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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Thomas Jefferson with the Declaration of Independence did not open a dialog with King George III. Most nations celebrate the day they GOT their Independence ... Here in the United States the day it was DECLARED is celebrated. Then, a long and bloody war was fought to defeat tyranny, and experiment with a new government, of the people, by the people, and for the people. Until Jehovah establishes his rule over mankind through Christ's Kingship, with all its faults ... it is the best form of government ever created by man. I hold it to a lesser standard than a local government that claims to represent the will of God. For that, a VERY HIGH standard is reasonably expected.
  2. If the mis-spelling was funny, it was deliberate. Seriously, though, merely ignorance of the true spelling, and a spelling corrector that occasionally doesn't have that word conjugated. ... if that is the right word ...... ... not to be confused with prison conjugated visits.
  3. I remember the story about the Coroner who looked at a dead body in a New York Apartment, carefully examined it, and wrote on the death certificate "Death by Natural Causes". They turned the body over, and their was a knife in it's back. .... same thing. Some things are just NOT "good enough".
  4. Me either .... I have had people astonished that I use my real name, as now people "know where to find me..." That's Ok by me ... all my enemies have died before me, and any new ones will have less than an even chance ..... God willin' an' the creek don't rise. If you have ever taken out a mortgage, "they" know "everything" about you, anyway.
  5. So, TTH, .... um ... you reviewed the "Apostacy" movie? Did you do it like you do everything else .... with second hand reviews of OTHER people's reviews, who actually DID see the movie? It is my understanding that it is not yet showing at all in the United States, but my info is a month old. When and where did you actually see the movie?
  6. YIKES!I I knew the story about Franz, but not the back-story! I guess there is more to abject ruthlessness, than knowing where Ruth is. ... wow.
  7. CAN A PERSON ... OR SHOULD A PERSON . BE DISFELLOWSHIPPED IN ABSTENSIA? Here is the situation ..... a person REPORTED to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses is accused, and NOT convicted ( ... because he is a fugitive from Justice ...) ..... Apparently he was at one time in a "Position Of Authority", which possibly alludes to his being an "Elder", and he may have relocated to another State or even another Country. Possibly using an alias. The various Congregation Elders cannot find him, the Society cannot find him, and the U.S. Marshal's Service cannot find him. Not having any indication to the contrary ... at least from the information given in the pseudo-Wanted Poster shown above, he is possibly still officially one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Whether he is or not, his bad example raises an interesting aspect of trying to figure out how the disfellowshipping "system" protocol actually works. Can any of the Congregations he went to disfellowship him without his being present to answer charges ? ... and SHOULD he be? Â
  8. I have only been to two Operas in my life, and I was bored out of my mind. I understood the expression "It ain't over 'till the Fat Lady Sings !", the first time I heard it. We shall see what we shall see, as time goes on. It ain't over until the last .... *coff* ... Roundup.
  9. Yeah ... one time in England I was minding my own business, driving on the wrong side of the road, and turned into a Petrol Station.
  10. You just cannot take off and land this thing from a Freeway .... you still have to fly in and out of airports. For the daily INTEREST on 1.5 million dollars, you could have a limousine and driver waiting for you at both ends of the trip, and have money left over. .... not to mention the cost of collision insurance for a 1.5 million dollar car, where a 5mph "fender bender" could cost a hundred thousand dollars in airframe repair. This may physically be done, but they way things are ... probably should not. Can you imagine trying to park this thing on ANY city street?
  11. Years ago, a man was standing before a Judge, accused of multiple accounts of Bigamy. He apparently had seven wives in different parts of town. The logistics of this caused the Judge to ask how could he possibly manage that. The man said "I have a bicycle".
  12. ... that's why when I am sitting at a computer for hours at a time, as I did at work for about 30 years, I carefully avoid sitting on my brain.
  13. It seems to me that these examples are NOT the "world's most beautiful women". They are the worl's most beautiful MAKEUP commercials. Scrub all that makeup off, and let them have the same hair styles, and put on a plain blue dress ... and assume the same camera angle and facial expression .....THEN see what happens ! I could paint a pig, and dress her in pant's suits ... but she might try to run for the Presidency, or scare the chrome off a truck bumper!
  14. From the Official U.S. Marshals Wanted poster from the link provided by JW Insider. ".... Original Charge: Sexual Assault on a child (multiple counts) Frederick Cecil MCLEAN has been molesting young females for approximately 25 years with at least eight known victims; MCLEAN was a Jehovah's Witness and found his victims through people he met in church." HOW THE HELL DID HE GET AWAY WITH THIS INSIDE OF CONGREGATIONS FOR 25 YEARS !!? I know how Prince got away with his "lifestyle" for all those years .... he contributed $ 30,000 a month to the local Kingdom Hall. I believe a three legged blind pig could have seen what was going on in less time than 25 YEARS ! HOW THE HELL DID HE GET AWAY WITH THIS INSIDE OF CONGREGATIONS FOR 25 YEARS !!? Oh .... I just remembered .... we are not entitled to know. .... nevermind. JW.ORG on Child Abuse - Claims vs. Reality.mp4
  15. More or less, in a manner of speaking, occasionally. sometimes. Gravity Electricity Wind .mp4 2 CHAIR pORNEA .mp4 JW.ORG on Child Abuse - Claims vs. Reality.mp4
  16. rubadubdubdub ...... rubadubdubdub ...... rubadubdubdub ...... rubadubdubdub ...... rubadubdubdub ...... .... stupid chain saw .....
  17. ...sigh .... ... sometimes effective communications is a problem. When that happens, walk in the room with a "live" chain saw. You WILL have their undivided attention.
  18. I would rather have a full bottle in front of me ...... than a full frontal lobotomy Canada .... America's Hat !
  19. If you use the TOR browser to get to the Archive, one's IP address could be from ANYWHERE.
  20. TTH: There is infinite variety to all life with DNA, especially rational, thinking sentient life. There is a LOT that is a mystery to you, not just the things you mentioned above.
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