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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. If they had plugged the microwave in, and set it for 15 minutes, his head would have popped right out !
  2. I find an up front explanation works better ... " .... cut 'em off at the pass ...", as the cowboys used to say. I personally think weasel words are only appropriate if you are a weasel.
  3. What a GREAT idea! I could use one of those around my neck when I eat out in a restaurant to catch food that misses my mouth. If I get two more, and cut holes in the bottom, I can wear them on my arms in case some food misses the neck bag !
  4. It was work to gather enough information to assume that BT stands for British Telecom ... it is not mentioned anywhere, and that is only an assumption ... it COULD mean "Biggly Tiggly", unless you already know..
  5. Sometimes you get the Bear ...sometimes the Bear gets you. To avoid that .... stay out of the Bear Cages. ... .....
  6. I myself prefer a fine Manischewitz double thick, extra sugary blackberry wine, chilled to 36 degrees Fahrenheit ... that gurgles and plops from the bottle like a fine jello, served in a bright red automotive funnel with a small finger stuck in the bottom. When you twist open the aluminum bottle cap and smell the wonderful aroma of blueberry concentrate, you know you are in for some fine drinking! Wonderful after a long hot day of crushing melancholia and depression, and you KNOW, that after the bottle is finished ... the taste will stay with you after several days of brushing your teeth, after you wake up in the morning, on the carpet, next to a pile of half-digested purple spaghetti. You cannot be more spiritually prepared than stocking up with gallons and gallons of fine Jewish Kosher Wine, blessed by actual Rabbis, one bottle at a time. Â
  7. I remember years ago Liberace was on the TONITE SHOW, with Johnny Carson, and he was dressed in what appeared to be a diamond covered white evening jacket, and sitting next to Johnny, was asked "Um, that is some outfit ... how much does something like that cost ... about $4,000 ?" Liberace replied "Oh no Johnny ... it costs more that that to get it cleaned!".
  8. The China Locusts did not DESTROY the food ... they just converted it to strong, vitamin enriched locust bodies, 12 ways. If you could get used to the idea of eating Locusts, like termites, they are FULL of high quality protein, and while everyone else is starving, you could be waddling around in your satiated fatness. .... of course, John the Baptist ate Locusts and Honey ... perhaps from a lack of good locust recipes without honey. Fortunately, a pile of locusts set on fire can be used as fuel to cook other locusts ... If you cook them crunchy, you do not have to deal with brushing that sticky green slime off of your teeth.
  9. This is a phenomenon that ALWAYS occurs when any large group of people are governed from a "Central Control" ... whether it be secular or theological. The people who see themselves as wise and competent BECAUSE they have achieved power to direct people's lives ... with the highest ideals and purest of motives ... and having checkbooks with many zeros before the decimal point in their back pockets, and their front pockets filled with righteous incompetence bereft of understanding .... cause massive irreparable damage. This is the way it has always been with the affairs of men,. To paraphrase an old saying " A Board of Directors ( or a congress, politburo, or Governing Body ...) is an alien life form with at least sixteen legs ... and no brain.". There is a word for this ! Normal. In the case of China, there was a whole generation whose descendants today were told stories of the mass starvation of billions of people, and having to mix dirt with water to eat, so it is a lasting cultural memory to this day.
  10. Will Childbirth Still Be Painful in the New System? I cannot see any reason why? After all, I can walk around with a Soccer Ball in my mouth. Perhaps when we are "perfect", we can teleport the baby to the outside world with mind control ! Yeah... THAT'S THE TICKET!
  11. I downloaded the PDF file, and read it ... who is the agreement between? It looks like a policy statement ... not an agreement of any sort ...on-line or otherwise. It appears to be what is called in the corporate world a "Mission Statement". A unilateral statement OF POLICY AND GOOD INTENTIONS .... IS NOT AN AGREEMENT. I cannot see where anybody is agreeing with anything. ARE ANY OF US TALKING ABOUT THE SAME SUBJECT?
  12. Chaplains have the un-enviable contract obligation, by virtue of their oath of office, to provide pastoral services as other Chaplains would do, if not available for some reason. That means that a Catholic Chaplain ( as an example ...) MUST, when called upon to do so, provide Jewish, Muslim, Methodist, Baptist, Unitarian, Seventh Day Adventist, and many other religious services and activities, etc. The same is true for other religious confessions. A Muslim or Buddhist Chaplain may be called upon to give Catholic services or Sharia Law based counseling, or Trinity based sermons to a Baptist audience. In the vernacular ... these "Sky Pilots" must be "Switch Hitters", and compromise their theology for the National Interests. This makes allegiance to the True God a farce .... a paid hobby .... and a deeply established and approved cultural fantasy. And it does quite blatantly make the point by actual, real life example.
  13. Just as Jesus, Joseph and Mary knew when they fled to Egypt, and David knew when the Nation he served was trying to kill him, and he fled to the Philistines for awhile, feigning insanity .... when people come with rifles and bayonets for you and yours ... the simplest way to cancel out their power over you ... is simply be somewhere else. The Jews in Poland as a general rule tried to hold onto all their families had accumulated over 600 or so years, and the Nazis rounded them up, and turned them into small mountains of cremation ash.
  14. I found this totally incomprehensible as to what the writer MIGHT be trying to say. I thought I would find an ACTUAL internal online agreement. Between who, and who? Who wrote the "agreement" What are the terms of the "agreement" When and where can the "agreement" be found? Did I miss something? And whats with "... mental health is never discouraged"? What? Were we accused of encouraging insanity? It appears as disjointed sentence fragments that have no overall meaning. ..and who is Brother, Jose Antonio Gutierrez Garcia , and where did this supposition of an on-line agreement come from?
  15. I have flown on South American airlines (Faucett and others), that instead of having small bottles of liquor about the size of a man's thumb, passed around a Fifth of liquor and everybody took a swig, wiped the bottle opening (... or not ...) and passed it to the next person. I thought about that, and concluded that a big dose of someone else's germs, and a big dose of alcohol sorta cancelled each other out ... AND turned my perpetual frown upside down.
  16. Not unless it is the Phantom, "The Ghost who Walks", by Lee Falk. I would pay to see that !
  17. Actually, it never occurred to me to make any association between the deaf and the insane. Even a Barbarian such as myself knows better than that! ACTUALLY ... I was trying to make an association to those people who ACCOMODATE the insane rulings of courts, with state of the art technology for the occasional deaf person ... when a bound script would fulfill the requirements of the courts. I have my own handicaps, which are legion, and having been blind twice in my life, and it never even occurred to me to ask for any kind of accommodation at all ... it was MY responsibility to cope ... or do without. Why? BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE"S life gets taxed for it. I remember the prayer: "Oh gracious God ... please save me from those with good intentions!". At work I had two 26" monitors at my computer station, and I figured out how to make one of them show whatever was at the cursor at the other screen huge, and even then it was a problem that slowed me down dramatically. I used to drive two hours to work every day from Charlotte to Greenville, SC in the dark, following pale pink orbs on the Interstate that were to others, sharp red car tail lights, and had a timer on my front seat so I would know when to get off the Interstate, as I could not see the signs or the road ... and HOPED that another car would go up the exit ramp before me so I could follow the pink fog. I drove by memory, and desperation. Where do we stop? Having someone off to the side of the stage using American Sign Language to accommodate the deaf people in the audience? Should we put wrist, ankle and waistband lead weights on ballerinas, because I have neither the grace, talent or strength to do what they do? Things that are NOT equal is reality ... sorry about that. Should I have someone else pay to have my legs shortened so that I can fly certain aircraft? Should I INSIST that aircraft manufacturers design their cockpits to accommodate my overly large frame? It is SO UNFAIR that I am too tall and as big as a refrigerator. BOO frigging HOO ! I guess I will just have to do without! Should I have liposuction and breast augmentation (.... as much as ballerinas have...) at others' expense, so I can compete with with them? That would, in my opinion, be tutu much!
  18. ..... and keep their driver's licenses as collateral, to insure that you get your script back. Let them keep the thumb as a souvenir. They can use it to poke out an eye.
  19. I wonder what kind of accommodations theatrical performances must provide to the stupid and insane? I remember back in the 60's, I became the world's greatest surfer, with absolutely no talent or natural ability. I had cards printed up. With that in mind .... just hand the complainers a copy of the script, and a big plastic thumb, so they will not lose their place ....
  20. It is a known fact, that when you die ... the Universe ceases to exist. This can be proven by the fact that it is so hard to get accurate reports back from dead people. When I used to surfboard, I would get to the beach ... a 2 hour drive, before dawn to see the sunlight blues absorbed by the water, and the reds reflected to the underside of the clouds as in your photo. This is why I liked a cloudy day at the beach, when there were no clouds over the ocean at the horizon, at dawn. Worth the trip.
  21. It reminds me of the James Bond movie "Goldfinger" ..... how to increase the value of someone's gold !
  22. WOW! Thank you Space Merchant for the best explanation and irrefutable proof I have ever read ! It's like at the end of the first Muppet Movie ..... it said it ALL. .... and at the end of it, realizing that the audience was still there in the theater, reading the credits as they rolled by ... "Animal" (the Muppet, breaks the 4th wall, looks directly at the audience, and says .... GO HOME! GO HOME! Â
  23. Winnie the Pooh: I'm just a little black rain cloud Hovering under the honey tree I'm only a little black rain cloud Pay no attention to little me Pooh and Christopher Robin: Everyone knows that a rain cloud Never eats honey, no, not a nip Winnie the Pooh: I'm just floating around over the ground Wondering where I will drip. I'm not a hungry old Pooh bear I'm just a little black honey cloud And no one knows better than me bees Stealing your honey is not allowed Pooh and Christopher Robin: You know a hungry old Pooh cloud Never gets hungry, no not all Winnie the Pooh: I'm just floating around over the ground Wondering where I will fall
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