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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I have a question for Space Merchant. Why wear that clumsy white Star Wars armor? It only seems to make you run like a girl balancing oranges, appears to be no protection whatsoever, even against hand weapons, and impairs your aim so you cannot hit someone directly in front of you ? I mean ..... What with THAT!
  2. Of course there is NO POSSIBLE WAY TO KNOW .... but my best guess is that Perfect People, in several thousand years ... would colonize the Galaxy.
  3. The Italians have always been a peaceful people. World War Two U.S. Military Hero Audie Murphy, who as a an infantry soldier personally killed about 273 soldiers of the combined forces of Germany and Italy, said that the Italians joining the war on Hitler's side .... shortened the war by six months. They also invented Ice Cream.
  4. A rope that thick, making a 90 degree turns in a small conduit, will bind ... the same way that a plastic wire tie binds ... apparently the lioness knows this but the wrestlers do not.
  5. A much cheaper solution would be numbered tattoos on the inside of a person's left fore-arm.
  6. You can save a LOT of money with a fabric car that runs on either electricity, or that you can pedal .... and spend it all on Hospital Bills when you get hit!
  7. In the United States ... with FOUR wheels, this would not be "street legal" ... but with THREE wheels , it would be. A bicycle has TWO wheels... hence the name "BI"-cycle A tricycle has THREE wheels ... hence the name "TRI"-cycle A car has at least four wheels, derived from the word "CAR"-riage , or "carriage" We have very under powered motorcycles that USED to have pedals in past years, and some few still do, , that need no license, tags, or registration, (in most States) and you can drive them in most States without a Driver's License. These are called "drunk-mobiles", and are used primarily by those whose Driver's Licenses have been revoked for driving while drunk.
  8. Let's say you want a cover for an International magazine, that graphically depicts the fact that the Russian Federation is now in the business of BANNING BIBLES ! FIRST: hire some very creative photographers with the latest expensive equipment .. in this case a $50,000 medium format digital camera and articulated support, and a pot load of lighting equipment, and a studio ... and oh yeas... write a check for about $20,000. SECOND: Get a pickup truck and go down to your local big game taxidermist and rent a stuffed Russian bear. THIRD: build some supports under the stuffed bear, and figure out angles and lighting ... and get a copy of the specific Bible that the Russkies are banning ... in this case ... the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. FOURTH: Make claw marks on the NWT, using great skill and creativity. FIFTH: Make sure the photo is PERFECTLY lit, with a PERFECT background, and PERFECT angle. You are probably in your second day of taking the ONE picture you want. SIXTH: compose and crop the picture so that the magazine staff can add commentary, and of course their "mast", or name of the magazine. SEVENTH: Deliver the photo by hand to the editor of the magazine, get your check COD, and go to THEIR bank and cash it. THIS is the most important part!! Graphically .... it looks something like this ....... Â
  9. I found this interesting picture ... taken just 15 seconds apart, of Chelsea Clinton, with different lighting, camera angles, and background .... so you can see the same subject can look different depending on when it was photographed. ..... ..... Â Â Â Â ..... wait for it ....... Â .... "refreshing" the photos now ..... Â .......
  10. Trump has an outrageous sense of humor that is often as dry as the Gobi desert. Real men poke each other with humor, and insult each other good naturedly. Many years ago I was working on a Bethel Home in Lima, Peru, and as we worked, the American "Gringo" Brothers would with big grins insult each other quite creatively, and those who knew Spanish would call out to each other about how stupid each other was, etc., etc., etc. if their work was not perfectly done. The Peruvian Brothers were HORRIFIED! Donald Burt, the Branch Overseer had to call all the Americans in ( including myself ... ) and explain to them that this GREATLY UPSET the Peruvians working on the project, as these were fighting words to them ... and they assumed this would cause mortal combat. So, to keep them from fear and crying we stopped light hearted insulting each other as we worked. Whatever else you can say about Trimp, Kim, and Putin ... these men are adults and think like adults, and can take some snide ribbing. It is like playing verbal chess. When they get together ... they UNDERSTAND each other. Obama was often referred to as the "Amateur in Chief", instead of "Commander in Chief", not because of his lack of his intelligence, drive, and experience, although the lack of real world experience doing something other than spending other peoples' money was a part of it .... it was because although he was a grown man ... his thought processes and patterns remained that of a petulant child ... There are whole nations, tribes, peoples, societies, and cliques that think like adults, and the same .... that think like children. ...and they always will. They take everything personal, have no sense of humor (because they do not have a frame of reference comprehensive enough to know what is funny and what is not, or what is important and what is not, etc. ), but they ... no matter how old they get or what they accomplish ... .... will always think like children.
  11.  Remember focal plane shutters on film cameras where you could get dramatically different flash/available light balanced pictures, depending on whether or not the "x" (electronic flash setting) was set to "at first curtain", or "at second curtain"? I took a photo of a basketball player, years ago, jumping to put the ball in the basket, with a strong flash, and the combination of blurred available light and secondary flash at about a 15th of a second, and the photo looked like his white front teeth, trailing the flash image, were about 12 feet long, in an arc. I bet some interesting photos could be made of GB member, Brother Stephen Lett, in action. I used to rely on GB cards, but found that some were typical, and some were anti-typical, and I could never make any sense of the overlapping photos. For those in Rio Linda, that is ultra-dry Gobi Desert humor.
  12. You can "stonewall" Justice for a while .... but the people with the rifles and the bayonets also have ladders, or will make them as needed, and with those rifles and bayonets, ( Sovereign State Enforcement Power) ....will climb over your wall. ... and they will NOT be happy campers.
  13. As a professional photographer, I know that photos taken fractions of a second apart can make people and dynamics look completely different ... and keep my camera on "continuous" shooting bursts 5 pictures to the second. Now that "film" is free, with digital cameras when I shoot a wedding sometimes I take two or three thousand pictures for that very reason. My 64GB SD card will take more than 10,000 high resolution pictures before I have to change the card. I do take along spare cameras and six fully charged batteries. A fraction of a second can make all the difference!
  14. Historically, the Germans choice of leaders ( ...and Herr Hitler was elected as Chancellor of Germany ...) has not been that good. ........... In English there is the proverb about "the pot calling the kettle, black". And I find Bernie Sanders concerns actually, considering that he is a raving Socialist ... an implied endorsement of Trump, by people that are rational, knowledgeable, and reality based.
  15. .... getting down to the meat of the matter ..... Oscar Mayer Commercial -1973.mp4
  16. Cos: You remind me of those who advanced the mid 40's Japanese Empire. They were tough, fierce, dedicated, and determined to NEVER surrender. Two atomic bombs changed their mind. Soon enough ... you will know.
  17. Transparency is a moral obligation to those who contribute their hard earned money .... which represents a portion of their total lifetimes ... which is painfully short. In a Theocratic context ... it is the difference between having integrity .... AND NOT.
  18. Are you talking about the Astronomic North and South Poles ... or the Magnetic North and South Poles? As with all things "the devil is in the details".
  19. Time is the best teacher ..... unfortunately it kills all its students.
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