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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. The article was OK ... until paragraphs 9 and 10, if memory serves .....

    It was OK after that.

    Paragraphs 9 and 10 were  the most convoluted mish-mash I ever read to try and Biblically justify .. WHICH IT DID NOT ... that the plain common sense observation that sometimes a Farmers' BEST efforts do not produce a crop ... as there may not be enough rain, or there is too much rain, or hailstones destroy the crop .... or insects eat the crop ... or perhaps rocky soil was all there was to plant on in the first place.

    OK... I understand that ... "STUFF HAPPENS".  Everybody that knows about farming understands that.

    It always has .... and always will.

    ... but to propose such convoluted and specious  reasoning to explain why globally there is a DECREASE in active Jehovahs' Witnesses by over 700,000 publishers last year, after spending about TWO BILLION hours "sewing seed", is solid evidence that they are MANIPULATING Scriptures to try and support the idea that there is a reasonable Biblical explanation of all of this going on.

    It is plain common sense.

    The "scriptural explanation" is pure garbage, and makes no sense at all.

    If you twist ideas into pretzels with word gymnmastics in the World, it is called deception.

    They have to have about 18 numbered paragraphs in every Watchtower to fill the pages of an article to meet the timing requirements of the Watchtower Study.

    It is of no avail if you fill it in with paragraphs 9 and 10, which are garbage reasoning, and unadulterated lying.

    It is such blatent and brazen cluelessness that I was able to write this entirely from memory.

    ...perhaps it was paragraphs 10 and 11 ... whichever has the least actual  "grain" of truth.




  2. I agree that anyone disrupting the meetings in any way should be escorted to a public area ... but be VERY CAREFUL and know for a CERTAINTY what is and is not a public area ... as if you IMPEDE someone in a public area from going ANYWHERE they want to go... in a public area ... it is FALSE IMPRISONMENT!   

    Keeping someone in one place against their will is the same as KIDNAPPING, except that you have probably not crossed a State line.

    It is called "abduction".

    I think you can probably understand that if you are truly being illegally imprisoned by a cordon of good intentioned Elders, you are STILL being illegally imprisoned ... and the normal male response .. at least mine is ... is to respond with DEADLY FORCE to break that false imprisonment.

    If the man in the video was truly escorted to a public area, as he seems to think he was ... and the Elders did not further push him away from the Assembly Venue, which means to me that they ALSO thought he was in a public area ... they are at potential great personal risk for falsely keeping this guy from walking up and down the sidewalk as he sees fit.

    and, the ELDERS would be in the WRONG ... for falsely imprisoning him.

    At the very least he could sue the Tight Pants off of the Elders, the Assembly, and the Society for violations of his firmly established civil rights.

    More $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Worst case scenario is a sidewalk full of blood and corpses, and global headlines. 

    Once when the guy is arrested for killing the Elders... and again .... after he is exonerated, for acting in self defense.


  3. 6 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    I hope they don't start supplying Caleb and Sophia dolls to the bethelites.

    I took that as a joke ... but then again ... if the Governing Body through its "s-POKES-people", their "Helpers" declare that if two people are naked in chairs, facing each other, and masturbating WHILE WATCHING EACH OTHER is NOT pornea ... WHICH THEY DID ... that is enough to make your head spin and exclaim "What the HELL is going on up there! ?"

    ... are they COMPLETELY and TOTALLY divorced from reality?

    Caleb and Sophia Dolls for Tony .jpg

  4. OR ... the antonym of Jehovah's Witnesses ...  could be Jehovah's witnesses.

     Big "W" or little "w", for those in Rio Linda ....

    .... or do you actually think Abraham, Jesus, and the 12 Apostles would ACTUALLY agree with things like Caleb and Sophia teaching children biblical morality, and the "Overlapping Generations" doctrine, when they, as Jehovah's witnesses, had the same understanding  of what a "generation" is .....  as every other human being on Planet Earth, before, during and after their lifetimes?

    If they were alive today, and publicly expressed their disbelief for current doctrines and practices, all 14 of them would be disfellowshipped for apostasy.



  5. It is still "on the books" in the State of Maryland that a local Sheriff can at his discretion, arrest and imprison anyone who makes any disparaging comments against "the holy trinity".

    I once burned a big pile of wood in my back yard in a rental subdivision, and started the fire with a half gallon of gasoline.

    Neighbors saw the flames 8 feet high and called the fire department. I heard them coming wtth sirens blaring from a long way off.  Soon I had a street full of fire trucks, and a yard full of firemen.

    (I had a garden hose laid out to the burn area, and a bucket of water filled, next to the nozzle...)

    Fortunately, although I did not know it at the time, yard fires are legal if they are "cooking fires", and fortunately my family and I were cooking hot dogs on long sticks when the invasion occurred.

    I offered them some hot dogs.

    They declined, and stomped off.

    Laws are "funny".



  6. I just got this email today, from somebody who got my name from the Archive!


    This is supposed to be a secret, so if you tell anybody ... tell them not to tell!



    Dearest In The Jehovah James Thomas Rook, Jr ,
                                                            READ MESSAGE WITH CAREFULNESS 
    By a Reliable source i got your esteemed contacts through a Magazine of Jehovah Witness I read it was given to me by a Witness who came to Minister to us in the Asylum Camp here and decided to contact you after deep thought and prayers.
    This  message is a Bitter but True life story of myself, indeed it is a well known fact that the internet allows for the unfiltered Ice Breaking Opportunity to meet someone who will be of Great assistance and help and people even meet over the Internet and end up getting Married WITHOUT KNOWING EACH OTHER BEFORE, so do give my message a Genuine Thought and Trust because i have a Genuine Intentions before contacting you.
    My name is Michael Santino 25 years old, Single and the eldest child of Late Mr./Mrs. Williams Santino; i am the only surviving child of the family, i was Lucky because i was away in the University when the Rebels attacked my house and  killed every body at home, what a Dark day in the history of my life.
    I came from the oil-rich region of Abyei, North East of South Sudan (THE WORLD YOUNGEST COUNTRY 9th JULY 2011) and my late father was a GOLD/METALLIC MINERALS Businessman who made his wealth from this business; even during his days alive he was so Generous to every person within and outside our Ethnicity this made him famous everywhere but in 2013 when the war broke out between President. Salva Kiir and his First Vice President Mr. Riek Machar the whole of South Sudan knew no Peace any more which eventually lead to the brutal killing of my entire family together with our house keepers including my Daddy's driver that fateful day.
    I managed with hundreds of peoples that flee to Juba our Capital for rescue of my life where i got the help of UN Peace Keeper who took me into the only flight heading  to Nigeria where there is Peace, better and well kept Refugee Camp for our safety.
    Before this ugly war my late father told me that he has Secretly deposited a Treasury Confidentially in a Security Company in Nigeria, he also told me that he Safe Keep it there for we his children so that when we grow up and matured we will share the wealth within our self (4 Children) and start a better living without suffering like he did when he was growing up, though we live a good Christian and decent life and are attending good schools  to gain western knowledge but it has all been shattered now, and i want you to take me to your country where i will continue my education and start a new life.
    My dream is to be a Doctor and help the poor and less privileged people around Africa and the world at large, and this can be achieved with your help to be the Next Of Kin of my late father to claim this Box which is in the Security Vault of this Company here in Nigeria where i am presently seeking Asylum , but upon your answer to help me stand as the Next of Kin to claim this box which is containing $9.7 Million only then i will reveal to you how it shall be done with the assistance of my late fathers lawyer here also, but i offer you 20% of the total amount for your kind assistance to claim the box from the security company and to help me come over to your country to continue my education.
    Lawyer Contacts.
    Mr. Williams Owoyemi
    Kindly visit these link and understand my predicament
    I look forward to your kind answer and do keep this message secret if you will help me or not because i am afraid of my life and i just Trust you and God with lawyer to make my Dream come to Reality.
    Yours Son,
    ALTERNATIVE EMAIL: santinomicha10@gmail.com
    I have absolute confidence in the fact that this is a confidence game, every single word is a lie, and so painfully transparent that it is laughable.
    ( wait for it .... wait for it .....)
    (... here it comes!)


  7. There is another legal reason .... Jehovah's witnesses can be from any religion or walk of life, and can obey the dictates of their own consciences and can come from any age or epoch in the past.

    Abraham was one of Jehovah's witnesses , as were many others, named and un-named, known and unknown over the centuries.

    I can just visualize in my mind in the New System, when Abraham is resurrected, and he is looking through books about what has happened since he died, .... and stumbles across a David Splane Chart about the "Overlapping Generations".

    As one of Jehovah's witnesses, the GB could not legally disfellowship Abraham for heresy, and apostasy against the teachings of the Governing Body of today.

    ..... As one of Jehovah's Witnesses ....

    .... they could.

    Presuming of course they survived Armageddon, not being judged for doing such things now.

    On 2/8/2018 at 4:04 PM, The Librarian said:

    The Commonwealth Archives show that the Attorney-General had been pressured also by the Catholic clergy to suppress freedom of religion enjoyed by Jehovah’s witnesses. However, in a direct reply to the then Catholic archbishop of Sydney, N. T. Gilroy (later elevated to be a cardinal), the Attorney-General confirmed that the government had no legal grounds to restrain the Christian activity of Jehovah’s witnesses.


    We treat each other, by virtue of legalese, worse than the Russian Federation is doing.

    We are our own worst enemy.


  8. 4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    As I recall, when I visited the city in which you were head engineer, none of the toilets flushed

    Well, it's POSSIBLE  because those geeks inflicted with being engineers have a known reputation for being anal retentive. .. . AND what Kodak did with all those leftover little yellow boxes!

    .... but not PROBABLE!

    Anal Retentive Engineers   600  .jpg

  9. On 7/18/2018 at 8:23 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

     JTR probably wrong as usual


    What makes my being wrong "probable"?

    In 7 or so years here on the archive, and somewhere around 7,000 Posts ( I have really lost track ...) I only remember being wrong three times.   Do you have handy something that makes 3/7000, or 0.000428, "probable"?

    It seems to me that such a track record would make me NOT usually wrong.

    The actual, real life probability is that I am almost always right !

    I do work very hard at BEING right, all the time.

    As a retired Engineer, that is how I made a living for over 50 years.



  10. There comes a time in every National or religious Culture when the majority of the populace is caught up in fantasy and delusion, and goes bat crap crazy.  

    The Founding Fathers of the United States were well aware that this happened throughout history, and would occur again, many, many times in their newly created Republic.

    That is why they created a "Bill of Rights", so that WHEN the narcissist snowflakes  came to be in the majority, and realized they could vote themselves "bread and circuses", ( or Obamaphones, and illegal sanctaury ...) that the majority WOULD NOT RULE.

    Nor, in the case of disarming law abiding, good and wholesome people ... should they rule.

    History has proved this over and over and over.   And for the clueless ... it DOES repeat itself.


  11. 16 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    Jesus was a born Jew, he knows why money is donated out of Free Will offering to the Temple of Jerusalem, he praised the Widow, I even made comment to that when I explained the verses, of which you yourself stated has nothing to do with Jesus or his Disciples before and the fact you do not see what is being expressed in the verse, and suddenly The Widow's Mite is known? But still you fail to see the lesson and or make application if it.


  12. JehovahÂ’s Witness Elders Fined for Failure to Report Child Abuse: Watchtower Settles with Delaware


    delaware-courthouse-300x113.jpgJehovahÂ’s Witnesses in Delaware paid $19,500 in fines for failure to report child abuse.

    " On January 18th, 2018, attorneys representing JehovahÂ’s WItnesses signed a formal settlement agreement with the State of Delaware, concluding a historic case in which two elders and one congregation were held responsible for withholding detailed knowledge of a sexual relationship between an adult and a 14-year-old minor.

    This case is unique, profound, and will likely set a precedent for other States.

    According to the terms of the settlement, JehovahÂ’s Witnesses paid a total of $19,500 to the Delaware Department of Justice, and the body of elders from the Laurel Delaware congregation was required to attend the Stewards of Children training program and pay associated costs.

    A third requirement mandated by Delaware included the signing of an affidavit stipulating that Jehovah’s Witness elders must comply with all Delaware statutes involving the reporting of child abuse. Among the itemized requirements, the Coordinator of the Body of Elders, William Perkins, agreed that communications with minors related to matters of abuse would not be treated as “penitential confessions.” This is significant, since attorneys for Jehovah’s Witnesses attempted to claim clergy privilege as their defense for failure to report.

    On January 26, 2016, Justice Mary M. Johnston threw out WatchtowerÂ’s motion for summary judgment. Johnston pointed out that the eldersÂ’ sworn statements suggested that the victim and the perpetrator did not seek out the elders for private confession, which is the basic definition of penitential confession.

    The case, formally called the State of Delaware versus Laurel Congregation of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, Joel Mulchansingh, and William Perkins, was filed November 9th, 2015. It was brought by the Delaware Attorney GeneralÂ’s office following the discovery that 35-Year-old Katheryn Carmean-White had been arrested for engaging in at least 40 incidents of sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old boy. Both were baptized members of the JehovahÂ’s Witness religion.

    Katheryn L. Carmean White

    Deputy Attorney General Janice Tigani became aware of this case from police reports, which had been filed in 2011. The mother of the 14-year-old victim contacted local authorities. A warrant was issued for Katheryn L. Carmean-White, who was arrested on 10 counts of third-degree rape, continuous sexual abuse of a child and endangering the welfare of a child. Carmean-White is currently incarcerated in the Baylor WomenÂ’s Correctional Institution of Delaware, serving a 6-year prison sentence.

    Neither William Perkins nor Joel Mulchansingh contacted the police.

    Instead, both elders initiated internal JehovahÂ’s Witness judicial proceedings which resulted in the disfellowshipping of both Carmean-White and her victim. Despite his age, the victim was considered a willing participant in consensual sexual acts. The repetitive nature of these sexual encounters was the foundation for disfellowshipping action by the church.

    Delaware Sets the Example

    Until now, the national epidemic of child abuse has been brought to light primarily through the efforts of mainstream media and numerous documented civil lawsuits. Such cases have resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements against the Catholic Church and JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, the religions most notorious for their mishandling of abuse allegations.

    While individual states have codified laws penalizing mandated reporters for failure to report child abuse, almost none have brought charges against clergymen, or elders. Tackling religious organizations is often seen as trampling the First Amendment rights of these groups.

    According to Deputy Attorney General Tigani, the Delaware case was about to go to trial when Watchtower lawyers opted for a private settlement. In part, the agreement stated:

    “WHEREAS this agreement is made solely for the purpose of avoiding the time and expense of further protracted litigation”

    Tigani agreed that Watchtower benefitted by conforming to the stipulations of the State of Delaware, in lieu of a protracted public trial. Evidence presented on both sides, including depositions from the two Witness elders, clearly pointed to gross infraction of Delaware law.

    The progressive nature of DelawareÂ’s punitive measures for violation of mandatory reporting laws comes on the heels of the worst case of child sexual abuse in United States history. Pediatrician Earl Bradley was sentenced to seven consecutive life terms, plus 165 years in prison for the molestation of hundreds of child patients, whose average age was three. The Bradley case was so egregious that Attorney General Beau Biden abandoned his bid for his fatherÂ’s vacated Senate seat to funnel all energies into the prosecution of this case.

    As Delaware prosecuted and jailed the notorious Bradley, lawmakers began to question how this man could have abused so many children for more than a decade, evading detection and prosecution. In 2010, Governor Jack Markell commissioned the Dean of Widener University Law School, Linda L. Ammons, to investigate what went wrong, and to itemize necessary changes. One key discovery involved the lack of proper reporting of abuse allegations to law enforcement or other state officials. Under the topic “Mandatory Reporters,” Ammons stated:

    “It is my finding that no law enforcement agency, health professional or anyone else reported the allegations regarding Dr. Bradley to any administrative or regulatory body in accordance with current Delaware law. “


    Pediatrician Earl Bradley Arrested

    Families of victims were shocked to discover that allegations against Bradley stemmed back to 1994 in Pennsylvania, where the doctor had completed his residency. Layers of bureaucracy stymied the reporting process. Plausible deniability was contagious, and without enforcement of reporting laws, organizations, members of clergy, and ordinary citizens are without incentive to abide by these statutes. Professor Ammon made numerous recommendations to the Governor of Delaware, including the following:

    “Increase penalties for violating the mandatory reporting requirements in the Medical Practices Act.”

    Delaware agreed. Enforceable penalties were signed into law. Delaware code 914 states:

    914 Penalty for violation.  (a) Whoever violates § 903 of this title shall be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 for the first violation, and not to exceed $50,000 for any subsequent violation.

    This code enforcement is not limited to the medical practices field. In fact, every Delaware citizen is expected to report, regardless of their occupation. The ProfessionalsÂ’ Guide to Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect says:

    “Professional reporters are often referred to as mandated reporters, although all citizens of Delaware are required to report child abuse and neglect.” [bold, italics ours]

    JehovahÂ’s Witness elders Joel Mulchansingh, and William Perkins were found liable, both as professional mandated reporters, and as citizens of the State of Delaware. The congregation body of elders was also named as a responsible party.

    The Settlement

    In addition to financial penalties paid, the Laurel Congregation body of elders was required to attend the Stewards of Children training program, an initiative sponsored by the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children. The Biden foundation is a non-profit organization created in 2015 to further the goals of the late Biden in ensuring that children are afforded every possible protection from predators.

    I spoke to a representative of the Stewards of Children program, who confirmed that their educational materials have been sanctioned by courts across the United States on the basis of competent, peer-reviewed research.

    The third and final settlement term involved a multi-part affidavit, signed by the Laurel Coordinator of Body of Elders, and distributed to all congregations within the State of Delaware. Terms included:

    • Communications with individual involving acts of abuse shall not be considered as “penitential confessions”
    • Communications with minors involving acts of abuse shall not be considered as “penitential confessions”
    • Elders and the Congregation will comply with the law in accordance with the two items above
    • A copy of the signed and notarized affidavit will be provided by JehovahÂ’s WitnessesÂ’ attorneys to all congregations within the state of Delaware

    While JehovahÂ’s Witnesses have been forced to comply with the terms of this settlement, there is no evidence to suggest that this organization will participate in mandatory training programs in other states or countries. Currently, Witness policy dictates that the first notification of allegations of child abuse must be made by local elders to the JehovahÂ’s Witness legal department in Patterson New York. This policy has a profound chilling effect upon justice for victims and protection of the community.

    Exterior Sign for Laurel and Seaford Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses

    Exterior Sign for Laurel and Seaford Congregations

    Once their legal department advises elders whether they are in a mandatory reporting state or not, the call is handed over to the Service department, also located in Patterson. These men advise local elders of their internal judicial responsibility, such as whether to disfellowship a minor deemed as a willing participant in sexual acts.

    Nowhere in Watchtower literature are victims or others encouraged to immediately contact civil authorities when allegations of abuse become known. By design, Jehovah’s Witnesses are trained to regard local elders as the primary authority, particularly when any sexual contact is discovered between two unmarried persons. 

    A Precedent Has Been Set

    Delaware’s lawsuit against Jehovah’s Witnesses has broken the barrier which has, until now, protected churches from prosecution for failure to report child abuse.  

    In 2006, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s office recommended that charges be filed against Catholic Bishop Daniel Walsh. Walsh failed to file a timely report upon discovery that Catholic Priest Xavier Ochoa sexually abused at least three boys, the youngest being 12. The delay in reporting gave Ochoa the time he needed to escape to Mexico.

    According to the the San Francisco journal SFGATE:

    “If prosecutors decide to charge Walsh, the case would appear to mark the first time a U.S. Catholic Church official has faced criminal prosecution for failing to properly report sexual abuse.”

    Charges were dropped, however, in lieu of a plea agreement in which Bishop Walsh was required to attend a four-month counseling program.

    The State of Delaware did not back down so quickly in its case against JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, leaving Watchtower attorneys little choice but to settle the case on DelawareÂ’s terms.

    Other states may soon follow suit, including Pennsylvania, where police are investigating the abuse of 4-year-old Abby Haugh in 2005. The assault occurred inside the local Kingdom Hall and was reported to congregation elders by the victim’s father, Martin Haugh. Local elders did not contact law enforcement. 

    Police are not commenting on this case, as the investigation is currently ongoing.

    The terms of the Delaware settlement stipulated that once Jehovah’s Witnesses paid the agreed-upon fines, the State would dismiss civil action with prejudice.  The settlement agreement was obtained by filing a Freedom of Information Act request. "



  13. ... round up the usual suspects ....

    Chicago is a war zone, because the thugs know all law abiding citizens have been stripped of defensive weapons, and they can operate with almost guaranteed impunity.

    When my wife and I eat at Golden Corral several times a week, here in North Carolina, we MANY times see average citizens come in with guns on their hips, and it merely generates casual interest. I see men in Wal-Mart with guns on their hips, and I have asked them if they get any hassle with open carry, and the reply is always no.

    They next county over, is more strict, and once you cross the river, is like a war zone .... but not yet like Chicago.

    My end of the subdivision I live in is a zero crime zone, because EVERYBODY shoots off their back decks.  My neighbor just left for a three week vacation in Georgia, and left wheelbarrows, ladders, and camping gear on his front lawn, and a boombox radio and other stuff on his front porch, with the very reasonable expectation it will still be there when he returns. Children leave bicycles and toys on their lawns at the street, with the same reasonable expectation.

    On some 4 day Holiday weekends in Chicago, more than twenty people are murdered.

  14. You know the American Indian Expression ..... "Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins"?

    That is because when you are a mile away, with the other person's shoes, you can giggle yourself silly because you have his shoes,  and he cannot hear you.

    It looks like this guy is looking for the comedian that has his clothes.


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