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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Agreed .... for how much it weighs, spider web is stronger than steel wire.    During WWII the gubberment made the Bomber targeting bomb sights cross-hairs out of spider web single strands.

    A large spider web is also good for putting in bullet holes to stop bleeding .... the clots form, and are held in place by the web material.

    I hope at the end of my life ... knowing all kinds of stuff like this ... will have been a complete waste of time.

  2.  I was the founding member of my former family.

    When my children were very little, they wanted to do "something" that was either too expensive, or dangerous ... I forget what ... and I said they could not do it.  My eldest Son sez: "Hey Dad ... don't we get a vote?"

      It would have been three against one... and I could see the "look of victory" on their faces as they realized that ....

    I replied "Yes, everybody here gets to vote, but we vote by how much you weigh ... and I weigh more than everybody else here".

    Same thing.


  3. 1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

    @James Thomas Rook Jr. You may want to get your popcorn ready sooner than you think, World War III may be a real thing because things have reached a tipping point tonight, and there is a lot of peace and security talks, a lot of talk about God and Syrian Christians siding with Assad against the US and allies, historic moment for the UK PM, the United Nations, etc.

    Since there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I can do about any of it .... absolutely NOTHING WHATSOEVER ... even if there is spasm Global Thermonuclear War that destroys EVERYTHING .... I will just miss twenty years wrinkled up like a prune, and living on aspirin, and four years in a wheelchair, leaning to one side and drooling, while the ward nurse, uglier than homemade sin,  decides if my diaper needs changing.

    What?  Me Worry ?

    I just hope the cockroaches get theirs, too.


  4. I had a GREAT deal of respect for CNN during the first Gulf War ... for their on site reporting ... they catapulted in one month to a world leader in cable news, news.

    I even BOUGHT the DVD movie of how that all took place ... fascinating and thrilling!

    But CNN has devolved, not back into the trees ... but back into the swamp where methane burps from the rotted bog down of Clintonistas, and rises to the surface stinking.

    The only reason you see CNN now in all the airports, is that they PAY the airports a fee, and supply and maintain all the huge monitors in the waiting areas.

    When you have to PAY ... to have someone watch your shows ... and you are not selling Ronco Bass-O-Matics, you know you are in deep ...eh... denial.





    Hillary helps two men .jpg

  5. 13 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Unlikely though it may seem, the Dilbert cartoonist is up on these matters and it appears that Trump has his ear.

    He doesn't seem to let his advisers push him around.

    It makes perfect sense to me that Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams would be fully up to speed on current events, and their complex nuances.

    It made perfect sense to me when I found out that comedian Robin Williams was a serious student of Quantum Physics, and QED,  as is comedian Steve Martin.

    Based on Steve Martin's recommendation, I bought the book "The Quark and the Jaguar".


  6. " Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will..."

    That would be a neat trick, considering that Cruise Missiles can zig-zag, come in from an entirely different direction from that from which they were launched, and fly at tree top level, using inertial navigation systems as well as GPS. 

    They can even be programmed to imitate Commercial Airline profiles.

    Even RU Satellite views of the battlefield would be difficult to interpret.

  7. It's probably a good idea to start a new thread if someone wants to discuss Chickens and fluoridation of water, as to the best of my knowledge and belief, Chickens do in fact drink water, but they do not, to the best of my knowledge and belief, have teeth.

  8. I really think women that large should be assigned their own postal code.

    I have seen women SO FAT ( How fat were they?) that they had lesser fat women on orbit around them.

    I once got a traffic ticket for injuring an extremely fat woman crossing the street, but was found "not guilty" in court, after I explained I did not have enough gas to go around her.

    In English, the acronym for "Circuit Overseer's Wife" ...... is COW.


  9. Apparently the student surveys reflecting as a general rule their complete satisfaction with the course, after it was completed, counted for NOTHING.

    Having tried Real Estate Myself, I keep up, and 90% of everyone who tries it fails, as did I.

    Boooo friggin' Whoooo ... and alas ... I have no one to blame .... except myself.

    Not even Hildabeast Clinton, who is guilty of EVERYTHING ....

    ... except that.

  10. AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ... headline news from the Babylon Bee Religious Newsletter ....

    In Response To Growing Number Of Fistfights, London Mayor Bans Hands

    Movement That Demands Forceful Silencing Of All Opposing Viewpoints Unsure Why Nation So Divided 

    Toddler Brandishing Play-Doh Pocketknife Apprehended By UK Police


    ‘The Bachelor: Christian Edition’ To Follow Man Through 20 Seasons Wallowing In Singles’ Ministry

    Facebook Staffers Coach Mark Zuckerberg On Humanlike Behavior Ahead Of Congressional Testimony

    Introvert Fires Off Smoke Bomb To Escape Church Greeting Time


                           Perfectly Good Bonfire Ruined By Worship Leader Who Just Happened To Have His Guitar

    Mall Shoppers Suddenly Realize They’re Actually At Megachurch

    Landscaper Accidentally Trims Church’s Hedge Of Protection

    Pastor Firing Self Out Of Cannon Suddenly Realizes He Is Going To Have To Top This Next Week



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