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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. About 13 years ago, I bought a "silencer" for my firearms. They are quite legal in 34 states, and shows consideration for your neighbors in neighborhoods like mine, where everyone in my corner of the subdivision shoots off of their back decks at backyard targets. and sometimes the noise gets excessive ... especially on a Sunday afternoon in summer with the windows open. You do have to fill out ATF forms, have it signed by your local Sheriff, be photographed and fingerprinted, pay a $200.00 tax for each "can", and have to wait over three months for approval, but it is great fun ... and intimidates the hell out of weak livered Snowflakes, who melt all over themselves at the thought. Humor is where you find it. I was not going to post this little personal vignette, but I ran across this photo and just HAD to ... for the Librarian.
  2. It looks like a bunch of spiders got their egg sac peed on by a radioactive newspaper photographer.
  3. Voyage 1, which was launched in 1977, is in interstellar space now ..... and it takes a radio telescope about 2 seconds to find it. Other than our Sun, at 40 watts transmit power, it is the brightest thing in the sky.
  4. This is as inspiring as anything I can think of on very short notice .... put in a higher capacity plutonium power supply such as Voyager 1 had in 1977 (40 watts), and you are half-way to the stars. As the velocity increases, you can go into a higher and higher orbit and still collect enough reaction mass components, and then slingshot at escape velocity to the Centauri system, about 4.5 light years away. There is not much gas between the stars but there is some, and molecule by molecule, the faster you go, the more your engine can collect, and the faster you can go. Per aspera ad astra  Latin for: To the Stars, with difficulty.  Hint: make sure your scoop is reversible, as about half-way, you need to start slowing down.  Â
  5. A 1911 .45 caliber pistol is technology from 1911 ... arguably the finest handgun ever made. That was over a hundred years ago. A B-52 Bomber is older than the pilots that fly them. Try not to get in front of, or under either.
  6. The towed container was on STEEL RAILS ... with steel wheels on steel rails. ... and an extremely flat surface. Anyone not familiar with the physics concept of "rolling resistance" will be impressed. Any modern car with an automatic transmission should be able to do that .... even the little French cars whose horns go "heunk! heunk!".
  7. A nice sentiment ... I am particularly fond of the idea of the Rainbow Bridge ... where after I die, I will meet all my dogs I have ever loved, all waiting for my voice as they play in the sun and grass, waiting for me, and later my wife to join them ... and together we will all cross over the Rainbow Bridge, with smiles, and wagging tails. I tear up just thinking about it ..... with a few beers I could REALLY get melancholy. I just hope that T-REXs do not return to the Earth. It would really bum me out to be driving along, and have to deal with starving, rampaging Dinosaurs on the Freeway.
  8. All things die ..... It is the inescapable reality of all things DNA. In almost a billion years, and an almost infinite parade of life, both big and small, that have swarmed the Earth, there has never been even ONE exception. ... GET USED TO IT. Too soon, you will know. E=MC2 by Rosser Reeves Some day, perhaps, some alien eye or eyes, Blood red in cold and polished horny lids, Set in a chitinous face Will sweep the arch of some dark, distant sky And see a nova flare, A flick of light, no more. A pinpoint on a photographic plate, A foot-note in an alien chart of stars Forgotten soon on miles of dusty shelves Where alien beetles feed. A meal for worms, Sole epitaph To mark the curious end of restless man, Who for a second of galactic time Floated upon a speck of cosmic dust Around a minor sun.
  9. All things die, even white RINOs ... except in Congress. ... like Democrats ... they can vote after they are dead.
  10. I need that! Sometimes I will forget and it runs for MONTHS ... between showers.
  11. It only takes ONE sperm. The obvious solution is abstinence, which works 100% of the time ... ... or clothespins. I wonder if "ManBoobs" is considered a serious side effect?
  12. Yeah ... let's drive business OUT of business! Ever worked for a poor person? I never have. When an executive buys a yacht, or a Lear Jet, hundreds of thousands of people get employed. A mansion does not build itself. It takes an ARMY of contractors and their employees to make all these things. That way, income inequality is solved by WORKING PEOPLE! Replacing a cracked windshield in a Lear Jet costs about $70,000.00 and employs HUNDREDS of people.
  13. Move to where there IS clean water. Or, learn how to purify water at home ... with a box, gravel, sand and some household bleach. If you stare at trees ... it does not provide clean water. Adapt and improvise YOURSELF!!
  14. I have been thinking of getting a prominent artificial strap-on "hunch" for one of my shoulders ...oh ... something about the size of a small watermelon, and getting a custom made, tailored suit to fit. Then, when the Brothers ask me about it, I would shrug my hunch and mention that the Dry Cleaners lost my three Superman suits.
  15. When the world galvanizes for the child abuse investigators to probe Jehovah's Witnesses ... I hope it is not like how the Grey Aliens probe the cows.
  16. Pay attention to their dogs for recommendations! If their dog(s) love them truly ... it's probable you can, too.
  17. Just remember rule No. 1. Everything that is not specifically authorized ... ... is prohibited.
  18. Almost complete Freedom of Speech first showed up in America, and does not exist ... to lesser and greater degrees, in various other countries and cultures. It was said that in the old Soviet Union that they ALSO had complete freedom of speech, and that you could freely say ANYTHING you wanted. ... once. The tree of Liberty requires as food and drink a never ending supply of the bodies and blood of people demanding those freedoms, at any cost.
  19. Man has an almost infinite capacity for "justified" cruelty. As a Barbarian, I fully understand this. It's often worse when he believes the torment inflicted on others is necessary "discipline" , and in being the tool of that "discipline", the administrator somehow believes he finds favor with God ... and therefore has and keeps a clear conscience. He often sleeps well at night, with a smile. The Catholics used to burn people at the stake while alive as punishment for various heresys, as a means of purifying them ... certainly a "loving" thing to do, to save their souls. Often unappreciated by the person being burned alive. People have a tendency to justify all kinds of evil, in the name of righteousness. Sometimes I am just glad that the Elders don't do Waterboarding, as a "loving" discipline. .... and woe be the day some Liberal Snowflake comes from Washington in a suit with a big smile, to "help you". Such are the foibles of the human mind.
  20. ... it could be worse ..... you could snore. https://www.theonion.com/report-snoring-may-increase-risk-of-having-throat-slit-1823953225?utm_source=TheOnion_Daily_RSS&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=&utm_term=
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