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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. As my wife and I are preparing to adopt five children, and knowing historically how many elders' children have abandoned the Truth, for whatever reasons there might be, common to mankind ... the thought occurred to me ... Were all of the Apostles Single?

    If any were married, how did they balance their responsibilities to their families, with the field ministry?

    If they were in the Ministry, were they supported by the congregations from the Apostles money box ... and were their families also supported as they rove about ministering about the Good News?

    If so, that would indicate a paid clergy !

    I suppose it all hinges on he first question.


  2. California is progressing well, with all those "progressives" now in control, and the State being a TRILLION dollars in debt, human waste littereing the streets, and needles everywhere. 

    I lived in Los Angeles ... Hollywood, actually, during the late 60's, and once went 90 days without food ... lost a hundred pounds, learned about Pawn shops and having 5 room mates, and sleeping on floors.

    Rather than have social workers ride the subways .......



  3. I remember just after he died, I was working in Atlanta, Georgia in a "Cube Farm" (Engineering Office), and while working, the office got deathly quiet ... and I looked up over the fabric partitions, and no one was there! 

    Everyone had mysteriously disappeared.

    I started walking around to see  what was happening, and met someone in the hallway coming my way. I asked him "Where IS everybody?  My end of the Office is empty!"

    He said "Oh, they have all taken off for a Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial, in the park ...."

    It was then I realized he was a fine excuse for a gentleman, even though he ran around on his wife and had a mistress, as was discovered many years later.

    Not being politically astute at the time, I then realized the value of the man .... went out in the sunshine, and had some hot dogs from a street vendor in the park.

    I had a dream too ... of a Kosher Polish Sausage, with sauerkraut, and all the fixin's, and a tan.

    Sometimes you can't always get what you want ... but you get what you need.


  4. I sure hope I don't get credit for some of the stuff I did when I was younger, with the very best of motives at the time ..... that screwed up peoples' lives.

    Perhaps there is a "Theocratic Statute of Limitations"?

    I hope so.

    Did you know that in the Military, there is a "Cannon Fodder Crisis?

    People are not signing up like they used to to catch bullets.


  5. 17 hours ago, TheWorldNewsOrg said:

    Paleontologists exploring Scotland’s Isle of Skye have discovered dozens of jumbo-size footprints belonging to long-necked dinosaurs that lived 170 million years ago https://t.co/B1lpHmsNww

    “ Gigantic dinosaurs frolicked and splashed some 170 million years ago in the lagoons of what is now Scotland. That’s what a team of paleontologists has determined after discovering dozens of jumbo-sized footprints belonging to long-necked sauropods on the Isle of Skye. .......  We’re actually seeing these dinosaurs interacting with each other and interacting with their environment,” he said. The team reported their findings Monday in the Scottish Journal of Geology. "

    collection complete   300.jpg

  6. AllenSmith:

    Ever heard of the concept of an "emotional bank account"?

    It goes something like this:

    You cannot just walk up to someone in a casual setting and say "Who are you?

    You might go up and say " Hi!, My name is Allen Smith, and I am from such-and-such congregation, and I am in town visiting relatives ...

    That is the deposit in the "emotional bank account".

    You now have something you can withdraw from that "emotional Bank account".

    Now, you  can ask someone's name, because they have information on you that is meaningful.

    "May I ask you name?" (That is the "withdrawal".)

    Try it sometime.

    They are not going to use that information to target North Korean missiles to your house, or send the Mafia by to kneecap you.

    I go by my real full name, and tell many tales on myself, many disparaging and personal ... No. 1, because it doesn't really matter ... I will be quite dead too soon, the Universe will not even notice, and No. 2,  sans actual missile attack, anywhere around me is a "safe space".

    This is not hand to hand combat with bayonets ... this is conversation via photons on a monitor ... NO MORE.

    We can battle to the death in the Arena of Ideas ... sigh if we win or lose ... get up from our chairs, and go have dinner.

    Lighten up.

    You will live a lot longer, and be a LOT happier.



  7. 3 hours ago, Anna said:

    @AllenSmith what were you trying to say with the Spartacus clip? Have you seen the movie?

    My guess is he is a Lawyer, working for the WTB&TS ... who would view valor and courage, and integrity as spiritually immature, as it does save money by denying Justice, and not preserve your life at any cost.

    I have asked him about that, on the last page, before, but he so far has declined to answer.

    It would be interesting to see if he will answer BOTH of your questions, and my suppositions.

  8. 2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    I don't know. The hair is similar, but the cape is different.

    The reason Superman's cape is so different from Jesus' cape is that when Jesus ascends, its fairly slowly, but when Superman takes off at hyper-sonic speeds, if he did not have the cape he has, the wind blast would rip his red "tighties" off.

    red tighties      250   .jpg

    ( But he does have a nice shave !  In the old Superman comics he had to cut his beard growth in a mirror with his X-RAY vision.

    When he looked his best, about a 150 people in the neighborhood behind Clark Kent's Apartment, at 344 Clinton Street, in Metropolis,  would get acute cancer.)

    Superman cleaning up  400    .jpg

  9. Actually Allen ... what was going on in the movie clip you posted, IN CONTEXT ... was magnificent, and is much to be admired by honest men of integrity and courage...... not spiritually immature children at all.

    The courage of men facing death.jpg

    You have never to my knowledge indicated what you do for a living ... where you work, or what you do .... may I assume from all your posts that you are somehow on the staff of the WTB&TS?

    My guess is that you are a Lawyer, working for them.

    That would explain a LOT!





    You are certainly entitled to your particular world view.

    The physical world, and the entire physical Universe "knows" what facts really are, and getting it wrong is in bad times a Universal capital crime, and it is administered without pity, or deference to a faulty world view.

    We have the luxury of living in the best time, and the best place, that has ever existed since the Garden of Eden ... and that alone cuts us all some slack.








    In response to your "confused" emoticon above, on AllenSmith's  and my post.

    Having one's "head shrunk", is an American euphemism for psychiatric sessions. A Shrink is a euphemism for a Doctor of Psychiatry.

    For a male, swimming in cold water causes the scrotum to shrink in size dramatically, and testicles to rise up unto the body to keep the sperm warm, and is optically referred to as "shrinkage", colloquially.

    ...don't get 'em mixed up.


  12. 11 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Tonite,  I just finished off my half gallon of Peach Schnapps which I have been nursing for almost two years.

    When I read your posts, it helps to be properly anesthetized.


    You may be laughing, but you have absolutely no reading COMPREHENSION skills that I can observe..

    To assist you ... think of my post of the above two lines as separate subjects ... and  THEN think of how inebriated a person can get by stretching out a half gallon of Peach Schnapps over a period of two years.

    It is obvious that you have NO sense of humor, so you may want to talk to a Shrink about that laughter


    33 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:

    Then we have something in common ROOK! You need to stay drunk, while I need a box of tissues from having to laugh so hard with your falsification of facts and failures and a vomit bag for your cartoons! Where's that Pirate Bird when you need it?

    ... and if you need a vomit bag when viewing cartoons ... we are talking about some REAL shrinkage here !

    ..... not to be confused with swimming in ice-cold water .....


  13. 39 minutes ago, Queen Esther said:

    But  be  careful  JTR.  its  strong  genetically  manipulated  in  USA,  ugh.... >:(

    I much prefer genetically manipulated plants and animals.

    A am one myself, as are my children.

    I particularly like the tomatoes they added mouse genes to, to keep the tomatoes fresher,  longer.

  14. 7 hours ago, Anna said:
    8 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Go to the JW.ORG Web Site, and under "Legal", see how much of all the legal things we have discussed here show up as honest reporting.

    Just curious, how would you, as JTR, report this on jw.org? I mean give an example of what you would actually say (no puns or jokes, seriously)

    I would first develop a "Style Book" such as any major news reporting organization has to guide reporters how to write articles.

    In the 7th Grade I learned that news should be reported as "Who, what, when, where, and how much ... and sometimes Why?"

    And it has to be first of all TRUE, then objective, and updated as developments happen.

    The News organizations today have almost universally devolved from that standard.

    Our organization pretends that non self-aggrandizing JW legal news does not exist.



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