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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Thank you JWI for your comprehensive analysis. I stand corrected. 1006 alleged abusers, and 1800 alleged victims recorded ... from the WTB&TS Society's OWN subpoenaed records. That would make TTH's estimate of JWs having 10% of the problem of the rest of the 'world", examined by the ARC somewhat high ... and it should be perhaps 2% ? Did I get that right? Your scalpel analysis is consistently better than my admitted chainsaw analysis.
  2. I seriously doubt that the Bible writers were considering 2,000 years into the future, in a world they knew NOTHING about ... and could not POSSIBLY even imagine 2% of it, when they crafted their Epistles.  As the Apostle James once said in a moment of candor, as was his custom ... " Verily I say unto thee, what we say here, and what we do here in the service of the LORD, is only what we know about, and does not necessarily include sophisticated discussions among highly intelligent adults, including Internet Blogs." - James 27:3, Ebedieah 4:6, etc. I am not a doctor, but I think you need to switch from blue pills to red pills ....  Jesus said the Scripture OF HIS TIME was inspired of God, and beneficial for teaching, reproving, and setting things straight.  It was 30 plus years after his death that what we know now as the New Testament was penned ... and the "Guardians Of The Doctrine", as Geoffrey Jackson referred to the Governing Body, admitted in the Watchtower that they are neither inspired, or infallible in interpreting Scripture. DUH! Â
  3. Since you mentioned me three times in your immediately preceding post, here is my third reply. I agree with you on THAT comment AllenSmith ... if it had not been for OUTSIDE sources ... all the secular authorities ... we would know NOTHING about all that is going on concerning this issue. Bro. Stephen Lett in a JW.ORG Video declared quite vehemently, looking straight into the camera, that all the accusations about JW Pedophile issues and cover-ups were " .. APOSTATE LIES !!" .. and this was about two months before we learned from the ARC ... an arm of the Australian Government, of 1006 perpetrators in over 5,000 instances that were hidden from the Brotherhood, in secret files in various Congregations, and in secret sealed blue envelopes sent to the Australian JW Branch Offices. In my PERSONAL experience ... have never seen or heard, even through gossip, about any JW pedophiles in over 50 years ... so I am inclined to believe ( somewhat ) TTH's claim that we do better than 90% of the "world" in that regard . As much as what IS really going on burns my butt ... I am even more concerned about the institutional cover-up via THREATS of disfellowshipping ... and ACTUAL disfellowshippings, of the Brotherhood ... Brothers and Sisters in the Congregations .... victims .... and those who wanted to go to the police, but under threat of expulsion, and actual expulsion and abandonment, did not, and were SILENCED. In over 50 years, I have repeatedly personally seen in many, many Congregations, and experienced myself, many similar unjust things. This I have PERSONALLY seen, as institutionalized policy ... in actual practice. It is our immoral capacity for institutionalized extreme CRUELTY TO EACH OTHER, in the name of righteousness ... that boils my blood. I am not discouraged by how I am treated by the "world". I can shrug that off. I am weary to my very soul of how we, to defend the indefensible, we treat each other. ... and don't even get me started about the perversion of Justice in the Delaware cases of the Society's Lawyers doing everything they can to keep lawsuits from being adjudicated, ACTIVELY perverting Justice using contributed donations .... and their similar efforts in every court case I have read about, and every court transcript I have read. Want to test this hypothesis about honesty and integrity? Go to the JW.ORG website, where legal developments in the news concerning JWs are highlighted ... and see how much honest real legal news about THIS there is. The last time I checked, it was ZERO It is NOT Theocratic Loyalty to defend the indefensible. If it had not been for OUTSIDE sources ... all the secular authorities, and others incensed by injustices ... we would know NOTHING about all that is going on concerning this issue. ...... and that's the fact, Jack.
  4. Can you advise me just HOW? Without you telling me HOW ... I do not know how to research a deleted post. ... and just what "incorrect information" from deleted posts ( !!! ) am I being ordered to research?
  5. Words are INCREDIBLY important ... most people do not see the distinction between apostasy, heresy, blasphemy, and a considered opinion. ... like building a wooden kitchen cabinet using rocks and pieces of fencing.
  6. By the way ... What you have going on between you and BR, is what is known as a "Flame War" .... if fought figuratively "to the death", is a good thing for those who watch and take notes. Sometimes it's best to surrender unconditionally. Even Imperial Japan surrendered when hit with two atomic bombs .....
  7. I have not been keeping up with the discussions you mentioned ... but I offer the observation to your comment: As far as I know, the Governing Body has NEVER been right about any prognostications they promoted .... not once ... and besides a propensity to shoot themselves in both feet, with "Pillowgate", have become an embarrassment to all reasoning people, but even more than that .... Is "Brother Rando" an apostate ACCORDING TO JEHOVAH'S STANDARDS ? ... Historically, they are only occasionally and roughly coincidentally the same.
  8. The question is ... how do they do when hooked up to a Lie Detector?
  9. I hate it when someone hammers sharpened bamboo under your kneecaps, and then pulls them off with vise-grip pliers ... Don't you? I do.
  10. That might be a good question to ask the Collective Governing Body, in a certified mail letter, return receipt requested .... and enclose a check for $20.00. I have tried things like this in the past, and not received any answer, except an acknowledgement of my "contribution", and down at the bottom in small print that the contribution was not a payment for any services rendered ... or words to that effect. The check was cashed . The questions I had were not answered. Give it a try ..... postage is about $8.00.
  11. There is absolutely NO CHANCE that money will ever be removed from politics ... EVER. Politics is war ... without the bloodshed (...although in the case of the Clintons, people have a long history of dying around them when they are "out of favor") Money is "Mother's Milk" to politics .... and the ammunition to fight the "war". With very rare exceptions, usually, the candidate with the most money, ( and sometimes the best hair ...) can buy the most votes. It's hard if not impossible to compete with Santa Claus.
  12. What ya gonna do? If the kids get killed due to Snowflakes not being able to take the heat, the Principles and School Superintendents stay after school in detention ?
  13. The future of our species has ALWAYS been in peril. Christendom in its "Holy Wars" in Europe alone in the past 1700 years killed a half-billion people. Plague, exposure, starvation and cataclysm killed more than that. It's amazing that ANYONE .... EVER ... survived until now. We are now living in the very best time there has ever been on the Planet Earth .... this time ... this place. Arts, Sciences, Food Supply, Medicine, environmental conditions globally, justice, equity, and anything else you can mention. I guess I am just a guy that "sees the glass half-full". ....at least in this time .... and in this place. I do wish we were a species of Spacefarers by now ..... and not have all the eggs in one basket, but so far ....that is just a wish.
  14. The difference between a professional and an amateur is how many zeros are on the check, before the decimal point.
  15. I have taken three of my dogs to PETSMART, a company that sells dog food, dog toys, and every kind of pet supplies ... and they also do dog grooming. (bath, haircut, flea control, etc.), and I seriously doubt they were turned into sex slaves. In this article, "grooming" is the WRONG WORD. After reading the article, it appears this cruel and base man was TORTURING these girls and beating them into submission. Words are very important. Correct words are very important. They are the tools with which we think. Otherwise ... our thinking degenerates to the lowest common denominator of our corrupted or inadequate vocabulary. .... and mothers who comb their daughter's hair before they go to school get arrested for sex crimes.
  16. Which Pill Would We Take ..... The Red Pill? .... or the Blue Pill? In the political world, more and more people are rejecting "Fake News" as provided by CNN (Clinton News Network), ABC (All 'bout Clinton) and NBC (Nothin' but Clinton), etc., and are seeking the truth about what they are being told ..... wherever it may be found. Today John Stossel had an article about this on Foxnews which is incredibly important ... not only for the political ramifications ... but every manner of philosophical thought .... and our very view of how the Universe works, and what "makes it tick". If you have seen the movie "The Matrix" .... a MUST SEE movie .... you already know the common expression "Red Pill? Blue Pill?". If you don't ... YOU SHOULD. The concept behind the expression is incredibly important ... as to whether we live in and artificial fantasy construct world ... or a world of what is actually REAL. JOHN STOSSEL: More people tuning out mainstream media, embracing 'truth' http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2018/03/27/john-stossel-why-so-many-are-taking-red-pill-and-discovering-truth-about-mainstream-media.html Oh ... and if you have not seen it .... get a copy of the movie, so you will actually get a "feel" for the depth of the now commonly understood idiomatic expression. (For those in Rio Linda, that has nothing to do with sex, it has to do with basic understanding .....) Grok?     Â
  17. It's called "extrapolational humor" ... where you take an idea and deliberately misconstrue it ... and run it out to the absurd. It works best for visual jokes ... but often times does not translate well outside of one's native language and it's idiomatic imagery. The best examples I have ever seen of this is the British comedy of Monty Python. ...which are available for rental on DVDs, or clips on YouTube. Â Â
  18. The USA could probably pawn the Panama Canal ... or the Philippine Islands, which they won as spoils of war after the Spanish American War. Oh wait ... after spending American blood and treasure ... they Gave them away ..... ... never mind.
  19. When you go to the hospital, they bring in a cart (a small table on wheels) with a LOT of electronics on it, to do Electrocardiograms (record all manner of heart activity, with squiggly lines ... on a computer monitor) and other tests. Probably the cart also has a printer so the squiggly lines of heart activity can be printed out. So technically .... and it was a joke ... well..... it was an ATTEMPTED joke ..... This satisfies the question that I can answer, with as short an answer as the question was .... um... if you consider getting a cart to be short term. ( ...with a flourish cues the drummer over in the corner with the cymbals .... and the ceiling mounted flashing APPLAUSE sign ...)
  20. Go to a hospital complaining of severe chest pains?
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