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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. It's probably giving you too many hints, but .... now you know the REAL reason the Society's Headquarters were moved from New York City ....
  2. "Q" is anonymous. "Q" prefers to stay anonymous. There is a plan. Believe in the Plan. Plan for the plan. JTR PS: Pay no attention to the flightless bird in the hole. You saw nothing. You heard nothing. ... move along folks ...... [ Madagascar] My monochromatic Friend.mp4
  3. I suspect George C. Scott did Patton ...... better than Patton, did Patton.
  4. It also helps a GREAT deal in getting a job, if you are willing to work at poverty wages. There comes a time in many peoples' lives when it is necessary to survive. Been there ... done that. That being said, I have never even heard of a Cardiac Specialist having trouble finding a job. Being poor is nothing to be ashamed of ... but it has NOTHING to recommend it.
  5. If you want a profound experience, may I suggest touring the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC which will take several days, or the Muppet Museum in Leland. Mississippi, which will take several days driving.
  6. You don't pull on Superman's cape, You don't spit into the wind. You don't pull the mask off the Ol' Lone Ranger, and You don't publicly insult known thugs, mobsters etc. The Kid could probably win 2017's Darwin Award, if not already awarded.
  7. I wonder if in Mexico, when a woman temporarily substitutes for a man in the Congregation, if she has to wear a sombrero?
  8. Yeah .... My allegiance is only to God ... but I will fight with anyone who believes as I do about Freedom and Justice. It is quite obvious that for the time being, we are on our own .... and we have to do the best we know how. The only thing necessary for evil to prevail, is Good Men to do nothing. At least if I screw up, and make a mistake ... it will not cost the Brotherhood 56 MILLION dollars.
  9. That's why I am heavily invested in tumbling tumbleweeds. ( ....... visualizes a tumbleweed bouncin' and a blowin' with the sandstorm, across a diorama of Caleb and Sophia.)
  10. For over 40 years, I used to sit at a drafting table, and later at computer monitors, and design things. ... all kinds of things. Lets say my boss came to seven different designers and asked for us to design something ... anything, Without rock-solid airtight specifications you might get seven versions of whatever that thing was. You might get an MP3 player that weighs 20 pounds and looks like a bathroom fixture. At the time Eve was created there were already millions of pre-humans that evolved, but none directly created by God, until Adam and Eve were created. ( ... a planet full of a million tons and more of fossils make it pretty clear what DID happen .... ). By the way ... that's where Cain got his wife, and further messed up the gene pool ....) Jehovah God is not accountable to us as to how WE think he should have done things .... he COULD have made us have a caterpillar stage like butterflies, and that would have been his choice. The really cool thing about being Almighty God, is the absolute flexibility and power to do ANYTHING you want, however you see fit. Second guessing the Almighty God is, by practical definition, an exercise in futility.
  11. It seems that 1999 was the last time the WTB&TS gave it's corporate guidance on this matter. Anybody know about any current updates ... either via publications, talks, or actual practice? I am thinking about voting in the November Senatorial Elections, here in the United States, with a clear conscience ... but I of course do not want to run afoul of the Congregation's Elders current conceptions or mis-conceptions, and be "burned at the stake". uh .... so to speak.
  12. ARE WE NOW ALLOWED TO VOTE ? The WTB&TS is involved in all kinds of political activity ... most recently having the Brotherhood of 8 million people and more (?) sent letters trying to persuade the Russian Federation to change its political policies towards Freedom of Religion, and non-interference with Jehovah's Witnesses. An estimated 64 MILLION of Jehovah's Witnesses letters flooded the country's leaders to try and get them to change their policies. Unintended consequences of that gave the Russians approximately 11 boxcar loads of paper to dispose of (firewood?), and through the Universal Postal Union's terminal duty contracts with all nations, 70% of the face value of the stamps, which amounted to 56 MILLION DOLLARS, CASH, of the Brotherhood's hard earned money. This does not count the time of about ( 64m x 20 minutes per letter = 21,333 hours, or 10.3 "man years" ) of Jehovah's Witnesses time and productivity .... TO POLITICAL ACTIVITY. My wife just told me that now ... the Society's policy is that voting is a matter of personal conscience .... where "before", it was strictly forbidden under pain of disfellowshipping. I apparently have not kept up if this is true. So my question is ... is this true ? .... and if so ... why did the corporation policy change? Are we now allowed to vote ?
  13. Of course, if Jesus was a Bullfrog, he would not have to bump his rump, every time he jumped ... I mean... unless he wanted to. Jesus is not a frog, and pagan ideas are not the solution to Universal Sovereignty without having continuous, never ending "Star Wars".
  14. I would rather see "them" show the Bethel produced "Pillowgate" videos, and watch as the air gets sucked out of the room.
  16. Here is something you have to think about, to discern the relevancy, if any ..... When the Muslims had taken over Spain, many centuries ago, the Spanish warred against them, and one Military General, who I understand was also a Catholic Bishop ( The Catholic church having devolved from the Roman Military ...) was laying siege to a Castle controlled by the Muslims, as they were about to lay waste to the Castle, he was informed that half the people in the Castle were Catholics. He pondered over this dilemma but for a moment, and gave the order, "Kill them all ... let God sort 'em out!"
  17. Everything heavier than hydrogen was created later ... in Stars ..... through the fusion process, and Iron, and everything heavier than that, were created in Star Supernova explosions, also through the fusion process. God MADE Eden, and all things in it, from available materials. The "Tree of Knowledge" was like any other tree ... no different .... The "bad" was Adam and Eve's decision that their values were superior to God's values. and with that, as an example, the "discovered" that they were naked. Perhaps lust had something to do with it? Or poison ivy, and ants? Those are three things that do not mix well with being naked. Jehovah did not care at all that they were naked, and neither did they, until they adopted their own independent value system. If you do not have the Freedom to be self destructive ... Freedom does not really exist. .... but Freedom exercised badly is .... oh ..... whats the word I want to use .... um ... oh yeah! .... "BAD". Like being waist deep in the swamp, and hand feeding a crocodile .... you would get a significant revelation. Knowledge! The "Tree of Knowledge" gave them no knowledge whatsoever, on any subject. It or its descendants possibly survived until the Noachian Flood. The "bad" was not in the tree ... neither was any actual knowledge. By the way ... had it occurred to you that everyone on Earth alive today, or that has ever lived, under their clothes, is or was running around naked? Just like hand feeding a crocodile, if you make the decision to do that ... YOU WILL GET KNOWLEDGE ! But ... it may cost you an arm and a leg!
  18. TTH: As far as answering the legitimate and meaningful questions that would indicate an awareness and zeal for truth, justice and mercy ... very important things to discuss .. you ALWAYS are off-point, with the irrelevant stuff. It's interfering with my naps! You are "slipperier" (sp?) than Bill Clinton in a tub full of baby-oiled bimbos.
  19. That looks like a drowned Hildabeast ! I guess Bill can date, now!
  20. TTH I did notice that in your lengthy reply .. you COULD NOT even supply ONE real life example of Mercy being shown in the administration of Justice, by the Elders or the Governing Body, even though you did quote my open challenge. NOT A SINGLE real life example !! Accusations about shunning are the new frontier. The movie Apostasy is a hit in England and it will likely travel around the world, causing huge pressure upon our young ones. I posted a review of the movie under the heading 'As Sherlock Says, It's GAME ON!' but because it linked to my blog where the bulk of the lengthy review remained, it was rejected for spamming. I am feuding with the Librarian, and feuding rather seriously, as my offer of compromise goes unanswered. I am this close to packing it in here, and would almost welcome the fate of Allen the Terrible, so that the decision might be made for me. I would not thereafter prove the resurrection, as he has many times. At a time when Jehovah's people are under vicious attack on many fronts, even banned & physically assaulted in the largest country by area on earth, it is not reassuring that brothers in position to make a difference instead choose to be unaffilaited journalists, hosting gigantic forums where petulant morons have equal say with genuinely spiritual people. One almost wonders if during the final Battle other journalists will show up wanting to make sure that each side's point of view is fairly represented. I understand that all blogs are, by nature, competitive. However, a significant reason that Jehovah's organization works and those of the overall world do not is that members are willing to cooperate, and do not let such matters as turf concerns interfere. ... roughly the same thing as me asking where is a glass of milk, and you answering a detailed history of music (MOO-SIC?).
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