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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. When I was younger my head got that large, and was so heavy that as I walked along in Service, I dragged it on the ground, and could only look backwards, to see where I had been. Probably why I am almost bald today .....
  2. This is not only a complete fraud, but is a physical impossibility. I sure hope you or any of the Brothers and Sisters did NOT invest in it ... and your money is completely and totally gone forever ... and even WORSE ... have to live with the fact that ..... rats! ... there is no diplomatic way to say it. Â
  3. It is not well known that her last name is STEPFORD. ...and I did like the first "Stepford Wives" movie a LOT better than the remake.
  4. If we could get Sophia into a plus-sized pant's suit, and get her to cackle like a chicken .... she could run for President!
  5. AllenSmith: I can ALWAYS count on you to avoid discussing any issue of real relevance ... but instead running around on a stage in a three piece suit with your hair on fire, yelling "Heretic! Heretic! HERETIC!. have a nice day!
  6. If a Brother or Sister in good standing in the Congregation goes into the hospital, and agrees to a whole blood transfusion, and dies anyway, can they be disfellowshipped post mortem, and what about the funeral arrangements? ( I have heard of this being done, but never explained....) Can they have a funeral at the Kingdom Hall? Let's say a Brother or Sister in good standing in the Congregation goes berserk, and commits some crime, and either dies by misadventure, or gets shot by police .... Can they have a funeral at the Kingdom Hall? Considering such questions is like a submarine on the surface, at night, in the fog .... firing torpedoes randomly into the darkness, to see what lights up. .... sometimes survival depends on having the right answer about "What is out there?".
  7. AllenSmith: You are confusing faith in the Almighty God, with gullibility drooling over the opinions of people neither inspired of God, nor infallible ... and even though they were forced by outside sources to admit it ... I give them credit that they did admit it .... even if it was almost hidden in the February 2017 Watchtower, as a synopsis of a hundred years of goofiness, pretending to be the Guardians of Doctrine, that they themselves made up out of thin air for their own profit and aggrandizement...
  8. AllenSmith: On the first sentence of your reply, you are entirely correct. Many, many times I have explained here on the Archive that I do not claim to be anything but a Barbarian interested in fairness, Justice, and equity. We all fail God, so I have a LOT of company. On the second sentence of your reply, you are flat wrong, wrong, wrong. On the third sentence of your reply, thank you for the unknowing complement, even though you are the one "playing with words" ... the fact that someone who would be PERFECT as a Pharisee or a JW.ORG Lawyer condemning me is a significant badge of honor. In the fourth sentence you rail against immorality in general, and me in particular .... but like the Klingon Language version of the Bible .... and the Pharisees of old, and the WTB&TS Lawyers, there is no real concept of mercy, only "playing with words".
  9. Often ... it's simply a matter of matching any credibility gaps ... with gullibility fills. Soon ... perhaps too soon ... we will ALL know.
  10. To support the concept of a triune god, and the Holy Spirit being a person ... I once cut a worm into three parts ... that he might have friends.
  11. If you have a RONCO Bass-O-Matic dinner is SO EASY ... Â
  12. The above quotes from David Splane, reiterated by Witness show that the younger AND older members of the Governing Body are proudly progressive.... enough to call it to our special attention so we do not miss it and are encouraged that even THEY are becoming more and more, and in fact ARE more and more politically correct, and "with it". Being conservative or "progressive" has strong political overtones, and with all of humanity outside of Jehovah's Witnesses, "progressivism" is causing the collapsing of civilization by people who melt at the slightest pressure or mental stimulation they don't see ...and having conversations with them is like trying to walk on egg-shells without crunching them. I see no difference inside Jehovah's Witnesses.
  13. And I did not "sign up" to be a witness for the Watchtower, and have never even pretended to do so. I seriously doubt anyone who has ever met me would consider me "Brother Watchtower" ....
  14. What a GREAT idea ! Especially when trees are a crop that is intended to be harvested at a later date. But the fact is, due to the ability to sometimes control and extinguish raging wildfires ... there is more woodland in the United States NOW, than when the Colonists first settled America.. It used to be that fires would burn across states until there was no more fuel left. Now, thousands of people on the ground and in the air, work to stop those fires. Just this afternoon I was thinking of planting giant redwood trees in my back yard, here in North Carolina, matching as closely as I could soil and environmental considerations. It's not so much planting trees ..... but planting the RIGHT KIND of trees.
  15. Because, Tom, this is harmless repartee', and cheap entertainment .... and it is incredibly funny when AllenSmith says "And you just proved how incorherent you and people like you such as "WITNESS" are " ... and he spells incoherent wrong in chastising others for being in his opinion, incoherent. Now THAT'S entertainment!
  16. Well .... everyone has a different sense of humor .... I was raised on MAD Magazine, so I appreciate biting satire, hard irony, and dumb visual jokes ... but most people do not ... and then again, people visualize things differently, depending on their background, experiences, and general education ... so the perspective of what actually IS satire and irony, and visual jokes is dramatically different between people. To get the incredibly funny comment by Carl Childers "Get it?" ... you have to have seen the movie "Sling Blade", as a classic example. This is true across languages, and cultures. Sharon Washington and Queen Ester DID think it was funny, and as Meat Loaf sang... "Two out of three ain't bad!".
  17. Seldom do I see someone who has just been through a disaster ... getting his butt bit COMPLETELY off .... then shoot himself in both feet with the statement .... "And you just proved how incorherent you and people like you such as "WITNESS" are ...". The irony of this is PRECIOUS, and very, very funny! Never type with teeth you bought off of Ebay!
  18. "Has anyone heard about "Anonymous (group)"?" I was VERY tempted to reply ... "Who?"
  19. John the Baptist's "private trial" resulted in an innocent man being beheaded. Bill Cosby's public trial resulted in a guilty man being convicted. AllenSmith ... you have just unknowingly proved all my points! You ran the risk of using real life examples, and it bit your butt off!
  20. Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice Doggy!", while you look for a big rock.
  21. A 32 year old Bethelite at Warwick, NY was walking along a sidewalk at Bethel, going to the cafeteria for the evening meal, and as he walked along, was in deep prayer to Jehovah God. He said, "Jehovah, you have promised to give me the desires of my heart. That's what I am asking you for right now. Please give me a confirmation that you will reward my faith and service to you.” Suddenly the sky clouded up over his head and God in a booming voice spoke to him. "I have searched your heart and determined it to be pure. The last time I granted someone the desires of his heart request .... it was to my servant Solomon.” “ He didn't disappoint me with his request for wisdom.” “ I think I can trust that you won't disappoint me either. Because you have been faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you the desires of your heart." The Brother sat and thought about it for a while and said, "I've always wanted to have a deep understanding of the Bible, and I have really tried, but I have forsaken a good education, and taken a vow of poverty and cannot afford a car or the classes I need to become an Engineer when my service here at Bethel is up …. could you help me afford a car, and a stipend so I can go to school, and learn to provide for myself and my future family as I get old?" The Lord laughed and said, "That's impossible! Think of the logistics of that! I would have to start creating again to make you a car, and money to use, and get you into a college without any background that would make sense for what you would be learning!” “ … Your request is very materialistic, a little disappointing. I could do it, but it's hard for me to justify your craving for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of another request …. a request you think would honor and glorify Me as well." The Brother thought about it for a long while and tried to think of a really good request. Finally, he said, “Oh God, please hear my request. I was Baptized when I was eight years old, and paid attention all my life, taking notes, reading the Bible, and meditation … but I just cannot understand the “Overlapping Generations” thing. I can’t see how Jesus or the Apostles or any disciples in the Early Church ever understood that, when Jesus was speaking. Can you help me to understand the “Overlapping Generations” Doctrine?” “I want to know what all the other Brothers and Sisters know, what they feel inside and what they're thinking ...I want to know how to be as truly happy as they are, knowing these deep things about You ....That's the wish that I want, Jehovah … my hearts desire." … after a few minutes, God said, "How about a Corvette and a full scholarship to Stanford University?"
  22. That is sort of like the moral question of "Is it moral to steal money from a drug dealer found dead in the woods?" I have mixed emotions about what "Anonymous" does.
  23. If the goal is to imitate the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, we are well on our way. Already we are baptizing children as young as 8 years old... and the exemplar, Jesus Christ was not baptized until he was 33 years old. Trials and inquires in ancient Israel were in the City Gates, where all could see, hear, and make comments ... completely open and above board ... complete transparency of the institution of Justice, and the administrators of Justice. It served God's people well for many thousands of years. What we have now only serves the best interests of the Corporation.
  24. Thank you Space Merchant for doing the "heavy lifting" for me ... AND EVERYBODY ELSE ! I have in recent years lost the patience and discipline, and motivation to do it, but still appreciate the TRUTH, expertly proved. By the way, as a Space Merchant, any idea where I could buy six metric tons of the powdered orange flavored drink mix TANG ? ( ...arcane joke from the 60's NASA Space Program ... but I like it overly much ...)
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