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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. ..... placekeeper for whn I get back from the Meeting, and have time for a good answer ...
  2. This got my attention .... There is a difference between hyperbole, and utter and total nonsense cluelessness. I am sure Bro. Lett is loved by Jehovah, but down here on the ground suchlike thinking is contrary to reality (There is more evidence for something COMPLETELY unseen, and un-provable, and by rational people could be reasonably argued to be a COMPLETE fantasy ...), and is DANGEROUS! Lett on Gravity, Electricity, wind .mp4 Next thing you know, we will be specifically asked to blindly obey things that from a logical standpoint make no sense at all. I could not help but think that the "two inch brush" analogy was actually meant to defuse global problem of several BILLION hours of work has so few converts ... but hey, that could just be me, projecting. A common problem with many people. Â Â
  3. I cannot hear the sound. My speakers are working fine, etc. I downloaded the MP4, and it will not play, here, either.
  4. Risk assessment can be dramatically simplified with a 15 shot magazine, and two spares.
  5. Sometimes the rest of us humans need hugs and kisses, and someone to laugh, cry, cuddle, and snuggle with. Ultimately, we are all just big lonely bags of mostly water, like eager puppies ..... trying not to freeze.
  6. Probably a lesser risk than my getting killed in my car, driving to Home Depot ... by a factor of about 20,000. The GOOD news is that Bill can now spend all day, every day ... day in and day out ... 24/7/365 ........ with Hillary.
  7. When I go through Las Vegas, I spend $100 gambling before continuing my trip. One time, years ago, after about 20 minutes, I had the "programming" of a $1 slot machine figured out, and was making $3.00 every 4 pulls. Soon I had a bucket full of real U.S. $1 "silver" dollars. I had been there four hours. THEN, I hit a small jackpot and the money clattered down into the tin tray, lights flashed, and I think I remember sound effects of some sort. A very attractive "cigarette girl"/waitress tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if I wanted a drink. I asked her how much were they? She said they were complementary ( I am thinking a coca-cola or a root beer ...). She explained I could have any kind of drink, would I like a cocktail? I said I sure could use a Southern Comfort Whiskey Sour. Every time my glass was empty, she brought another. after four, it occurred to me I had a BETTER "system" Next thing I knew, my buckets of silver dollars were empty. I figure those free Whiskey Sours cost me about $400 each. Could be worse .... Obama said if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, and if you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor ... and every family would save $2,500 every year!
  8. War deaths are ALWAYS somewhere around 70% deaths for non-combatants.. That is ANOTHER reason why it is a game that JWs do not play. To be overly upset about what is happening "over there" is to ignore the fact that in the fog of war, such stuff has always happened. It is the nature of the beast. Reality is .... what it is.
  9. Do you use "voice to text" software such as "Dragon Naturally Speaking"? Your very long posts seem to be a LOT of work .... but then again, I cannot "touch type".
  10. Space Merchant: Again, I would like to congratulate you on you excellent choice of Avatar Icon for your log in, here. It is appropriate to your posting above. The logic and reasoning you use is dangerously close to "prior restraint" , which is in the realm of tyrants and despots. I disagree with your premises, reasoning, and conclusions. They "sound reasonable", until translated into real world action. I consider ALL competent and sane men of good intent to be armed, at all times, everywhere, to be a VERY GOOD THING. What you are suggesting is tantamount to making the assumption that because all men have penises, they should all be be viewed as potential rapists, and treated accordingly.
  11. So ..... TALK! Your statement without explanation AND PROOF !, is completely useless. Do try to keep it under 50 pages .....
  12. Ok, TTH ... the only air-tight defense against an accusation of libel, is the truth. Please ... tell us the FACTS that you have to support this multi-faceted accusation.
  13. First of all, I was making a joke about mounting radar operated machine guns on Kingdom Halls to deter arsonists. Second, you obviously have NO experience buying firearms from reputable licensed dealers. You are speaking about things you do not know ... about. With Criminals, and criminally minded vendors, of course ANYTHING could be the case.
  14. AGAIN you have avoided answering a fair and pertinent question. The reasonable conclusion is that your accusations were libelous, and ONLY a product of your paranoid agenda driven imagination.
  15. TTH: How do you know this to be a fact? I think you are just projecting again, as is your custom. It's a fair and legitimate question, and really DOES deserve an answer. How do you know this to be a fact?
  16. Yeah ... if you send out only ONE resume, and cry when you are rejected. Send out a thousand, or two thousand .... and be willing to go ANYWHERE. There are a lot of stupid, short-sighted employers ... but the great majority of them ARE NOT! The higher your skill set, the smaller the hiring pool is .. and the better it pays. To use an analogy ... you use a shotgun to hunt with ... NOT a single shot rifle ... so to speak.
  17. My thoughts on the matter ...Hmmmmm. I wish I was still working, and could afford that computerized desktop milling machine for metal. The "genie" is out of the bottle ... there is no getting it back. NONE WHATSOEVER. Trying will have MANY horrible unintended consequences.. Like the Librarian said .... "Information wants to be free!" All the "angst" in the world by ignorant Snowflakes will not change that.
  18. Here is a challenge, should you decide to accept it: How is Jehovah's name actually properly pronounced, phonetically, in English ..... with a one word or one sentence answer?
  19. My comments had no deep meaning. Merely that if someone is trying to kill you ... kill them first! That of course involves not getting surprised .... and being capable of doing it. ...and some pure dumb luck!
  20. I like to think that anywhere within 100 ft. of me is a "Safe Space" for all well intentioned people. The people you mention are stupid, yet can inspire great fear in others ... hence your valid and appreciated warning to people in general, and to me. If these very bad people were smart, they would not be so easily identifiable ... as potential targets. ( Where do they buy those clothes, anyway .. "Terrorists-R-US"?) When a uniformed Nazi shows up in an Indiana Jones movie, who the bad guys are is obvious to all without explanation. Again, thanks for the heads up. The likelihood of me, or ANYBODY running into them here in rural North Carolina approaches zero probability ... but they are bullies, and EXPECT to prey on the weak, the unprepared, and the timid. I would find anything they "called" me laughable ... and if faced with people in black suits trying to provoke me, and with their history so well known, despite a normal fear of death or grievous injury, I just might break into a big toothy grin and surprise them. It would "make my day"! "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon EVERYONE is evolving. Like Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto of the Imperial Japanese Navy reportedly once wrote in his diary or said after his Carrier Group bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941, "I fear all that we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve". I suspect that if these "movements" of bad guys, by whatever name, tried to pull in parts of the American Southeast, what they are doing in "Blue" States, Europe and other disarmed countries, their "movements" .... would be bowel.
  21. American humor is a conspiracy by laboratory mice, to take over the world! [ Madagascar] My monochromatic Friend.mp4
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