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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. A "mass killing" is considered by the American FBI to be at least 4 people, not counting the murderer, killed at the same time. It seems clear from this article that the murderer's concept, whoever it really was .... of a "loving provision" ..... is what sane, reality based people would call clueless cruelty, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5725071/Margaret-River-massacre-Jehovahs-Witness-father-speaks-children-going-new-system.html
  2. Of course permanent results can only be achieved by God's Kingdom .... but we have experienced ALREADY what historians have been calling "The Long Peace"... a 70 year period of relative peace such as the world has never, ever known before. Wars have been local and small, compared to WWII which killed perhaps a hundred million and more people through combat and related deprivation and hardship. Appreciate and recognize WHAT YOU HAVE ... and don't disparage the ACTUAL relative peace and security we have now ... such has never before been seen since the development of nation States. What we have now was bought with mountains of bodies, and oceans of blood, with fire and steel, so that half the world is not slaves speaking Japanese .... and half the world is not slaves speaking German.
  3. It has a certain ... um... a peel. If there's something strange in your neighborhood Who you gonna call? Snakecatchers! If there's something weird and it don't look good Who you gonna call? Snakecatchers! I ain't afraid of no snakes I ain't afraid of no snakes If slithering things running through your rooms Who can you call? Snakecatchers! A big reptile sleeping in your bed Who you gonna call? Snakecatchers! I ain't afraid of no snakes I ain't afraid of no snakes If you're all alone, pick up the phone Who you gonna call? Snakecatchers! If you're All alone, pick up the phone And call (Who?) Snakecatchers! I ain't afraid of no snakes I hear that they scares the girls I ain't afraid of no snakes Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah If you've had a date with a freaky snake You'd better call Snakecatchers! When it comes through your door Unless you just want some more I think you better call You better pick up that phone Snakecatchers! I ain't afraid of no snakes Snakecatchers! I ain't afraid of no snakes.
  4. A snake that large is probably a constrictor. I would get a 10 liter soup pot, and above it put a bag of oranges shaped like a small animal... possibly a bear cub. ...and wait for the orange juice!
  5. Considering the fact that it comes from CNN .... it means that most likely it can be completely disregarded as real fake news.
  6. ....perhaps one day I need to check on that travel trailer that has been in my driveway for 18 years.
  7. I am all for de-centralizing mental health facilities. They are proposing a total of 192 beds (12x16), evenly distributed throughout the State. Why not buy 192 small travel trailers, and park them in front of local Head Doctor's Offices? That way, as people are "cured", and new patients take their place, the travel trailers can be relocated to accommodate constantly changing needs.
  8. So now websites have to be in braille, and have Garrett Morris with a megaphone? Â
  9. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5725071/Margaret-River-massacre-Jehovahs-Witness-father-speaks-children-going-new-system.html This is what happens when you believe two separate and opposing things at the same time.. Merely a case of clueless cruelty ... being labeled and thought of as a "loving provision".
  10. If none of those systems work ... we lose services ... BUT THEY LOSE A LOT OF MONEY BY NOT BEING ABLE TO SELL THOSE SERVICES. I strongly suspect they do not want their income stream truncated ... and in the next ten years will completely fix the problem. Of course, this was before the Snowflakes took over, but the United States fought and won a Global World War on two fronts on opposite sides of the planet .......... in less than ten years.
  11. To take a light hearted song and take it perhaps with too much seriousness: Two thoughts come to mind .... perhaps it always rains on him because he has no umbrella, and he puts himself into positions to get rained on. It's like the old expression, "You cannot play with pigs, without getting muddy .....". Nothing will dampen your life and put you in the freezing cold faster than bad friends.
  12. It is more of a philosophical thing with me. Philosophically, as well as in real life, (which if your philosophy is based on reality, are the same ...), I try never to "bring a knife to a gun fight". Space Merchant made these points quite well in discussing the Holy Spirit. An essential "weapon" to have is a knowledge and understanding of the Greek language used at the time .... and to understand it correctly. As grass understands that it is meant to be eaten by cows and other animals ... grass Groks. So should we.
  13. My eldest son and his wife are in an "American Sign Language" Congregation here in North Carolina, and both of them can hear perfectly ... so the idea occurred to me .... what do Brothers and Sisters in other countries use? American sign Language? German Sign Language? French Sign Language? Russian Sign Language? American Indian Sign Language? Etc? Is it a Universal Language across verbal languages? Hmmmmmm .......
  14. Queen Esther: Silly is what we ( the guys! ) are looking for! there is a principle in searching out the truth or common sense of any matter, and it sounds very profound in Latin ... "Reducto ad Absurdum", that is, to reduce something to the absurd, to see if it still makes any sense. It also works the other way ... to extrapolate an idea to the absurd (but I do not know the Latin expression for it ...), also to see if the original idea makes any sense. I used to wear military style "dog tags" when I was younger, and the bottom two lines said " NO BLOOD OR BLOOD FRACTIONS" The idea being that anyone who was in a position to give me blood while I was unconscious, and could not resist, seeing that phrase on a MILITARY style dog tag, absolutely would NOT violate it. Even better than a medical directive ... as in a court of law, if he did, I would end up owning his house, car, and medical office ....and he would INSTANTLY think of that. They will ALWAYS open your shirt to take vital signs before giving blood, and there, in glorious stainless steel, in a format and style that they instantly respect, on a stainless steel beaded chain is a medallion that says " NO BLOOD OR BLOOD FRACTIONS" I was only PARTIALLY kidding about the next size up from the bracelet you featured would be an 8"x10" sign on a neck chain, because that bracelet is HUGE ... and LOUD (visually). Considering the PROBABILITY that you will ever need it, which is extremely low ...and the size of the thing, it screams "Give me blood", which the other Brother jokesters alluded to. Years ago I thought of tattooing an identification number on my body, in case I got blown up, so when they found my body, it could be identified ... and after a great deal of thought decided that it would be best on the soles of my feet. I never did this, but I would have NEVER considered putting it on the inside of my left forearm, in a style similar to that used in Nazi death camps. It's the same reason why Sisters getting married do not get wedding rings made from big old-style faceted glass doorknobs. However, one of those bracelets might be a VERY good idea, when checking into a hospital for routine maintenance.
  15. That is like criticizing someone for renting a car ... and not paying car rental fees after the trip is over, and the car has been returned.
  16. So ... when you call your Mafia friends in prison... be on a taxi, or bus! PROBLEM SOLVED!
  17. Uh ........ OK. Perhaps I can meet them at the Rainbow Bridge with a JW.ORG bag around my neck ... FILLED with hamburgers!
  18. It's like the old question "Do you STILL beat your wife?". It's not so much that it is the question is unfair ... it's that the question is based on a statement that is a false premise. ......... A meat cleaver makes a fine offensive weapon ... but is ineffective against an aware person with a pistol.
  19. My Father used to wear a paper bag over his head, with two eye holes ..... this is him when he was younger, when I was a baby.  Â
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