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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. The higher the employee turnover rate ... the more $1.00 contributions will be forfeited ... TO WALMART.

    It's like if you have a term life insurance policy for ten years ... and then stop paying the premiums.

    You bet them you were going to actually die ... and their bet was that you would NOT die.

    They get to keep ALL THE MONEY!

    My guess is that only 3% of the people enrolled in the program will actually take the classes .... while they are active WalMart employees.

    This "benefit" ... is actually a lucrative profit center.


  2. 2 hours ago, Bible Speaks said:

    A majority of Icelanders believe in elves.

    Of course they do ... black people are as numerous there as two flakes of pepper in a salt shaker.

    They just got terribly upset when Priscilla Presley  married Michael Jackson.

  3. Rolling Stone Magazine is reporting that Michael Jackson wore a prosthetic nose which was missing from his body during his autopsy.

    The Aug. 6 issue of Rolling Stone magazine reports that the artificial nose the King of Pop wore was missing when he was taken to the Los Angeles county morgue after his death on June 25.

    At least one witness told Rolling Stone: “The prosthesis he normally attached to his damaged nose was missing, revealing bits of cartilage surrounding a small dark hole.”

    The King of Pop’s former housekeeper, Adrian McManus, claims the the star had lots of false noses.

    “His nose was a problem. He wore plasters around the side to cover or support it. It was severely caved in,” she recalls. “In his closet he had a jar of fake noses and stage glue, which he told me he used for disguises. But some were similar to his real nose, just without the hole.”

  4. 1 hour ago, Glenn Leider said:

    James, if I did that, I’d hear her shout “Fresh!” followed by a slap on my face.

    Different cultures have different customs .....One time at the Kingdom Hall, during a Watchtower lesson about "Marriage", I raised my hand and when I got the microphone, said "You know ... a man should treat his wife AT LEAST as well as he treats his dogs !", and handed the microphone back.

    One third of the people burst out laughing .... one third nodded knowingly, and one third audibly gasped ... and were completely horrified. 

    An Elder was a black brother from England. and he stopped me on the way to my car, and chewed me out Royally, for disrespecting Sisters, my wife at the time, and Jehovah, and the Congregation. 

    He was MAD!

    Where I come from, a man's wealth is measured by how many cars and disembodied engines are up on blocks in the front yard, and how many hunting dogs live under the front porch.


  5. On 5/28/2018 at 11:10 PM, Sharon Washington said:

    JW- the name comes with heavy responsibilities and driving a car with that tag can open JW.org up to harsh criticism, reproach and embarrassment.  

    Imagine getting a red light ticket with your tag number: JW.org.   Imagine folding that up to be mailed!  LoL   Oh my word!  You’d better be the most courteous driver of all time!   

    I STRONGLY suspect that If I had a JW ORG license plate, and drove at high speed down a crowded sidewalk, it would cause less actual reproach on Jehovah's name and perceived reputation, than the "Pillowgate" fiasco. which has become the fodder of high profile comedians in their shticks, and an embarrassment to the average JW when they ( if they) find out about it .... as the absolute creepiest thing ever uttered by the Governing Body, through it's "helpers".

    We are getting ... correction ... we ALREADY HAVE .... a firmly established public reputation for family cruelty in HOW disfellowshipping is done ... and a firmly established reputation for perverting Justice with child sexual abuse cases through reprehensible legal machinations, and thanks to "Pillowgate", we now as an organization have a well established  reputation for being bat crap creepy, and borderline (?) insane.

    In the grand scheme of things, a JW ORG license plate  being reproachable .... is completely irrelevant.


  6. I believe that General Electric also used to make multiple entry hydrogen bomb warheads for Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), and also owned Hallmark Greeting Cards.

    .... when you care enough to send the very best!

  7. As a person who sold Amway products twice, and had to quit because they, although of reasonably good quality, were way over priced ... then tried it again with a different philosophy, but could not shake the fact that everybody in the distribution line made money ... which made the products over-priced ... I could not justify, as an example, taking a box of laundry detergent to a person's home.

    It's door-to-door sales ... after you have loaded up all your relatives ... and FORMER friends, with a pot load of household soaps, detergents, and stuff.



  8. On 5/22/2018 at 1:12 PM, Melinda Mills said:

    11 Now a great herd of swine was feeding there at the mountain. 12 So the spirits pleaded with him: “Send us into the swine, so that we may enter into them.” 13 And he gave them permission. With that the unclean spirits came out and went into the swine, and the herd rushed over the precipice into the sea, about 2,000 of them, and were drowned in the sea. 

    As an aside ... this always confused me .... what are 2,000 pigs doing in Israel, eating up all the forage?

    2,000 pigs is a LOT of pigs!

  9. It seems very simple.

    Perfect creations rebellion is never forgiven by God.

    This is not Darth Vader's Star Wars scenario where you can destroy whole worlds, then have a "facepalm" moment when you die, and come back smiling and made whole.

    There is only ONE valid excuse for anyone's rebellion against one's legal Sovereign ...


    And they won't.


    About 40 years ago, I had terrible migraine headaches ... some so bad the pain curled my arms up under my chin involuntarily, and turned my hands into claws at my collar bones.  You could see the veins in my scalp, so I am told.

    I went to the hospital, and they gave me a really good tranquilizer, and put me in a dark room. 

    The doctor came in and asked if I was still in pain.  The pain had not diminished ... but I really did not care.

    That was an epiphany.

    Since then I have severely limited my choice of crazy friends and drama queens, and people that are just plain bat crap crazy, and with a few beers, and a fifth of scotch about every six months, I get by migraine free since then ...... for about $150 a year.

    Right there I am saving more than $6,000.



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