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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. There is a basic rule I discovered: The more words a person uses to explain a simple idea ... the less likely it is to be true. MANY words are used to hypnotize with boredom ... NOT inform.
  2. I watched the video you posted in it's entirety, and the narrator said that Bro. Lett was a "simpleton". I was aware of that word, but had never seen it applied to anyone before, so I looked it up. Merriam-Webster defines "simpleton" as a person completely devoid of common sense. (paraphrased). I know several people, completely devoid of any common sense, and have walked that path myself. After I realized I had been a verifiable simpleton, I was deeply ashamed and embarrassed, and resolved to change. ( Eccl: 12:12) I think I was in the 8th grade, when that happened .... I remember the moment as if it was yesterday. Sometimes ... a single word can hit like a grenade, and blow your perceptive world apart. "Simpleton" The piece of the puzzle that explains a LOT. There is a time in everyone's life when he needs to stop thinking like a child, and grow up.
  3. Wearing a white lab coat, and with a long wooden pointer with a piece of chalk on the end, JTR points to the chalkboard where it is written "Comedy should be left to the Professionals!"
  4. Yeah, my take on it was they would want a NEW rope. Like Hugh Hefner had in Latin, on a brass plaque outside the Chicago Playboy Mansion, above his doorbell: " Si Non Oscillas Noli Tintinnare." ... roughly translated: "If you don't swing .. don't ring." He always had a bunch of sycophants "hanging around".
  5. Some people would complain if they were hung with an old rope. EVERYBODY is guessing. Get USED to it. It's the only game in town. It's not "old light", or "new light", or any kind of light at all. Everybody is GUESSING ... giving their opinions ... and claiming it is also the opinion of God. (A VERY profitable business not requiring a lot of hard, uncomfortable labor...). Approximately 4 minutes after we stop breathing .... there will be a test.
  6. If I am resurrected as "me" I hope "me" is REALLY "me". If I wasn't really me .. who else would I be? I could be "me", or "thee", or even a bee. As Winnie the Pooh once said "You never can tell about bees". I might even be a little black rain cloud, ... hovering under the honey tree.
  7. I think several postings above this one Sreko Sostar did provide standard definitions. The problem with people making their OWN definitions ... is that people make their OWN agenda driven definitions, to fit their distorted world view, and call good, evil ... and call evil, good.
  8. No ... not really ... petitions to God prayer is trying to influence God.... NOT politicians.
  9. That is just plain SILLY! It's "Aluminum Foil Hat" silly! That is correct ... and that is Reality, as it exists on the ground ... where the "rubber meets the road". 64 MILLION LETTERS TO TRY AND GET A GOVERNMENT TO CHANGE ITS POLICIES ... IS POLITICAL ACTIVISM. YOU are the one playing with words ... to take what is actually the case, and pretend that it does not apply in THIS case ... and it DOES. The FACTS are either one of two things ... and cannot be a third thing. The past Presidents of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Russell, Rutherford, and Knoor (whom I have seen in person) did in actual fact swear allegiance to the Constitution of the United States, and swore to defend it, in their heart of hearts, without reservation, or mental evasion .... OR ... to get a Passport, they Swore under Oath before God... and LIED .... lying under oath before man and God to the United States State Department, and each of their Passport applications were fraudulent ... AND they lied SPECIFICALLY before God by their signing that crystal clear and unambiguous oath. There is no third choice, unless you are agenda driven irrational, and borderline (?) insane. MEANWHILE ... the Brothers and Sisters in Malawi were being tortured and killed because Bro. Knoor, who signed an oath of allegiance to the United States Constitution, before God and man, refused, when there was only ONE political party in Malawi at the time, to let them buy a 25 cent National ID card. (foreigners were exempt from that requirement). I lived through those times, when it was all going on, as contemporary news ! I REMEMBER IT !
  10. Speaking of not running with scissors and sharp edges ..... Both my parents were normal sized people, yet I am almost 6'-7" tall, and almost 300 pounds. I remember when I was about ten years old, was running through the house and tripped while brushing my teeth, and got a toothbrush caught sideways in my throat, and it made the sides of my neck poke out in knobs. PERFECT for attaching car battery jumper cables ....
  11. I can imagine the paper shredders now working 24/7/365 ..... in both the Vatican, and in Warwick. The Statute of Limitations has run out on pressing criminal charges on all but TWO of the accused priests ... but I wonder about the CIVIL liability that the church itself has.? Just as Al Capone was prosecuted for Income Tax Evasion, perhaps the Catholic Church itself can be prosecuted for conspiracy, organized mob activity, or some other thing RELATED to the great evil perpetrated here. In their "Secret Archives" ... I wonder if they use "Blue Envelopes", to report these crimes to their equivalent of Branch Overseers ... the Bishops ..... as we do for OUR secret archives.? Several years ago the Catholic Los Angeles Diocese was sued and a lost 600 MILLION dollars, in the same sort of cases, and because they did not have the money, the courts confiscated their real estate, and sold it at auction. (That's almost 3/4 BILLION dollars .... for those in Rio Linda.). ( Yeah, I know it's less than 2/3 billion ... and you know it ... but they get confused easily with odd "change" ...)
  12. " ....... and thank you Almighty God, for the two Meetings today, and the congregation picnic this afternoon after the meeting and field service, at the Glomer Municipal Building at 2615 Williams Street at 4PM to 8PM, and please help us to remember to keep the potato salad on ice so it does not spoil, it's really hot out there, and please help us stay afterwards to help clean up the mess, and put away the folding chairs, and, oh yeah ... we need someone who can bring two cold, medium sized seedless watermelons, and a knife ( and there is more ...) .... Amen"
  13. I can imagine the paper shredders now working 24/7/365 ..... in both the Vatican, and in Warwick. The Statute of Limitations has run out on pressing criminal charges on all but TWO of the accused priests ... but I wonder about the CIVIL liability that the church itself has.? Just as Al Capone was prosecuted for Income Tax Evasion, perhaps the Catholic Church itself can be prosecuted for conspiracy, organized mob activity, or some other thing RELATED to the great evil perpetrated here. In their "Secret Archives" ... I wonder if they use "Blue Envelopes", to report these crimes to their equivalent of Branch Overseers ... the Bishops ..... as we do for OUR secret archives.? Several years ago the Catholic Los Angeles Diocese was sued and a lost 600 MILLION dollars, in the same sort of cases, and because they did not have the money, the courts confiscated their real estate, and sold it at auction. (That's almost 3/4 BILLION dollars .... for those in Rio Linda.).
  14. Very roughly ... it looks like a THIRD of the Earth has shunned Jehovah's Witnesses, and will not allow them to speak to their friends, neighbors, or their Nation. ...hmmmmm ... sounds vaguely familiar ....
  15. Sure ... I do the same thing, completely of my own initiative ...Any JW I refer to as Brother or Sister. I also capitalize the first letter of "holy words", such as Justice, and similar words. It also helps to differentiate between a family brother or sister. I break the "rules of grammer", according to the amount of honor I attribute to something. That being said, I do maintain, entirely due to the book "1984" by George Orwell, the capitalization of "Big Brother", which I see as a VERY important philosophical concept to "Grok" ... which is another capitalized philosophical concept, of major importance.
  16. Hmmm... and here I thought "Wahabbism" was mighty hunter Elmer Fudd trying to kill Bugs Bunny! ...cwazy wabbit !
  17. Politics is trying to change the agenda of government by manipulating public opinion to pressure them to do something they are not doing, or are doing, that you wish changed. Period. This is a very broad brush on a very large canvas.
  18. As reported by the Australian Royal Commission on Child Abuse No. 29 ... we still have the record of over 5,000 cases by 1,006 perpetrators. STILL ... almost completely unknown by most Jehovah's Witnesses.
  19. FOXNEWS FLASH! -  PENNSYLVANIA ACCUSES HUNDREDS OF PRIESTS !  By Elizabeth Zwirz | Fox News                                 Tuesday. August 14, 2017  " Hundreds of priests sexually abused more than a thousand children, Pennsylvania attorney general says Several hundred Roman Catholic priests in Pennsylvania were accused of sexually abusing more than a thousand children, a grand jury report on Tuesday said, in an alleged “cover-up” described as “sophisticated” by the state’s attorney general. Over the course of a two year investigation, launched by Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s office, a grand jury heard several witness statements and pored over documents from six dioceses in the state. AUSTRALIA ARCHBISHOP GETS HOUSE DETENTION FOR ABUSE COVER-UP Those dioceses included Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton. Upwards of 300 "predator priests" stand accused of the decades-long abuse, the report said. “The cover-up was sophisticated. And all the while, shockingly, church leadership kept records of the abuse and the cover-up,” Shapiro said at a news conference. “These documents, from the dioceses' own 'Secret Archives,' formed the backbone of this investigation.” It’s possible that the “real number” of abused children could be “in the thousands” due to missing records or other victims who feared speaking about the allegations, according to the grand jury’s report. In order to prevent the Catholic Church from suffering bad publicity or financial liability, the panel claimed that a series of bishops and other diocesan leaders attempted to hide the alleged abuse. US BISHOPS: SEX CLAIMS SHOW US CARDINAL’S ‘MORAL FAILURE’ The report faulted Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the former longtime bishop of Pittsburgh who currently leads the Washington archdiocese, for what it said was his part in the concealment of clergy sexual abuse. Wuerl defended himself, releasing a statement Tuesday that said he had “acted with diligence, with concern for the victims and to prevent future acts of abuse.” "    PA sexual abuse report details 300 predator priests.mp4 WITH YOUR CURSOR OVER THE VIDEO WINDOW, BE SURE TO CLICK THE FULL SCREEN ICON ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE VIDEO WINDOW TO SEE THIS ON YOUR COMPUTER FULL SCREEN.
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