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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. In the Engineering community, an Eagle Landing on your building was usually a reference to a high powered executive coming in on a jet, from a faraway home office in California, to give a speech about the "New Project" the company just got awarded, and the entire satellite office in South Carolina staff came together to listen to what they already knew ... because the project was billable ... and this was a coordination meeting. $$$$$$$$$$$$ . Usually it was lavishly catered, but I always got to the cafeteria late and watched as hundreds of guys passed by to their tables, their plates LOADED with truly GIANT SHRIMP, and I never got to actually eat any. But I digress...... These Executives were called "Eagles" because they would fly in on a Friday morning ( .... and party on their expense account the whole weekend ...), squawk, eat all the shrimp, take a dump, and go home.
  2. Perhaps I will start a GOFUNDME account to actually do it.
  3. So how has this been explained away today? I don't seem to recall anything... Just as the "Ministry of Truth" did in the book "1984" by George Orwell, the Society is revising History, wherever they can, to change graphic images ( posters, handbills, and other things that might be used in a current illustration) to read "Millions now living MAY never die." (emphasis mine). The book "1984 was SUPPOSED to be a fictional dire warning of how societies evolve into a perpetual tyranny over time, and showing how it could happen. We us it as a policy manual. In "1984" England had evolved into INGSOC, and the way they maintained total social control was by changing the past by changing all historical references .... and by controlling the past, controlled the present, and controlled the future .... making it difficult or impossible to check the past for truthful references to ANYTHING. The Society today is actively using this technique to change the past. In many cases the bound volumes of the Watchtowers and Awakes have been revised and do not show what was in the original magazines, and convention videos today mentioning our history make you wonder if they are talking about something that happened somewhere in a parallel Universe. The "Millions now living may never die" is only THE classic example of rewriting the past, to control the present, and by controlling the present, control the future. Here are two videos that explain "1984". Watch them and weep.   The Dystopian World of 1984 Explained.mp4 George Orwell's 1984, Part 2_ Crash Course Literature #402 (1).mp4  NOW ... find the movie "1984", and watch it. It has a superstar of yesteryear in it ... but you hardly notice.   Â
  4. Actually, I use 18 size fonts because that's the size text I think in. Also, you may have noticed that my text is black, not dark grey, because, I think in ink.
  5. You are right, Alithis Gnosis: Some people will never, ever get the point of logic, and increased font size will not help them. You can educate an ignorant man ... but there is nothing that can be done for stupid.
  6. That would be my guess ... I have an Iridium Satellite Phone now, and could make a call from the middle of the Pacific Ocean, if I wanted ... but it is almost as big as a WWII walkie-talkie, and has a large folding antenna. It's not so much getting a signal FROM a Satellite, its the return signal. If memory serves, a cell phone has only .4 watts, and the power is turned up and down by the cell tower. Perhaps I should work on a quantum entanglement phone, as conversation can now be reduced to zeros and ones (or on/off). and reconstructed at both ends. Perfect truly Instant communication across ANY distance, even across the Universe, and it cannot be jammed or tapped. Hmmmmm .....
  7. I stay with Jehovah's Witnesses because the core theology is sound, and true .... and not because of the 85% arrogant self serving drivel I have to endure, and the resultant damage on the Brotherhood ... for three reasons: 1.) I appreciate what is actually true is exclusive to Jehovah's Witnesses, and there is nowhere else to go, and 2.) I have learned to expect as a natural right NOTHING from anybody, and 3.) I do not fear death as some do .... might be a good chance to test what I think I know.
  8. Example: Because of my love for dogs, my heart firmly and absolutely believes my dogs who have died will be waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. (Look it up). There is absolutely no shred of doubt in my heart. None whatsoever. Anywhere. My mind knows, based on what is true, that it is a complete fantasy. I am stuck believing with ALL my heart and soul, something that is a complete fantasy, and is not true. In that regard, but about different subjects, you and I share the same affliction. We have brains ... we must use them. That is what adults are supposed to do. As Yoda says, if I remember correctly .... : "There is only DO .... There is no try" Do or Do not There is no try Yoda.mp4
  9. Grey Reformer: Your entire thinking processes are contaminated by your honorable but misguided agenda. You cannot defend what is indefensible, and expect to win an argument based on reason and logic when evaluating TRUTH. What I just quoted from you is SCARY ... to a logical mind. It uses the same lack of reasoning that "...all prostitutes wear shoes ... so all people that wear shoes are prostitutes". Grow up !!
  10. Currently, at Warwick World HQ, it takes translators to decipher an apology before it is printed in the publications.
  11. Speaking of CANDOR ... the following cartoon is how "candor" works at Warwick World Headquarters, as well as at other businesses ... EVERYWHERE. We are NOT immune to this! It's a cartoon ... but what makes it funny ( and grabs your chest in a queasy sort of way generating sadness ...) is because there is SO MUCH TRUTH, in this satire of what is REAL.  Here is a joke for you: QUESTION: What do you call "candor" ... bundled with insincere kindness? ANSWER:: No one knows, as truth is being deliberately obscured.   Your homework (should you decide to accept) is to print out the above CANVAS on an 8-1/2x11" piece of paper and find the six things that are deliberate lies, and write it on the margins of your paper. Â
  12. Agendas can be proven wrong with FACTS. Facts cannot be proven wrong with Agendas. No matter how noble the motive .... Wrong is Wrong.
  13. " STAY ALIVE 'TILL '75" The climatic conclusion met with thunderous applause of the 1967 Charles Sinutko Assembly talk "Serving With Everlasting Life In View" ! After his opening weasel wording he forgot his plausible deniability statement in the beginning, and ramped it up to a crescendo conclusion that had the crowd roaring! "STAY ALIVE 'TILL '75" 1967_Charles_Sinutko_Serving_With_Everlasting_Life_in_View_64kb.mp3
  14. coverage with one transmitting station ? Currently, cell towers have to be about 16 miles apart with you somewhere within 8 miles of a tower.
  15. Grey Reformer: Please go back and re-read what you have written in the last several weeks. It is all extremely consistent. You care NOTHING about actual facts ... if it disagrees with your agenda. In the very first issue of the Watchtower, Bro. C. T. Russel stated that ( heavily paraphrased) "The truth is the truth, no matter what the source ... if Satan tells you something that is true... it's still true". That is still true today.    You may want to download BOTH JPGs, but especially the quote from Bro. Charles Taze Russel, which started the whole shebang of modern day Jehovah''s Witnesses ... based ON THIS PRINCIPLE. ... " What is Truth ?" It is high resolution, and easier to read when downloaded and enlarged.  Â
  16. ...is that a puzzle, Grey Reformer? If you cannot put something in your own words, perhaps if you actually said it out loud, you would realize how goofy the premise is. Go on .... give it a try! I will take a long nap while you work on it.
  17. .... "bad ideas" (false theologies) have consequences in the real world. Just as "Spacetime" is only one thing ... not space, and time (all time is local to the space that influences it), you cannot separate bad theology ( misrepresenting the will of God ) from resultant bad consequences. The song we sang this weekend: "Listen, Obey and be blessed, When you hear God's will expressed ..." ... presumes that what we are hearing is ACTUALLY God's will and not self-serving irresponsible cruelty, mislabeled and disguised as kindness. Unfortunately, there is no one to fire those responsible. ....... perhaps Jehovah will hear our prayers of grief and anguish over the things we have seen, and have to to endure from the Shepherds we have now, who fleece us .... and for fear of being eaten by them ... they force us to cruelly eat our Brothers, our Sisters, and our families.
  18. I agree with burning the shoes if I was anyone but me. 50 Years ago I had a Nikon F 35mm camera, and put black plastic electrical tape tape over the name on the front of the pentaprism. They were not PAYING me for the advertising. Yes, it was "over the top" .... better than being "under the bottom"! Â
  19. No, I wear off brand, heavy clunky shoes I can get cheap ....
  20. As in the movie "The Matrix" it all boils down to what is acceptable to you personally .... do you want to live in a peaceful, tranquil world of complete fantasy (The Blue Pill), or the dangerous and hard world of reality (The Red Pill). If you refuse to choose, you get force-fed the Blue Pill, from the unplugged refrigerator.
  21. We (they) are batting ZERO, after a hundred and more years of trying. I suppose some delusions are helpful, short term. It keeps some parents from drowning their ugly babies.
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