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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. The only thing necessary for Evil to prevail, is Good Men ... to do nothing. When accountants, lawyers and PR Departments run the show ... that is what potential "Good Men" do. NOTHING.
  2. Sometimes the people you are talking to do not have enough background information to make any sense at all about what you are talking, trying to explain a difficult or just a new concept to them ... that they are not used to considering. The most extreme case is perhaps when a man with a knife demands that you give him your money, and you start a long explanation of why he should work for a living, the value of industriousness, the theocratic, moral and cultural reasons why he should change his ways... that violence is not the answer, and "how would his mother feel if she knew he was out late, robbing people?". Sometimes the only thing they could possibly understand is the SHORT answer ..... BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! ... always remember to reload, in case he has stupid friends.
  3. Here is a link to what was said on the Archive about 14 months ago, about Serena Williams appearing naked, and very pregnant on the August 2017 Vanity Fair Magazine cover.
  4. I have mixed emotions about this satirical take on our Shunning practices ..... but I think what really bothers me the MOST about this satirical "shun glasses commercial", ..... not that it is "over the top", or borderline obscene ......... but that it is FAIR.
  5. It's just like here in the South, when you want to lambast someone unmecifully ... just end the statement with "... bless his pea-pickin' heart!". That makes it OK. Merely preface everything with "(paraphrased)", or "...if memory serves ...", then screw the quote into the ground as deep as it will go!
  6. Yes TTH, you have a LOT of stuff rattling around in your head. I seem to occupy a LOT of space there, and you don't even charge me rent! MOST people have a lot of stuff rattling around in their head. As I prance through the corridors of your mind, perhaps I will see Serena Williams .
  7. We have to endure the machinations and failed reasoning of bodies with 16 legs who fear of losing their positions of authority, real estate, and money, because they actually ARE right .... 15% of the time.
  8. ...... Believing that agenda driven clueless cruelty is a "loving provision" takes a LOT of faith in the PEOPLE pushing that viewpoint for the enhancement and consolidation of their authority. Plus, having great fear that non-compliance to "The Agenda" will make you next to be caught in its grip. ..... believing that you are NOT looking at a duck does not require an Einstein to figure it out. If it looks like a duck .... walks like a duck .... and quacks like a duck ..... IT'S A DUCK! It only requires that you be honest with yourself at what you are looking at. Cruelty, mis-labeled ... is STILL cruelty.
  9. Good questions Srecko Sostar! Since the GB, through the February 2017 Watchtower has actually ADMITTED what was so very painfully obvious, with terrible and sustained real world consequences for those that trusted them TO HAVE COMMON SENSE, that they are NOT inspired of God, and are NOT infallible ... what is "spirit directed" ?? It seems to me that anyone with a real, developed conscience that parallels Scripture ... is in fact "spirit directed". ... ANYONE AT ALL ! I am going to make some popcorn ..... the replies should be interesting !
  10. In the entire history of all people ... everywhere .. there have NEVER been any exceptions. There are none now.
  11. Unfortunately, the FIRST responsibility of Witch Doctors. Shamans, Priests, Clergy, Elders, and THE Governing Body ... is to protect their own jobs, power and authority, real estate, and money. This is how religions have ALWAYS evolved, once they start accumulating real estate and piles of money ... and start dressing well. We are NOT the exception.
  12. I am sorry, Grey Reformer, but your text is too small for my 71 year old eyes to read, and I don't need anyone to "review" for your approval what is general and common knowledge. When I find my reading glasses, I will try again to go through your material ... but one thing I have learned over the years ... the probability of someone's words being valid and topically important DECREASES with the quantity of words used. I agree with the need for disfellowshipping ... my objection is to the cruelty in HOW it is practiced, and that there is NEVER, EVER any "extenuating circumstances" that would legitimately call for mercy.
  13. I am beginning to believe that ALL the Scriptures in the Bible, talking about how the "love of the greater number will cool off", and in the end times, a wide range of cruelties will be abundant, that it is talking about what is going on INSIDE the "Truth" ... not the world. We have been thoroughly trained, year after year after year ... to be able to turn family love and affection on and off ....on and off ..... on and off, with the "light switch" of disfellowshipping. We deeply love our families ... unless they get disfellowshipped ... then they are invisible, and in effect cease to exist. If they are reinstated, we are taught to flip the switch and turn those affections back on ... at least in theory. It is insane in theory .... and insane in actual practice. This is cruel, mean, extreme, despicable, hateful, and hypocritical .... and does not lend itself to sane thinking. These policies over time can erode and destroy a civilization, theocratic or secular. Even the Russkies understand that!
  14. O.K. ... let's do exactly THAT!Are Wrongly Disfellowshipped People Automatically Reinstated? Answer: The way that disfellowshipping is handled today has only one purpose ... to maintain the powers structure of the Governing Body. If a person was disfellowshipped for being right ... he is NOT automatically reinstated ... the fact that he was right makes his crime ESPECIALLY grievous. This is reality ... where the "rubber meets the road".
  15. The problem is, that Grey Reformer is too lacking in general knowledge of what has been going on around him (or her) to reform anything. Before you can fix a problem ... you have to know there IS a problem.
  16. Wow ... and all these years I have been drop-kicking them through a hedge ....
  17. I have a Brother Label Maker that makes labels on gummed tape, with which I label things. I even labeled my label maker with a label that reads "Label Maker", and on the Label Maker's label that says "label maker", there is a tiny label that says "Label". In the kitchen is a pyrex graduated two cup measuring container with a handle, and on the bottom is a label that says "Urine samples", which my wife did not see, 'cause it was on the bottom. She wrote a very nasty letter to the Betty Crocker cake mix people. ..... apologies to TBBT, and Sheldon Cooper
  18. That entire post was hyperbole, and exaggeration to paint a mental picture of the PREVIOUS post's hyperbole. But my guess of the airline ticket cost was based on a business class ticket I once had from Charlotte, NC, to Mosjoen, Norway for a job, which if memory serves, was $9,400, and I LIKED it! Very addictive! ... normally I get by with air holes cut in the shipping container. I mentioned the shoe cardboard , because I used to be heavily invested in cardboard. I bought in when it was 14 cents a ton, kept six tons in my driveway, where it got rained on, and sold it for 17 cents a ton. WOOHOO!
  19. Some people have NO sense of humor .... SOUPY SALES_ Green Pieces of Paper.mp4 With that in mind, I encourage each and ever one of you, from the bottom of my heart, and yours, to contribute as much as you can, and contribute as often as you can, to a small charity I manage ... the B.L.F.M, It is not a recognized charity in the traditional sense, but you can be assured that each and every dollar will be wisely spent to alleviate hunger in elderly people whose circumstances are, like yours, often tenuous and fraught with uncertainty. So remember, dear Brothers and Sisters, even if you "gave at the office", how about foregoing that fish sandwich, fries, and soft drink at McDonalds after the meeting, or at a mid morning Field Service break .... and send a few dollars to the B.L.F.M., care of this blog. Thank You ! JTR Â
  20. Bubba Gump ! ( ... cues the cymbalist for a rim shot...)
  21. I suppose I will have to forgo my lavish lifestyle and European Vacations to buy catfood for my wife and I, and cardboard for the holes in my shoes. I am getting too old to upend and roll downtown drunks for their loose change, so I will have to put a hand lettered cardboard sign around my neck that says "Will engineer for food", and squat on a freeway off-ramp in sackcloth and ashes, and an appropriately downtrodden, sad countenance. I can turn my eyes heavenward and at 37,000 feet, watch as a Boeing 767 takes a GB member to a European Assembly in Business Class seating at about $11,000 a ticket.
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