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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. The murderer with guns was stopped by good men with guns.

    The more good men with guns  ... the safer EVERYONE is.

    "NO GUN ZONES" only keep good men from having them ... and make a "safe zone" into a killing field, and a target field for murderers.

    Among sane people, an armed society is also a polite society.

    It's better to be a live sheep than a dead lion ... but it is better still to be a live lion.

    ....and safer.

  2. On 8/31/2017 at 5:42 PM, Alessandro Corona said:

    Since we don't live under the mosaic law anymore, and tattoos were not mentioned by Jesus. they are not a sin. Jesus never commented on Pork, yet we eat pork, but it was a sin in the old testament. So why is eating Pork not a sin, but getting a tattoo is? There is no scripture supporting this stance. 

    When does a tattoo become a sin? When you get one because of idolatry. When you engrave images on yourself that represent false gods, idols, etc. 

    There is a rule that I understand quite well ... and it's what I call "The Rule of Infinite Variety", which means that when you are dealing with people, you might see twenty people doing the EXACT same things .... but the REASONS  of why they are doing it are really and truly infinite.

    As one of many examples, A soldier might go to war because he believes in his country ... one might go because he did not want to go to prison ....one might go because he needed a job and couldn't find one elsewhere ... one might go to test his courage ... one might go to "legally" murder other people, or to rape and pillage .  I have known men and women who went to war because it was the only way to get a college education, and they were willing to risk their lives to become educated.

    Infinite variety  You could fill several pages with different reasons for any one example of anything common or uncommon to the affairs of humans.

    Understanding this is why I STRONGLY disagree with the following statement.

    17 minutes ago, iiuva said:

    anytime an image is carved permanently on the skin..it's because they are in worship with it...they will deny it...but the fact remains as such...people who don't worship anything other than God..do not tatoo their skin...

    ...which is ONLY iiuva's personal opinion, based or her concept of reality..


  3. 7 hours ago, Nicole said:

    What is Transphobia and Biphobia? 

    Transphobia and Biphobia is the fear of the actual people who have adopted sexually oriented philosophies and lifestyles that are corroding common sense and rational thought, and basic sanity ..... by those who want you to accept their perversion as wholesome and upbuilding.

    For the rest of us, it's just plain common sense.

    At least that's what I get from the way they whine in the LGBTQFA sexually oriented community .....


  4. The Snowflake philosophy of giving dignity and respect to evil men who butcher, intimidate, enslave and tyrannize  others leads .... ALWAYS leads, to TO THEIR OWN severe mental problems in how the REAL world is perceived, and distorts a person's ability to think rationally.

    Plus, if they cater to current standard political correctness, it turns them over time into abject cowards after their fantasy based whining has had a few years to fester and incubate.

    12 hours ago, TheWorldNewsOrg said:

    Calling people animals is sinful. Every human being has infinite dignity. Moreover, this is the same kind of language that led to the extermination of Jews (“vermin”) in Germany and of Tutsi (“cockroaches”) in Rwanda. This kind of language cannot be normalized. It is a grave sin.

    Language did not lead to the extermination of the Jews ... evil men pronouncing things that are innocent as deplorable ... and having the power to enforce their mental derangements on others led to the partial extermination of the Jews, and it is the ones who labeled the real monsters as real monsters that stopped it ... by with their own words, and blood, fire and steel, chastising them unto death.

    Some people need to be publicly called out for what they really are.

    Reality and personal sanity, and civil responsibility demands it.

    Otherwise a MAN becomes only, and merely an ugly bag of dangerous, poisoned water.

    The only thing evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing, and become nothing by adopting a "calling people animals is sinful" insane philosophy, that only works in a frozen Snowflake world of bogus thought.

    .... when those people are even described in the Bible as animals .... by God... and God himself call them to Justice, and will chastise them unto death.


  5. This is a "boilerplate" prospectus in my opinion is designed to separate you from your money.

    I looked at the "waiting families" section of the link posted and there are quite a few homosexual couples waiting to adopt YOUR baby.

    Also, if you are a prospective adoptive parent or couple, you will be expected to pay for pregnancy costs and maintenance and other agency fees. 

    A LOT of them !

    Sometimes this can run $15,000 TO $40,000.

    Make sure you do your homework ... double check EVERYTHING, and assume until PROVEN otherwise, it is all a scam to separate you from your money.

    Then, if you still want to do it ... do it..... BUT FIRST ... see all 14 "Adoption Scam" videos on Youtube.

  6. 4 hours ago, Nicole said:

    Studies also indicate that exercise, like other aspects of lifestyle, can alter how genes work — whether and when they get turned on or off, for instance — and those changes can get passed on to children. This process is known as epigenetics.

    What you have just provided as irrefutable evidence, is called "evolution".

    External conditions changing reproducible genes in future generations.


  7. In my tool room I have perhaps 50 different types, styles and sizes of screwdrivers, and pliers of every description, and hatchets and hammers, saws, etc, that fill up a room the size of a single car garage.

    Each tool is perfect for it's intended use.

    I shall NOT be disappointed if in the unlikely event I make it into the New System, that my nipples do not become fully functional.

    ...although I DO appreciate ... oh .... um ....  never mind.

  8. A "mass killing" is considered by the American FBI to be at least 4 people, not counting the murderer, killed at the same time.

    It seems clear from this article that the murderer's concept, whoever it really was ....  of a "loving provision"  ..... is what sane, reality based  people would call clueless cruelty,



  9. Of course permanent results can only be achieved by God's Kingdom .... but we have experienced ALREADY what historians have been calling "The Long Peace"... a 70 year period of relative peace such as the world has never, ever known before.

    Wars have been local and small, compared to WWII which killed perhaps a hundred million and more people through combat and related deprivation and hardship.

    Appreciate and recognize WHAT YOU HAVE ... and don't disparage the ACTUAL relative peace and security we have now ... such has never before been seen since the development of nation States.

    What we have now was bought with mountains of bodies, and oceans of blood, with fire and steel, so that half the world is not slaves  speaking Japanese .... and half the world is not slaves speaking German.

  10. It has a certain ... um... a peel.

    If there's something strange in your neighborhood
    Who you gonna call?
    If there's something weird and it don't look good
    Who you gonna call?

    I ain't afraid of no snakes
    I ain't afraid of no snakes
    If slithering things running through your rooms
    Who can you call?
    A big reptile sleeping in your bed
    Who you gonna call?

    I ain't afraid of no snakes
    I ain't afraid of no snakes

    If you're all alone, pick up the phone
    Who you gonna call?

    If you're All alone, pick up the phone
    And call (Who?)

    I ain't afraid of no snakes
    I hear that they scares the girls
    I ain't afraid of no snakes
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    If you've had a date with a freaky snake
    You'd better call

    When it comes through your door
    Unless you just want some more
    I think you better call
    You better pick up that phone

    I ain't afraid of no snakes
    I ain't afraid of no snakes.

    The Rook fights serpent   570  jpg.jpg

  11. A snake that large is probably a constrictor.

    I would get a 10 liter soup pot, and above it put a bag of oranges shaped like a small animal... possibly a bear cub.

    ...and wait for the orange juice!

  12. I am all for de-centralizing mental health facilities.

    They are proposing a total of 192 beds (12x16), evenly distributed throughout the State.

    Why not buy 192 small travel trailers, and park them in front of local Head Doctor's Offices?

    That way, as people are  "cured", and new patients take their place, the travel trailers can be relocated to accommodate constantly changing needs.


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