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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I think the phrase "Don't land your personal airplane on an airport taxiway" might be appropriate for this guy. He is a fine actor, but he is originally a carpenter by trade, who reads lines well, and had the looks to be a a movie star. On this issue, he is still an actor ... reading someone elses' lines.
  2. Here are some "facts" to illustrate the point. Sharknado 2 the Best of.mp4 When you for a HUNDRED YEARS deliberately scare people with mental imagry WORSE THAN THIS ... and like this truly awful and nutty shark film,.... you go from being a bearer of light to the world .... to a producer of irrational horror so bad ..... it becomes both revulsive and comedic. We have been taught to fear EVERYTHING ... and it has a price. We banish our own people for the slightest difference in conscience ... and now the Nations are returning the favor, just as Israel was chastised by the Babylonians ... for just cause. Everything that goes around ..... comes around. For those in Rio Linda, these clips were NOT a documentary.   Â
  3. This of course was not factual, it was a satire lampooning the fact that the Society has for a hundred years provided 15% strong spiritual truths mixed with 85% irrational cluelessness and false prophesies of various sorts, and clueless observations that make no sense at all, before, during, or after their proclamation ... with the stated or implied imprimatur of God's backing. There is the saying "Once burned, twice shy!" which sums up my feelings, as after twenty times and more of being "burned" I think all rational people are ENTITLED to be "wary". Faith is one thing. Gullibility, is idolatry.
  4. Concerning the difference ( and there is a very REAL one ) between "evidence", and "proof": As Robert A. Heinlein once stated "One man's religion is another man's belly laugh".
  5. As regards this specific prisoner being released .... what is a better solution? I mean ... one that is legal. How would YOU solve this SPECIFIC prisoner's situation? The phrase "Going after the problem" is completely meaningless, without specifics.
  6. This to me is quite funny. These Liberals work themselves up into a blood lust feeding frenzy to destroy Trump ... and start eating EACH OTHER.
  7. All of the above. ....and MORE. Without irrefutable hard evidence ... NEVER assume a person's motive for ANYTHING. If all else fails, and as a very last resort ... ask them.
  8. .... and there never has been any way to fire these charlatans, and there isn't any way to fire them today. What is the answer for a person of normal intelligence and conscience ?
  9. It never ends. Just when you think you have seen it all, heard it all, and read it all .... it NEVER ENDS.
  10. Space Merchant: Generally RoC refers to the Republic of China, also called "The Chicoms".. If it was me, I would have probably written out Russian Orthodox Church, then the initials (ROC) in parenthesis, then ROC thereafter. Perhaps sometime in the past you did tell me about 777, but I do not remember it.
  11. Thah'ss a OK, AllenSmith34 ... I wrote yor a name on a piece of ah paper and gave it to Guido ... who has knife scars from his eyebrows to his stomach, that never heal, and who has a very creative take on civilized behavior, and a like a Lion when you remove a thorn from its paw ... never forgets a favor.
  12. RUSSIA: Criminal investigations of 69 Jehovah's Witnesses - list By Victoria Arnold, Forum 18 Full list of 69 Jehovah's Witnesses charged or named as suspects or currently on trial for "extremism"-related offences as of 13 September 2018. Of these, 25 are in detention, 9 under house arrest and 30 under travel restrictions. Four are thought not to be under restrictions. Since January 2018, law enforcement agencies have been raiding Jehovah's Witness homes across Russia, often involving armed riot police or National Guard troops. These raids are usually led by the Investigative Committee, but the FSB security service and anti-extremism police have also participated. Consequently, 69 Jehovah's Witnesses - listed below - are under criminal investigation or on trial as of 13 September 2018 (see F18News 13 September 2018 <http://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2412>). Of these, 65 are under investigation as a direct result of the Supreme Court's 20 April 2017 decision (upheld on 17 July 2017) to outlaw the Jehovah's Witness Administrative Centre and its subdivisions as "extremist" and ban all their activities nationwide. A further four Jehovah's Witnesses were charged with extremism-related offences before the ban came into force. Three of these are already on trial; it is unknown when the fourth will appear in court. Restrictive measures After extensive searches of their properties and confiscation of personal belongings, Jehovah's Witnesses are usually taken to a police station or FSB or Investigative Committee office for questioning. Interrogations can last many hours, and sometimes continue through the night. Officers may then release them or hold them at a temporary detention centre for 48 hours. After 48 hours, individuals may be released under travel restrictions or investigators request a court to approve longer-term restrictive measures - house arrest or pre-trial detention. Travel restrictions may be applied indefinitely, but investigators must renew them every two weeks - when summoned, a suspect or accused person must attend the relevant law enforcement agency to sign another undertaking not to leave the town or district. A judge may place an individual under house arrest for an initial period of two months, towards the end of which investigators must go back to court to seek an extension. Under house arrest, a person may not leave his or her home (unless under special dispensation to go to hospital or, in some cases, to work), receive visitors, send or receive post, use the telephone, or use the internet. A judge may place an individual in pre-trial detention also for an initial period of two months, towards the end of which investigators must go back to court to seek an extension. Individuals may appeal to a higher court to have these restrictive measures lifted or reduced. A new law signed by President Vladimir Putin on 3 July stipulates that one day in pre-trial detention now counts as one and half days in a correctional colony after sentencing (this will be applied retroactively). Previously, custodial sentences were reduced by exactly the length of time a person had served in pre-trial custody. Investigators have opened criminal cases against these Jehovah's Witnesses under Article 282.2, Part 1 ("Organisation of the activities of a banned extremist organisation") or Part 2 ("Participation in the activities of a banned extremist organisation"), and in a few instances under Article 282.3, Part 1 ("Financing of extremist activity"). If convicted, they could receive lengthy prison sentences or heavy fines. It is unknown when any of their cases will come to court. Figures A total of 69 Jehovah's Witnesses have been charged or named as suspects or are currently on trial for extremism-related offences as of 13 September 2018. The majority of these people - 16 women, 49 men - are under investigation for "continuing the activities" of http://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2413 Copyright Forum18 News Service 2018 Page 1/7 the banned Jehovah's Witness Administrative Centre and its local communities. As of 13 September 2018, 25 people are in detention (24 men, 1 woman), nine people are under house arrest (all men), and 30 people (13 women, 17 men) are under travel restrictions. One woman has been placed under specific restrictive conditions. Only four people (one woman, three men) are currently thought to be under no restrictions as the cases against them proceed. Full list Name, date of birth - date of initial arrest; date of decision to put in detention/under house arrest/under travel restrictions, date to be released; charged/suspect under [Criminal Code Article]; whether or not on Rosfinmonitoring "List of Terrorists and Extremists" --- 25 in Detention Ivanovo - Shuya 1) Dmitry Vasilyevich Mikhailov, born 25 October 1977 - arrested on 19 April 2018; detained on 29 May 2018, until 19 October 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2 and Article 282.3, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Kemerovo 2) Sergey Alekseyevich Britvin, born 1965 - arrested on 22 July 2018; detained on 24 July 2018, until 19 September 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 3) Vadim Anatolyevich Levchuk, born 1972 - arrested on 22 July 2018; detained on 24 July 2018, until 19 September 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Khabarovsk 4) Valery Vasilyevich Moskalenko, born 1967 - arrested on 2 August 2018; detained on 3 August 2018, until at latest 2 October 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Kostroma 5) Sergey Alekseyevich Rayman, born 1996 - arrested on 25 July 2018; detained on 26 July 2018, until at latest 25 September 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Krasnoyarsk 6) Andrei Garafetanovich Stupnikov, born 17 September 1973 - arrested on 3 July 2018; detained on 4 July 2018, until 2 October 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Magadan 7) Ivan Grigoryevich Puyda, born 5 November 1978 - arrested in Khabarovsk on 30 May 2018; detained in Magadan on 1 June 2018, until 29 September 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List ? Sergey Liviyevich Yerkin, born 23 June 1953 - arrested on 30 May 2018; detained on 1 June 2018, until 30 September 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 9) Yevgeny Anatolyevich Zyablov, born 9 March 1977 - arrested on 30 May 2018; detained on 1 June 2018, until 29 September 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Murmansk - Polyarny 10) Roman Nikolayevich Markin, born 18 March 1974 - arrested on 18 April 2018; detained no later than 20 April 2018, until 11 October 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 11) Viktor Fyodorovich Trofimov, born 26 March 1957 - arrested on 18 April 2018; detained no later than 20 April 2018, until 12 October 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Omsk 12) Anastasiya Andreyevna Polyakova, born 25 May 1984 - arrested on 4 July 2018; detained on 6 July 2018, until 20 September http://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2413 Copyright Forum18 News Service 2018 Page 2/7 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 15 August 2018 13) Sergei Valeryevich Polyakov, 28 April 1972 - arrested on 4 July 2018; detained on 6 July 2018, until 20 September 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 15 August 2018 Oryol 14) Dennis Ole Christensen, born 18 December 1972 - arrested on 25 May 2017; detained on 26 May 2017, until 1 November 2018; currently on trial under Article 282.2 Part 1; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 27 March 2018 Penza 15) Vladimir Aleksandrovich Alushkin, born 30 June 1964 - arrested on 15 July 2018; detained on 17 July 2018, until 14 September 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 6 September 2018 Primorye - Vladivostok 16) Valentin Pavlovich Osadchuk, born 15 March 1976 - arrested on 19 April 2018; detained on 23 April 2018, until 20 September 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 17) Dmitry Viktorovich Barmakin, born 1974 - arrested in Nakhodka on 28 July 2018; detained on 30 July 2018, until 27 September 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Saratov 18) Konstantin Viktorovich Bazhenov, born 10 May 1975 - arrested on 12 June 2018; detained on 14 June 2018, until 12 December 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 19) Aleksey Vladimirovich Budenchuk, born 27 July 1982 - arrested on 12 June 2018; detained on 14 June 2018, until 12 December 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 20) Feliks Khasanovich Makhammadiev, born 14 December 1984 - arrested on 12 June 2018; detained on 14 June 2018, until 12 December 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Tatarstan - Naberezhnyye Chelny 21) Ilkham Shamilyevich Karimov, born 9 February 1981 - arrested on 27 May; detained on 29 May 2018, until 25 September 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 22) Konstantin Viktorovich Matrashov, born 22 August 1988 arrested on 27 May; detained on 29 May 2018, until 25 September 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1 (and 1.1 and 2?); not on Rosfinmonitoring List 23) Vladimir Nikolayevich Myakushin, born 6 November 1987 - arrested on 27 May; detained on 29 May 2018, until 25 September 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1 (and 1.1 and 2?); not on Rosfinmonitoring List 24) Aydar Maratovich Yulmetyev, born August 1993 - arrested on 29 May; detained on 31 May 2018, until 25 September 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1 (and 1.1 and 2?); not on Rosfinmonitoring List Tomsk 25) Sergey Gennadyevich Klimov, born 26 March 1970 - arrested on 3 June 2018; detained on 5 June 2018, until 31 October 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List --- 9 under House Arrest Bashkortostan - Ufa 1) Anatoly Sergeyevich Vilitkevich, born 15 September 1986 - arrested on 10 April 2018; detained on 12 April 2018 and released on appeal on 21 June 2018; unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 7 July 2018 Magadan http://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2413 Copyright Forum18 News Service 2018 Page 3/7 2) Konstantin Nikolayevich Petrov, born 9 August 1986 - arrested on 30 May 2018; detained on 1 June 2018, until 29 July 2018; released from detention on appeal on 3 August and placed under house arrest; ; unknown when house arrest due to end; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Orenburg 3) Vladislav Sergeyevich Kolbanov, born 27 November 1992 - arrested on 16 May 2018; put under house arrest on 19 May 2018; unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article 282.3, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 4) Aleksandr Gennadyevich Suvorov, born 20 April 1980 - arrested on 16 May; detained on 19 May, 2018, until 14 July 2018; released from detention on 3 August and placed under house arrest; unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 5) Vladimir Yuryevich Kochnev, born 15 October 1979 - arrested on 16 May; detained on 19 May, 2018, until 14 July 2018 released from detention on 3 August and placed under house arrest; unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Penza 6) Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kulyasov, born 17 April 1974 - arrested on 15 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under house arrest on 17 July 2018; unknown when house arrest will end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 6 September 2018 7) Andrei Aleksandrovich Magliv, born 20 June 1984 - arrested on 15 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under house arrest on 17 July 2018; unknown when house arrest will end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 6 September 2018 ? Denis Vladimirovich Timoshin, born 23 March 1980 - arrested on 15 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under house arrest on 17 July 2018; unknown when house arrest will end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 6 September 2018 Perm 9) Aleksandr Vasilyevich Solovyov, born 13 February 1970 - arrested on 22 May 2018; put under house arrest on 24 May 2018; unknown when house arrest due to end; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List --- 30 under Travel Restrictions Amur 1) Dmitry Mikhailovich Golik, born 26 March 1987 - arrested on 20 July 2018; unknown if detained for 48 hours or when placed under travel restrictions; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 30 August 2018 Belgorod 2) Anatoly Aleksandrovich Shalyapin, born 21 January 1994 - arrested on 7 February 2018; released under travel restrictions on 10 February 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Ivanovo - Shuya 3) Aleksey A., date of birth unknown - arrested 26 June 2018, unknown if detained for 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on unknown date; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; unknown if on Rosfinmonitoring List 4) Yelena Valentinovna Mikhailova, born 9 August 1983 - arrested 29 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 22 June 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2 and Article 282.3, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 5) Svetlana P., date of birth unknown - arrested on 26 June 2018, unknown if detained for 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on unknown date; unknown if charged or still suspect, under Article 282.2 Part 1 and Article 282.3 Part 1; unknown if on Rosfinmonitoring List 6) Svetlana Yuryevna Shishina, born 16 November 1975 - arrested 29 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 22 June 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2 and Article 282.3, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List http://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2413 Copyright Forum18 News Service 2018 Page 4/7 Jewish Autonomous Region - Birobidzhan 7) Alam Abdulaziz ogly Aliyev, born 14 January 1963 - arrested on 17 May 2018; detained on 18 May 2018 but released on appeal on 25 May 2018 and placed under travel restrictions; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; added to Rosfinmonitoring List between 17 May and 13 June 2018 Kabardino-Balkariya - Maysky ? Yury Viktorovich Zalipayev, born 8 October 1962 - case opened in August 2017; put under travel restrictions on 24 April 2018; currently on trial under Article 280, Part 1 and Article 282, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Kabardino-Balkariya - Prokhladny 9) Arkadya Akopovich Akopyan, born 28 May 1948 - put under travel restrictions on 3 May 2017; currently on trial under Article 282, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Kamchatka - Yelizovo 10) Snezhana Yevgenyevna Bazhenova, born 1977 - arrested on 19 August 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on 21 August 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 11) Vera Ivanovna Zolotova, born 1946 - arrested on 19 August 2018 and detained for 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on 21 August 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Orenburg 12) Pavel Aleksandrovich Lekontsev, born 5 July 1981 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 16 May 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 13) Sergey Viktorovich Logunov, born 28 November 1962 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 16 May 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 14) Aleksey Nikolayevich Matveyev, born 23 April 1983 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 16 May 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 15) Olga Timofeyevna Sandu, born 31 March 1984 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 16 May 2018 but has since left Russia; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 16) Fail Samigullovich Shangareyev, born 16 December 1960 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 16 May 2018 but has since left Russia; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 17) Nikolay Nikolayevich Zhugin, born 14 February 1976 - arrested 16 May 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 16 May 2018; charged under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Oryol 18) Sergei Vladimirovich Skrynnikov, born 30 October 1962 - arrested 25 May 2017 but not detained beyond 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on 13 March 2018; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 27 March 2018 Vladivostok, Primorye 19) Nailya Sunatovna Kogay, born 5 October 1951 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 20) Lyubov Aleksandrovna Galaktionova, born 1947 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 21) Nina Ivanovna Purge, born 19 June 1940 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 22) Raisa Mikhailovna Usanova, born 28 September 1947 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List http://www.forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2413 Copyright Forum18 News Service 2018 Page 5/7 23) Yelena Viktorovna Zayshchuk, born 25 August 1934 - arrested on 19 April 2018; put under travel restrictions on 19 April; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Pskov 24) Gennady Valerianovich Shpakovsky, born 6 October 1958 - arrested on 3 June 2018; put under travel restrictions on unknown date; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; added to Rosfinmonitoring List on 6 July 2018 Sakha-Yakutiya - Lensk 25) Igor Nikolayevich Ivashin, born 16 April 1976 - arrested on 30 June or 1 July; put under travel restrictions on 2 July; suspect under unknown Article; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Saratov 26) Gennady Vasilyevich German, born 12 June 1969 - arrested on 12 June 2018 but not detained beyond 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on 14 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 27) Roman Aleksandrovich Gridasov, born 16 September 1978 - arrested on 12 June 2018 but not detained beyond 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on 14 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 28) Aleksey Petrovich Miretsky, born 14 December 1975 - arrested on 12 June 2018 but not detained beyond 48 hours; put under travel restrictions on 14 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Tatarstan - Naberezhnyye Chelny 29) Zinaida Viktorovna Soldatova, born 2 April 1967 - arrested on 27 March 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 12 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Parts 1, 1.1, and 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 30) Valentina Ivanovna Stepkina, born 18 January 1951 - arrested on 27 March 2018 but not detained; put under travel restrictions on 6 June 2018; suspect under Article 282.2 Parts 1, 1.1, and 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List --- 1 under Specific Restrictions Kostroma 1) Valeriya Aleksandrovna Rayman, born 1993 - arrested on 25 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours; released on 27 July 2018 but not allowed to; go out at night; use the internet, telephone, or postal service; or talk to anybody else involved in the case; charged under Article 282.2, Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List --- 4 under No known restrictions Belgorod 1) Sergey Aleksandrovich Voykov, born 28 August 1975 - arrested on 7 February 2018; released under travel restrictions on 10 February 2018, which later lapsed; suspect under Article 282.2 Part 2; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Kamchatka - Yelizovo 2) Konstantin Aleksandrovich Bazhenov, born 1977 - arrested on 19 August 2018; detained on 21 August 2018, until 18 October 2018; released on appeal on 29 August 2018; not on Rosfinmonitoring List Kamchatka - Vilyuchinsk 3) Yelena Vyacheslavovna Popova, born 1963 - arrested on 30 July 2018 and detained for 48 hours, extended to 72 hours; placed under house arrest on 3 August 2018; released from house arrest on appeal on 10 August 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1 and Article 282.2, Part 1.1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List 4) Mikhail Yuryevich Popov, born 1962 - arrested on 30 July 2018; detained on 1 August 2018; released on appeal on 9 August 2018; suspect under Article 282.2, Part 1 and Article 282.2, Part 1.1; not on Rosfinmonitoring List (END)
  13. I understand that it is being discussed at World HQ running a special issue of the Watchtower, explaining the "signs from the heavens ..." that Hurricane Florence will be picking up sharks from the Atlantic Ocean, and dumping them in front yards, back yards, and on old peoples homes. If at the Warwick GB conference room this is actually discussed, and it gets 67% of the votes of the GB, then this will be official "New Light".... "New Truth". Absurd, you say? No, No NO! It follows well established patterns of reason and logic for over a HUNDRED YEARS There is actually NO RISK to this as the credibility gap is WELL exceeded by the gullibility fill. Add to that is that if we refuse to believe it, we can be disfellowshipped for Apostasy, and that adds MASSIVE believability in the real world . Stay tuned to see if this report is true, or merely a satire.  Gravity Electricity Wind .mp4  ... and remember, when you vote for what is true .... vote early, and vote often !
  14. ...and remember, in case of infrastructure collapse, anarchy, food and water shortages, and people all around you dying because of hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods and other disasters ... Soylent Green ... is people !
  15. You were referring to the post before this quote ... from me. EVEN with a clear explanation that it was sarcasm ... you screwed it up! In SEVERAL different ways ! I cannot help you.
  16. You misconstrue EVERYTHING. I cannot help you. You misconstrue EVERYTHING. I cannot help you.
  17. Grey Reformer: I have learned that between men of integrity, one can always be brutally blunt, but there is nothing you can do for Snowflakes who melt at a slight rise in "temperature". Since you specifically asked for an answer, I will give you the general answer ... not point-by-point ... because it would take what would seem forever, and historically, would be a waste of my time. The FACT is ... your viewpoint on human interactions is driven by your AGENDA, which on the surface, is quite noble, but you believe things that really happened did not, you believe things that are really are happening now are not happening, and you vigorously defend the completely indefensible. I fully understand you are doing the best .. the VERY best ... that you know how to do with your world view of how things OUGHT to be. You are ignorant, and cannot be taught. You are going to have to educate yourself on how to think like an adult. I was a "late bloomer" in that regard myself, so having been there, I FULLY understand your dilemma. I, also, was completely unteachable, hard headed, altruistic, and agenda driven ..... and painfully transparent to those that had to endure my cluelessness. I of course was oblivious, because I was first clueless. Being clueless is like being dead. You do not know you are dead, but it is quite clear to every one else. ..... but I digress, Reality is not what you think it SHOULD be. Reality is what reality is. You need to put on your "Big Boy Pants", stop thinking like a Watchtower Lawyer's six year old son .... and grow up. You asked for answers .... be careful what you ask for .... BEST SCENE FROM _THE OUTLAW JOSEY WALES_.mp4
  18. Yeah ... why dwell on such things ... Like Adolph Hitler is reported to have said when Allied Forces were battling , forcing their way into Germany from both sides, destroying their cities while destroying their armies .... "Those Allies have ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE OF HUMOR!" We should look at 1925 and 1975 as funny ... like Grandmother's continuous flatulating at the Kitchen Table.
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