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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. The thought just occurred to me, that is we as Jehovah's Witnesses become tired of waiting on the Governing Body to straighten out this problem, AND hold those accountable, we can do it OURSELVES.

    Report EVERYTHING to the police ... and let them sort it out.

    Apparently THEIR system of Truth and Justice works better than ours!

    Not perfect ..... just better.

  2. " Can anyone explain this to me?: The rest of the dead did not come to life UNTIL the 1,000 years were ENDED."

    How could it be any simpler than what is stated?

    On 12/21/2017 at 3:57 PM, DeeDee said:

    And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christ for 1,000 years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the 1,000 years were ended.) This is the first resurrection.

    Idea No. 1.) 

    "And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christ for 1,000 years. 5 ....  This is the first resurrection."

    Idea No. 2  

    (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the 1,000 years were ended.) ...

    There.... that make more sense?

    What could be simpler?


  3. 7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    With humans ... there is truly INFINITE VARIETY of what one thing leads to another.

    .... there are people that read the Bible, and that causes THEM to become mass murderers.

    Thankfully that is not the case with everybody.

    Infinite Variety.

    Jehovah does not hold it against us that we get hungry ... he DOES hold it against us if it is uncontrolled gluttony.

    Water is necessary for life.

    TO MUCH water can give you congestive heart failure.

    My best guess is that the two  analogies are good ones.

    Infinite Variety.

  4. “The EAS is a national public warning system that provides the president with the communications capability to address the nation during a national emergency,” explained FEMA on its website.

    In England during World War II, they had mail service twice a day, and notified people of national emergencies BY MAIL!

    This EAS is a system set up to warn people of national emergencies, like thermonuclear war, where you have PERHAPS 15 minutes to take cover.

    FAKE NEWS is when it is alluded to that Trump is going to use it for ANY personal purpose.


  5. AllenSmith:

    We are obviously talking about two different things.

    I do not expect National Guardsman to consider anything but to protect and serve according to their sworn oath, and sometimes to protect the innocent and enforce the Laws of the Land, they have to use FORCE.

    You cannot enforce laws with using FORCE, or the assured EXPECTATION of force.

    Including deadly force, when the Bad Guys are stupidly mucking about.

  6. 5 hours ago, Anna said:

    will take the liberty of answering this one as @Gone Away has probably gone to bed. But duh! Obviously it means that God right now does not protect anyone physically, and that if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time then you will cop it, most likely.  Why doesn't God protect his people physically right now? Because he is allowing Satan to do his thing for now. However, if you die faithful, then your future life is safe with Jehovah. It is our spirituality he is interested in, because that means our (everlasting) life.

    I will wait for Gone Away's explanation, as it may be entirely different, exactly the same, or anything in the middle.

    Even when Jehovah fought for and with the armies of ancient Israel, individual soldiers were killed. How do you explain THAT? It may not have "been the issue", or "in the overall scheme of things" spiritually, but it was them who did the dying..

    I SEE your viewpoint ... I just disagree with it. 

    I cannot believe that the reason that Jehovah God is letting millions of good people die, one at a time, or in groups, is to ALLOW his arch enemy freedom of action.

    I believe something very common to people causes the death of these six Witnesses by drowning.

    1.) perhaps the road was wet, and the car skidded into the river, ditch, pond or whatever, or

    2.) perhaps the driver fell asleep at the wheel and ran off the road, or

    3.) perhaps a tire blew out and they lost control, or some other very common occurrence.

    I personally do not believe that God or Satan had ANYTHING to do with this accident .... that it was merely "chance and circumstance befall us all".

    THAT is what makes the most common sense, and is the most reasonable explanation ... and dragging up a scripture to invoke supernatural intervention by acting, not acting, or some universal agenda is wrong, and delusional.

    Oh, and there is one more of many more possibilities....

    4.)  They never learned how to swim, and/or never visualized in advance what they would do if their car was submerged in water.

    People that think about emergencies, and meditate on how to handle them, and mentally prepare themselves for specific scenarios, OFTEN don't have life killing emergencies .... merely "experiences ".

    It is my opinion that Jehovah has NEVER protected individual people in everyday situations, as if he did, that means that the freedom to screw up would not exist, and true Freedom requires "chance and circumstances befall us all", without divine interference ... or it is NOT really Freedom.

    If there is no REAL Freedom, and unfettered consequences full and complete .... then as night follows day ... there is no responsibility, as our actions are not our own.

    You can't have it BOTH ways.


  7. 1 John 5:18-20 New International Version (NIV)

    18 We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them. 19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. 20 We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.


    Ok... I give up .... what does THIS scripture have to do with this car accident, resulting in six drownings?

  8. 1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

    This is why I stated to look up Pillow in that community and you will see for yourself how people respond. We mustn't start with Otakus either because that is a whole other can of worms of which people, mainly Americans, bash the culture practiced by some youth in Japan, which seems to have a spilled a bit over into the US and EU, granted it is known some Otakus only do such, hence Pillow, because of their emotional and or current state as well as their self-esteem.

    I have NO IDEA what you are talking about, but I suspect you have it ALL WRONG.

    I had never heard the term OTAKU before, so I had to look it up


    It seems, according to this, if you become an expert on EVERY aspect of stamp collecting, you could be an "OTAKU".



  9. 16 minutes ago, Anna said:

    I am not saying this as a rule, but in all honesty, could it be said that masturbation never leads to sexual immorality, or thoughts of it? 


    With humans ... there is truly INFINITE VARIETY of what one thing leads to another.

    .... there are people that read the Bible, and that causes THEM to become mass murderers.

    Thankfully that is not the case with everybody.

    Infinite Variety.


  10. 1 hour ago, AllenSmith34 said:

    Yet, when guardsmen are called into action, these men are prepared to kill, since they are under dual control by the State and federal. Where, do you see your understanding of Jesus framework that can be interpreted and applied correctly by the remaining sects in Christendom, by this simple truth?

    Jesus is also prepared to kill ... Armageddon will be a slaughter from one end of the Earth to the other end of the Earth.

    ...for the same reason a National Guardsman kills when called upon .... to protect the innocent.

    The only difference is ... the National Guardsman is doing it NOW!



    I have read scholarly real life studies on human sexuality spanning decades of research, in big thick bound volumes, some I have here in my personal Library ... that somewhere around 95% of all men masturbate, and 80% of all women masturbate. 

    100% of all men and women masticate, consumate, defecate, urinate, expectorate, perspirate, and exfoliate.

    (That means chew, eat, poop, pee, spit, sweat and shed skin ... for those in Rio Linda...)

    Men ejaculate and women menstruate.

    (That means squirt semen, and leak blood ... . for those in Rio Linda .... )

    Presumably, all these things have occurred since the beginning of humans on Earth ... and in fact all sexually reproducing animals on Earth ... for MILLIONS ... even BILLIONS  of years.

    You might think that if Jehovah cared about such things as men and women masturbating he would have mentioned it AT LEAST ONCE in the Bible.

    ... actually, God did have an opinion about it ONE time, in one specific instance, specifically concerning Onan.

    Other than that ... zero...zip... nada.... goose eggs.

    ( ... that means NOTHING .... for those in Rio Linda.)

    Sometimes, as part of out cultural upbringing, and our particular proclivities, we come to believe, to our very souls ... to our bones ... things that God has NO stated opinion on.

    Cannibalism is one of those things ... which we consider ABHORRENT, which is a natural reaction for some, and as for an example, the Early Hawaiians, not so much.

    They ate their slain enemies as a matter of convenience.  Presumably they bled to death ... and they ate them.

    Jehovah ALSO never prohibited cannibalism, but he does prohibit eating blood.

    Nowhere in the Bible has Jehovah spoken against what for approximately 90% of the planet's human population is a common human practice ... and always has been.

    There are good Biblical Detectives ... and there are bad Biblical Detectives .   Bad ones don't detect much, and always get it wrong.

    Dishonest ones attribute as the will of God, things he has no interest in.


    Dishonest ones attribute as the will of God, things he has no interest in.


    Dishonest ones attribute as the will of God, things he has no interest in.







  12. 1 minute ago, Nicole said:

    They told the family that no under any circumstances they should talk to her, unless someone is dying, otherwise nothing, not even about day-to-day affairs

    I have seen Witnesses who were told by the person to be disfellowshipped that it would happen next week, try to get in as much time as they could with that person until the announcement was made ... THEN ... they "ceased to exist".

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