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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. ..... being a living anacronism, I too am so "yesterday" on all this.

    Neither enrique's  or "Tight Pants Tony's" ( affectionally known as TPT) comments had ANYTHING to do with medical issues at all.

    Enrique' s comment was merely a  parody of the bats in the belfries.

    ......... and as far a "Would Jesus wear tight pants?"

    Under that robe he coulda had  a goldfish bowl with water and fish pressed between his knees!

    Who knows?


  2. It is no "more weapons make people safer" ... its "more weapons in the hands of courageous responsible, sane people make people safer".

    Here in the United States, in MANY states, (the most responsible States) with proper vetting and if you pay the $200.00 tax, any responsible person who can afford it can legally own a 50 caliber machine gun or a rocket launcher.

    The vetting is there to separate the unstable screwed up people from responsible citizens.

    To my knowledge, there has only been ONE murder in the United States by a licensed individual with a machine gun, and tens of thousands of people with more money than I have own military weaponry.

    For Christmas, I understand the author Tom Clancy's first wife bought him a fully functional WWII M4 Sherman Tank. (His Estate listed it as "low mileage")

    In discussions about "safe spaces" ( believe me... posted "no gun zones" are NOT safe spaces ... they only provide comfort for the ignorant and a belly laugh for  Bad Guys), I like to think that anywhere around me is a safe space.





  3. If someone being fair and honest bothers you, the problem is YOURS .... not Kathy Perdue's problem.

    It appears Marge's life  was too parasitical, when it should have been symbiotic.

    Why in the world would ANYONE want to spend time with someone who is not a real "friend", but who not having any common interests, has become merely an aquaintence?

    It always bothered me that on Facebook I had MANY acquaintances to which "FRIEND" was a misnomer.

    I deleted them.

  4. There is an old saying ...

    "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day,

    Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime" ...

    but it is a waste of time to teach a man to fish if he does not live near water.

    Destitution level poverty only gives someone choices between destitution, and death.

    In some environments, "reaching your potential" is absolutely impossible, and there is only  hard choices, and no choices at all.

    At least for today, the 15 year old girl will eat, have protection, and a roof over her head.

    She had no choice .... many would pray to be so unfortunate as to have her problems ......... with her limited blessings thrown in.


  5. The caption I like is:

    Her: I bet he is thinking about other women.


    Him: If two people on opposite sides of the Earth simultaneously

    drop a piece of bread ... briefly the Earth becomes a sandwich!

  6. Just because someone gives an opinion of what the future holds, does not mean it has ANY validity at all.

    The Universe is a dynamic place, and people and events are an infinitely dynamic variable.

    For example, one Soviet Navy Admiral covered in sweat, in a diesel powered Soviet Submarine  with a nuclear tipped torpedo was responsible for averting a nuclear World War Three during the Cuban Missile Crisis when Cuba was blockaded by the US Navy during JFK's administration.

    Whooda guessed THAT one?

    "STUFF HAPPENS" , Stuff Happens", and "stuff happens", and sometimes stuff don't happen.

    When you try to sell Insurance without a License to do so, as the NRA did ... it could be any of the above.

    So far, the "sky falling" .... is only a rumor.

  7. ... an iPhone is in fact a true miracle .... not from God, but because it took 6,000 years of progress to make one.

    ... BUT ... just because it did not come from God, NEITHER would it be reasonable to say it came from the Devil.

    The same is true with the Pyramids, and sticks and staffs into something resembling or actually snakes.

    That's why I go with the theory that SOME Egyptians could manipulate contemporrary physics outside of what we know how to do today ... and today ... we can do a LOT.

    We unfortunately can even create make a delivered hydrogen fueled mini-star over a city, to incinerate it.

    It's called a Hydrogen Bomb.

  8. 6 hours ago, olaogun said:

    The info provided does not support your statement on the adjustment made concerning 2019 regional convention from 3 days to 2 days! 

    I read the letter ... neither does it disprove any statement.

    The supposition that it is two days instead of three days needs proof.

    In the absence of proof, the fair assumption is that it stays the same, whether that be three days, or thirty three days, etc.

  9. Of course ... every Iranian Kingdom Hall is in a water Park, as shown in the photo.

    .... makes baptisms very convenient ... AND ... ( AND! ),  when you baptize twenty-eight year olds, it is very efficient, as with the sliding  boards as shown in the photo,  you can do twenty at a time.

    (... sets kitchen egg timer for six minutes .... )

  10. 14 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    Everyone talks about pedophilia happening elsewhere even though it happens to them also, be it they are aware or not, not much of a surprise, but the surprise that come from all the abuse is how either female abusers are treated to male abusers in any type of institution, be it religious and or educational.

    It is "generally"  considered that if a man has sex with a young teenage girl, it is a crime worthy of considerable punishment and he gets a kick in the teeth... but if a woman has sex with a young teenage boy, he is "lucky", and he gets a grin, raised eybrows,  and a jealous  elbow in the ribs.

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