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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.


    I was a teenager in the 60's,  and I had a good friend that on Scout camping trips I introduced to the Truth, and I was there in NYC at Yankee Stadium when he was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witness. He was a true "straight arrow", and pioneered, always dressed immaculately, and eventually over the years became an Elder.

    One night, at an Elder's Meeting, he announced to the other Elders that he was Jesus Christ, and that his mother was the virgin Mary, and of course he was disfellowshipped.

    He spent several years in private mental institutions until his insurance money ran out, then in a State institution for several years.

    He called me up, and told me the story, and I told him I was the Great Turtleman, and every November, before I hibernated, I rose from the swamp and gave toys to all the good little boys and girls.  I was just pulling his leg, but he was dead serious.

    Later, he was in England, while his wife was trying without success to get him to take his medications, and fell over a balcony at Heathrow Airport and got killed.



  2. I am curious TTH ... how did you resolve the fact that the Australian Aborigines  go back 30,000 and more years?

    I have explained at least four times, here on the archive, how I resolved it.

    The same way I resolved how Cain got married in the Land of Exile.

  3. 40 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    You know your way around there FAR better than I. Can you help me out?

    You are assuming things not in evidence, THH .... AGAIN.

    I have "Google Alerts" set up to notify me on many topics ... and your name showed up on an  EXJW Web Link. ...

  4. 39 minutes ago, Judith Sweeney said:

    I think Brother Lett is a pure hearted Wonderful Brother.  The Anointed should not be ridiculed out of respect for Jehovah's Arrangement of things. 

    I agree with you to a certain extent ... but there is a line ... and it has to be drawn "somewhere" .... otherwise honest hearted people with the very best of intentions unknowingly will direct you to jump off a cliff (so to speak...) and ruin your life ... all with the very best of intentions.

    As a young man, at periods in my life, I was more empathic, and  was sorta like the Congregation "Ann Landers".

    I ruined several Brother's  lives with my ignorant advice ... with the very BEST of intentions, because I was not competent to give good advice, on the subject being discussed.

    Perhaps they SHOULD have asked me about the things of which I was expert, such as photography ... but they did not.

    Bro. Lett is in a position to help ... or ruin ....  MILLIONS of Brothers and Sisters lives ... so he has to be evaluated on what he actually says ... NOT his reasonably assumed pure heart and good intentions.

    I have no doubt that Bro. Lett is deeply loved by Jehovah God, and many, many people.

    Unfortunately, there is no way for me to wind back the clock, and make reparations for the unintentional evil I did ... and the same applies to almost anybody else, with very few exceptions ... and that includes Bro. Lett.

    Here is an example, from his own words.

    Being of the Anointed does NOT give license, or a "free Pass", to encourage deliberate cluelessness in others.



  5. 4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    There is a reason that they call it a faith and that we allow ourselves to be instructed by the Bible.

    Look, throw the Book in the dumpster already, will you? It doesn’t appear to interest you. Probably you can find something in the Philosophy or Science section of the library that will work better for you.

    Since you, TTH, were unable to supply a SINGLE example, and had a time frame of a THOUSAND YEARS ( ... and more!) to draw from, it PROVES .... and you yourself by specific intentional omission have PROVIDED the proof .... that your opinions on this conversation thread are completely irrelevant.

    The "proof is in the pudding" so to speak ... but FIRST ... you have to have some pudding.

    Your opinions on pudding bowls may be valid in some other context, but are irrelevant here and now.





    I think that Jehovah's Witnesses love people strictly on an intellectual level, a "principled love".

    The harder life is ... the more people love each other on an emotional level.

    The fact is, in our current policy driven culture ... a deep emotional love of general humanity is impossible in most circumstances, and for most people  ..... and even normal deep family love is being systematically "bred" out of our theocratic culture.

    With the adoption of extreme and cruel rules of disfellowshipping, dependent on our OWN social survival, to treat family with extreme cruelty INSTEAD of mercy, we have learned to turn love on, and off ... and back on .... like a light switch.


    "We have met the enemy, and he is us"  - Pogo





  7. 16 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    First of all, wait until it happens.

    Second, it has happened many times within scripture. Not exactly 'brilliant' to face the immense army unarmed with your singers in the lead, is it?

    Please give me ONE SINGLE EXAMPLE of something like what you referenced happening in modern times, to any individual ... or any group of individuals .... anywhere on Earth .... ANYWHERE AT ALL ... in the last thousand years, TTH.

    If you cannot .... it shows that the example you referenced does NOT apply to this discussion.

    It's a "stretch" that snaps when tested.

  8. 15 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    The exaggerated imagery gets attention. 

    This got my attention ....

    There is a difference between hyperbole, and utter and total nonsense cluelessness.

    I am sure Bro. Lett is loved by Jehovah, but down here on the ground suchlike thinking is contrary to reality (There is more evidence for something COMPLETELY unseen, and un-provable, and by rational people could be reasonably argued to be a COMPLETE fantasy ...), and is DANGEROUS!

    Next thing you know, we will be specifically asked to blindly obey things that from a logical standpoint make no sense at all.

    I could not help but think that the "two inch brush" analogy was actually meant to defuse global problem of several BILLION hours of work has so few converts ... but hey, that could just be me, projecting.

    A common problem with many people.



  9. 6 minutes ago, Gone Away said:

    t could cost your life.....actually worth a lot more....even if you don't agree!!

    Probably a lesser risk than my getting killed in my car, driving to Home Depot ... by a factor of about 20,000.

    The GOOD news is that Bill can now spend all day, every day ... day in and day out ... 24/7/365 ........ with Hillary.

  10. When I go through Las Vegas, I spend $100 gambling before continuing my trip.

    One time, years ago, after about 20 minutes, I had the "programming" of a $1 slot machine figured out, and was making $3.00 every 4 pulls.  Soon I had a bucket full of real U.S. $1 "silver" dollars.

    I had been there four hours.   THEN, I hit a small jackpot and the money clattered down into the tin tray, lights flashed, and I think I remember sound effects of some sort.

    A very attractive "cigarette girl"/waitress tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if I wanted a drink.

    I asked her how much were they?

    She said they were complementary ( I am thinking a coca-cola or a root beer ...).

    She explained I could have any kind of drink, would I like a cocktail?

    I said I sure could use a Southern Comfort Whiskey Sour.

    Every time my glass was empty, she brought another.

    after four, it occurred to me I had a BETTER "system"

    Next thing I knew, my buckets of silver dollars were empty.

    I figure those  free Whiskey Sours cost me about $400 each.

    Could be worse .... Obama said if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, and if you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor ... and every family would save $2,500 every year!



  11. 25 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    I do not have experience in firearms, but I know to some extend the law of the land in regards of guns and those who carry them, those against them, at the same time having a corral with the state and government

    Do you use "voice to text" software such as "Dragon Naturally Speaking"?

    Your very long posts seem to be a LOT of work .... but then again, I cannot "touch type".


  12. Space Merchant:

    Again, I would like to congratulate you on you excellent choice of Avatar Icon for your log in, here.  It is appropriate to your posting above.

    The logic and reasoning you use is dangerously close to "prior restraint" , which is in the realm of tyrants and despots.

    I disagree with your premises, reasoning, and conclusions.  They "sound reasonable", until translated into real world action.

    I consider ALL competent and sane men of good intent to be armed, at all times, everywhere, to be a VERY GOOD THING.

    What you are suggesting is tantamount to making the assumption that because all men have penises, they should all be be viewed as potential rapists, and treated accordingly.




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