the Elders do not find out,  as anything that is not specifically permitted, is of course ... forbidden, and I am an unrepentant,  habitual DHMO addict.

    Even though in February, it almost killed me, I REFUSE to quit!


  10. Yeah ... we had "Goodie Night" about once a month, after the "Tuesday Night" "bookstudy", and it was very enjoyable.

    Brothers and Sisters would bring goodies, and sit around on a sugar high, and talk to each other, sharing congregational and personal experiences.  Lots of laughter and jokes, and "tall tales", and experiences.

    I miss that.

    A LOT.

    I suspect it was this free flow of un-scripted information was why it was REALLY cancelled.

  11. UPDATE: 9/18/2018

    I had a tree about 150 feet tall and as big around as a barrel fall across my chain link fence in the side yard and crushed about three, ten foot sections of fence.

    When it gets cooler, I will chain saw it and repair the fence.

    90% of the tree is on my neighbor's property, but it is a big farm, so I will not have to move it.

    It looks like we missed "Stormageddon"!

    It was like being chased by a giant turtle.

  12. The whole point of my berating this particular issue is that is "low hanging fruit", that is to say,  this is an almost universal experience of almost EVERYONE that is alive, or ever lived, , whereas murder is (presumably) NOT., so it is an EASY subject to address ..... But even that is not the main  point.

    The MAIN point is " Do not go beyond the things that are written".  

    Jehovah God has spoken against MANY things, sometimes dozens or perhaps hundreds of times.  O.K. ... THAT is "O.K. to reiterate as good counsel, but for crying out loud ... things that He has expressed NO OPINION ON WHATSOEVER .... leave the people alone!

    Do not load a heavy burden upon them because we feel down to OUR bones that it MUST be the will of God ... WHEN GOD IS IGNORING IT.


    I feel it is disingenuous, and clownish, and narcissistic. 

    But THEY like it, and I can see no reason to burden people by lying that it is the will of God that they not paint their faces.  I could even say this is "an unclean practice" and immoral, if I believed that (which I do not), and invoke ambiguous scripture, or MANY scriptures that pretended to support whatever  pet agenda I might have.

    The MAIN point is " Do not go beyond the things that are written".  

    When we do, it opens up a Pandora's Box of creating a mindset that allows for ANY pet idea or bogus agenda to become acceptable ... and when invoking the false authority of God to support our sad, criminal silliness, we dishonor God, and chase people AWAY from the TRUTH.

    I could expound on this theme for many pages .... but the major problem we have in the Truth today, is Victorian culture and personal preferences ... ARE PRESENTED AS THE WILL OF GOD!

    This actually slanders Jehovah and his Christ, making them hand puppets where we are supplying the words.

    The MAIN point is " Do not go beyond the things that are written".  

    This issue is just the classic example of how the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    " Do not go beyond the things that are written".  





  13. This might be a good time to REVIEW about a 7MB video clip of the FAMOUS "Pillowgate" Videos ( the complete video for Brothers at Bethel is almost a gigabyte, and the one for Sisters is about 95MB).

    You can be sure that the GB is CERTAINLY giving plenty of food for thought, at the proper time.


    We ALL should benefit from this ... uh.... this "sound counsel".

    Knowing how important this is, I tried to upload the full videos, but the system choked on it, and would not accept it.


  14. When I was younger, I would struggle with all these sorts of things .... and argue them.

    Having experienced  "New Light" so many times I feel like an epileptic subjected to a  flashing strobe light ....

    The famous phrase from "Gone With The Wind" movie comes to mind ...

    "Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn !"

    If I (or anybody) REALLY ever knows, it will be in the New System.

    All else is speculation by people who PRETEND to know.

    ESPECIALLY in "Revelation" which was to the Apostle John.

    I suspect a LOT got lost in various "translations".

    What could be simpler?

    No muss, no fuss, no conflict.


  15. 4 hours ago, Gone Away said:
    6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Report EVERYTHING to the police ... and let them sort it out.

    At last! A working conscience, despite the ineffective remedy! 


    As my grown daughter once said to a "Brother" who was showing her  unwanted "attentions",

    "If you don't leave me alone my Dad will kill you. Yes, he will go to prison, but YOU will be dead!".

    This man and I had met, and he knew that was true .... and he turned his "attentions" elsewhere.

    Sometimes the most complicated interpersonal problems have a simple solution.

    ... and I am a man who takes spiders outside when I can so as not to harm them.


  16. The thought just occurred to me, that is we as Jehovah's Witnesses become tired of waiting on the Governing Body to straighten out this problem, AND hold those accountable, we can do it OURSELVES.

    Report EVERYTHING to the police ... and let them sort it out.

    Apparently THEIR system of Truth and Justice works better than ours!

    Not perfect ..... just better.

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