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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. FOXNEWS FLASH!!! : July 28, 2018 5:50PM EDST; I had reported earlier that the Brother who told me he heard that membership had dropped to 7,500,000 was going to check with the Branch Office, to see if that figure was correct, and this afternoon he told be he did in fact check, and the folks at the Branch told him (of course) that the Speakers at the Assembly are only allowed to state what is on the outline for each part on the program ... so the Branch guy checked the outline, and according to that, there are 8.5 BILLION people on planet Earth, now ..... and 8.5 MILLION Jehovah's Witnesses. According to the Branch representative, the closing speaker at the Assembly used the wrong figure of 7,500,000, twice, as reported to me by a local Elder. I suppose only a recording of the session could resolve what was really said.
  2. I like it when someone else does the "heavy lifting" FOR me !
  3. .... it's quicker than reading Robert A. Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land", about life on Mars.
  4. Yep: I could not give it proper attribution ahead of time or it would have ruined the combination of straight news and Onion absurdity ! I used to tell "Shaggy Dog" stories ... the goal of which is to get the listener to completely believe the premise and get sucked into the story, so when I sprang the "punch line" their heads would spin around on their necks ... uh... so to speak. But people got used to me telling these tall tales, and would interrupt me with "Is that a true story?', which disrupted the whole thing, and I had to stop and answer "Well... um... no." ... at that point you lose your "straight man", and any peripheral audience. I suppose comedy should be left to the professionals ... but hey .... sometimes a JW Insider type shows up late enough to complete the schtick, tip the waitresses, and exit ... stage left!
  5. Jellyfish have lived for over 300 million years ... with no brain whatsoever. Perhaps there is hope for us.
  6. Wednesday's headline-making announcement from Italian scientists about a possible lake underneath the Martian south pole adds to a growing list of other worlds we believe have liquid water. But it also adds to a deepening mystery about what it all means – especially to us on this lonely Blue Planet teeming with life and strife. About 70 percent of Earth’s surface is covered by water, most of it in oceans. The rest is found in rivers, lakes, frozen in glaciers, and inside the bodies of every known plant, animal, and micro-creature on the planet. Life, it appears, is not possible without H2O – and for good reason. Among its many unique properties, water is an extraordinary solvent that greases the wheels of life’s biological machinery. It’s exciting, therefore, whenever we discover evidence for liquid water “out there” somewhere. For instance, beneath the surfaces of Jupiter’s moon Europa or Saturn’s moon Enceladus, whose phenomenal geysers shoot more than 100 miles into the air. Some research suggests even lowly Pluto – demoted in 2006 to the status of a dwarf planet – harbors subterranean pockets of water, kept fluid by tidal forces from its five nearby moons. Above all, there’s our storied neighbor Mars. It has polar caps – both north and south – made of regular and dry ice (i.e., frozen carbon dioxide). It also has surface features that look a lot like dry river beds, suggesting the elixir of life once flowed abundantly and freely there. And now this latest headline: bright reflections detected by the European Space Agency’s Mars Express, a ground-penetrating-radar-equipped spacecraft that’s been orbiting the Red Planet since 2003. The Italian scientists interpret the signals to mean there’s a twelve-mile-wide lake of salty water several feet deep sloshing around one mile beneath the Martian surface. Surely, this now raises the possibility that, at the very least, Little Green Microorganisms dwell there. After all, exotic, insanely hardy, methane-eating bacteria live in sub-glacial lakes in our own Antarctic. Ah, if only it were that simple. For starters, the inferred lake beneath the Martian south pole might be nothing more than an aquiver of sludge. Both brine and sludge produce bright radar signatures. It’s also possible the reputed lake is just an optical illusion. NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which is also equipped with ground-penetrating radar, has been circling Mars since 2006 and sees no reflections implying the existence of a subterranean lake. Even if the announcement is substantiated by future missions – and I personally hope it is – water is not a smoking gun. Where there’s water, there’s not necessarily life. Still, every alleged discovery of water on other worlds represents an invaluable experiment that tests the veracity of biology’s current notions about how life came about on Earth. If we keep racking up evidence for water out there, but no life, it will deal a serious blow to the belief in abiogenesis – that life arose from scratch in a primordial soup of ordinary, inorganic chemicals. That would be a big headline. If, however, we do find life inhabiting far-flung, water-borne venues, it will strengthen the abiogenesis thesis. That, too, would be a huge headline. It’d also be a very sobering one. Why? Because, if water and life do prove to be abundant throughout the cosmos, then we’ll be forced to ask: “Where, then, is everyone??” It’s a question I addressed in a recent opinion piece and that leads to many disquieting possibilities. One of them is this: simple water-borne organisms that develop into complex, intelligent life forms inevitably self-destruct. The late writer and futurist Sir Arthur C. Clark had that possibility in mind when he stated, “It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.” With every passing year in our search for extraterrestrial water and life, we are getting closer to finding, if not outright proof, then a resolution to Clark’s assertion. Shortly following a transmission sent by the Mars Express spacecraft verifying that its instruments had detected a subglacial lake a mile below the planet’s surface, the European Space Agency confirmed Thursday that the orbiter’s surface-penetrating radar had disturbed the eternal and unspeakable dreaming of an aeons-old, world-ravaging malevolence, waking it from its 500-million-year slumber in the underground Martian reservoir. The abhorrent trans-dimensional beast then rose from the stygian depths of its lightless subaquatic lair, unleashing a hideous ululation that caused the red planet to fissure and burst into billions of molten fragments, an event recorded as a magnitude 18.5 quake by ESA scientists. The terror-struck astronauts of the International Space Station, evidently drained of their sanity by the sight of the accursed, star-spawned abomination, managed to inform ground control through increasingly incomprehensible transmissions that Earth’s moon had been devoured by the ravening behemoth before all communication with the crew was cut off suddenly and completely. ESA administrators, initially optimistic about the discovery of liquid water on Mars and its positive implications for future colonization, changed their message to one of warning earlier today, shrieking barely comprehensible messages of doom as they clawed their living eyes from their sockets in a vain effort to escape contemplation of the vast horror descending upon the world at this very moment to drink our insignificant lives as it will one day drink the light of the stars. Is intelligence ultimately a blessing or a curse? Surely, the answer will make for the biggest headline of all.
  7. I myself wonder, if when Able was offering his sacrifices of roasted sheep or goats to Jehovah, if they had invented anything like Bar-B-Que sauce, or had potato salad and cole slaw back then. Remember that after the Jews offered bar-b-qued sheep on the alter of Jehovah, that they were allowed to eat what Jehovah did not, and even sell it in the meat market. Think about it!
  8. If you find a video you want not to "disappear", on Youtube, or many other sites .... and want to keep a copy, before someone removes it .. there is a free software that I use "Freemake Video Downloader" which I have downloaded on my computer to permanently capture stuff that is politically volatile. You just open "Freemake Video Downloader in one window, and the Youtube video in another window. Then you copy the URL address as it is playing, and push the "paste" button on Freemake. It will download the video you are currently watching to your hard drive. A few minutes ago, I downloaded the full length movie from Youtube "On the Beach", and saw it for the first time. The Society's Bethel sexual orientation "Pillowgate" videos were available for awhile on Youtube, then the Society's lawyers had them removed. The "Pillowgate" videos were also on the Russian Rutube, for about a week before they were removed from there. I anticipated that, and copied them to my hard drive, before they "disappeared forever". "Freemake ..." is a very handy tool to have to capture to your hard drive thousands of streaming video sites ... and completely free is a very good price! I HIGHLY recommend it.
  9. If "souls" were immortal, every McDonalds would be surrounded by a thick dark cloud of angry cow ghosts.
  10. Last Saturday I verified with the Elder from our Congregation that he heard TWICE from a speaker at the Assembly the "fact" that there were now 7,500,000 active Witnesses, and the previous number I was aware of was 8,200,000 . He said he would call the Branch to triple check that number, but I have not gotten back with him to find out what he found out ... but the "published" number through official channels (the Assembly speaker) agrees with my gut feeling, information gleaned from all sources, and the fact that we are now making up excuses for why "that" happened, with the referenced Watchtower article that we studied. It sounds very reasonable, agrees with my general knowledge and personal observations, and the Watchtower's reaction to "something" that would cause them to generate another "overlapping generations" type fantasy explanation, and attribute it to Biblical wisdom. There have been quite a few Brothers "disappearing mysteriously" in the past year, without any explanation. Your observation "... a brother announcing at the assembly that the GB think the preaching work has now been completed", although officially specious shows others "higher up in the theocratic food chain" possibly have information or observations that leads them to conclusions considerably out of the "mainstream" dogma. As always ... I could be completely wrong, but until I have better information, I have to "go with what I know" .... at any particular point in time. With better information I can stop on a dime, and give you nine cents change.
  11. The article was OK ... until paragraphs 9 and 10, if memory serves ..... It was OK after that. Paragraphs 9 and 10 were the most convoluted mish-mash I ever read to try and Biblically justify .. WHICH IT DID NOT ... that the plain common sense observation that sometimes a Farmers' BEST efforts do not produce a crop ... as there may not be enough rain, or there is too much rain, or hailstones destroy the crop .... or insects eat the crop ... or perhaps rocky soil was all there was to plant on in the first place. OK... I understand that ... "STUFF HAPPENS". Everybody that knows about farming understands that. It always has .... and always will. ... but to propose such convoluted and specious reasoning to explain why globally there is a DECREASE in active Jehovahs' Witnesses by over 700,000 publishers last year, after spending about TWO BILLION hours "sewing seed", is solid evidence that they are MANIPULATING Scriptures to try and support the idea that there is a reasonable Biblical explanation of all of this going on. It is plain common sense. The "scriptural explanation" is pure garbage, and makes no sense at all. If you twist ideas into pretzels with word gymnmastics in the World, it is called deception. They have to have about 18 numbered paragraphs in every Watchtower to fill the pages of an article to meet the timing requirements of the Watchtower Study. It is of no avail if you fill it in with paragraphs 9 and 10, which are garbage reasoning, and unadulterated lying. It is such blatent and brazen cluelessness that I was able to write this entirely from memory. ...perhaps it was paragraphs 10 and 11 ... whichever has the least actual "grain" of truth.
  12. I agree that anyone disrupting the meetings in any way should be escorted to a public area ... but be VERY CAREFUL and know for a CERTAINTY what is and is not a public area ... as if you IMPEDE someone in a public area from going ANYWHERE they want to go... in a public area ... it is FALSE IMPRISONMENT! Keeping someone in one place against their will is the same as KIDNAPPING, except that you have probably not crossed a State line. It is called "abduction". I think you can probably understand that if you are truly being illegally imprisoned by a cordon of good intentioned Elders, you are STILL being illegally imprisoned ... and the normal male response .. at least mine is ... is to respond with DEADLY FORCE to break that false imprisonment. If the man in the video was truly escorted to a public area, as he seems to think he was ... and the Elders did not further push him away from the Assembly Venue, which means to me that they ALSO thought he was in a public area ... they are at potential great personal risk for falsely keeping this guy from walking up and down the sidewalk as he sees fit. and, the ELDERS would be in the WRONG ... for falsely imprisoning him. At the very least he could sue the Tight Pants off of the Elders, the Assembly, and the Society for violations of his firmly established civil rights. More $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Worst case scenario is a sidewalk full of blood and corpses, and global headlines. Once when the guy is arrested for killing the Elders... and again .... after he is exonerated, for acting in self defense.
  13. Wow! ... and to think ... Dairy Farmers have had automatic milking machines for YEARS!
  14. See .... you can make very valid points without having to resort to vulgarity ! That was a very STRONG essay.
  15. I took that as a joke ... but then again ... if the Governing Body through its "s-POKES-people", their "Helpers" declare that if two people are naked in chairs, facing each other, and masturbating WHILE WATCHING EACH OTHER is NOT pornea ... WHICH THEY DID ... that is enough to make your head spin and exclaim "What the HELL is going on up there! ?" ... are they COMPLETELY and TOTALLY divorced from reality? 2 CHAIR pORNEA .mp4 Gravity Electricity Wind .mp4
  16. OR ... the antonym of Jehovah's Witnesses ... could be Jehovah's witnesses. Big "W" or little "w", for those in Rio Linda .... .... or do you actually think Abraham, Jesus, and the 12 Apostles would ACTUALLY agree with things like Caleb and Sophia teaching children biblical morality, and the "Overlapping Generations" doctrine, when they, as Jehovah's witnesses, had the same understanding of what a "generation" is ..... as every other human being on Planet Earth, before, during and after their lifetimes? If they were alive today, and publicly expressed their disbelief for current doctrines and practices, all 14 of them would be disfellowshipped for apostasy.
  17. It is still "on the books" in the State of Maryland that a local Sheriff can at his discretion, arrest and imprison anyone who makes any disparaging comments against "the holy trinity". I once burned a big pile of wood in my back yard in a rental subdivision, and started the fire with a half gallon of gasoline. Neighbors saw the flames 8 feet high and called the fire department. I heard them coming wtth sirens blaring from a long way off. Soon I had a street full of fire trucks, and a yard full of firemen. (I had a garden hose laid out to the burn area, and a bucket of water filled, next to the nozzle...) Fortunately, although I did not know it at the time, yard fires are legal if they are "cooking fires", and fortunately my family and I were cooking hot dogs on long sticks when the invasion occurred. I offered them some hot dogs. They declined, and stomped off. Laws are "funny".
  18. I just got this email today, from somebody who got my name from the Archive! It says to "READ MESSAGE WITH CAREFULNESS" This is supposed to be a secret, so if you tell anybody ... tell them not to tell! ========================================================================= " Dearest In The Jehovah James Thomas Rook, Jr , READ MESSAGE WITH CAREFULNESS By a Reliable source i got your esteemed contacts through a Magazine of Jehovah Witness I read it was given to me by a Witness who came to Minister to us in the Asylum Camp here and decided to contact you after deep thought and prayers. This message is a Bitter but True life story of myself, indeed it is a well known fact that the internet allows for the unfiltered Ice Breaking Opportunity to meet someone who will be of Great assistance and help and people even meet over the Internet and end up getting Married WITHOUT KNOWING EACH OTHER BEFORE, so do give my message a Genuine Thought and Trust because i have a Genuine Intentions before contacting you. My name is Michael Santino 25 years old, Single and the eldest child of Late Mr./Mrs. Williams Santino; i am the only surviving child of the family, i was Lucky because i was away in the University when the Rebels attacked my house and killed every body at home, what a Dark day in the history of my life. I came from the oil-rich region of Abyei, North East of South Sudan (THE WORLD YOUNGEST COUNTRY 9th JULY 2011) and my late father was a GOLD/METALLIC MINERALS Businessman who made his wealth from this business; even during his days alive he was so Generous to every person within and outside our Ethnicity this made him famous everywhere but in 2013 when the war broke out between President. Salva Kiir and his First Vice President Mr. Riek Machar the whole of South Sudan knew no Peace any more which eventually lead to the brutal killing of my entire family together with our house keepers including my Daddy's driver that fateful day. I managed with hundreds of peoples that flee to Juba our Capital for rescue of my life where i got the help of UN Peace Keeper who took me into the only flight heading to Nigeria where there is Peace, better and well kept Refugee Camp for our safety. Before this ugly war my late father told me that he has Secretly deposited a Treasury Confidentially in a Security Company in Nigeria, he also told me that he Safe Keep it there for we his children so that when we grow up and matured we will share the wealth within our self (4 Children) and start a better living without suffering like he did when he was growing up, though we live a good Christian and decent life and are attending good schools to gain western knowledge but it has all been shattered now, and i want you to take me to your country where i will continue my education and start a new life. My dream is to be a Doctor and help the poor and less privileged people around Africa and the world at large, and this can be achieved with your help to be the Next Of Kin of my late father to claim this Box which is in the Security Vault of this Company here in Nigeria where i am presently seeking Asylum , but upon your answer to help me stand as the Next of Kin to claim this box which is containing $9.7 Million only then i will reveal to you how it shall be done with the assistance of my late fathers lawyer here also, but i offer you 20% of the total amount for your kind assistance to claim the box from the security company and to help me come over to your country to continue my education. Lawyer Contacts. Mr. Williams Owoyemi Tel. +234- 9054849316 Email: williamsowo@lawyer.com Kindly visit these link and understand my predicament http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-14069082 https://www.cfr.org/interactives/global-conflict-tracker#!/conflict/civil-war-in-south-sudan http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/south-sudans-civil-war-spirals-genocide-leaving-ghost-towns-wake/ http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-25427965 I look forward to your kind answer and do keep this message secret if you will help me or not because i am afraid of my life and i just Trust you and God with lawyer to make my Dream come to Reality. Yours Son,Michael ALTERNATIVE EMAIL: santinomicha10@gmail.com ==================================================================== I have absolute confidence in the fact that this is a confidence game, every single word is a lie, and so painfully transparent that it is laughable. ( wait for it .... wait for it .....) (... here it comes!) HAHAHAHHHAAAHHHAHAHAhahahahaha !!!
  19. There is another legal reason .... Jehovah's witnesses can be from any religion or walk of life, and can obey the dictates of their own consciences and can come from any age or epoch in the past. Abraham was one of Jehovah's witnesses , as were many others, named and un-named, known and unknown over the centuries. I can just visualize in my mind in the New System, when Abraham is resurrected, and he is looking through books about what has happened since he died, .... and stumbles across a David Splane Chart about the "Overlapping Generations". As one of Jehovah's witnesses, the GB could not legally disfellowship Abraham for heresy, and apostasy against the teachings of the Governing Body of today. ..... As one of Jehovah's Witnesses .... .... they could. Presuming of course they survived Armageddon, not being judged for doing such things now. We treat each other, by virtue of legalese, worse than the Russian Federation is doing. We are our own worst enemy.
  20. Well, it's POSSIBLE because those geeks inflicted with being engineers have a known reputation for being anal retentive. .. . AND what Kodak did with all those leftover little yellow boxes! .... but not PROBABLE!
  21. What makes my being wrong "probable"? In 7 or so years here on the archive, and somewhere around 7,000 Posts ( I have really lost track ...) I only remember being wrong three times. Do you have handy something that makes 3/7000, or 0.000428, "probable"? It seems to me that such a track record would make me NOT usually wrong. The actual, real life probability is that I am almost always right ! I do work very hard at BEING right, all the time. As a retired Engineer, that is how I made a living for over 50 years.
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