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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Stockholm Sweden is famous for it's acceptance of all kinds of people, ideas and philosophies, and welcoming people that will eventually lead to their destruction ( such as immigrants who will not eat ham sandwiches ...) .

    Speaking of controversial choices, and Sweden, and Food, and diversity ....


  2. I appreciate your honest reply, but the fact of the matter is this:

    You have your opinions on how the Universe and the "Real World" operates ... and I have mine.

    The Universe does not care about either of our opinions ... only what the facts really are.


    3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Therefore, you just made a strong argument that higher education doesn’t control one's destiny.

    I never said it did.

    Ever see the movie "Dr. Zhivago"?  An older movie well worth the effort to find and see, starring Omar Sharif, and Sir Alex Guiness (Obi-wan Kanobe) .  Dr. Zhivago is in Siberia or somewhere in the winter during the Russian Revolution of 1918, and he is freezing .. so he leaves his "girlfriend's" apartment and starts destroying someone's fence for firewood to take back.   His Brother is a policeman spying on him, and see's this, but lets him get away with it.

    The brother muses (paraphrased) "You know ... my brother is a Doctor, and I am just a policeman ... but that does not bother me ... I have killed people much better than me with a small pistol."

    OF COURSE chance and circumstance befall us all .... but other things being equal ... the race is not always to the swift ... and the battle is not always to the strong .... but that is the way to bet.

    In any horse race you are going to be at a decided disadvantage ... if you are a cow.


  3. Rumor has it that they taped up the mirrors in case some  of the GB came to visit the gym, as some  had no reflected image, and had to be invited to enter over the threshold by someone inside the gym.

    This is just a rumor, completely without any substantiation whatsoever, and I am not one to repeat rumors.

    ... so pay attention the FIRST time.

  4. 7 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    I know of at least 100 people of different religious background that have completed college, and they are stuck in a minimum wage job.

    You need to associate with a smarter group of people.

    If your master's degree is in French Literature .... you have shot yourself in the foot, and paid for the bullet.

    What will that qualify you to do? Nothing that I can think of off hand.

    If you are in a room full of 100 college graduates, and 50% have what is my opinion, a generally useless degree, that shows the 50% is completely divorced from reality.

    So, you have 50 people left, while the others are stewing in their own expensive fantasy world.

    Then there are perhaps 40 people who are not willing to relocate as needed to where the jobs are, so they have tied their own hands behind them.

    Risk taking and bold action is often a crucial job requirement.

    So you have ten people left out of the original hundred, and 5 have no idea how to write a good resume, interview well, or are just hateful, mean, belligerent, or ugly people with no people skills whatsoever.

    That leaves 5 people.

    Then you have the last 5 people that perhaps studied Petroleum Engineering, Nursing, Hotel Management, or any number of valuable subjects, but reality is that they tested well, but in the workaday world, they couldn't find a door with a map. 

    Or perhaps they have even an advanced degree in some valuable subject, and have let the sounds of their own wheels make them crazy, and are bat crap crazy, .... and decide after a $70,000 education,  to sell daisies, or make really cool table candles ... man.

    I have a cousin who went to college for 9 years, and is as useless as teats on a bull, because he is just plain clueless. He goes around in a Star Wars robe and a a fake light saber.

    Infinite Variety.



  5. To be clear, I never suggested God approved of guns .... but he did make the FIRST sword, and he refers to Himself as "Jehovah of Armies", many, many many times in the Bible.

    Jehovah is my Shepherd ... but Smith and Wesson is my armorer.


  6. Egypt got off easy.

    Immorality outside of adhering to the direct commandments and underlying principles of those direct commandments is not "galactic standards morality".  It is local or personal preference.

    Snowflakes think different than Warriors.

    Children think different than adults.

    Everybody decides what their own morality will be ... and it can be based on their own standards, or any standards.

    August  6, 1945 the United States Government burned to death about 80 thousand  men, women, children and babies, one morning before noon, and three days later, August 9, 1945, burned to death another 30 thousand men, women and children and babies on another sunny morning.

    Those not instantly killed lingered in agony with little or no medical care and over the next four months  approximately 100 thousand more Japanese died of their injuries sustained on those two mornings.

    When civilization and liberty or tyranny is in the balance, Jack Ryan's sentiments expressed by proxy closely imitate the thought processes  of a petulant, child who has no concept of the big picture. 

    May I suggest to ANYONE getting the "Big Picture", and start thinking like an adult.

    Destroying the Empire of Japan's ability to wage war against the United States necessitated the deaths and torture to  death by injury,  of perhaps a quarter-million total Japanese, including infants, with two Atomic Bombs. 

    That does not even count those who survived and were maimed for life.

    In this theater of war, approximately 400 to 600 Americans died in this effort, most from radiation poisoning.

    The alternative was to accomplish the same ends  (winning the war, and unconditional surrender of the Empire of Japan) with, based on experience in battle,  4 million Japanese killed, and 1 million American deaths in battle.

    The destruction of the Japanese Empire actually freed the Japanese as well from a millennium of tyranny by their own internal Bushido code based Imperial government.  Women were treated like animals. Men were treated like slaves.

    Grow up people!

    Start thinking like an ADULT.

    What Jehovah did in Egypt thousands of years ago, was justified, and in the best interests of all parties involved ...  a whole NATION OF GOD'S PEOPLE was freed from slavery, oppression, mistreatment and tyranny .... but like any dramatic cancer surgery ... there is a bill that has to be paid.

    There is no other way .

    Egypt got off easy.




  7. Where I live they are remodeling all the fast food restaurants.  It looks like "monkey see - monkey do".

    The New Kingdom Hall looks like a WENDY'S under construction, here.

    I do not think the Society's Law Staff and Architects have realized how difficult it is to hide an elephant under a beach towel, anymore.

  8. My daughter has a part time job in a major bank ... as a teller.

    With a Law degree she could have a part time job at the same major bank as a mortgage specialists or legal department, etc. for about 4 to 7 times the pay.

    I have gotten jobs where there was NO OPENINGS, but because of my skill sets, they CREATED a job for me.

    One time I spent six months working on whatever interested me at full pay, waiting for them to find a suitable project.

    I looked very busy studying structural engineering.

    Earlier in my life, with few skills ... I could not BUY a job ... and nearly starved.


  9. It's a simple matter of genetics.

    You cannot inherit physical properties in your body from parents that did not carry those genetic potentials.

    It don't get no mo' complicated dan dat !

    After God changed Adam and Eve's genes by withdrawing his Holy Spirit that kept them conditionally alive forever,  so that they would wear out and die, the telemers getting shorter and shorter every year they lived ..... they had children.

    It's a simple matter of their children not being able to inherit the ability to live forever from parents that no longer had those genes that made everlasting life possible.

    The genes had been turned off.

    ...could be worse ..... we could be made out of old carpet, and need someone's hand up our butt.


    Fozzie    450   .jpg

  10. 1 hour ago, Alithís Gnosis said:

    I wonder with the colorful comments, if it isn’t true, then why does Christendom “believe” in exorcism, while JW’s don’t find it a need, other than to rely upon God’s Holy Spirit.

    Catholics charge money for exorcisms, Weddings, Baptisms, etc. 

    Sometimes it's formal and sometimes it's informal ... a "green handshake", or a little white envelope with "something in it", but exorcisms are even more so a way to convince the gullible that they have the POWER to do so, and the authority of God to do so.

    Very persuasive !

    A few years ago the head religious guy at the Vatican, in charge of the "Department of Exorcisms",  a Bishop or something, about 85 years old embarrassed the church by declaring to the news media that (paraphrased) " .. the Vatican is FULL OF DEMONS !".  I took that at face value ... and besides ... him being in charge of the Department that oversaw global exorcisms,.... he should know!

    Then there is the joke about the Catholic who had to pay for her exorcism on the installment plan ... and when she missed a payment ... she was ... um ... repossessed.



  11. I remember when this was a hot topic ..... 1966 .... I had just graduated from High School..

    I was young, and had NO life experience ... and took it all at face value, as presented.

    51 years later, and never having seen one particle of evidence of demon activity at any time

    ... anywhere ...  I am less concerned.

    I did give it some thought in one 2014 Bible Movie "Son of God",  when they cast an actor that looked exactly like Barack Obama, as Satan.



  12. 24 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    The only real constant in this Universe is continuous change.

    "Stuff Happens".

    it always will.

    Toys-R-Us failed after many years of bad, ininspired management ... Amazon.com lost money for over 5 years according to a well managed GOOD strategic plan, and rose to the ascendancy it now enjoys.

    Competency always works better than applied cluelessness.

    Stuff happens.



  13. 1.)  God cannot die.

    2.) If Jesus did not actually and really die, his sacrifice was NOT a sacrifice .... merely a REALLY bad weekend.

    3.) Therefore, to rational  people ... Jesus CANNOT be God ... or .... if Jesus was God, who CANNOT die .... he did not redeem anybody from anything, as he DID NOT REALLY DIE, then no REAL sacrifice of his life was ever made.

    Pick ONE.

    You cannot have it BOTH ways.



  14. The only justification for a trade war ... is IF YOU WIN.

    The "Law of Unintended Consequences" controls all decisions.

    ... soon enough ....  we will all know.

    Just like in the American Civil War, there were massive casualties on BOTH sides to determine on the battlefield whose agenda would prevail.

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