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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. The problem is ..... the people who THINK they know the right answers .... and keep everything they do hidden in back rooms under a veil of secrecy .... DON'T. That's why their proceedings MUST be kept secret. So they will not be exposed as self-serving, self-aggrandizing frauds. This applies to EVERYBODY, inside and outside of Jehovah's Witnesses.
  2. Actually, I studied this a LONG time ago, but didn't care much... King James of England (..who had the power of arbitrary life and death...) guided the translators, and it was assumed the King knew everything (by those who never saw him drunk ...), so when the translators came up to him they asked all kinds of questions .... and he replied giving them "New Light" ( Remember... at his coronation he was said to be chosen by God to rule England...), about spirits, ghosts, demons, the divine right of kings, and other political subjects, and they asked him what a particular word meant ... and what was really a kind of water buffalo or something like that (I forget...) King James advised the translators , in his "divinely inspired wisdom" that the word in question was "Unicorn". I am a Barbarian with a chain-saw theology, but JW Insider can probably give you a better answer, as his theology is "scalpel based". Where the rubber meets the road is the fact that in the English KJV, the Unicorn shows up NINE TIMES. That is why when you read ANY Bible ... you have to test everything to see if it makes common sense ... because Bible Translation is an ART. It is NOT an exact science, especially when translating idiomatic expressions from one language to another, as different languages have completely different patterns of ideas, and ways of expressing things. Translation is an ART ... and being good at it is a very rare skill in a world full of pretenders who THINK they know how to do it well ... and get paid very well to do it very poorly. If you already BELIEVE the "Holy Ghost" is a person, or God is a Trinity ... when you read to translate ... THAT IS WHAT YOU WILL SEE. THIS IS HOW GREAT ERROR BECOMES THE NORM FOR ALL SUBSEQUENT READERS. You MUST base your theology on plain old every day common sense, using what you know is actually real for patterns and examples ... not playing with millions of words. .
  3. A 32 year old Bethelite at Warwick, NY was walking along a sidewalk at Bethel, going to the cafeteria for the evening meal, and as he walked along, was in deep prayer to Jehovah God. He said, "Jehovah, you have promised to give me the desires of my heart. That's what I am asking you for right now. Please give me a confirmation that you will reward my faith and service to you.” Suddenly the sky clouded up over his head and God in a booming voice spoke to him. "I have searched your heart and determined it to be pure. The last time I granted someone the desires of his heart request .... it was to my servant Solomon.” “ He didn't disappoint me with his request for wisdom.” “ I think I can trust that you won't disappoint me either. Because you have been faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you the desires of your heart." The Brother sat and thought about it for a while and said, "I've always wanted to have a deep understanding of the Bible, and I have really tried, but I have forsaken a good education, and taken a vow of poverty and cannot afford a car or the classes I need to become an Engineer when my service here at Bethel is up …. could you help me afford a car, and a stipend so I can go to school, and learn to provide for myself and my future family as I get old?" The Lord laughed and said, "That's impossible! Think of the logistics of that! I would have to start creating again to make you a car, and money to use, and get you into a college without any background that would make sense for what you would be learning!” “ … Your request is very materialistic, a little disappointing. I could do it, but it's hard for me to justify your craving for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of another request …. a request you think would honor and glorify Me as well." The Brother thought about it for a long while and tried to think of a really good request. Finally, he said, “Oh God, please hear my request. I was Baptized when I was eight years old, and paid attention all my life, taking notes, reading the Bible, and meditation … but I just cannot understand the “Overlapping Generations” thing. I can’t see how Jesus or the Apostles or any disciples in the Early Church ever understood that, when Jesus was speaking. Can you help me to understand the “Overlapping Generations” Doctrine?” “I want to know what all the other Brothers and Sisters know, what they feel inside and what they're thinking ...I want to know how to be as truly happy as they are, knowing these deep things about You ....That's the wish that I want, Jehovah … my hearts desire." … after a few minutes, God said, "How about a Corvette and a full scholarship to Stanford University?"
  4. FSB starts detaining Jehovah’s Witnesses on Kola, dozens flee to Finland Criminal cases are initiated after FSB and Rosgvardia raided six addresses in the closed navy town of Polyarny. By Thomas Nilsen - The Independent Barents Observer April 20, 2018 Last April, a ruling by Russia’s Supreme Court banned all Jehovah’s Witnesses organizations throughout the country, arguing the religious group to be extremist. On Friday, Murmansk regional authorities’ newspaper Murmanski Vestnik reports about raids made by FSB and the National Guard of Russia (Rosgvardia) in Polyarny on the Kola Peninsula. Two local residents were detained under suspicions of being members of the administrative centre of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia, organizing teaching and meetings where reading of banned religious literature took place. Searches were carried out at six addresses in Polyarny. The town is home to a naval yard and several of the diesel-powered submarines and other warships of the Northern Fleet have Polyarny as homeport. The extremist law banning Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia provides for a maximum sentences of 6 to 10 years in jail. Meanwhile, a wave of practicing Jehovah’s Witnesses are fleeing Russia. More than a thousand people are now seeking asylum in several European countries, including Finland, the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat reported earlier this winter. It all started last summer, and that’s when the first Witnesses sought asylum in Finland, spokesperson Veikko Leininen with the organization’s Finnish branch told the newspaper. Many dozens at least are still to come, he said. Press adviser Therese Bergwitz-Larsen with the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) can’t go into details about particular reasons for asylum seekers coming to Norway. Unfortunately, we can’t say anything in general on the background for reasons to apply for asylum, since the number [from Russia] is so small, Bergwitz-Larsen tells the Barents Observer. Statistics from UDI show that 15 persons came from Russia the first three months this year. In 2017, 58 Russian asylum seekers came to Norway. In Russia, the number of Jehovah’s Witnesses are estimated to about 175,000. That be, before the organization was declared extremist. Viewed with skepticism for denying military service, voting and refusal to take blood, the members are seen as both a threat to themselves, their children and public safety. Also during Soviet times, the Witnesses were persecuted. Human Right Watch recently called on Russian authorities to drop charges against Danish citizen Dennis Christensen adherent for practicing his faith. Christensen has been in pretrial custody for 11 months in the town of Orel. Human Right Watch argues that Russia is a member of Council of Europe and a party to the European Convention on Human Rights, and therefore is obligated to protect the rights to freedom of religion and association. My note: Russia passed a law in 2015 that basically stated that any CE or ECHR resolution or ruling they disagreed with could be ignored. I think it is a very good idea when governments start rounding up people for gas chambers, concentration or slave labor camps, or prison ... just be somewhere else. You may have to abandon everything you and your family ever worked for, with the clothes on your back, but at least when they upholster the living room furniture you left behind ... it won't be with YOUR SKIN.
  5. ... and AllenSmith ..... since you think of yourself as a man of unparalleled courage, perhaps you can take on the Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper article at this link. You may want to copy and past the entire article into a WORD document, as I did, as after awhile they are replaced with more current news. Hmmmm... the thought just occurred to me ... you may want to copy, then paste the entire article here, then in a different color perhaps, refute it point by point. This will show everybody how smart you are, and what a fool I am. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/jehovahs-witnesses-sexual-abuse-children-beliefs-rules.html
  6. There is absolutely nothing I can do to help you, AllenSmith ..... you are living in a constructed world of fantasy and delusion ... and the fact that you CLAIM to fear nothing and no one proves this .... as a man without fear cannot have any valor overcoming that fear, or long survive with his mental faculties intact.
  7. I am merely a fellow human being, trying to understand you ... in an arena where forthrightness in dialog and conversation .... is normal.
  8. I will take the fact that you once again avoided a simple YES or NO question, as solid proof of your malicious nature and intent ... defending the indefensible for fear of losing your "position", whatever that might be.
  9. AllenSmith: Every thing you have ever said, and the syntax you used to say it, and your entire distorted perspective on life, and the way you think, and perceive what Justice is, makes me give great credence to the supposition that you are one of the WTB&TS's Lawyers. I have asked you before if you were a Lawyer working for the "Company", and you got uppity, as if it was an insult, and refused to answer. Considering the consequences of lying are so great, I would be heavily inclined to believe you at face value if you answered NO .... but the fact that you REFUSED to answer such a simple and straight forward question spoke volumes to me, about a LOT of things. I ask you once again .... are you a Lawyer working for or representing the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, or any of its corporate manifestations. A simple YES, or NO will be taken by me at face value.
  10. Sometimes, when Tractor Trailers become self aware, they congregate spontaneously under highway overpasses for a mating ritual.
  11. It is the same with clams ... one of the most intelligent forms of life in the Universe for their size .... but it is hard to tell, when you have no face, arms or legs.
  12. You are wrong, AllenSmith ... the WTB&TS has numerous times in court cases claimed Penitent/Clergy privilege, in California., and when it is to their perceived advantage, both claim they ARE "ministers", and claim they a NOT ministers, They have also thrown Ministerial Servants "under the bus" by saying they have no position in the Congregation ... they are just someone who cleans up and empties the trash.. With my sense of humor, I find it funny to see combatants in "theocratic warfare" try to gain the legal advantage by shooting themselves in first one foot, then the other ... and hope the Judges and Juries will not notice. The sad and despicable pathos is so pervasive, to survive with sanity, a good sense of humor is needed.
  13. On my left shoulder is a scar from the Smallpox Vaccination I received as a young boy .... a vaccine that is not available any more, under the working theory that Smallpox has been eradicated from the Earth. In 1974, before I went to work in the Congo, I had to get vaccinations for typhus, typhoid, and the black plague, which had to be special ordered from the CDC, in Atlanta, Georgia. Inasmuch as the only Smallpox that exists anymore ( ???) is weaponized virus possessed by Nation States, and what is is the graves of those who died of Smallpox, many years ago ... I would like to get my three adult children vaccinated, to have the same protection that I have ... but it is as I understand it, not possible. Somewhere out there is a little grey mouse named Pinky, asking another little grey mouse named Brain what they are going to do tonight .... Â
  14. I very seldom down-vote anyone Allensmith ... your arguments fall apart without any help at all. Specifically, "clergy / penitent" laws are made for ONE penitent and ONE confessor .... and if the Priest or Elder or other person tells ONE OTHER PERSON, that confidence, protected by law, is no longer protected by law. With a Catholic Priest, that is ONE PERSON. With a JW Judicial Committee, that starts out with THREE persons, and expands to include Circuit Overseers, Branch Office personnel of every description, and reports are made in writing to insure that Central Control is maintained down at the congregation level. In actual practice there are no "extenuating circumstances" ... only the application of WT codified policy. It is then that JW.ORG ...... becomes JW.BORG. Resistance is futile, we have been assimilated.
  15. Over the years, I have noticed a reoccurring pattern among human communications with each other. The more words they use... the less likely they are to be valid, pertinent, or true.. This is not always true ... but that is what a thinking person should look out for, 'lest he also be hypnotized by many words, in soothing dulcet tones, as well as the more obvious animated rants.
  16. ...AND, it makes you faster! Sometimes, after drinking six or seven cups of coffee, I read the highway signs so fast I miss the Freeway exit ramp.
  17. Perhaps I am just overly tired from working out in the yard all day, but I just do not see the connection between your comment and the law firms reporting. Could you please explain how the two are supplemental to each other? Thank you.
  18. I do read my Bible, but I use common sense in doing so. The KJV mentions Unicorns 9 times, but does not mention cookie making Keebler Elves, not even once. Coincidence?
  19. A frog MIGHT avoid bumping his rump, every time he jumps, if he had wings .... but frogs do not have wings ... and neither does your supposition that what is supposed to be a three-in one "Godhead" ... two of them do have personal names, but one does not. Even each of my five dogs has a personal name... and they know (in English) what their personal names are. If your argument was sound .... and it is NOT, for so MANY reasons .... my dogs have the advantage.
  20. So ... what is the Holy Spirit's personal name? Jehovah God has a name and title .... Jehovah the Almighty God. Jesus has a name and title ... Jesus the Christ Holy Spirit is a title. What is the Holy Spirit's personal name? Casper?
  21. Justice you can only get from God .... and justice can mean complete exoneration of charges and specifications ... or chastising unto death. ...or anything in the middle. From any well-meaning humans seeking to impose justice, a protocol of professionals that is completely open, transparent, and public lends itself NATURALLY to justice, freedom, and equity. From any well-meaning humans seeking to impose justice, A protocol of amateur justice "wannabes" that is completely secret, and even speaking about it publicly can lead to punishment, lends itself NATURALLY to injustice, tyranny and unfairness. Everyone knows in any horse race, ONE horse will win ... but WHICH one ... makes all the difference.
  22. (New news ....) A MONTANA Judge Orders Jehovah’s Witnesses to Turn Over Internal Documents Related to Childhood Sexual Abuse April 12, 2018 On April 5, 2018, Judge James Manley of Sanders County, Montana ordered the Jehovah’s Witnesses religious organization to produce documents and testimony related to internal reports and investigations into the childhood sexual abuse of NPR’s two clients. In this case, the two Plaintiffs were sexually abused as children by a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Elders in the local Jehovah’s Witness congregation in Thompson Falls, Montana were aware of the abuse and failed to report it to the police, choosing instead to handle the reports and investigations internally pursuant to Jehovah’s Witness guidelines. Their decision not to report the abuse to authorities allowed the perpetrator to remain in the congregation and continue to abuse one of the Plaintiffs. Throughout this case, and similar childhood sexual abuse cases across the country, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have refused to produce documents related to their internal handling of reports of sexual abuse and related investigations and disciplinary actions claiming that the information is protected by the clergy-penitent privilege and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Through briefing to the court, NPR convinced the Judge that Defendants’ privilege claims were unsupported and improper under the law. The Court agreed that Defendants could not blanket everything related to their investigations in secrecy and that they must turn it over to the Plaintiffs. Often, this is the very evidence that can win or lose a case like this against a religious institution. The case of Nunez, et al. v. Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, et al. is set to go to trial in September of 2018. The plaintiffs in this case are represented by NPR partner D. Neil Smith and associate Ross E. Leonoudakis. ---------------------------------------------------------- A Jury of 12 held in public view ... or a tribunal of three held in complete secrecy. Which would YOU choose, to get Justice?
  23. When one is deciding on which wife to keep, and which wife to get rid of ... perhaps watching the movie with Richard Burton, and Elizabeth Taylor .... "The Taming of the Shrew" would be in order .......... jus' sayin ....
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