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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Jack: First of all, there has to be a distinction between what is generally recognized as be absolutely true, and things that require work and research to even validate the premise of somebody saying something is true or not. If I said the minor planet Ceres is in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, that is easy enough to verify .... all the terms are pre-defined, and have only ONE definition. He has supplied no references to back up his assertions to be able to verify that even the premises of his statements are valid. The Revelutionary War in America was not a one-year affair, and those killed included combatants, those killed trough starvation and hardship, and exposure to the elements, as well as those killed "off to the side" by partisan civilian vigilantes on both sides. Also, many were killed by knives, swords, cannon, arrows and tomahawks, arson, and even a few by poison. I seriously doubt that the 38,658 people killed by guns is anywhere close to accurate, unless you include true statistics from Democratic Party strongholds, like Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore, where you can have 30 people shot to death on a July 4th Weekend. Even so, who is killing who? If people defending their lives kill 38,658 evil assailants ... I would call that a blessing to Civilization. No harm ... no foul. The problem is everything he stated, the terms are undefined, so the conclusions he reached, and the statements he made although they MAY BE reality based, the probability is extremely low, and by a person who thinks rationally ... CAN BE COMPLETELY DISREGARDED. The framers of the Constitution, in their truly exceptional wisdom ... constituted the Government to protect NATURAL rights that all living things are NATURALLY imbued wit, and will have ... if they fight to keep practicing them. ALL living things have the right to defend themselves and TRY to live, even mosquitoes, and sharks ... IF ... if... they can manage it. The First Amendment protects the NATURAL right of Freedom of Speech, whether you use your voice, writing, sign language or even peaceful action through political protests. The Second Amendment protects a person's NATURAL right of self defense, and even Eagles and Rabbits have a NATURAL right of self defense. Whether or not they can assert those natural rights depends on their skill and talent, and motivation .... and pure dumb luck. ...and to use any tools necessary to make up for a lack of talons and natural body armor The Founders did not fight a bloody civil war against their English Sovereign, risking and losing their lives, fortunes, and yet keeping their sacred honor, and fresh from that fight constitute that the New Government established that "The right to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed" .... to protect citizens from rabbits. Therefore, without a lengthy and protracted discussion about his definitions, frame of reference, actual basis for the numbers he throws out ... completely disregarding that he is COMPLETELY screwed up by comparing a time frame of the Revolutionary war, with it's population, to one year, 2017, with its population, and a fifty year period with it's population. That is like comparing apples, Volkswagens, and giraffes. His numbers are COMPLETELY and totally useless except to Snowflakes who suffer from advanced stages of Clintonitus, and TDS, which we see by actual examples in large scale social experiments in Chicago, Baltimore, and Detroit, is rotting away the very fabric of Civilization. It's not what a person knows to be true. ... it's what a person know to be true, that is COMPLETELY WRONG.
  2. The same way that the Scriptures are quite clear about motorcycle maintenance ... Look at the results of this bogus philosophy and fantasy of the Trinity and component parts as explained by Christendom -at-large. During World War I two great armies met on the battlefields between France and Germany, and in a battle that lasted a full year, making this area look more cratered than the surface of the Moon, more that a million men were killed in mortal combat, and over 4 million wounded. Men's bodies and blood were mixed into the soil by artillery day after day after day. Almost all of the combatants ON BOTH SIDES .... were Trinitarians who believe as you do, Cos. Brethren murdering brethren .... because of the FRUITS of their bogus Theology. Does not the Scriptures clearly teach "You will know my people, for they have love for one another ..."? Christendom's belief system FAILED that essential test, always has, and always will ... and they even have Chaplains in the Military to bless and support this carnage, and those who perpetrate it. Jehovah does NOT. He has withdrawn his active force blessing them, about 1700 years ago, when the Theology you espouse was adopted from pagandom. The "FORCE" is not with you, Luke. and like a motorcycle tire ... THAT'S where "the rubber meets the road!"
  3. I had a conversation with an Elder sometime in the summer of 2016 about this explosion of technology that the Brotherhood had adopted, from the bottom up ... and I asked him "Do you remember when computer competency, and having an Internet connection was frowned upon, and considered evil? He paused ... looked down ... raised his eyebrows and let out a long sigh ... and said "Yeah ....".
  4. What could two self made, high energy multi-billionaires POSSIBLY have in common?
  5. Just remember this basic rule ..... there is NO ONE "cooler" than Clint Eastwood, and everyone more handsome than me is gay.
  6. The county next to mine is a war zone compared to the county I live in. The Sheriff here actively promotes ALL "good guys" being armed at all times ... and many times when I eat at Golden Corral with my wife, Susan, there will be one or two citizens carrying firearms on the hip openly ... for no apparent reason. One does not need a reason. Its a basic human right that is guaranteed by many political entities... but those entities do that confer that right. You are born with the right to defend yourself. It is as much a natural right as breathing, drinking water, eating, and all the others ...IF you can manage and enforce it yourself The Nations, States, Localities, tribes and groups may restrict these rights because under color of law .... they CAN enforce it with superior force. In Nicaragua the government has superior firepower. That's what a Nations, ANY nations, Armed Forces do ... enforce political policy ... and if you don't comply with that policy, THEY WILL KILL YOU, AND BREAK YOUR "STUFF". that is the job description for ALL political Armed Forces, whether they be good...bad... or ugly. When citizens are afraid of their government ... there is always tyranny. When the government is afraid of their citizens ... there is always freedom. The Sheriff where I live understands that, and runs for reelection on that platform. The Sheriff of the next county adjacent to mine does not .... and they have a very high murder rate, and an over abundance of crime. A lesson for all people to never forget. The price of Freedom ... is eternal vigilance ... and good men to have superior firepower. .... to be COMPETENT when the occasion arises .... and it does ... individually and personally FORCE bad guys to behave themselves. The only thing necessary for evil to win ... is good men to do nothing.
  7. Those Flotation Cushions/Life Preservers they have under the seat will not bounce you out of a farmer's field.
  8. The most powerful weapon known to the mind of man, when sufficiently loaded ........ is a Checkbook.
  9. The murderer with guns was stopped by good men with guns. The more good men with guns ... the safer EVERYONE is. "NO GUN ZONES" only keep good men from having them ... and make a "safe zone" into a killing field, and a target field for murderers. Among sane people, an armed society is also a polite society. It's better to be a live sheep than a dead lion ... but it is better still to be a live lion. ....and safer.
  10. If the implied assumption of that study is correct, whales should be the smartest living thing on the Earth. ... come to think of it.... they just might be. ... how could we prove they are not? .......... Hmmmmm.
  11. There is a rule that I understand quite well ... and it's what I call "The Rule of Infinite Variety", which means that when you are dealing with people, you might see twenty people doing the EXACT same things .... but the REASONS of why they are doing it are really and truly infinite. As one of many examples, A soldier might go to war because he believes in his country ... one might go because he did not want to go to prison ....one might go because he needed a job and couldn't find one elsewhere ... one might go to test his courage ... one might go to "legally" murder other people, or to rape and pillage . I have known men and women who went to war because it was the only way to get a college education, and they were willing to risk their lives to become educated. Infinite variety You could fill several pages with different reasons for any one example of anything common or uncommon to the affairs of humans. Understanding this is why I STRONGLY disagree with the following statement. ...which is ONLY iiuva's personal opinion, based or her concept of reality..
  12. When you do not know the answers, sometimes it is best to let those who pretend to know, comment.
  13. He was SPECIALLY brilliant in the movies "SPOTLIGHT", and "THE FOUNDER". He was a great casting choice in "BATMAN", but he was completely shadowed by Jack Nicholson's performance as The Joker ... which was, as usual, just Jack Nicholson being himself.
  14. That is a toughie ..... I have written several different takes, and had to delete them, because the reasoning was not sound.
  15. Transphobia and Biphobia is the fear of the actual people who have adopted sexually oriented philosophies and lifestyles that are corroding common sense and rational thought, and basic sanity ..... by those who want you to accept their perversion as wholesome and upbuilding. For the rest of us, it's just plain common sense. At least that's what I get from the way they whine in the LGBTQFA sexually oriented community .....
  16. The Snowflake philosophy of giving dignity and respect to evil men who butcher, intimidate, enslave and tyrannize others leads .... ALWAYS leads, to TO THEIR OWN severe mental problems in how the REAL world is perceived, and distorts a person's ability to think rationally. Plus, if they cater to current standard political correctness, it turns them over time into abject cowards after their fantasy based whining has had a few years to fester and incubate. Language did not lead to the extermination of the Jews ... evil men pronouncing things that are innocent as deplorable ... and having the power to enforce their mental derangements on others led to the partial extermination of the Jews, and it is the ones who labeled the real monsters as real monsters that stopped it ... by with their own words, and blood, fire and steel, chastising them unto death. Some people need to be publicly called out for what they really are. Reality and personal sanity, and civil responsibility demands it. Otherwise a MAN becomes only, and merely an ugly bag of dangerous, poisoned water. The only thing evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing, and become nothing by adopting a "calling people animals is sinful" insane philosophy, that only works in a frozen Snowflake world of bogus thought. .... when those people are even described in the Bible as animals .... by God... and God himself call them to Justice, and will chastise them unto death.
  17. This is a "boilerplate" prospectus in my opinion is designed to separate you from your money. I looked at the "waiting families" section of the link posted and there are quite a few homosexual couples waiting to adopt YOUR baby. Also, if you are a prospective adoptive parent or couple, you will be expected to pay for pregnancy costs and maintenance and other agency fees. A LOT of them ! Sometimes this can run $15,000 TO $40,000. Make sure you do your homework ... double check EVERYTHING, and assume until PROVEN otherwise, it is all a scam to separate you from your money. Then, if you still want to do it ... do it..... BUT FIRST ... see all 14 "Adoption Scam" videos on Youtube.
  18. It's like giving an extra ampoule of morphine to a soldier gut shot. Getting "HIGH" is not his most pressing problem.
  19. Think of it ... how exciting would it be when EVERYONE at the bowling ally plays a 300 perfect game ! Makes you want to go down to the cemetery and welcome resurrected ones with a rousing game of WHACK-A-MOLE!
  20. What you have just provided as irrefutable evidence, is called "evolution". External conditions changing reproducible genes in future generations.
  21. I suspect more information will come out over time ........ perhaps the news articles were inaccurate, incomplete, or something else unknowable..... for now.
  22. Well, here it is May 15, 2018. ... eight months later and more. Has anyone seen any update of the success or failure of the massive relief effort?
  23. In my tool room I have perhaps 50 different types, styles and sizes of screwdrivers, and pliers of every description, and hatchets and hammers, saws, etc, that fill up a room the size of a single car garage. Each tool is perfect for it's intended use. I shall NOT be disappointed if in the unlikely event I make it into the New System, that my nipples do not become fully functional. ...although I DO appreciate ... oh .... um .... never mind.
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