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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Spacey: Your picture perfectly illustrates my reaction to your post. It's like if I ask "Where is the milk?' And I get a history of milk.
  2. As Sherlock Holmes used to say "The Game is afoot!!" Remember the ending scene of the classic movie, available on Youtube, "Bambi Meets Godzilla"? Bambi Meets Godzilla (1969, HQ).mp4
  3. The caption I like is: Her: I bet he is thinking about other women. Him: If two people on opposite sides of the Earth simultaneously drop a piece of bread ... briefly the Earth becomes a sandwich!
  4. Just because someone gives an opinion of what the future holds, does not mean it has ANY validity at all. The Universe is a dynamic place, and people and events are an infinitely dynamic variable. For example, one Soviet Navy Admiral covered in sweat, in a diesel powered Soviet Submarine with a nuclear tipped torpedo was responsible for averting a nuclear World War Three during the Cuban Missile Crisis when Cuba was blockaded by the US Navy during JFK's administration. Whooda guessed THAT one? "STUFF HAPPENS" , Stuff Happens", and "stuff happens", and sometimes stuff don't happen. When you try to sell Insurance without a License to do so, as the NRA did ... it could be any of the above. So far, the "sky falling" .... is only a rumor.
  5. Isn't it interesting if we tell someone that we were talking to God, more than likely we will be perceived as righteously inclined ... whereas if we tell someone that God speaks to us ..... we will be perceived as bat crap crazy?
  6. ... an iPhone is in fact a true miracle .... not from God, but because it took 6,000 years of progress to make one. ... BUT ... just because it did not come from God, NEITHER would it be reasonable to say it came from the Devil. The same is true with the Pyramids, and sticks and staffs into something resembling or actually snakes. That's why I go with the theory that SOME Egyptians could manipulate contemporrary physics outside of what we know how to do today ... and today ... we can do a LOT. We unfortunately can even create make a delivered hydrogen fueled mini-star over a city, to incinerate it. It's called a Hydrogen Bomb.
  7. I read the letter ... neither does it disprove any statement. The supposition that it is two days instead of three days needs proof. In the absence of proof, the fair assumption is that it stays the same, whether that be three days, or thirty three days, etc.
  8. Of course ... every Iranian Kingdom Hall is in a water Park, as shown in the photo. .... makes baptisms very convenient ... AND ... ( AND! ), when you baptize twenty-eight year olds, it is very efficient, as with the sliding boards as shown in the photo, you can do twenty at a time. (... sets kitchen egg timer for six minutes .... )
  9. It is "generally" considered that if a man has sex with a young teenage girl, it is a crime worthy of considerable punishment and he gets a kick in the teeth... but if a woman has sex with a young teenage boy, he is "lucky", and he gets a grin, raised eybrows, and a jealous elbow in the ribs.
  10. Could be worse .... when women are substituting for men in a church, instead of a head covering, they COULD have to wear Ronald McDonald shoes. Guess which Sister is the Substitute Congregation Coordinator?
  11. so after all.... there is a life after death :))))) I checked ... they are being rotated on a brimstone rotisserie.
  12. Or, in Iranian Kingdom Halls at the Water Parks, the Burkinis. When the Iranian Brothers see these ankles, we have to throw buckets of cold water on them ... and the buckets!
  13. Anyone that EXPECTS fairness as THEY define it, is a sanctimonious sensitive supercilious Snowflake, completely divorced from Reality. The ants that I kill by the millions, if you could hear their thoughts, might also think that is unfair. I mean .... after all ... they have been on the Earth a LOT longer than either Homo Sapiens, Homo Erectus, or Homo Theocraticus (direct creations of God), and it would be FAIR that they should rule the world and do whatever they want, wherever they want. .... if you think like an ant. Tough Noogies! They should have stayed away from my house. As far as ants are concerned, because I actually CAN manage it ... Ah decides what is fair!
  14. .... As for the example in question highlighted, a man sees your wife has the most beautiful thing ever but does not know you are married to her, what you have done if you were A'bram or Issac, let alone another situation whereas a man took your wife in the night, not knowing she is your wife. - Space Merchant God caused to be all specifically created (Homo Theocraticus) people. Samuel Colt made them equal. Â
  15. It is my considered analysis that the Egyptian Pyramids were constructed by persons having the ability to manipulate the Quantum states of matter, to circumvent the normal classical Physics of which we are familiar. To this day, no one knows how the gigantic stones of the Great Pyramid were lifted into place, and placed. The effort staggers the imagination, but it did happen. I seriously doubt any engineering and construction company in the world could duplicate that effort. Make them use the tools seemingly in use then, and it would be impossible in less than a thousand years ( you pick a better number ...). Likewise, although we can ACTUALLY manipulate the "Quantum World" now ... and can make entangled particles that can communicate with others instantaneously across ANY distance, and make tunneling diodes where electricity can get across gaps ... NOT ... traveling the distance between points, (color TVs have them), we cannot make something out of nothing. Apparently SOME Egyptians had telekinetic, and transmutation skills we do not have today, whether it be Pyramids, or Snakes, or some other things, which seem to bypass physics as we now know it ... and so did Moses. Remember ... he was part of the Egyptian ruling class ... and educated in Egypt! Your analysis and results may vary. Do not try this at home.
  16. The reason these guys are not being shut down, is that there are 1500 FBI agents down at the edge of the "Sea of Trump", very very busy fishing for dirt. I actually went to an FBI field office here in Charlotte with a complaint, and interviewed with an agent, explained a case of Internet fraud, and was told if it wasn't $5,000 they were not even interested.
  17. This always bothered me too, until I kept reading... https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+20%3A9-18&version=NKJV 11 And Abraham said, “Because I thought, surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will kill me on account of my wife. 12 But indeed she is truly my sister. She is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife. 13 And it came to pass, when God caused me to wander from my father’s house, that I said to her, ‘This is your kindness that you should do for me: in every place, wherever we go, say of me, “He is my brother.” ’ ” It seems to me Abraham married his step-sister? Or would that be a cousin?
  18. If you pick up some kind of virus, ransomware, or just if your programs get buggy .... what has always worked for me is to reset my computers to a previous date where everything was good. The name escapes me for the moment what that function is, but it works even better than paid for virus protection programs. Kapersky has a free Rootkit virus killer. If you can, run that first. I don't know if that will help, but it's good practice. Just keeping my computers clean with CCleaner's registry cleaner solves 95% of problems. And that is also free.
  19. A man is on a tree covered island in the middle of the river ... and the water is getting higher and higher. He prays to God for help. Rescue Squad shoots a rope over to him, with a life jacket attached and he disconnects it and lets it go, proclaiming "I have faith that GOD will save me" The water is higher, and he is in a tree. Police power boat crew tries to save him but he waves them off proclaiming "I have faith that GOD will save me!" Coast Guard helicopter drops a line with harness to him and he throws it away, proclaiming " I have faith that GOD will save me !!!!" Just before he drowns he screams "OH GOD, WHY DID YOU NOT SAVE ME?" God replies: " I sent the Rescue Squad, the Police and the Coast Guard ..."
  20. That is why in our Congregation, when we all go to the beach once a year for a two week mini-assembly camping trip, when the Sisters swim in the ocean, they all wear canvas tents. Some Brothers do get overly excited when the gals ankles show. We have to throw buckets of sea water on them ... including the buckets.
  21. I will agree with JW Insider that Jack Ryan's question is a good question... and go further to state that in my not so humble opinion it is neither blasphemous, inappropriate, or other wise "bad". I am going to propose something in this post that may be controversial, and you may not "like" it, but if so, please provide hard facts to counter my following supposition. I have noticed that when some disaster or crime or other "bad thing" happens, the survivors thank God for saving their lives .... when perhaps, in a plane crash, 274 others died, etc. What were the OTHER people, chopped liver? Bad analogy, because in that case, some were. Nevertheless, it is my supposition that Jehovah God does NOT single out individuals for divine protection. I may be completely wrong, as I have escaped death, and crippling injury more than many dozens of times, when much better people than I am in many or every way have died early deaths, and I am heavily inclined to believe that PERHAPS Jehovah God is keeping me alive for some unknown, inexplicable reason. Based on what I know is ACTUALLY real ... it's probably only an emotional indulgence. That is why when I pray, I thank Jehovah for my life ... the fact that "I" was ever born, and for the chance and circumstances that I have enjoyed at this time, and in this place. ... but I do not "give him credit" for it. To do that would, IMNSHO would mean that he has it "in" for many others, and deliberately makes their lives miserable .... short ..... or both. So here is my supposition that I hope someone has hard evidence, to disprove, to wit: In modern times, Jehovah God has not in any way interfered with the will of the Nations, or of any individual person, and has not changed in any way the normal outworking of any person, place or thing. Chance and circumstance DO befall us all ... and completely, and without any interference from God whatsoever. (YET?) There are no actual real-life exceptions ... based on fact. The ONLY possible exception, based on probability observed from actual factual information, in my mind, was Jehovah God protecting Sgt. Alvin C. York, an American soldier in World War I. But that is only a guess, based on my understanding of impossible things that actually do happen, and the depth of Alvin C. York's true righteous inclinations in his early years. You would have to read several biographies to understand that. Based on what I know is ACTUALLY real ... it's probably only ANOTHER emotional indulgence. I hope that someone here has a verifiable actual fact to disprove my theory ... but in the absence of actual hard, verifiable data, I will go with what I at this point in time, firmly believe to be true, based on everything I know, have read, and 71 years of life experiences. We are on our own .... .... be CAREFUL out there !!
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