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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. 23 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    In other way, it would be "cool" to be in ability to transform myself .....:)))))

    Yeah ... one time in England I was minding my own business, driving on the wrong side of the road, and turned into a Petrol Station.

  2. You just cannot take off and land this thing from a Freeway .... you still have to fly in and out of airports.

    For the daily INTEREST on 1.5 million dollars, you could have a limousine and driver waiting for you at both ends of the trip, and have money left over.

    .... not to mention the cost of collision insurance for a 1.5 million dollar car, where a 5mph "fender bender" could cost  a hundred thousand dollars in airframe repair.

    This may physically be done,  but they way things are ... probably should not.

    Can you imagine trying to park this thing on ANY city street?

  3. It seems to me that these examples are NOT the "world's most beautiful women".

    They are the worl's most beautiful MAKEUP commercials.

    Scrub all that makeup off, and let them have the same hair styles,  and put on a plain blue dress ... and assume the same camera angle and facial expression .....THEN see what happens !

    I could paint a pig, and dress her in pant's suits ... but she might try to run for the Presidency, or scare the chrome off a truck bumper!

  4. From the Official U.S. Marshals Wanted poster from the link provided by JW Insider.

    ".... Original Charge: Sexual Assault on a child (multiple counts)
    Frederick Cecil MCLEAN has been molesting young females for approximately 25 years with at least eight known victims; MCLEAN was a Jehovah's Witness and found his victims through people he met in church."


    I know how Prince got away with his "lifestyle" for all those years .... he contributed $ 30,000 a month to the local Kingdom Hall.

    I believe a three legged blind pig could have seen what was going on in less time than 25 YEARS !


    Oh .... I just remembered .... we are not entitled to know.

    .... nevermind.

  5. 2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Psychiatrists are a wide-ranging bunch who have even believed things like full-frontal lobotomies can only have a positive and never a negative effect.

    I would rather have a full bottle in front of me ......  than a full frontal lobotomy

    1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Canada, where GF resolves to, or is it Allen the Terrible in his umpteenth recreation, is a fine place.

    Canada .... America's Hat !


  6. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    Allen, I noticed that the IP address for "Gray Reformer" did indeed resolve to Canada, but only up until today. As of today it no longer resolves to Canada but to some other place. Just thought you might like to know that. 

    If you use the TOR browser to get to the Archive, one's IP address could be from ANYWHERE.

  7. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Stephen Lett quote: "We are supposed to comply with or obey what they tell us. Of course that would be with a proviso unless they tell us to do something that is unscriptural. And of course that would be extremely rare. "

    Rare or not but Mr Lett clearly said that GB from time to time tells  members something that in fact  is Unscriptural!

    I watched the video you posted in it's entirety, and the narrator said that Bro. Lett was a "simpleton".  

    I was aware of that word, but had never seen it applied to anyone before, so I looked it up.

    Merriam-Webster defines "simpleton" as a person completely devoid of common sense. (paraphrased).

    I know several people, completely devoid of any common sense, and have walked that path myself.

    After I realized I had been a verifiable simpleton, I was deeply ashamed and embarrassed, and resolved to change. ( Eccl: 12:12)

    I think I was in the 8th grade, when that happened .... I remember the moment as if it was yesterday.

    Sometimes ... a single word  can hit like a grenade, and blow your perceptive world apart.


    The piece of the puzzle that explains a LOT.

    There is a time in everyone's life when he needs to stop thinking like a child, and grow up.



  8. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I”He would complain even if he was hung with a NEW rope.” Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    “He would complain even if he was hung with a OLD rope.” ? ?


    10 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Wearing a white lab coat, and with a long wooden pointer with a piece of chalk on the end, JTR points to the chalkboard where it is written "Comedy should be left to the Professionals!"

    JTR rests his case ....

  9. Some people would complain if they were hung with an old rope.

    EVERYBODY is guessing.

    Get USED to it.

    It's the only game in town.

    It's not "old light", or "new light", or any kind of light at all.

    Everybody is GUESSING ... giving their opinions ... and claiming it is also the opinion of God. (A VERY profitable business not requiring a lot of hard, uncomfortable labor...).

    Approximately 4 minutes after we stop breathing .... there will be a test.

  10. If I am resurrected as "me" I hope "me" is REALLY "me".

    If I wasn't really me .. who else would I be?

    I could be "me", or "thee", or even a bee.

    As Winnie the Pooh once said "You never can tell about bees".

    I might even be a little black rain cloud,

    ... hovering under the honey tree.

  11. 1 hour ago, Gone Away said:

    Post thread probably needs to define the terms "neutral" and "political" otherwise it's just a semantic clash.

    I think several postings above this one Sreko Sostar did provide standard definitions.

    The problem with people making their OWN definitions ... is that people make their OWN agenda driven definitions, to fit their distorted world view, and call good, evil ... and call evil, good.

  12. That is just plain SILLY!

    It's "Aluminum Foil Hat" silly!

    2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    In the broadest sense of the word, nearly all human interaction is political

    That is correct ... and that is Reality, as it exists on the ground ... where the "rubber meets the road".


    YOU are the one playing with words ... to take what is actually the case, and pretend that it does not apply in THIS case ... and it DOES.

    2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It is similar to the 'political' involvement of previous WBTS presidents.

    The FACTS are either one of two things ... and cannot be a third thing.

    The past Presidents of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Russell, Rutherford, and Knoor (whom I have seen in person) did in actual fact swear allegiance to the Constitution of the United States, and swore to defend it, in their heart of hearts, without reservation, or mental evasion .... OR ... to get a Passport, they Swore under Oath before God... and LIED .... lying under oath before man and God to the United States State Department, and each of their Passport applications were fraudulent ... AND they lied SPECIFICALLY before God by their signing that crystal clear and unambiguous oath.

    There is no third choice, unless you are agenda driven irrational, and borderline (?) insane.

    MEANWHILE ... the Brothers and Sisters in Malawi were being tortured and killed because Bro. Knoor, who signed an oath of allegiance to the United States Constitution, before God and man, refused,  when there  was only ONE political party in Malawi at the time, to  let them buy a 25 cent National ID card. (foreigners were exempt from that requirement).

    I lived through those times, when it was all going on, as contemporary news !




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