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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I suppose we would have to check the screenplay to find out how afraid they were. As you hold the paper, keep your right or left thumb on the spot where it is mentioned, so you do not loose your place. Sarah Conner trying to get away from the Terminator(s), when she was in the nut house ... THAT was some good fear acting! Sara Conner afraid .mp4
  2. TTH: Heinlein: Lazarus Long. The only fictional person in the Universe cooler than Inspector Harry Callahan. (... although I do know Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics" by heart, and read about 26 of his books...)
  3. In the Old Testament, Jehovah of Armies fought FOR the Jews .... but they ALSO had to fight ... or be prepared and willing to.
  4. My first thought was, with the first shot, all the surrounded JWs had to do is drop to the ground, and the soldiers would shoot each other! My second thought was ... why are all the soldiers wearing "masks", if they are going to shoot everyone?
  5. Fear is the compliment of courage. A person cannot have real courage, without real, palpable fear. Trying to be courageous is a goal of True Nobility. In the face of real danger, a person without fear CANNOT be courageous ... and if without fear, what he does is NOT courage, and he is also a fool. Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather, deciding that something else is more important than fear. "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." - Robert A. Heinlein There are all kinds of courage. Doing "The Right Thing" when in the clutch of circumstance and the game is stacked against you requires real courage. It's called everyday life.
  6. People confuse one issue with another. " On his day in court, Mr. Lee recalls, “I eagerly desired to prove that I was not guilty, since it was a sincere decision due to my faith and conscience.” He reflected on the early Christians disciples Stephen and Paul, who had eloquently defended their faith while on trial. “I think I spoke twice as well as I had when I practiced,” Mr. Lee declared. " The fact is ... HE WAS GUILTY ... of refusing military service.
  7. One thing the video was conspicuously missing was, looking with big brown eyes at the camera, a sad, hungry puppy.
  8. That is for each individual to decide for himself. "The Universe" does not care what we believe.
  9. It is not that the Embassy in Bengazi was attacked .... not the issue AT ALL. Embassy attacks happen all the time.. It is the fact that the Hildabeast represented the attack as a spontaneous riot that developed because of a Real Estate developer in California made an anti-Muslim video that the Libyians took exception to ... and in actual fact it was a coordinated mortar attack where they had the sidewalks and buildings inside the American Embassy compound targeted in advance. When the Ambassador and his Aide, and the two retired Navy Seal civilian operatives bodies were brought home in caskets, the Hildabeast, meeting the caskets, and the families at the airport, swore to grieving relatives that the video producer would pay. For seven hours the rescuers both in country, and out of the country were told to stand down ... and they had aircraft and troops ready to go, on the runways. The security operatives at a "secret" compound miles way were directly ordered to stand down and NOT defend the Embassy and the Ambassador, and they disobeyed those orders in order to defend the Ambassador and staff ... and died. The Ambassador had MANY dozens of times communicated to the Hildabeast that he needed more security, as an attack was imminent, but what security he actually had was reassigned, while in Germany, money was being spent for electric car charging stations in Embassy parking garages. It is not that the Embassy was attacked ... it was the inconceivable gross strategic and tactical incompetence of the Hildabeast that led to the attack, the gross deliberate, and complex web of lies, lies trying to cover that up, and blaming an innocent man in California that had NOTHING to do with the military operation against the Embassy, and his arrest and imprisonment that makes the State Department fiasco especially egregious.. I have told you about 10% of the details of what actually happened. If you are coming late to the story, It would take you a year to catch up, and separate fact from fiction. Why, is a whole different story of gross incompetence, lies, and more lies. The list of people caught in the Clinton webs of intrigue , lies and graft, and multiple deaths is quite extensive, to the point that it is the subject of many memes ... some funny, all tragic.
  10. Historically, people have recognized the right, even the responsibility, of parents to decide such things for their minor children. There are many examples of authoritarian countries deciding otherwise: that children are the property of the state and not the parents, to be molded by state views. Increasingly that model is spreading to lands that once had greater respect toward parents and took a hands-off approach. Don't go to town with the "hands-off" phrase, JTR. Just don't. We know where your obsession lies. Please refrain. TTH: With your level of reading comprehension you should appreciate my rants, not disparage them. The perfect example of this is when you project or attribute to me the posting above, created by Sreko Sostar ..... not me. "Don't go to town with the "hands-off" phrase, JTR. Just don't. We know where your obsession lies. Please refrain." - TTH If you don't want to read something someone else has to say that might disagree with you .... you are on the wrong venue. Could be worse .... you could be deceased, and voting Democrat. Helpfull Hint: If you get tired at being sniped at by me, don't snipe at me. I have the typical "engineers' personality" ...which is to say, not much at all, so I REFLECT other peoples' personalities. You shoot at me ... I shoot back.
  11. Is it later than I think? I often think, as the Sun goes down, that it is really the horizon, coming up. If I face away from the Sun and bend over, looking through my legs at the Sun, the Sun and the horizon seem to be meeting in the middle. Then I do a front flip, fall over, and consider it from another perspective. Reality is what it is.
  12. To paraphrase EEyore, of the Hundred Acre Woods : "It's not much of a movie, but I'm kind of attached to it."
  13. IMHO I guess if I had enough RAM in my CPU I could overcome my DSL, AKA phone, and need to RSVP, PDQ, by PDF, before MTBF, and I R.I.P.
  14. Finland has a long history of quasi-conflict with Jehovah's Witnesses ... namely their running a parallel Justice System in competition with the Finnish Judicial System .... and the Finnish Government is of the opinion that they will not tolerate two different justice systems operating in the country. It is even worse with the Muslim immigrants, as they think that they do not have to abide by anything that is not Sharia Law. As an example, the young Muslim men and teenagers rape Finnish women, and when hauled into court, they and their parents scream that it is the young womens' faults, for dressing provocatively ( not in a black canvas tent?). It is with the Finnish Government that the super-duper top secret Elders Handbook was first made public, as copies were given to the officials of the Ministry of Education, and one other, which I forget at the moment. At this time, here in the United States, no Brother was allowed to read it, and it was not even to be left on a table at home where some WOMAN (A Sister), might see or read it. They too, like many governments, see our shunning practices as cruel, and extreme .... breaking up families and extended families ... AND THEY DO NOT LIKE IT! Unlike us ... they do not have to tolerate people with clueless, ignorant cruelty that destroys families. My guess is that is why in these landed immigration cases Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT granted asylum. Other than their sustained and historic predilection for cruelty among ourselves as religious extremists, we are almost universally model citizens, and very nice people. They do not understand that we are absolutely no threat to their nation or their government. We only eat our own.
  15. Long suffering is a double edged sword ... it cuts both ways. Emphasis on the word suffering. Could be worse .... could be a Land Shark !
  16. Bro Lett, in his dorm room, can start his Service Time, by merely sitting up in bed, and turning to the side away from his wife, ask any of the other three couples sleeping there, if they know that there is more evidence that God's Kingdom has been ruling for a hundred years, than there is evidence for gravity ... electricity .... wind.
  17. The Laws of God, and Corporate regulations and protocols .... and ingrained-to-the bone cultural morays that FEEL like the laws and regulations of God, but are not .... are two (or three) different things. Like Bob Hope in THE MUPPET MOVIE as a curbside ice cream vendor in a white suit and cap, at a County Fair somewhere in mid-America, said to Fozzie Bear as he was getting a honey ice cream cone for himself, and a dragonfly ice cream cone for Kermit ... " Don't get 'em mixed up".
  18. I think my sentiments are expressed in the song by Meat Loaf "Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad". ".... I want you ... I need you ... but there ain't now way I'm ever gonna love you .. so don't be sad .... 'cause two out of three ain't bad .....". Sometimes ... when you paint yourself into a corner ... you have to just sit down and wait for the paint to dry. I had a rough night, just got up, and need coffee.
  19. TTH: You want a movie to REALLY review? It's a little 9 minute movie about intellectual integrity punished to conform to a prepackaged organizational agenda driven "truth" Try THIS one ! Agenda Driven Truth .mp4
  20. ... anyway you could digest that down to three short paragraphs?
  21. Very simple solution: Don't do the things witches do ... like try to make something out of magic ... like reviewing a review of a movie that you have not seen, and calling it a REAL movie review, of ANY type. If you only have a pig, you can CALL it a Giraffe ..... reality is ..... it will only oink. .... and yes ... it is sad.
  22. In movie reviews, reviewing someone else's reviews being acceptable as an actual "review" is word subversion. It has the advantage that you do not have to do the work of actually analyzing the movie, and giving your honest opinion of the movie, but is is EASY, and you do not have to think at all .... just superimpose your preset and predetermined agenda ONTO the movie, and claim credit for having reviewed it. ... which you in reality ..... did NOT.
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