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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Speaking of not running with scissors and sharp edges .....

    Both my parents were normal sized people, yet I am almost 6'-7" tall, and almost 300 pounds.

    I remember when I was about ten years old, was running through the house and tripped while brushing my teeth, and got a toothbrush caught sideways in my throat, and it made the sides of my neck poke out in knobs. 

    PERFECT for attaching car battery jumper cables ....

  2. I can imagine the paper shredders now working 24/7/365 ..... in both the Vatican, and in Warwick.

    The Statute of Limitations has run out on pressing criminal charges on all but TWO of the accused priests ... but I wonder about the CIVIL liability that the church itself has.?

    Just as Al Capone  was prosecuted for Income Tax Evasion, perhaps the Catholic Church itself can be prosecuted for conspiracy, organized mob activity, or some other thing RELATED to the great evil perpetrated here.

    In their "Secret Archives" ... I wonder if they use "Blue Envelopes", to report  these crimes to their equivalent of Branch Overseers ... the Bishops .....  as we do for OUR secret archives.?

    Several years ago the Catholic Los Angeles Diocese was sued and a lost 600 MILLION dollars, in the same sort of cases, and because they did not have the money, the courts confiscated their real estate, and sold it at auction.

    (That's almost 3/4 BILLION dollars ....  for those in Rio Linda.).

    ( Yeah, I know it's less than 2/3 billion ... and you know it ... but they get confused easily with odd "change" ...)

  3. On 3/9/2017 at 5:53 AM, JW Insider said:

    Good reminder that prayer should not be the same overused, generic phrases.

    " ....... and thank you Almighty God, for the two Meetings today,  and the congregation picnic this afternoon after the meeting and field service, at the Glomer Municipal Building at 2615  Williams Street at 4PM to 8PM, and please help us to remember to keep the potato salad on ice so it does not spoil, it's really hot out there, and please help us stay afterwards to help clean up the mess, and put away the folding chairs, and, oh yeah ... we need someone who can bring two cold, medium sized seedless watermelons, and a knife ( and there is more ...)    .... Amen"


    I can imagine the paper shredders now working 24/7/365 ..... in both the Vatican, and in Warwick.

    The Statute of Limitations has run out on pressing criminal charges on all but TWO of the accused priests ... but I wonder about the CIVIL liability that the church itself has.?

    Just as Al Capone  was prosecuted for Income Tax Evasion, perhaps the Catholic Church itself can be prosecuted for conspiracy, organized mob activity, or some other thing RELATED to the great evil perpetrated here.

    In their "Secret Archives" ... I wonder if they use "Blue Envelopes", to report  these crimes to their equivalent of Branch Overseers ... the Bishops .....  as we do for OUR secret archives.?

    Several years ago the Catholic Los Angeles Diocese was sued and a lost 600 MILLION dollars, in the same sort of cases, and because they did not have the money, the courts confiscated their real estate, and sold it at auction.

    (That's almost 3/4 BILLION dollars ....  for those in Rio Linda.).


  5. 11 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Can somebody explain me why is big B need to be in word Brothers Lett and Sanderson

    Sure ... I do the same thing, completely of my own initiative ...Any JW I refer to as Brother  or Sister. I also capitalize the first letter of "holy words", such as Justice, and similar words.   It also helps to differentiate between a family brother or sister.

    I break the "rules of grammer", according to the amount of honor I attribute to something.

    That being said, I do maintain, entirely due to the book "1984" by George Orwell, the capitalization of "Big Brother", which I see as a VERY important philosophical concept to "Grok" ... which is another capitalized philosophical concept, of major importance.

  6. Politics is trying to change the agenda of government by manipulating public opinion to pressure them to do something they are not doing, or are doing, that you wish changed.



    This is a very broad brush on a very large canvas.



    By Elizabeth Zwirz | Fox News                                  Tuesday. August 14, 2017


    " Hundreds of priests sexually abused more than a thousand children, Pennsylvania attorney general says

    Several hundred Roman Catholic priests in Pennsylvania were accused of sexually abusing more than a thousand children, a grand jury report on Tuesday said, in an alleged “cover-up” described as “sophisticated” by the state’s attorney general.

    Over the course of a two year investigation, launched by Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh ShapiroÂ’s office, a grand jury heard several witness statements and pored over documents from six dioceses in the state.


    Those dioceses included Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton. Upwards of 300 "predator priests" stand accused of the decades-long abuse, the report said.

    “The cover-up was sophisticated. And all the while, shockingly, church leadership kept records of the abuse and the cover-up,” Shapiro said at a news conference. “These documents, from the dioceses' own 'Secret Archives,' formed the backbone of this investigation.”

    It’s possible that the “real number” of abused children could be “in the thousands” due to missing records or other victims who feared speaking about the allegations, according to the grand jury’s report.

    In order to prevent the Catholic Church from suffering bad publicity or financial liability, the panel claimed that a series of bishops and other diocesan leaders attempted to hide the alleged abuse.


    The report faulted Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the former longtime bishop of Pittsburgh who currently leads the Washington archdiocese, for what it said was his part in the concealment of clergy sexual abuse. Wuerl defended himself, releasing a statement Tuesday that said he had “acted with diligence, with concern for the victims and to prevent future acts of abuse.” "





  8. If you read carefully hidden in Sunday's WT lesson for last week .. the emphasis was on OVERTHROWING governments, or regime change.

    Be a sport ... read the WT study article once again, with that kept in your mind.

    It appears that the only way many of us develop reading comprehension is after reading something incorrectly, recovering from figurative "bullet wounds".

    The Society is VERY careful nowadays NOT to directly speak against voting.

    Probably learned from recovering from too many continuous governmental sanction "bullet wounds".

    The legal staff and accountants and the "Helpers" are now running the show.

    I have carefully watched this transition and power shift over 50 years and more.

    It has been funny, and terribly, terribly sad, at the same time.


  9. By the way Grey Reformer ... did you know that former  Presidents of the WTB&TS swore under oath before God to bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America?

    Here is the oath they swore:

    "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to to the same; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So help me God."

    If they had not ... they would not have gotten a US Passport.

    .... talk about selling your birthright for a bowl of stew ......





  10. Po

    25 minutes ago, Grey Reformer said:

    how is letter writing have any political implications? Did the Russian government change its mind, that you seem to think they did and are aware of it? It seems irrational to think that way, But, since you have started in a path of insults, I will not lower my standard of intelligence to meet yours. 

    I am glad you asked.

    I did not insult you ... I only stated a fact, which you have confirmed just now, that in the area of political interactions in the REAL world, you are not aware of what is going on around you.

    I am ignorant of many things, also. 

    To say someone is ignorant is not an insult, especially in a specific area of human perception and thinking.

    I could say that you have a nice car .... if you TAKE it as an insult, that does not mean I have insulted you.

     If you are a midget, and I say you are a midget, that is not an insult ... merely a statement of actual fact. Referring to you as a "little person" may be more diplomatic, but you would still be a midget..

    The letter writing was a naive idea that could never have worked.  The Russian Federation is NOT governed by any concepts of fairness.

    But, getting to your specific question ... Letter writing TO POLITICIANS and GOVERNMENTS is political activity.  Whether it succeeds in changing their governmental policy, or fails at changing their governmental policy is completely immaterial.

    The fact that you TRIED is political activity.

    You would think the GB would have figured that out after presenting their case in all lower courts, and the Russian Supreme Court .. twice.

    Apparently NOT.

    So ... they tried political activism.

    That did not work, either.

    But they niavely TRIED ... which the Russkies appreciated.

    They must have laughed themselves into a coma, after stealing all the JW real estate, then .... getting 56 million dollars and 11 train boxcars full of thinly sliced firewood as a free bonus.

    They have a policy that it is immoral to let a sucker keep his money ... but this exceeded their wildest expectations.



  11. 10 hours ago, Grey Reformer said:

    I was unaware sending letters to a government that disbanded the preaching work of a religious organization when it left other religions well enough alone, especially the Orthodox Church had anything to do with the Watchtower making a vote. What did all those letters VOTE for? If you can explain it with new evidence of truth, you reference as being, it would be greatly appreciated.

    That is just the problem, Grey Reformer ... you are unaware.

    You are unaware that anything one has to do with trying to change government policy is political activism.

    You do not have to VOTE for something, to be heavily involved in politics.

    Conversely, NOT speaking out against any issues of one "side" or another is ALSO , by omission, political activity.

    You can protest in the streets in demonstrations.

    You can engage in political activity by writing letters to your Senators, Congressmen, or even the President of the United States.

    You can engage in political activity by entreaty,  by mailing 64 million letters to the Russian Government ... which by the way, NOBODY read, and they were either taken to a landfill, or used as fuel in wood burning stoves last winter. 

    The only thing the Russian Government noted was the fact that 70% of the face value of the international postage was forwarded to them by the Universal Postal Union for terminal delivery, which never happened.

    But they did .. they DID get... approximately $56 MILLION DOLLARS of the BROTHERHOOD'S hard earned money as an unintended free gift.

    If you wanted to bribe someone, and make it seem invisible, that is one way to do it.

    The Brotherhood in effect, at the pleading of the Governing Body ... gave the Russian Government 56 MILLION DOLLARS.

      The DIRECT result of political activism.

    Plus, last winter "Fuel at the proper time".

    You can "vote" with a ballot.

    You can "vote" with your feet, by getting away, deliberately leaving the influence of political oppression.

    You can "vote" with your wallet, by supporting, or NOT supporting things you find offensive, and reject.

    And of course ... you can, as history has borne out, you can "vote" with a rifle.

    You can "vote" by NOT picking up a rifle.

    That is just the problem, Grey Reformer ... you are just plain ignorant,  uninformed, and consequently  unaware.

    To one extent or another, everyone that lives, or has ever lived shares  that, including you, me, and the Governing Body ... as giving 56 MILLION DOLLARS to your political adversary clearly demonstrates.

  12. 15 minutes ago, Grey Reformer said:

    Then we have just learned whose reasoning holds an irrational thought. Venturing into the past without a proper context leans toward desperation than facts.

    I believe we have gone full circle with this assumption of, why perception is such a disingenuous and pretentious view for former witnesses and those that think with the same line of reasoning.

    These things have been shown, in context, in thousands of comments, with photocopies,  here on the Archive over the past seven or so years.

    The context has been fully established many dozens of times.

    What you have typed sounds very profound, but in reality, it is meaningless and fanciful.

    In some very few cases your own perceptions may be true, but mostly they are simply just plain wrong.



  13. 26 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    You know, I really enjoyed Sunday’s Watchtower on the value of political neutrality, didn’t you?

    (sigh...every newbie begins with the assumption, as I did, that the house sorehead is sane and open to reason)

    I enjoyed the parts that were relevant.

    They did not mention that Bros. Russel, Rutherford  and Knor,  Presidents of the WTB&TS, WILLINGLY swore an oath before God, to the U.S. State Department, on their passport applications to ".. protect and defend the United States Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

    They did not mention the political activism of 64 MILLION letters sent by the Brotherhood to the Russian Federation to try and influence their political stance against the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society .

    I wonder if the current President of the WTB&TS has a passport?

    We are BOTH presumably sane and open to reason.

    The only difference is that I consider FACTS, and reality as it really is.



  14. As far as some of your questions go, I will assume they are rhetorical.

    About the other, I hold the same opinion Abraham Lincoln had when he was asked, during the American Civil War, whether God was on the side of the North ...or the South.

    His reply was (possibly paraphrased...) "I don't think God got us into this war, and I don't think God will get us out of it."

    The Allied Forces won because they had greater resources, an unlimited supply of soldiers, and because they developed the atomic bomb, first.

    There is no evidence whatsoever that Jehovah God has influenced a single event in modern times.

    If you know something more than I, that involves hard evidence ... please tell me.



  15. 1 hour ago, Grey Reformer said:

    That is why perception is such a disingenuous and pretentious view for former witnesses and those that think along with, the same line of reasoning.

    The Nazis could have made the exact same statement against the Allied Forces in WWII .... that the Allied Forces perception was completely contrary THEIR perception and vision .... the mission and global blessings of half a world united under the superior philosophy of German Civilizationand the cultural superiority of the Empire of Japan.

    Perception is a double edged sword.

  16. 4 hours ago, Grey Reformer said:

    That’s the “false” inclination of former witnesses and some present witnesses that think the GB was developed to do their bidding NOT God’s.

    Hmmmm... I thought the Governing Body was supposed to be faithful and discrete slaves .....   ministering to ..... to the brotherhood.

    The IDEA of providing " food at the proper time" is not to spiritually feed God ... it is supposed to feed the Brotherhood ... QUALITY food at the proper time.

    WHOLESOME food at the proper time.

    We seem to have, with BLIND respect for the Governing Body,  evolved into an idolatrous situation, divorced from common sense reality.

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