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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I did not send any letters to Russia, because I knew it was an exercise in futility ... and I knew they get 70% of the face value of postage affixed. 

    How many letters did YOU send to Russia?

    2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Look, he has to like Witnesses on account of his son-in-law's dealings with them. It could have happened. It was behind closed doors. Maybe he did.

    There is only one reason that Trump's son-in-law dealt with the Jehovah's Witnesses ... the property was being sold for well  below market value during  a depressed Real Estate market at the time,  because  an internal "cash crisis" with the Society's Finances, and his consortium had the cash and the will.

    It's all about cash flow, and profit ... nothing else.   In fact ... as soon as he could, he sold his interests in the former Watchtower properties,  to partner companies that bought the property.

    It's all about cash flow and profit.

    And there is no valid reason to suppose Donald Trump likes Jehovah's Witnesses ... NONE WHATSOEVER. 

    He is publicly adamant that the flag of the United States be revered, and EVERYBODY of his intelligence level in general knowledge knows we do not do that.

    No reason whatsoever ... except your predilection proven consistent over several years to fantasize about things that MIGHT be .... as if they really ARE.

    ... as you did twice, in your post above, which I quoted for your convenience.

    Three times if you actually sent your ten letters to Russian Federation Officials

    See how nice a guy I am?


  2. It is Not Impossible That it Could Happen ......


    It is not entirely impossible ... but there is as much a chance of that happening as 5 million of the 8 million Jehovah's Witnesses sending an average of 8 letters each  to the Russian Federation Government officials, imploring them to act justly, and the Russians doing anything but laugh themselves silly as they received about 56 MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH from the JW Brotherhood, as the Russian Federation received  70% of the terminal duty of postage affixed to the envelopes, via the Universal Postal Union's policy and procedures ... and the Russians addressing their concerns.

    11 railroad boxcar loads of mail that was sitting on sidings somewhere around Moscow, with thanks to this effort probably provided a LOT of "fuel at the proper time" last winter, for their wood burning furnaces. Perhaps they recycled the paper to use in publishing their major newspaper "Pravda". 

    Whatever is the case, they STILL got the 56 million dollars from the Brotherhood.

    It is not ENTIRELY impossible for Trump to ask a question like that, and Vladimir Putin look at him speechless and goggle-eyed ... slap his own forehead with the palm of his hand in revelation, and say ... "What have we d-d-d-DONE!?" (in Russian, of course) ....  and correct it.

    My guess it is about the same probability of someone winning the Lottery ... having never bought a ticket.

  3. What makes the AWAKE particularly interesting is that the writers are experts on every imaginable subject.

    It is like a cross between "Reader's Digest", Marvel Comics, and Disneyland.

    Cost was 5 cents then, free is a very good price now.

    Is "Reader's Digest" even published, anymore?


  4. My best guess (since I am too lazy to look it up ...) is that Ronald Reagan held those views when he was a Democrat, just after his years as a Hollywood actor ... but as he grew out of that liberal "progressive" ( ... a misnomer) mindset, and got out of that cesspool of fantasy, he probably changed his views.

    Donald Trump used to also hold many of the same liberal, progressive views, being immersed in New York culture, but as he matured he changed his views, also, and started "carrying". He is one of the very few people in New York to, as a private citizen, have a concealed (CCW) permit, and regularly "packs".

    I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia, former Capitol of the Confederacy, and had a "Star and Bars" above my bed headboard. Well into adulthood I thought of myself as a Rebel, and when away working, had Bands play "Dixie", at restaurants.

    Mostly after I had about six beers with pizza, and was homesick and melancholy, at Shakeys Pizza, in North Hollywood/Burbank, CA., in the late 1960's.

    How we were raised, and who our friends are as we grow up affects a great deal how we think ... and what we think about.

    About this issue ONLY .... I would have to agree with Karl Marx's philosophy, as the right to bear arms is a natural right of all living things.

    .... even a cat has retractable claws.

    .... and contrary to popular legend ... only ONE life.


  5. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:


    As for your mentioned of wedding. Symbols of ring, wedding (white) dress, cake (just to mention few) , which is normal for JW weddings have deep connection to paganism (what ever paganism means for modern day people)  or/and customs that are "worldly", not necessary bad.

    Just because (as a general rule ...) prostitutes and murderers wear shoes ... does notmean that everyone that wears shoes are prostitutes and murderers.

    Although it would be imitative and suggestive to wear a brown shirt during the Nazi reign ... does not mean that today wearing a brown shirt indicates one is a Nazi.

  6. 4 hours ago, SuzA said:

    Since when has hospitality been a "worldly" custom?  

    Since the disfellowshipping arrangement, necessary as it is ... became the exercise in sustained and clueless extremism of applied cruelty it is today.

    "Worldly people", as a general rule, when a child is disobedient, do not cut off it's head ... figuratively speaking, and in a very "loving way" ... of course.


  7. I am a big fan of Richard Pryor's , Bill Cosby's , Eddie Murphy's and George Carlin's humor ... but the reason we have doors on bathrooms is that some things should be kept private ... and what you have done here is take vulgarity into the living room where people who do not wish to hear it are trying to have decent discourse. 

    It is extremely rude, inconsiderate, and reveals you are what is generally considered as a low class person.  

    I say this because YOU made the issue public, and so lost your natural and reasonable  immunity to being insulted.

    What this posting reveals about you, Marcus, is despicable ... and crude ... and vulgar ... and serves no useful purpose , and DELIBERATELY  violate others' gentile  sensibilities.

    If you must wallow in your own excrement, please do it in another forum.

    You are YOUR OWN worst enemy.

  8. I am a big fan of Richard Pryor's , Bill Cosby's , Eddie Murphy's and George Carlin's humor ... but the reason we have doors on bathrooms is that some things should be kept private ... and what you have done here is take vulgarity into the living room where people who do not wish to hear it are trying to have decent discourse. 

    It is extremely rude, inconsiderate, and reveals you are what is generally considered as a low class person.  

    I say this because YOU made the issue public, and so lost your natural and reasonable  immunity to being insulted.

    What this posting reveals about you, Marcus, is despicable ... and crude ... and vulgar ... and serves no useful purpose , and DELIBERATELY  violate others' gentile  sensibilities.

    If you must wallow in your own excrement, please do it in another forum.

    You are YOUR OWN worst enemy.


  9. A Brother in my congregation, much better regarded than I was, his son was killed on a motorcycle, while trying to outrun the police.

    For about two years afterwards the Brother  struggled to stay strong in the TRUTH, but never got over the fact that his son could not have a Kingdom Hall Funeral. 

    The "rules" said we could not be compassionate, even with the dead son of a Congregation member.

    Remembering back on that episode, It makes perfect sense to me why the Russians have banned the WTB&TS from Russia, for "extremism."

    When I die, I don't want to be part of a power play ... just have the funeral guys transport me to the slide-in refrigerators, and three days later the crematorium with my wife in a steel folding chair on the concrete floor,   watching.


  10. On 3/28/2018 at 10:18 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    If you have seen the movie "The Matrix" .... a MUST SEE movie .... you already know the common expression "Red Pill? Blue Pill?".

    If you don't ... YOU SHOULD. 

    The concept behind the expression is incredibly important ... as to whether we live in and artificial fantasy construct world ... or a world of what is actually REAL.


    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Is it possible, can somebody change colors of pill, red to blue and blue to read ... you see, i like blue color more then red.


  11. It is about the IDEA of human governments being placed in their relative positions by God.

    Not specific governments.

    The alternative is total anarchy, where every man and woman are a law unto themselves ... which is worse than the WORST human governments.

    It's free-for-all non stop carnage.

    You have to mentally visualize how really terrible anarchy would be on a day to day basis to understand that.

  12. Expressions and conversations are sometimes misunderstood.

    I remember being in a bar in England, I obviously being from America, because I was wearing a cowboy hat, and two somewhat large women were having a conversation that sounded like Scottish to me and they both had red hair, about something about the original Star Trek that interested me, so I sat down beside them and asked if they had ever met James Doohan, who played Scotty on Star Trek.

    The taller redhead asked why I would think that?

    I replied, because they were both Scots.

    They replied "We're Wales ... Wales ... not Scots!"

    I then asked if I could buy the two whales a drink.

    I woke up on the floor with a lump on my head.


  13. 11 hours ago, AllenSmith34 said:

    Now according to history? There are 7 archangels, 1 of which you referenced, Gabriel. But according to the zodiac, there are 12, 1 for each sign.

    Actually, there are 15 archangels, according to how many chassis styles Ford Motor Company has.

    Gimme a break .... equating how many archangels there are according to the 12 signs of the zodiac ... which are artificial constructs that vary from culture to culture?

    Tradition says that no matter which way Mickey Mouse turns his head, the ears always face  the viewer.

    If the Bible does not say... everything else is conjecture .....

    ... ONLY.

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