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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Yes, but Ray Franz left behind two very detailed biographies of his experiences and observations .... which at least one is available on Amazon.com, or, with a little searching, you might be able to get either or both off the Internet for free in PDF or EPUB format. You should research these things for yourself, and not rely on others, whose information may be distorted by being second-hand information. Waterboarding is very effective, in most cases, and has the advantage that it does not leave any documentable marks .... By not allowing any representation, witnesses, recordings, or notes in disfellowshipping trials, completely secret ... the Society does not need to waterboard anyone to avoid any tell-tale evidence of iron fists in a velvet glove. For it's intended purpose, without ever showing mercy of any kind, the system works perfectly, now.
  2. This is true at the GB level ... except for Ray Franz .... who WAS disfellowshipped, for having lunch with his landlord and employer, back in his home town, and recalled from his" sick bed" to Bethel to be interrogated. However, at the "bottom", there is a continuous awareness that unless you say exactly the right things, in exactly the right way, with exactly the right words, you are subject to being called into "Room 101", and run through the wringer. (Old WWII washing machine reference.) ...and if you give any expression whatsoever to any legitimate grievance ... it is at best considered sedition ... and at the worst .... treason. It is ESPECIALLY grievous .... if you are right.
  3. I thought Jehovah's Witness Assembly Halls were where they were assembled, from parts!
  4. Here is another interesting thought ..... With Jehovah on our side ... "bow drawn and arrow set", why have any fear at all? Sit back and watch the show!!! "hehehe )))))))))"
  5. Discussing the deep philosophical and theological implications, and applications of a a scripted drama produced by the Society is like a deep analysis of the DNA of Caleb and Sophia.
  6. TTH: I concede that you can worry the horns off of a Billy Goat .... so as a concession to your admirable persistence .... Sarah Conner Escapes The Asylum.mp4
  7. It's like when God told Noah to build an Ark, and Noah asked why? And God said "How long can you tread water?"
  8. The Catholic Church has several billion adherents, and they have infiltrated every form of government ... and historically ... especially during WWII ... they acted as Intelligence Services for whatever government they thought was going to win. ( Look up the July 20, 1933 "Holy" Concordat, between the Vatican and the German Third Reich, especially article 16). They bet on the wrong horse when they were the first to recognize the new Nazi Government, at the time. At Amazon.com you can get books showing a "paper trail" a thousand years long of child sexual abuse, and child slavery, and child trafficking, the most notable of course was the "Children's Crusades', where "innocent children" were rounded up, all over Europe, and marched to fight for the "liberation" of Jerusalem, under the custody of Catholic clerics to the Mediterranean Sea ... where many died of hunger, raiders, and exposure .... to the coast, where they were met by Muslim slave ships, and sold into slavery to the Muslims. I firmly believe that Jehovah's Witnesses have the LEAST amount of child exploitation of any organized religion, and that we are doing the best we can with the limitations of human frailty and decadence .... but "the road to hell" is paved with the bodies of the innocent, set as paving stones, by the accountants and lawyers of ALL organized religions ... including ours ... to one degree or another. The REASON is ..... when there is several BILLION dollars of "free money (contributions) at stake, and small cities of Real Estate are in jeopardy .... then equity, Justice, and truth are ALWAYS subverted, to maintain and conserve those assets. There never has been any exceptions to this rule ... and there are not any now. That is why Jesus owned ONLY the clothes on his back ... not even a change of clothes. Can you imagine Jesus with a suitcase?
  9. ..... I have been called many things ... but never before a "stone". .... usually a "blockhead". ... I usually respond well when called to dinner.
  10. I am at the bottom of the list, where all chainsaw theologists are .... by choice.
  11. The bad news is: You know when "60 minutes" film crew is following a person casually dressed, invitation in hand, through JW Assembly Security, with everyone dressed as MIB, the Video will be cringeworthy. The good news is: NOTHING will EVER be more cringeworthy than the Society's "Pillowgate" Videos.
  12. What kind of security check? They check your I.D.? Frisk You? Put you through a metal detector? See if that cane has a built-in sword? Check your briefcase? Lift you up off of your wheelchair to check for grenades? Examine your countenance for the right attitude? Check to see if you have "tight pants", concealing or not concealing?
  13. I relate as a reply the story of the Masochist and the Sadist. The Masochist says to the Sadist "Beat me, beat me !" ... and the Sadist replies "No, No!"
  14. Sometimes tact and diplomacy do not work. I have that problem with robo-calls, and people cold calling me, trying to sell "free" vacations, alarm systems, home mortgages, health plans, etc. My wife is polite to them ... even a recorded robo-call. I either hang up, or play them along to see how far they will go. These people CANNOT comprehend logical thinking. The classic is my internet provider trying to sell me a cable TV package ... AFTER I have told her we do not watch television AT ALL. There is much to be said for being rude, nasty, difficult, and loud.
  15. It may be apocryphal, but I understand Hostess Twinkies are good for 300 years. You COULD sit on them, and see if any of them hatch!
  16. Anna: Everything you say is true, but that does not change the facts that there is no evidence you could present. Coincidence is NOT the same as causality. Not the same at all. Wishful thinking even less so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TTH: For about $12 a month, you can have Netflix deliver to your door the entire Terminator Series, The Notebook, Hacksaw Ridge, and other answers . These things are part of contemporary culture, like Star Trek, James Bond, Jack Reacher, Asimov, Heinlein, and more. During WWII, the common culture was represented by Baseball .... today it is general knowledge of movies. You need to catch up, even if only to understand contemporary references and sub-references in context. And as for me evading an issue multiple times ... that is a laugh (hoohahoohaaa). I was just bypassing your request for the outcome of a movie .... hardly "an issue".
  17. Thank you for correcting me,. where I was wrong about the 10,000. I sincerely wish someone COULD correct me about the rest of my post.
  18. Your posting was July 10. I just discovered it today, August 26, 2018 ... so the reason I have not 'weighed in" is mere ignorance that this post existed. There is no question that there is a clear "pecking order" in the WT hierarchy, but without analysis ( first, I would have to care ...) it seems your ordered list conveys the general idea. However, any time two or more people get together, a pecking order evolves. It's true with barnyard chickens, and it is true with people. That's just the way things are. It cannot be undone. Even in a box of Animal Crackers with Lions and Giraffes, the Giraffes often get their necks broken. MY policy is " ... eat 'em all ... let God sort 'em out".
  19. The last two videos/movies I saw that gave me "courage" to persevere in the face of adversity were 'The Notebook", and "Hacksaw Ridge".
  20. Yes, it does. Also it subverts plain old common sense ... which seems to be completely nonexistent. It could only be worse if all those Brothers and Sisters in the video were ordered out into the middle of an open field by the GB or Elders, to be murdered by the mysterious black suited boogymen, had been told to take shovels with them, and dig their own graves, prior to being attacked. Jehovah and his armies are seen preparing to slaughter those about to slaughter the Brothers and Sisters, but there is NO evidence that during the years of terror in Germany and Nazi occupied lands, that Jehovah saved a single person, or interfered with any side of the conflict, and approximately 10,000 Brothers and Sisters were murdered by the Nazis. There is NO evidence that God is in any way interfering with what is going on in the Russian Federation, today. Not individually. Not as a group. Please correct me if I have missed a material fact. Remember facts?
  21. NO ONE carries the complete truth ..... most of us are relegated to doing the best we can. However, every time several billion dollars a year of "free money" (contributions) is put in jeopardy by truth, the definitions get changed to fit the financial profile. The Society is now run by lawyers and accountants, and money and real estate are the prime considerations. ... and it can be seen that the rank-and-file Brotherhood, being completely ignored, are voting with their wallets.
  22. I sure hope that someone calls these things to the attention of the Governing Body ... but I fear all that would happen is they would take names, and stack firewood below our feet. The lawyers and accountants are now running the Society. ... and the Kings "have no clothes".
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