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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Any "Theology", or "theology" has to make common sense, and have the long term best interests of Civilization as it's goal ... which is what Jehovah has planned for mankind.

    If you live in a fantasy world of playful animals romping across and open field, and cartoon characters giving morality lessons, in the fantasy world you will stay.

    In the REAL world everything that lives has the natural right of self defense .... if they choose to exercise it ... and can competently manage it ... and have the added value sometimes of pure, dumb luck.

    Mothers DO NOT have the right to abort their children ..... UNLESS ... their children are threatening to kill them, such as a ectopic pregnancies in the case of  ANY OTHER REAL THREATS TO THE MOTHER'S SAFETY OR LIFE.

    You have the NATURAL RIGHT to defend your life and welfare, by killing those that if you don't stop them .... WILL KILL YOU.

    If you choose to exercise that right ...you are allowed to kill your own children ... in self defense.

    It is no more theologically complicated than that.

    You know a scriptural interpretation is correct ... when it makes good common sense in the real world.

    If the explanation sounds contrived ... it is.

  2. It was a check drawn on the Bank of Iran, which required Hawaiian I.D.

    I have been telling various versions of that "Shaggy Dog" story for a half century and more, and this is the first time the risk of the Funeral Director cashing the check has come up.

  3. The thing people often fail to realize is that there are EXTREMELY righteous people out there, inside and outside of Jehovah's Witnesses, that are dullards.

    They do not know they are dullards .... and it doesn't bother them a bit.  It's like being dead ... you don't know you are dead ... but it makes it HARD for those who love you, and everything about you.

    My very best guess about Stephen Lett, who I call "Poppin Fresh" (The Pillsbury Dough Boy), is that he is a very fine Brother who is truly one of the Anointed, and God loves him dearly ... although the cynical side of me visualizes him  taking huge bags of money and a shovel out the main gate of Warwick, in the dead of night,  across the street, and into the woods , to the massive Real Estate acreage he has in his  name.

    Sorry ... I just cannot "turn it off".

    My best guess is that he DOES NOT KNOW THAT THE THINGS HE SAYS ARE NOT TRUE ... which would make him totally innocent of the charge that he is ANY kind of liar.

    As John 9:41 says, paraphrased "...Justice must be tempered with mercy for Blind pawns.".

    Even blind pawns that think of themselves as enlightened Power Players.

    For a person to be ANY kind of liar .... he has to actually KNOW that what he is saying is not true.



  4. According to my calculations, derived from a mayonnaise jar, I keep on my from porch to catch "divine acorns", during Noah's Lifetime there were 26,942 people directly created by God... which I call "Homo Theocraticus"  on the Earth, before the flood .

    There were  probably about 300 MILLION sub-"Homo Theocraticus", some classified as "Homo Sapiens", and some as "Homo Erectus", which had evolved over several billion years, but not considered "real" people with a spritual capability or destiny.

    Think of them as Mankind Beta Version 1.0.

     Of course, trillions had been born, lived their lives and died before the generation that was alive at the time of the Flood, but had no more standing with God than Non-Israelites had, later.

    There may be some slight allowance for error, and the "divine acorn collection jar" captures falling "divine acorns", but it also catches leaves, bugs, and an occasional squirrel that gets his head stuck in the jar.

    One time I caught a black raven sitting on the edge of the Jar, looking inside, and wondered if it might have been an "Omen Pigeon".

    Ya never can tell with Ravens .....

    ...... and don't even get me started on "Homo Stupido".


    Homo Stupido .jpg

  5. My wife has actually seen a disfellowshipped Father who after attending his Son's Wedding, followed the people to the local park where the pictures were being taken under the trees, and he was met on the sidewalk by both of his sons and asked not to enter the park.

    He asked if he could stand on the sidewalk, and take his own pictures, and they asked him to leave, because it would make the other Jehovah's Witnesses "uncomfortable".

    With great anger and obvious great pain he replied "We wouldn't want anyone to be "UNCOMFORTABLE", would we?", as they turned their Father away.

    She tells me that he looked like he had been stabbed in the heart, he crumpled, and with controlled rage, and an obviously broken heart, staggered away back to his car.

    I wonder how "uncomfortable" it would have been for them, for him to have died right then and there, on the sidewalk, of a heart attack?

    Jehovah's Witnesses are becoming universally known for one thing ... their penchant for family cruelty.

    It is SO EXTREME .... that Pacifists are getting an earned  reputation for terroristic  cruelty.

  6. I watched Jack Ryan's supplied Youtube video and the best... the very BEST part ... was when the video narrator was concluding everything and made the statement ... "This is just food for thought".

    It is unusually refreshing to hear such intellectual honesty.

    I wish we would say something like that when we come up with explanations of everything about everything, instead of always being 100% WRONG all the time, about ALMOST everything... but if you refuse to believe it, your family is taken away from you as hostages.


  7. The contrary viewpoint ....  makes sense ONLY to people who never never experienced Anarchy ... which is worse than Stalin, Hitler, and Phil Pot combined.

    I grew up in the "Hippie Years", and was disinclined to obey any authority ... so I have a "resist forever" personality.

    The Bible counsel is quite plain, and very well considered.

    Submitting to legal, empowered Government is a protection, in most cases.

    Anarchy is when the strong steals your woman, and while you are dying, they are cutting the meat off of your legs for the stew pot.

    ...and that is  ...... "normal".

  8. 13 hours ago, Jack Ryan said:

    Old Tjikko is a 9,560-year-old Norway Spruce, located on Fulufjället Mountain of Dalarna province in Sweden. Old Tjikko originally gained fame as the "world's oldest tree."

    So ... assume every five years a branch bends over to touch the Earth, and it reproduces a tree trunk ... and the old trunk dies out..

    That means that the trunk has replanted itself, and the old trunk died 1,912 times.

    Boy, if the math had worked out to 1914 years this would have been GREAAAAT! to plug into the GB Body Member David Splaine's "overlapping generations chart!"

    Now... 9,570 years divided by 5 DOES make 1914 years, plus ... you can get a "9" out of it and a "570", which sounds very biblical.

    It is late ... I have the flu, and am very tired and congested.   I will let better minds than mine figure out the obvious typical / anti-typical ramifications.

  9. It looks like the GB is slowly adopting the customs, practices and organizational practices, piece by piece of the Catholic Church.

    As long as I can still eat Polish Sausages in Friday, and not go to Hell  .... I'm good !

  10. 3 hours ago, admin said:

    Newspaper owner, a title he doesn't take lightly at all. Soon-Shiong will have to work some magic on the LA Times, a paper whose staffers were basically in open rebellion last year over several questionable decisions by ownership. 

    And then, of course, there's the huge challenge of navigating a newspaper industry that's struggling to adapt to the digital age. 

    I just happen to have a spare "star in a stick".

    When you tap the star on something, glitter comes out.

    I will give it to him for free, as I control the glitter supply.


  11. I have a question for Space Merchant.

    Why wear that clumsy white Star Wars armor? 

    It only seems to make you run like a girl balancing oranges, appears to be no protection whatsoever, even against hand weapons, and impairs  your aim so you cannot hit someone directly in front of you ?

    I  mean .....

    What with THAT!

  12. 3 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

    WOW..... thats COOL !! Exactly  for  me  -  hahahahaha :D

    You can save a LOT of money with a fabric car that runs on either electricity, or that you can pedal .... and spend it all on Hospital Bills when you get hit!


  13. In the United States ... with FOUR wheels, this would not be "street legal" ... but with THREE wheels , it would be.

    A bicycle has TWO wheels... hence the name "BI"-cycle

    A tricycle has THREE wheels ... hence the name "TRI"-cycle

    A car has at least four wheels, derived from the word "CAR"-riage , or "carriage"

    We have very under powered motorcycles that USED to have pedals in past years, and some few still do, , that need no license, tags, or registration, (in most States) and you can drive them in most States without a Driver's License.

    These are called "drunk-mobiles", and are used primarily by those whose Driver's Licenses have been revoked for driving while drunk.

  14. Let's say you want a cover for an International magazine, that graphically depicts the fact that the Russian Federation is now in the business of BANNING BIBLES !

    FIRST: hire some very creative photographers with the latest expensive equipment .. in this case a $50,000 medium format digital camera and articulated support, and a pot load of lighting equipment, and a studio ... and oh yeas... write a check for about $20,000.

    SECOND: Get a pickup truck and go down to your local big game taxidermist and rent a stuffed Russian bear.

    THIRD: build some supports under the stuffed bear, and figure out angles and lighting  ... and get a copy of the specific Bible that the Russkies are banning ... in this case ... the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

    FOURTH: Make claw marks on the NWT, using great skill and creativity.

    FIFTH: Make sure the photo is PERFECTLY lit, with a PERFECT background, and PERFECT angle.  You are probably in your second day of taking the ONE picture you want.

    SIXTH: compose and crop the picture so that the magazine staff can add commentary, and of course their "mast", or name of the magazine.

    SEVENTH: Deliver the photo by hand to the editor of the magazine, get your check COD, and go to THEIR bank and cash it. THIS is the most important part!!

    Graphically .... it looks something like this .......








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