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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. There comes a time in every National or religious Culture when the majority of the populace is caught up in fantasy and delusion, and goes bat crap crazy. The Founding Fathers of the United States were well aware that this happened throughout history, and would occur again, many, many times in their newly created Republic. That is why they created a "Bill of Rights", so that WHEN the narcissist snowflakes came to be in the majority, and realized they could vote themselves "bread and circuses", ( or Obamaphones, and illegal sanctaury ...) that the majority WOULD NOT RULE. Nor, in the case of disarming law abiding, good and wholesome people ... should they rule. History has proved this over and over and over. And for the clueless ... it DOES repeat itself.
  2. DispicableME: Could you please tell me what you "downvoted", specifically? Was it what happened? Was it how it was handled? Was it the Reporter's reporting of it? Was it the fact that it became common knowledge in Delaware among the congregations? I am interested in your thought processes, and opinions, specifically.
  3. I LOVE satires on Mike Hammer, especially when Velda is mentioned. You know she used to sleep on the floor in his office, and snored ? This is one of the GREATEST satires, from the 60's on MIke Hammer ... by Fireside Firesign Theater. The stereo effects are incredible. Make sure you have your speakers turned up high ! Nick Danger Third Eye (complete) ~ Firesign Theatre.mp4
  4. JehovahÂ’s Witness Elders Fined for Failure to Report Child Abuse: Watchtower Settles with Delaware Posted on July 17, 2018 by JOHN REDWOOD JehovahÂ’s Witnesses in Delaware paid $19,500 in fines for failure to report child abuse. " On January 18th, 2018, attorneys representing JehovahÂ’s WItnesses signed a formal settlement agreement with the State of Delaware, concluding a historic case in which two elders and one congregation were held responsible for withholding detailed knowledge of a sexual relationship between an adult and a 14-year-old minor. This case is unique, profound, and will likely set a precedent for other States. According to the terms of the settlement, JehovahÂ’s Witnesses paid a total of $19,500 to the Delaware Department of Justice, and the body of elders from the Laurel Delaware congregation was required to attend the Stewards of Children training program and pay associated costs. A third requirement mandated by Delaware included the signing of an affidavit stipulating that JehovahÂ’s Witness elders must comply with all Delaware statutes involving the reporting of child abuse. Among the itemized requirements, the Coordinator of the Body of Elders, William Perkins, agreed that communications with minors related to matters of abuse would not be treated as “penitential confessions.” This is significant, since attorneys for JehovahÂ’s Witnesses attempted to claim clergy privilege as their defense for failure to report. On January 26, 2016, Justice Mary M. Johnston threw out WatchtowerÂ’s motion for summary judgment. Johnston pointed out that the eldersÂ’ sworn statements suggested that the victim and the perpetrator did not seek out the elders for private confession, which is the basic definition of penitential confession. The case, formally called the State of Delaware versus Laurel Congregation of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, Joel Mulchansingh, and William Perkins, was filed November 9th, 2015. It was brought by the Delaware Attorney GeneralÂ’s office following the discovery that 35-Year-old Katheryn Carmean-White had been arrested for engaging in at least 40 incidents of sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old boy. Both were baptized members of the JehovahÂ’s Witness religion. Deputy Attorney General Janice Tigani became aware of this case from police reports, which had been filed in 2011. The mother of the 14-year-old victim contacted local authorities. A warrant was issued for Katheryn L. Carmean-White, who was arrested on 10 counts of third-degree rape, continuous sexual abuse of a child and endangering the welfare of a child. Carmean-White is currently incarcerated in the Baylor WomenÂ’s Correctional Institution of Delaware, serving a 6-year prison sentence. Neither William Perkins nor Joel Mulchansingh contacted the police. Instead, both elders initiated internal JehovahÂ’s Witness judicial proceedings which resulted in the disfellowshipping of both Carmean-White and her victim. Despite his age, the victim was considered a willing participant in consensual sexual acts. The repetitive nature of these sexual encounters was the foundation for disfellowshipping action by the church. Delaware Sets the Example Until now, the national epidemic of child abuse has been brought to light primarily through the efforts of mainstream media and numerous documented civil lawsuits. Such cases have resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements against the Catholic Church and JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, the religions most notorious for their mishandling of abuse allegations. While individual states have codified laws penalizing mandated reporters for failure to report child abuse, almost none have brought charges against clergymen, or elders. Tackling religious organizations is often seen as trampling the First Amendment rights of these groups. According to Deputy Attorney General Tigani, the Delaware case was about to go to trial when Watchtower lawyers opted for a private settlement. In part, the agreement stated: “WHEREAS this agreement is made solely for the purpose of avoiding the time and expense of further protracted litigation” Tigani agreed that Watchtower benefitted by conforming to the stipulations of the State of Delaware, in lieu of a protracted public trial. Evidence presented on both sides, including depositions from the two Witness elders, clearly pointed to gross infraction of Delaware law. The progressive nature of DelawareÂ’s punitive measures for violation of mandatory reporting laws comes on the heels of the worst case of child sexual abuse in United States history. Pediatrician Earl Bradley was sentenced to seven consecutive life terms, plus 165 years in prison for the molestation of hundreds of child patients, whose average age was three. The Bradley case was so egregious that Attorney General Beau Biden abandoned his bid for his fatherÂ’s vacated Senate seat to funnel all energies into the prosecution of this case. As Delaware prosecuted and jailed the notorious Bradley, lawmakers began to question how this man could have abused so many children for more than a decade, evading detection and prosecution. In 2010, Governor Jack Markell commissioned the Dean of Widener University Law School, Linda L. Ammons, to investigate what went wrong, and to itemize necessary changes. One key discovery involved the lack of proper reporting of abuse allegations to law enforcement or other state officials. Under the topic “Mandatory Reporters,” Ammons stated: “It is my finding that no law enforcement agency, health professional or anyone else reported the allegations regarding Dr. Bradley to any administrative or regulatory body in accordance with current Delaware law. “ Pediatrician Earl Bradley Arrested Families of victims were shocked to discover that allegations against Bradley stemmed back to 1994 in Pennsylvania, where the doctor had completed his residency. Layers of bureaucracy stymied the reporting process. Plausible deniability was contagious, and without enforcement of reporting laws, organizations, members of clergy, and ordinary citizens are without incentive to abide by these statutes. Professor Ammon made numerous recommendations to the Governor of Delaware, including the following: “Increase penalties for violating the mandatory reporting requirements in the Medical Practices Act.” Delaware agreed. Enforceable penalties were signed into law. Delaware code 914 states: 914 Penalty for violation.  (a) Whoever violates § 903 of this title shall be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 for the first violation, and not to exceed $50,000 for any subsequent violation. This code enforcement is not limited to the medical practices field. In fact, every Delaware citizen is expected to report, regardless of their occupation. The ProfessionalsÂ’ Guide to Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect says: “Professional reporters are often referred to as mandated reporters, although all citizens of Delaware are required to report child abuse and neglect.” [bold, italics ours] JehovahÂ’s Witness elders Joel Mulchansingh, and William Perkins were found liable, both as professional mandated reporters, and as citizens of the State of Delaware. The congregation body of elders was also named as a responsible party. The Settlement In addition to financial penalties paid, the Laurel Congregation body of elders was required to attend the Stewards of Children training program, an initiative sponsored by the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children. The Biden foundation is a non-profit organization created in 2015 to further the goals of the late Biden in ensuring that children are afforded every possible protection from predators. I spoke to a representative of the Stewards of Children program, who confirmed that their educational materials have been sanctioned by courts across the United States on the basis of competent, peer-reviewed research. The third and final settlement term involved a multi-part affidavit, signed by the Laurel Coordinator of Body of Elders, and distributed to all congregations within the State of Delaware. Terms included: Communications with individual involving acts of abuse shall not be considered as “penitential confessions” Communications with minors involving acts of abuse shall not be considered as “penitential confessions” Elders and the Congregation will comply with the law in accordance with the two items above A copy of the signed and notarized affidavit will be provided by JehovahÂ’s WitnessesÂ’ attorneys to all congregations within the state of Delaware While JehovahÂ’s Witnesses have been forced to comply with the terms of this settlement, there is no evidence to suggest that this organization will participate in mandatory training programs in other states or countries. Currently, Witness policy dictates that the first notification of allegations of child abuse must be made by local elders to the JehovahÂ’s Witness legal department in Patterson New York. This policy has a profound chilling effect upon justice for victims and protection of the community. Exterior Sign for Laurel and Seaford Congregations Once their legal department advises elders whether they are in a mandatory reporting state or not, the call is handed over to the Service department, also located in Patterson. These men advise local elders of their internal judicial responsibility, such as whether to disfellowship a minor deemed as a willing participant in sexual acts. Nowhere in Watchtower literature are victims or others encouraged to immediately contact civil authorities when allegations of abuse become known. By design, JehovahÂ’s Witnesses are trained to regard local elders as the primary authority, particularly when any sexual contact is discovered between two unmarried persons. A Precedent Has Been Set DelawareÂ’s lawsuit against JehovahÂ’s Witnesses has broken the barrier which has, until now, protected churches from prosecution for failure to report child abuse.  In 2006, the Sonoma County SheriffÂ’s office recommended that charges be filed against Catholic Bishop Daniel Walsh. Walsh failed to file a timely report upon discovery that Catholic Priest Xavier Ochoa sexually abused at least three boys, the youngest being 12. The delay in reporting gave Ochoa the time he needed to escape to Mexico. According to the the San Francisco journal SFGATE: “If prosecutors decide to charge Walsh, the case would appear to mark the first time a U.S. Catholic Church official has faced criminal prosecution for failing to properly report sexual abuse.” Charges were dropped, however, in lieu of a plea agreement in which Bishop Walsh was required to attend a four-month counseling program. The State of Delaware did not back down so quickly in its case against JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, leaving Watchtower attorneys little choice but to settle the case on DelawareÂ’s terms. Other states may soon follow suit, including Pennsylvania, where police are investigating the abuse of 4-year-old Abby Haugh in 2005. The assault occurred inside the local Kingdom Hall and was reported to congregation elders by the victimÂ’s father, Martin Haugh. Local elders did not contact law enforcement. Police are not commenting on this case, as the investigation is currently ongoing. The terms of the Delaware settlement stipulated that once JehovahÂ’s Witnesses paid the agreed-upon fines, the State would dismiss civil action with prejudice.  The settlement agreement was obtained by filing a Freedom of Information Act request. "  Â
  5. Really? ... assuming you are not of the non-caucasian persuasion. Â
  6. ... round up the usual suspects .... Chicago is a war zone, because the thugs know all law abiding citizens have been stripped of defensive weapons, and they can operate with almost guaranteed impunity. When my wife and I eat at Golden Corral several times a week, here in North Carolina, we MANY times see average citizens come in with guns on their hips, and it merely generates casual interest. I see men in Wal-Mart with guns on their hips, and I have asked them if they get any hassle with open carry, and the reply is always no. They next county over, is more strict, and once you cross the river, is like a war zone .... but not yet like Chicago. My end of the subdivision I live in is a zero crime zone, because EVERYBODY shoots off their back decks. My neighbor just left for a three week vacation in Georgia, and left wheelbarrows, ladders, and camping gear on his front lawn, and a boombox radio and other stuff on his front porch, with the very reasonable expectation it will still be there when he returns. Children leave bicycles and toys on their lawns at the street, with the same reasonable expectation. On some 4 day Holiday weekends in Chicago, more than twenty people are murdered.
  7. You know the American Indian Expression ..... "Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins"? That is because when you are a mile away, with the other person's shoes, you can giggle yourself silly because you have his shoes, and he cannot hear you. It looks like this guy is looking for the comedian that has his clothes.
  8. I did not send any letters to Russia, because I knew it was an exercise in futility ... and I knew they get 70% of the face value of postage affixed. How many letters did YOU send to Russia? There is only one reason that Trump's son-in-law dealt with the Jehovah's Witnesses ... the property was being sold for well below market value during a depressed Real Estate market at the time, because an internal "cash crisis" with the Society's Finances, and his consortium had the cash and the will. It's all about cash flow, and profit ... nothing else. In fact ... as soon as he could, he sold his interests in the former Watchtower properties, to partner companies that bought the property. It's all about cash flow and profit. And there is no valid reason to suppose Donald Trump likes Jehovah's Witnesses ... NONE WHATSOEVER. He is publicly adamant that the flag of the United States be revered, and EVERYBODY of his intelligence level in general knowledge knows we do not do that. No reason whatsoever ... except your predilection proven consistent over several years to fantasize about things that MIGHT be .... as if they really ARE. ... as you did twice, in your post above, which I quoted for your convenience. Three times if you actually sent your ten letters to Russian Federation Officials See how nice a guy I am?
  9. It is Not Impossible That it Could Happen ...... It is not entirely impossible ... but there is as much a chance of that happening as 5 million of the 8 million Jehovah's Witnesses sending an average of 8 letters each to the Russian Federation Government officials, imploring them to act justly, and the Russians doing anything but laugh themselves silly as they received about 56 MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH from the JW Brotherhood, as the Russian Federation received 70% of the terminal duty of postage affixed to the envelopes, via the Universal Postal Union's policy and procedures ... and the Russians addressing their concerns. 11 railroad boxcar loads of mail that was sitting on sidings somewhere around Moscow, with thanks to this effort probably provided a LOT of "fuel at the proper time" last winter, for their wood burning furnaces. Perhaps they recycled the paper to use in publishing their major newspaper "Pravda". Whatever is the case, they STILL got the 56 million dollars from the Brotherhood. It is not ENTIRELY impossible for Trump to ask a question like that, and Vladimir Putin look at him speechless and goggle-eyed ... slap his own forehead with the palm of his hand in revelation, and say ... "What have we d-d-d-DONE!?" (in Russian, of course) .... and correct it. My guess it is about the same probability of someone winning the Lottery ... having never bought a ticket.
  10. What makes the AWAKE particularly interesting is that the writers are experts on every imaginable subject. It is like a cross between "Reader's Digest", Marvel Comics, and Disneyland. Cost was 5 cents then, free is a very good price now. Is "Reader's Digest" even published, anymore?
  11. My best guess (since I am too lazy to look it up ...) is that Ronald Reagan held those views when he was a Democrat, just after his years as a Hollywood actor ... but as he grew out of that liberal "progressive" ( ... a misnomer) mindset, and got out of that cesspool of fantasy, he probably changed his views. Donald Trump used to also hold many of the same liberal, progressive views, being immersed in New York culture, but as he matured he changed his views, also, and started "carrying". He is one of the very few people in New York to, as a private citizen, have a concealed (CCW) permit, and regularly "packs". I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia, former Capitol of the Confederacy, and had a "Star and Bars" above my bed headboard. Well into adulthood I thought of myself as a Rebel, and when away working, had Bands play "Dixie", at restaurants. Mostly after I had about six beers with pizza, and was homesick and melancholy, at Shakeys Pizza, in North Hollywood/Burbank, CA., in the late 1960's. How we were raised, and who our friends are as we grow up affects a great deal how we think ... and what we think about. About this issue ONLY .... I would have to agree with Karl Marx's philosophy, as the right to bear arms is a natural right of all living things. .... even a cat has retractable claws. .... and contrary to popular legend ... only ONE life.
  12. Concerning Galatians 1:6 Thrice armed is he hath his quarrel Just .... ... and four times he who gets his fist in first. Josh Billings
  13. Just because (as a general rule ...) prostitutes and murderers wear shoes ... does notmean that everyone that wears shoes are prostitutes and murderers. Although it would be imitative and suggestive to wear a brown shirt during the Nazi reign ... does not mean that today wearing a brown shirt indicates one is a Nazi.
  14. Since the disfellowshipping arrangement, necessary as it is ... became the exercise in sustained and clueless extremism of applied cruelty it is today. "Worldly people", as a general rule, when a child is disobedient, do not cut off it's head ... figuratively speaking, and in a very "loving way" ... of course.
  15. One of my favorite movies !
  16. Merely a typical example of clueless cruelty, dressed up in a white wedding dress.
  17. There is a difference between being brutally blunt and abrasive, and being vulgar. You may want to take the advice of your namesake:
  18. You may want to take the advice of your namesake:
  19. I am a big fan of Richard Pryor's , Bill Cosby's , Eddie Murphy's and George Carlin's humor ... but the reason we have doors on bathrooms is that some things should be kept private ... and what you have done here is take vulgarity into the living room where people who do not wish to hear it are trying to have decent discourse. It is extremely rude, inconsiderate, and reveals you are what is generally considered as a low class person. I say this because YOU made the issue public, and so lost your natural and reasonable immunity to being insulted. What this posting reveals about you, Marcus, is despicable ... and crude ... and vulgar ... and serves no useful purpose , and DELIBERATELY violate others' gentile sensibilities. If you must wallow in your own excrement, please do it in another forum. You are YOUR OWN worst enemy.
  20. I am a big fan of Richard Pryor's , Bill Cosby's , Eddie Murphy's and George Carlin's humor ... but the reason we have doors on bathrooms is that some things should be kept private ... and what you have done here is take vulgarity into the living room where people who do not wish to hear it are trying to have decent discourse. It is extremely rude, inconsiderate, and reveals you are what is generally considered as a low class person. I say this because YOU made the issue public, and so lost your natural and reasonable immunity to being insulted. What this posting reveals about you, Marcus, is despicable ... and crude ... and vulgar ... and serves no useful purpose , and DELIBERATELY violate others' gentile sensibilities. If you must wallow in your own excrement, please do it in another forum. You are YOUR OWN worst enemy.
  21. A Brother in my congregation, much better regarded than I was, his son was killed on a motorcycle, while trying to outrun the police. For about two years afterwards the Brother struggled to stay strong in the TRUTH, but never got over the fact that his son could not have a Kingdom Hall Funeral. The "rules" said we could not be compassionate, even with the dead son of a Congregation member. Remembering back on that episode, It makes perfect sense to me why the Russians have banned the WTB&TS from Russia, for "extremism." When I die, I don't want to be part of a power play ... just have the funeral guys transport me to the slide-in refrigerators, and three days later the crematorium with my wife in a steel folding chair on the concrete floor, watching.
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